ARCHIVED - Canada Health Act Annual Report 2006-2007
Newfoundland and Labrador
1 Newfoundland and Labrador is in the process of re-registering residents and issuing new cards with expiry dates, to ensure that only permanent residents are eligible for health care services under the provincial plan. The 2006-2007 number represents re-registered residents plus individuals currently holding valid cards who have yet to re-register.
2 New Methodology for 2002-2003. Operating costs only: does not include capital, deficit or non-government funding. Payments represent the final provincial plan funding provided to regional health care boards for the purposes of delivering insured acute care services
3 Increase attributable to patients who were granted prior approval to receive insured services outside the country.
4 Excludes inactive physicians. Total Salaried and Fee-for-service.
Prince Edward Island
1 Figures are budget estimates, not actuals.
2 Total does not include locums.
3 Beginning in 2006-2007 Service count reflects the total # of transactions recorded within all records. The service count will always be greater than or equal to the record count.
4 Beginning in 2006-2007 Record count reflects total # of individual interactions with insured health services.
5 Reflects payments made through claim submissions.
Nova Scotia
1 The number of facilities reported in other documents may differ from the 35 facilities reported here as a result of differences in definitions for the term "facility".
2 Data are current (2006-2007) except where mentioned.
3 Not all professionals licensed to practise actually work.
4 A limited number of licensed dentists are approved for insured dental services.
5 Data is for year 2002.
6 $'s are paid to acute care facilities/DHAs only.
New Brunswick
1 There are no private for-profit facilities operating in New Brunswick.
1 These estimates represent the number of Valid and Active Health Cards (have current eligibility and resident has incurred a claims in the last 7 years).
2 Provincial Psychiatric Hospitals are excluded and Specialty Mental Health Hospitals are reported under 2(d) -- Other.
3 Facilities in Ontario tend to be mixed (acute/chronic, chronic/rehabilitative beds) with only a minority having one type of bed. Separating by facility type gives a small sample size and significantly understates the amount actually spent on chronic and rehabilitative beds.
4 Data are not collected in a single system in MOHLTC. Further, the MOHLTC is unable to categorize providers/facilities as 'for-profit' as MOHLTC does not have financial statements detailing service providers' disbursement of revenues from the ministry."
5 Included in #24.
6 Included in #26.
7 All physicians are categorized as general practitioner or specialist.
8 Ontario has no non-participating physicians, only opted-out physicians who are reported under item #8.
9 Number of services includes services provided by Ontario physicians through Fee-for-Service, Primary Care, Alternate Payment Programs, and Academic Health Science Centres. Total Payments includes payments made to Ontario physicians through Fee-for-Service, Primary Care, Alternate Payment Programs, and Academic Health Science Centres and the Hospital On Call Program. Services and payments related to Other Practitioner Programs, Out-of-Country/Out-of-Province Programs, and Community Labs are excluded.
1 Where reference is made to "the Act" in the text, this refers to the Health Services Insurance Act as consolidated to March 31, 2007.
2 The population data is based on records of residents registered with Manitoba Health as of June 1.
3 95 submitting Acute facilities includes 22 Nursing Stations and 2 Federal Hospitals
4 One Acute facility has been given a rehab institution submitting number: Riverview Health Centre. Deer Lodge is no longer a submitting acute care facility, and therefore only counted as rehab and chronic.
5 Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre
1 Saskatchewan's numbers are for June 30.
2 This number includes estimated government funding to Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) based on total projected expenditures less non-government revenue, as provided to Saskatchewan Health through the RHA annual operational plans.
- Acute care funding includes: acute care services, specialized hospital services, and in-hospital specialist services.
- Does not include inpatient rehabilitative care, inpatient mental health, or addiction treatment services.
- Does not include payments to Saskatchewan Cancer Agency for outpatient chemotherapy and radiation.
3 Comparable annual information is not available at this time.
4 This number is based on audited operating expenditures of Regional Health Authorities (RHAs), as published in Saskatchewan Health's annualreport. As the majority of funding for actue care is provided by the Ministry, the use of actual expenditures rather than budget (RHA operational plans) reflects more accurately the funding provided by the Province.
- Acute care funding includes: acute care services, specialized hospital services, and in-hospital specialist services.
- Does not include inpatient rehabilitative care, inpatient mental health, or addiction treatment services.
