Key Commission Documents

Major Reports

  • Building on Values: The Future of Health Care in Canada (Final Report)
  • Shape the Future of Health Care (Interim Report)
  • Commission Mandate

Public Opinion Documents

  • Public Input on the Future of Health Care: Results from the Consultation Workbook Canadian Policy Research Networks (CPRN) and Ekos Research Associates Inc.
  • Report on Citizens' Dialogue On the Future of Health Care in Canada
  • Judith Maxwell, Karen Jackson, Barbara Legowski, Canadian Policy Research Networks; Steven Rosell and Daniel Yankelovich, Viewpoint Learning Inc.
    In collaboration with Pierre-Gerlier Forest and Larissa Lozowchuk, Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada
  • Canadians' Thoughts on Their Health Care System: Preserving the Canadian Model Through Innovation
    Matthew Mendelsohn, Queen's University, June 2002

Research Documents

Summary Reports of Research Projects on Three Key Issues:

  • Putting Health First: Canadian Health Care Reform, Trade Treaties and Foreign Policy (Globalization and Health)
    Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Consortium on Globalization and Health, October 2002
  • Health Human Resource Planning in Canada : Physician and Nursing Work Force Issues (Health Human Resources)
    Canadian Policy Research Networks Inc., October 2002
  • Federal-Provincial Relations and Health Care: Reconstructing the Partnership (Fiscal Federalism and Health)
    The Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, November 2002

Discussion Papers

Some discussion papers prepared by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation are available from the Foundation site.

