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Canadian Adverse Reaction Newsletters

October 2014; 24(4)

  • Incretin-based therapies and the risk of pancreatic cancer
  • Intravenous methylprednisolone and liver injury
  • Sorafenib and osteonecrosis of the jaw
  • Summary of advisories

July 2014; 24(3)

  • Cisplatin and aortic thrombosis
  • Hydroxychloroquine and hypoglycemia
  • Case presentation: Suspected interaction between ginkgo biloba and efavirenz
  • Summary of advisories

April 2014; 24(2)

  • Quetiapine and acute liver failure
  • Azithromycin and drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
  • Clopidogrel and acquired hemophilia
  • Summary of advisories

January 2014; 24(1)

  • Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor inhibitors and thrombotic microangiopathy
  • Incidents involving the combined use of Durepair Dura Regeneration Matrix with ancillary wound closure products
  • Summary of advisories

October 2013; 23(4)

  • Adverse reaction reports make a difference
  • Summary of advisories

July 2013; 23(3)

  • Oral fluoroquinolones and retinal detachment
  • Adverse reaction and incident reporting-2012
  • Summary of advisories

April 2013; 23(2)

  • Intraocular lenses and the development of glistenings
  • Exenatide: international reports of pancreatic cancer
  • Quarterly Summary of health professional and consumer advisories

January 2013; 23(1)

  • Pico-Salax (sodium picosulfate/magnesium citrate) and convulsions
  • Risperidone and rhabdomyolysis independent of neuroleptic malignant syndrome
  • Docetaxel and serious respiratory-related adverse reactions
  • Case presentation: Ear drops containing peanut oil and suspected association with anaphylaxis
  • Summary of advisories

October 2012; 22(4)

  • Lyme disease test kits and limitations
  • Antiandrogens and hepatotoxicity
  • Case presentation: Thalomid and posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
  • Summary of advisories

July 2012; 22(3)

  • LigaSure vessel sealing system and torn vessels
  • CARN is "going green"
  • Adverse reaction and incident reporting -- 2011
  • Summary of advisories

April 2012; 22(2)

  • Minocycline: drug-induced lupus erythematosus and autoimmune hepatitis in adolescents
  • Fentanyl and serotonin syndrome
  • Summary of advisories

January 2012; 22(1)

  • Second-generation antipsychotics and cardiometabolic adverse reactions in children and adolescents
  • Prescription drugs and pediatric patients
  • Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program
  • Adverse reaction reporting in children: update
  • Adverse reaction reporting form
  • Did you know? The Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network (DSEN) and pediatric projects
  • Summary of advisories

October 2011; 21(4)

  • Custom-Pak Ophthalmic Surgery Procedure Pack: contamination with foreign bodies and risk of related complications
  • Case presentation: Dental/surgical rotary handpieces and patient burns
  • CARN's 20th anniversary
  • Did you know? Medical devices and incidents
  • Summary of advisories

July 2011; 21(3)

  • Proton pump inhibitors: hypomagnesemia accompanied by hypocalcemia and hypokalemia
  • Adverse reaction and incident reporting -- 2010
  • Case presentation: Floseal hemostatic matrix and suspected association with misinterpretation as recurrent malignant disease
  • Risk communication information
  • Summary of advisories

April 2011; 21(2)

  • Fluticasone propionate and osteonecrosis
  • Rosiglitazone-fenofibrate interaction: severe paradoxical decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels
  • Varenicline and hyperglycemia in patients with diabetes
  • Quinine sulfate and serious adverse reactions
  • Summary of advisories

January 2011; 21(1)

  • Clozapine and life-threatening gastrointestinal hypomotility
  • Case presentation: Bio-Alcamid soft-tissue endoprosthesis and suspected association with late infection
  • Natural health product identification in adverse reaction reports
  • Summary of advisories

October 2010; 20(4)

  • Statins and interstitial lung disease
  • Potential interference of computed tomography(CT) scanning with electronic medical devices
  • Case presentation: Red Bull Energy Drink and suspected association with seizure
  • New consumer form for reporting adverse reactions
  • Summary of advisories

July 2010; 20(3)

  • Pregabalin (Lyrica): suicidal ideation and attempt
  • Adverse incidents with injectable hyaluronic acid dermal fillers
  • Oral iron supplements: skin reactions and other hypersensitivity reactions
  • Summary of advisories

April 2010; 20(2)