- Does not include payments to Saskatchewan Cancer Agency for outpatient chemotherapy and radiation.
1 $'s are paid to acute care facilities/DHAs only.
British Columbia
For items 1-2: Historical and current data may differ from report to report because of changes in data sources, definitions and methodology from year to year.
1 In British Columbia, the categories under which these facilities are reported in this Health Act report table do not match those normally used in the BC Ministry of Health, but facilities have been matched to this report's specifications as closely as possible.
- Acute Care includes only acute care inpatient facilities from 2005/06 onward. In previous years this category also included acute care ambulatory facilities and one psychiatric inpatient facility (both now counted under "Other").
- Chronic Care includes extended care facilities. The one additional facility in 2005/06 is not a new facility. In the past, statistics for this facility were reported as part of a larger group of facilities, but are now reported separately.
- Rehabilitative care includes rehabilitation facilities.
- Other includes acute care ambulatory care facilities, diagnostic and treatment centres and one inpatient pyschiatric inpatient facility. The count of facilities in this table may not match counts produced from the Discharge Abstract Database, the MIS reporting system, or the Societies Act because each reporting system has different approaches to counting multiple site facilities and categorizing them by function.
2 In British Columbia, regional health authorities are responsible for the delivery of a wide range of health care services including hospital acute care, residential care, home and community care, community mental health care, and public health services, but excluding physican, laboratory and pharmacare services. Financial reporting does not separate expenditures for services provided under the Canada Health Act.M
BC Ministry of Health Funding to Health Authorities for the provision of the full range of regionally delivered services are as follows:
$4.59 billion in 1999-2000, $5.20 billion in 2000-2001, $5.62 billion in 2001-2002, $6.06 billion in 2002-2003, $6.21 billion in 2003-04, $6.25 billion in 2004-2005, $6.62 billion in 2005-2006, and $7.1 billion in 2006-2007.
3 The MSP Fee-for-Service Payments listed in 18b exclude retroactive rate increases to be applied to the 2006/2007 medical expenditure; the amount is yet to be determined.
1 Increases are due to additional physicians, increases to benefits for Medical Travel program, rise in reciprocal inpatient and out patient rates and an increase in visiting specialists
2 Includes 13 health centres.
3 Amounts include payments for operating and maintenance and capital.
4 Figure adjusted as Watson Lake Hospital inadvertently excluded in the 2005/06 submission.
5 Includes on-call payments to physicians.
6 Includes only resident family physicians and specialists.
7 Includes Visiting Specialists, Member Reimbursements, Locum Doctors, and Optometrist testing paid through fee-for-service. Excludes services and costs provided by alternative payment agreements.
8 Includes direct billings for insured surgical-dental services received outside the territory.
9 Implementation of new information system occurred in 06/07. There have been some data conversion issues that are being resolved. Dental information will be reported again next year.
Northwest Territories
All data are subject to future revisions.
1 Statistics Canada.
2 2001-02 figure is as of September 18, 2002, 2002-03 figure is as of September 2, 2003, the 2003-2004 figure is as of August 25, 2004, 2004-05 figure as of September 1, 2005, 2005-06 figure as of September 6, 2006 and the 2006-07 figure as of September 6, 2007.
3 Northwest Territories does not have facilities that provide these services as their primary type of care. Instead, the 4 hospital acute care facilities provide long term care, extended care, day surgery, out-patient services, diagnostic services and rehabilitative care.
4 Includes Health Centres and Public Health Units.
5 2006/07 figures are projections based on year to date claim entry.
6 2006/07 figures are projections based on year to date claim entry.
7 2001/02 numbers from Canadian Institute for Health Information, Southam Medical Database; and 2002/03 and 2003/04 numbers are estimates from NWT Department of Health and Social Services. 2004/05 to 2006/07 figures are based on funded positions.
8 This is an estimate of the number of locum physicians.
9 Estimate based on total active physicians for each fiscal year.
1 This includes 22 community health centres and two regional health centres located in communities throughout the territory; and a public health unit and a family practice clinic, located in Iqaluit. The family practice clinic has nurse practitioners (NPs) and a physician offering primary health care, as it would if located in one of the communities and operating as a community health centre.
2 Nunavut does not pay physicians through fee-for-service. Instead, the majority of physicians are compensated through salaries and alternative methods. Information on salaried physicians is reported via the shadow billing process. Figures include shadow billed claims.
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