Commission's Discussion Papers

  • Anita J. Gagnon (McGill University), Responsiveness of the Canadian Health Care System Towards Newcomers. Discussion Paper No.40, 2002.
  • François Champagne (University of Montreal), The Ability to Manage Change in Health Care Organizations. Discussion Paper No.39, 2002.
  • Clémence Dallaire and Sonia Normand (Laval University), Changes and a Few Paradoxes: Some Thoughts on the Health System Personnel. Discussion Paper No.38, 2002.
  • Pascale Lehoux (University of Montreal), Could New Regulatory Mechanisms Be Designed after a Critical Assessment of the Value of Health Innovations? Discussion Paper No.37, 2002.
  • Jean-Louis Denis (University of Montreal), Governance and Management of Change in Canada's Health System. Discussion Paper No.36, 2002.
  • Michel Grignon, Valérie Paris, Dominique Polton, in collaboration with Agnès Couffinhal and Bertrand Pierrard (CREDES, Paris, France), Influence of Physician Payment Methods on the Efficiency of the Health Care System. Discussion Paper No.35, 2002.
  • Antonia Maioni (McGill University), Roles and Responsibilities in Health Care Policy. Discussion Paper No.34, 2002.
  • Harley D. Dickinson (University of Saskatchewan), How Can the Public Be Meaningfully Involved in Developing and Maintaining an Overall Vision for the Health System Consistent with Its Values and Principles? Discussion Paper No.33, 2002.
  • Richard Ouellet (Laval University), The Effects of International Trade Agreements on Canadian Health Measures: Options for Canada with a View to the Upcoming Trade Negotiations. Discussion Paper No.32, 2002.
  • Martha Jackman (University of Ottawa), The Implications of Section 7 of the Charter for Health Care Spending in Canada. Discussion Paper No.31, 2002.
  • Gail Tomblin-Murphy (Dalhousie University) and Linda O'Brien-Pallas (University of Toronto), How Do Health Human Resources Policies and Practices Inhibit Change? A Plan for the Future. Discussion Paper No.30, 2002.
  • Réjean Pelletier (Laval University), Intergovernmental Cooperation Mechanisms: Factors for Change? Discussion Paper No.29, 2002.
  • Pat Armstrong (York University) and Hugh Armstrong (Carleton University), Planning for Care: Approaches to Health Human Resource Policy and Planning. Discussion Paper No.28, 2002.
  • Robert G. Evans (University of British Columbia), Raising the Money: Options, Consequences and Objections For Financing Health Care in Canada. Discussion Paper No.27, 2002.
  • John N. Lavis (McMaster University), Political Elites and Their Influence on Health-Care Reform In Canada. Discussion Paper No.26, 2002.
  • Seamus Hogan and Sarah Hogan (University of Canterbury, New Zealand), How will the Ageing of the Population Affect Healthcare Needs and Costs In the Foreseeable Future? Discussion Paper No.25, 2002.
  • Timothy Caulfield (University of Alberta), How Do Current Common Law Principles Impede or Facilitate Change? Discussion Paper No.24, 2002.
  • Jayne Renee Pivik (University of Ottawa), Practical Strategies for Facilitating Meaningful Citizen Involvement in Health Planning. Discussion Paper No.23, 2002.
  • Jon R. Johnson (Goodmans, Toronto), How Will International Trade Agreements Affect Canadian Health Care? Discussion Paper No.22, 2002.
  • Candace Johnson Redden (Brock University), Health Care Politics and the Intergovernmental Framework in Canada. Discussion Paper No.21, 2002.
  • Donna Greschner (University of Saskatchewan), How Will the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Evolving Jurisprudence Affect Health Care Costs? Discussion Paper No.20, 2002.
  • Ian McKillop (Wilfrid Laurier University), Financial Rules as a Catalyst for Change in the Canadian Health Care System. Discussion Paper No.19, 2002.
  • François Rocher and Miriam Smith (Carleton University), Federalism and Health Care: The Impact of Political-Institutional Dynamics on the Canadian Health Care System. Discussion Paper No.18, 2002.
  • Raisa Deber (University of Toronto), Delivering health care services: Public, Not-for-Profit, or Private? Discussion Paper No.17, 2002.
  • Cynthia Ramsay (Elm Consulting, Vancouver), A Framework for Determining the Extent of Public Financing of Programs and Services. Discussion Paper No.16, 2002.
  • Katherine Fierlbeck (Dalhousie University), Paying to Play? Government Financing and Health Care Agenda Setting. Discussion Paper No.15, 2002.
  • Steve Morgan (University of British Columbia) and Jeremiah Hurley (McMaster University), Influences on the "Health Care Technology Cost-Driver". Discussion Paper No.14, 2002.
  • Colleen M. Flood and Sujit Choudhry (University of Toronto), Strengthening the Foundations: Modernizing the Canada Health Act. Discussion Paper No.13, 2002.
  • Howard Leeson (University of Regina), Constitutional Jurisdiction Over Health And Health Care Services In Canada. Discussion Paper No.12, 2002.
  • Louis M. Imbeau, Kina Chenard and Adriana Dudas (Laval University), The Conditions For A Sustainable Public Health System In Canada. Discussion Paper No.11, 2002.
  • Jean-Luc Migué (Fraser Institute), Funding and Production of Health Services: Outlook and Potential Solutions. Discussion Paper No.10, 2002.
  • Melissa Rode (independent scholar) and Michael Rushton (University of Regina), Options for Raising Revenue for Health Care. Discussion Paper No.9, 2002.
  • Sholom Glouberman (Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Toronto) and Brenda Zimmerman (University of Toronto), Complicated and Complex Systems: What Would Successful Reform of Medicare Look Like? Discussion Paper No.8, 2002.
  • Julia Abelson and John Eyles (McMaster University), Public Participation and Citizen Governance in the Canadian Health System. Discussion Paper No.7, 2002.
  • Alan Shiell (University of Calgary) and Gavin Mooney (Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia), A Framework for Determining the Extent of Public Financing of Programs and Services. Discussion Paper No.6, 2002.
  • Theodore R. Marmor (Yale University), Kieke G. H. Okma (Queen's University and Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, the Netherlands) and Stephen R. Latham (Yale University), National Values, Institutions and Health Policies: What do They Imply for Medicare Reform? Discussion Paper No.5, 2002.
  • Marie-Claude Prémont (McGill University), The Canada Health Act and The Future of Health Care Systems in Canada. Discussion Paper No.4, 2002.
  • Stephen Tomblin (Memorial University), Creating a More Democratic Health System: A Critical Review of Constraints and A New Approach to Health Restructuring. Discussion Paper No.3, 2002.
  • André Braën (University of Ottawa), Health and the Distribution of Powers in Canada. Discussion Paper No.2, 2002.
  • Gerard W. Boychuk (University of Waterloo), The Changing Political and Economic Environment of Health Care in Canada. Discussion Paper No.1, 2002.

Where to Find Commission Documents

Note: This section replaces the former Web site of the Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow Commission) which has been archived in the Government of Canada Web Archive.

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