  • Leflunomide and peripheral neuropathy
  • Adverse reaction and incident reporting - 2009
  • Summary of advisories

January 2010; 20(1)

  • Black cohosh products and liver toxicity: update
  • Canada Vigilance Online Database
  • Case presentation: Denture adhesive creams and neuropathy
  • Summary of advisories

October 2009; 19(4)

  • Intravenous immune globulin (IVIG): hemolytic reactions
  • Antiviral medications and influenza A (H1N1): reporting adverse reactions
  • Sildenafil (Revatio): medication incident
  • Adverse reaction reporting form
  • Summary of advisories

July 2009; 19(3)

  • Montelukast (Singulair): psychiatric reactions
  • Intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide: ocular reactions
  • Fentanyl transdermal patches and accidental child exposure
  • Summary of advisories

April 2009; 19(2)

  • Atypical antipsychotics and agranulocytosis
  • Adverse reaction and incident reporting - 2008
  • Announcement: Cough and cold products
  • Case presentation: 5-Hour Energy drink and a cardiovascular adverse reaction
  • Adverse reaction reporting form
  • Summary of advisories

January 2009; 19(1)

  • Local anesthetic infusion with pain pumps and chondrolysis
  • Natural health products and adverse reactions: update
  • Case presentation: Propolis and renal failure
  • Summary of advisories

October 2008; 18(4)

  • Botulinum toxin type A and distant toxin spread
  • Case presentation: IVIG and transfusion-related acute lung injury
  • Cesium chloride and ventricular arrhythmias
  • Summary of advisories

July 2008; 18(3)

  • Fentanyl transdermal patch and fatal adverse reactions
  • Atomoxetine and suicidal behaviour: update
  • Twinject auto-injector and device malfunctions
  • Summary of advisories

April 2008; 18(2)

  • Varenicline and serious psychiatric reactions
  • Serious adverse reaction and medication incident
  • Adverse reaction reporting - 2007
  • Summary of advisories

January 2008; 18(1)

  • IVIG: myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular and thrombotic adverse reactions
  • Case presentation: NuvaRing and aortic thrombosis
  • Canada Vigilance Program
  • Evra: myocardial infarction and thromboembolic adverse reactions
  • Summary of advisories

October 2007; 17(4)

  • Gadolinium-containing agents: update on nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
  • Sibutramine and cardiovascular adverse reactions
  • Swedish Adjustable Gastric Band and erosion
  • Summary of advisories

July 2007; 17(3)

  • Benadryl Total: medication incident and stroke
  • Rosiglitazone and parotid gland enlargement: update
  • Adverse reaction reporting: education modules
  • Case presentation: Norethindrone and decreased breast milk production
  • Summary of advisories

April 2007; 17(2)

  • Quetiapine: pancreatitis and thrombocytopenia
  • Case presentation: Telithromycin and toxic epidermal necrolysis
  • Bitter orange (synephrine): update on cardiovascular reactions
  • Adverse reaction reporting - 2006
  • Summary of advisories

January 2007; 17(1)

  • Levofloxacin: dysglycemia and liver disorders
  • Domperidone: heart rate and rhythm disorders
  • Case presentation: Green tea extract and hepatotoxicity
  • Summary of advisories

October 2006; 16(4)

  • BioGlue: chronic inflammation and foreign-body reactions
  • New tool for reporting adverse reactions
  • Physician reporting of adverse reactions
  • Case presentation: Atomoxetine and tics
  • Summary of advisories

July 2006; 16(3)

  • Adverse reactions in children: Why report?
  • Case presentations:
    • Extended-release methylphenidate withdrawal: priapism
    • Iodoquinol: hypertensive encephalopathy and seizures
    • Symposium on drug, food and natural health product interactions
    • Summary of advisories

April 2006; 16(2)

  • Tenofovir and NSAIDs: acute renal failure
  • Adverse reaction reporting - 2005
  • Isotretinoin: myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular and thromboembolic disorders
  • Case presentation: Overnight orthokeratology and Acanthamoeba keratitis
  • Regional Adverse Reaction Centres: relocation
  • Summary of advisories

January 2006; 16(1)

  • Oseltamivir and warfarin: increase in INR
  • Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system and uterine perforation
  • Guidance document for industry
  • Energy drinks
  • Case presentation: Rosiglitazone: parotid gland enlargement
  • Summary of advisories

October 2005; 15(4)

