Health Product InfoWatch
MedEffect™ Canada
Together we can improve health product safety
The Health Product InfoWatch is a monthly publication intended primarily for healthcare professionals. It provides clinically relevant safety information on pharmaceuticals, biologics, medical devices and natural health products.
To receive Health Product InfoWatch electronically, subscribe to MedEffect e-Notice.
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About the Health Product InfoWatch
The goal of the Health Product InfoWatch is to raise awareness and to provide clinically relevant information to healthcare professionals concerning marketed health products and their safety. In some cases, information is intended to stimulate reporting of similar adverse reactions.
Each publication includes a monthly recap of health product advisories and summary safety reviews, as well as a growing selection of new health product safety information.
New information contained in the publication is not comprehensive but rather represents a selection of clinically relevant safety issues warranting enhanced dissemination.
The Health Product InfoWatch replaced Health Canada's quarterly Canadian Adverse Reaction Newsletter (CARN) in 2015.
Subscribe to Health Product InfoWatch
When you subscribe to MedEffect e-Notice or to the Health Product InfoWatch RSS Feed, you will receive a monthly message with a link to the latest issue. The electronic versions are currently sent to over 26,000 of MedEffect e-Notice subscribers as well as to Health Product InfoWatch RSS feed subscribers.
Index of Previously Published Issues of Health Product InfoWatch and Canadian Adverse Reaction Newsletter
The Health Product InfoWatch was formerly known as the Canadian Adverse Reaction Newsletter.
Visit the Publication Index to read previously published issues of the Health Product InfoWatch and CARN.
Contact the Health Product InfoWatch Editorial Team
For comments and suggestions, contact the Health Product InfoWatch Editorial Team:
Health Product InfoWatch Editorial Team
Marketed Health Products Directorate
Health Canada
Address Locator 1906C
Ottawa ON K1A 0K9
Telephone: 613-954-6522
Teletypewriter: 1-800-465-7735 (Service Canada)
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