Notice of consultation: Removing carisoprodol from the Prescription Drug List

Date: February 18, 2025
Our file number: 25-101312-725

This Notice of consultation provides an opportunity to comment on the proposal to remove carisoprodol from the Prescription Drug List (PDL). The PDL is a list of medicinal ingredients that, when found in a drug, require a prescription. It doesn't include medicinal ingredients that are listed on schedules of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA).

Recently, Health Canada published in Canada Gazette Part 1 its intent to add carisoprodol to Schedule V to the CDSA. Medicinal ingredients are removed from the PDL when they are scheduled under the CDSA because the prescription controls under the CDSA provide sufficient oversight for any therapeutic use. There are no carisoprodol-containing health products currently marketed in Canada.

If carisoprodol is added to Schedule V of the CDSA, unless otherwise authorized by Health Canada, it would be prohibited for carisoprodol to be:

Health Canada is seeking input from all potentially implicated parties on the legitimate uses of carisoprodol. You may submit written comments to Health Canada on the proposed action to control this substance, including information about its current uses. You may submit comments to the Controlled Substances and Cannabis Branch by email to

Please note that the consultation is open until February 24, 2025.

Should you have any questions about this Notice of consultation, please contact:

Health Canada
Prescription Drug Status Committee
6th Floor Holland Cross – Tower B
Address Locator 3106C
1600 Scott St
Ottawa ON K1A 0K9

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