Pay, pension and benefits

Pay, pension and benefits

Rates of pay, collective agreements, leave provisions, pension plans, group insurance benefits plans and pay services for the public service, military and members of the RCMP.

Services and information

Pay for the public service

Pay for Government of Canada employees and tools to ensure timely and accurate processing

Public service pension plan

Information about the pension plan for active or retired public service employees and their survivors or dependants, retirement income sources and pension options

Public service group insurance benefit plans

Health, dental, disability and life group insurance benefit plans for public service employees, terms and conditions for eligibility, premiums, contributions and benefits

Military pay, pension and benefits

Pay, pension and benefits for military and their family

Pension and benefits for the RCMP

Pension plan and group insurance benefits plans for active and retired RCMP members

Collective agreements for the public service

Rates of pay, working conditions, and leave provisions including vacation leave

Terms and conditions of employment

Terms and conditions of employment for Government of Canada employees, support for employees in foreign service jobs and isolated posts, bilingual bonus, work force adjustment

Collective bargaining and workforce management

Bargaining process, job classification, labour relations and human resource management, grievances, union dues, exclusions, strike and crisis management, and essential services in the federal public service

Human Resources Information Notices

Notices for the human resources community on policy interpretation, guidance and updates related to collective agreements, classification, compensation and labour relations, as well as National Joint Council Directives (NJC)

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