  • Intrathecal baclofen: pump system incidents
  • Statins and memory loss
  • Chloral hydrate and potassium chloride: medication incident
  • Case presentation: Ayurvedic medicines: lead contamination
  • New MedEffect e-notice and Web site
  • Summary of advisories

July 2005; 15(3)

  • Transdermal fentanyl: abuse in adolescents
  • Black cohosh: international reports of liver toxicity
  • Rosiglitazone: decreased HDL cholesterol levels
  • Ibuprofen: Stevens-Johnson syndrome
  • New Regional Adverse Reaction Centres
  • Case presentation: mefloquine with QT prolongation
  • Summary of advisories

April 2005; 15(2)

  • Hylan G-F 20: joint inflammation and pain
  • Adverse reaction reporting - 2004
  • Products derived from bees: serious adverse reactions
  • Case presentation: rhabdomyolysis with clopidogrel, atorvastatin and cyclosporine
  • Summary of advisories

January 2005; 15(1)

  • Telithromycin and warfarin
  • Linezolid and neuropathy
  • Camphor and eucalyptus oils
  • Adverse reaction reporting
  • Natural weight loss product and myopathy
  • Ceftriaxone and immune hemolytic anemia in children
  • Case presentation: olanzapine and pulmonary embolism
  • Summary of advisories

October 2004; 14(4)

  • Transdermal fentanyl (Duragesic): respiratory arrest in adolescents
  • Infliximab (Remicade) and etanercept (Enbrel): serious infections and tuberculosis
  • Bitter orange (synephrine): cardiovascular reactions
  • Case presentations:
    • Ibutilide and torsades de pointes
    • Tubersol and anaphylaxis
  • Summary of advisories

July 2004; 14(3)

  • Fluoroquinolones and warfarin: suspected interactions
  • Suspected warfarin-cranberry juice interaction
  • Case presentations:
    • Tutoplast Dura graft and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
    • Toxic shock syndrome and tampons
  • Summary of advisories

April 2004; 14(2)

  • Sterol and sterolin-containing products: hematologic adverse reactions
  • Adverse reaction reporting - 2003
  • Feasibility study of active surveillance of adverse reactions in children
  • Public opinion survey on post-market surveillance
  • Case presentation: clopidogrel
  • Summary of advisories

January 2004; 14(1)

  • Valdecoxib (Bextra™): severe cutaneous reactions
  • Natural health products
  • Case presentations:
    • Ciprofloxacin
    • Finasteride
  • Drug Safety Information Workshop II Report
  • Human growth hormone (somatropin): Prader-Willi syndrome
  • Summary of advisories

October 2003; 13(4)

  • Bisphosphonates and ocular disorders
  • Fluticasone and adrenal suppression
  • Adhesion prevention solutions in gynecological procedures
  • Case presentation: intravenous immunoglobulins
  • Summary of Advisories
  • Insulin products

July 2003; 13(3)

  • Gatifloxacin (Tequin™): hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
  • Serotonin syndrome
  • Summary of advisories
  • Case presentation: red yeast rice and rhabdomyolysis

April 2003; 13(2)

  • Withdrawal reactions with paroxetine and other SSRIs
  • Adverse reaction reporting - 2002
  • Case presentation: divalproex
  • Safe use of products containing acetaminophen
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Summary of advisories

January 2003; 13(1)

  • Suspected hepatobiliary reactions to the newer antidepressants
  • Convulsions and newer-generation antihistamines
  • Drug Safety Information Workshop Report
  • Case presentation: RespirActin
  • Summary of advisories

October 2002; 12(4)

  • Natural Health Products: adverse reactions
  • Leflunomide (Arava): hematologic, hepatic and respiratory reactions
  • Case Presentation: moxifloxacin
  • Summary of Advisories
  • Drugs and grapefruit: interactions

July 2002; 12(3)

  • Pure red cell aplasia and Eprex
  • Glitazones: update on adverse reactions
  • Safety of human insulins
  • Case presentation : Kava
  • Summary of Advisories

April 2002; 12(2)

  • Marketed Health Products Directorate
  • Selective COX-2 inhibitors
  • Summary of advisories
  • Oral sodium phosphates solutions
  • Case presentation
  • Adverse reaction reporting - 2001

January 2002; 12(1)

  • Statins: rhabdomyolysis and myopathy
  • Alendronate: suspected pancreatitis
  • HIV-associated lipodystrophy syndrome: overview and summary of case reports
  • Summary of drug advisories
  • Communiqué - Ibuprofen pediatric oral liquid: gastrointestinal bleeding

October 2001; 11(4)

  • Antitubercular drugs: hepatobiliary reactions
  • Electronic subscription to this Newsletter and drug advisories
  • Health professional advisories
  • Atypical antipsychotics: impaired glucose metabolism
  • Communiqué - Brimonidine (Alphagan) ophthalmic drops: accidental ingestion

July 2001; 11(3)

  • Drug advisories now available on the Web
  • Miconazole-warfarin interaction: increased INR
  • New toll-free numbers to report ADRs
  • Rosiglitazone (Avandia): hepatic, cardiac and hematological reactions
  • Adverse drug reaction reporting - 2000: Part 2
  • Communiqué
    • Orlistat (Xenical) interaction with coumarin derivatives: increased INR
    • Azithromycin (Zithromax): myocardial infarction
    • Drugs of Current Interest

April 2001; 11(2)

  • Adverse drug reaction reporting - 2000: Part 1
  • Antiparkinsonian drugs and "sleep attacks"
  • Rofecoxib (Vioxx): a year in review
  • Communiqué - Warfarin and glucosamine: interaction
  • Drugs of Current Interest

January 2001; 11(1)

  • Thioridazine (Mellaril) and mesoridazine (Serentil): prolongation of the QTc interval
  • Clopidogrel (Plavix): hematological reactions
  • Gentamicin ear drops and ototoxicity: update
  • Drugs of Current Interest

October 2000; 10(4)

  • New influenza drugs: unexpected serious reactions
  • Intravenous RhO [D] immune globulin [human]: suspected hemolytic/renal adverse reactions
  • Abboject® Unit-of-Use Syringe: reports of malfunction
  • Communiqué
    • Glucosamine sulfate: hyperglycemia
    • Ketotifen (Zaditen®): sleep apnea
    • Diclofenac (Voltaren Ophtha®) and ketorolac tromethamine (Acular®): corneal ulceration
  • Drugs of Current Interest

July 2000; 10(3)

  • St. John's wort: harmful drug interaction
  • Olanzapine (Zyprexa): suspected serious reactions
  • Sildenafil (Viagra): cardiac risks
  • New Bureau Name
  • Communiqué
    • Citalopram (Celexa) and clarithromycin (Biaxin): interaction
    • Itraconazole (Sporanox): serum sickness-like disorder
  • Drugs of Current Interest

April 2000; 10(2)

  • Adverse drug reaction reporting - 1999
  • Celecoxib (Celebrex): 1 year later
  • Correction - ticlopidine
  • Communiqué - orlistat (Xenical): pancreatitis
  • Drugs of Current Interest

January 2000; 10(1)

  • Cisapride (Prepulsid): interactions
  • Pemoline (Cylert): market withdrawal
  • Bupropion (Zyban): update
  • Communiqué
    • HIV protease inhibitors: paronychia
    • Gingko biloba: bleeding disorders
  • Drugs of Current Interest

October 1999; 9(4)

  • Serious hematologic reactions associated with ticlopidine - update
  • Leukotriene receptor antagonists: suspected adverse reactions
  • Communiqué - Ropinirole (Requip): sleep disorder

July 1999; 9(3)

  • Alteplase (Activase rt-PA) for acute ischemic stroke
  • Abciximab (ReoPro): risk of acute thrombocytopenia
  • Nefazodone (Serzone) and hepatotoxicity
  • Communiqué - Amlodipine (Norvasc): hearing loss

April 1999; 9(2)

  • Bupropion (Zyban): suspected adverse reactions
  • 1998 ADR Statistics
  • Updates: immune globulin IV products, tolcapone (Tasmar)
  • Communiqué - Olanzapine (Zyprexa): priapism

January 1999; 9(1)

  • Isotretinoin and depression
  • Low-dose ASA and GI Bleeding
  • Guidelines for reporting ADRs
  • Communiqué - azithromycin, pentoxifylline, sertraline and carbamazepine: interaction

October 1998; 8(4)

  • Recent News About Drug Risks
  • New Ontario Regional ADR Centre
  • Discontinuation Reactions Associated With SSRIs
  • Communiqué - amantadine and warfarin, pantoprazole

July 1998; 8(3)

  • Quality Information in Spontaneous Reports
  • Donepezil: Suspected Adverse Reactions
  • Olanzapine: Hematological Reactions
  • Communiqué - valproic acid, cefaclor, latanoprost, protease inhibitors

April 1998; 8(2)

  • Alendronate-induced esophagitis
  • 1997 ADR statistics
  • Communiqué - dorzolamide hydrochloride, hydroxychloroquine sulfate, torvastatin calcium, risperidone, venlafaxine hydrochloride

January 1998; 8(1)

  • Drugs: QT interval prolongation and torsades de pointes
  • Ciprofloxacin use in epileptic patients taking phenytoin
  • Appetite suppressants - update
  • Communiqué - vigabatrin, mefloquine, lamotrigine

October 1997; 7(4)

  • Calcium-channel blockers
  • Azithromycin - severe iatrogenic hepatitis
  • Newsletter survey results
  • Communiqué - protease inhibitors, vigabatrin, terconazole, Fen-phen, heparin, paroxetine

July 1997; 7(3)

  • ACE inhibitors and bronchospasm
  • Interferon beta-1b
  • Radiopharmaceuticals
  • New Expert Advisory Committee on Pharmacovigilance

April 1997; 7(2)

  • Adverse drug reaction reporting - 1996
  • Potential abuse of butorphanol nasal spray
  • Aminoglycoside ear drops and ototoxicity

January 1997; 7(1)

  • Primary pulmonary hypertension and appetite suppressants
  • HIV protease inhibitors and increased bleeding in hemophilia?
  • Erythema multiforme and nifedipine
  • Congenital anomalies and fluconazole

October 1996; 6(4)

  • Cefaclor-associated serum sickness-like reaction
  • Newsletter Assessment - Questionnaire

July 1996; 6(3)

  • Cisapride: Arrhythmia Awareness
  • Midazolam: A Wake-Up Call
  • Clarithromycin: Tooth Discolouration and Smell Alteration

April 1996; 6(2)

  • Metformin: Lactic Acidosis
  • Nefazodone: ADR Profile
  • 1995 Statistics ADR or Product Fault?

January 1996; 6(1)

  • Cotrimoxazole
  • Nicotine Patches and exercise
  • Terbinafine - hepatobiliary reactions
  • SSRIs - hyponatremia

October 1995; 5(4)

  • Update: Fertility Drugs
  • Propofol: Convulsions
  • Contraindications: Dinoprostone
  • Vaginal Gel
  • DOCI List

July 1995; 5(3)

  • Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions
  • Lamotrigine (Lamictal): rashes
  • Drug Names: confusion from two fronts
  • Tiaprofenic Acid: cystitis
  • Ticlopidine: revisited
  • DOCI List

April 1995; 5(2)

  • Zidovudine: Benefits of use during pregnancy
  • Serevent®: Patient warnings must be stressed
  • Fluoroquinolones: Tendonitis
  • Topical Antifungals: Recent switch to over-the-counter
  • Phenazopyridine: Hemolytic anemia

January 1995; 5(1)

  • Risperidone and EPS Sumatriptan and migraine exacerbation
  • Bromocriptine
  • Fertility drug awareness
  • New regional centre for Quebec

October 1994; 4(3)

  • Regional Centres
  • New Drugs - Serzone, Neurontin, Sabril
  • Drugs of current interest

July 1994; 4(2)

  • Editorial Note
  • Terbinafine Herbal preparations

March 1994; 4(1)

  • Rhabdomyolysis and HMG-CoA
  • Reductase Inhibitors
  • Antidepressants and Suicide
  • Help Wanted: Risperdal

November 1993; 3(2)

  • Ticlopidine HCl - Hematological and Liver Effects
  • H1-Antihistamines - Cardiotoxic Effects

August 1993; 3(1)

  • ACE Inhibitors: Renal Effects
  • Sumatriptan Succinate: Chest Pain
  • Nicotine Patches: Update / Inadvertent Exposure

April 1992; 2(1)

  • ADR Program, 1991 Annual Report
  • Case Report: Drug Interactions with Omeprazole
  • Vasospasm with B-Blockers
  • GI Bleeding with Toradol®

August 1991; 1(2)

  • PPSP Workshop Minocycline - Case reports of severe liver and renal reactions
  • ADRs in the Elderly Ciprofloxacin - ADR profile Diclofenac - Hepatic reactions

January 1991; 1(1)

  • Saskatchewan ADR Pilot Project
  • The WHO Connection Working Group on ADR Assessment

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