Backgrounder – Minister Hussen announces more than $35 million for international assistance projects in Africa


While in Edmonton, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development, met with members of the African diaspora and announced funding for projects to support gender equality and women’s empowerment on the African continent.

RESILIENT-WE: Reducing Environmental Shocks in Ethiopia

$12.4 million
World Vision Canada

This project improves health and livelihoods for 56,000 people, mainly women, in the Oromia region by addressing climate resilience and gender-based violence. By enhancing women’s and girls’ resilience to environmental shocks, it supports a community approach to mitigate gender-based violence linked to environmental stressors.

UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women

$10 million
UN Women

The UN Trust Fund is a global, multilateral grant-making mechanism to eliminate violence against women and girls. It focuses on preventing violence against women and girls, implementing laws and policies to address and eliminate violence against them, and improving access to services for survivors. It provides critical support to civil society organizations, including women’s rights organizations, across multiple countries.

Renewed Women's Voice and Leadership

$6 million
Gender Links

This initiative supports approximately 50 women’s rights organizations and LBTQI+ groups across South Africa, enhancing their capacity to advance gender equality. Key activities include funding for core programs, organizational strengthening, and advocacy skills development to reach structurally excluded women, girls, and gender non-binary individuals. By fostering collaboration, this project strengthens South Africa's women's movement, aiming to impact 117,000 people. This project is part of Canada’s Renewed Women’s Voice and Leadership (WVL) Program.

Supporting the Rights of Women and Girls in Somalia

$5 million
UN Somalia Joint Fund

This project supports Somalia's efforts to build inclusive public institutions, strategic policy frameworks and an empowered civil society in support of the promotion and protection of human rights, with an emphasis on the rights of women and girls. By incentivizing UN agencies to work together, and by pooling Canadian funds with other donors, this project enables more effective coordination in support of these objectives.

Titukule Azimai (Empower Women)

$1.8 million
Emmanuel Relief and Rehabilitation International of Canada

Targeting survivors of gender-based violence in the Machinga, Mulanje, and Phalombe districts in Malawi, this project advances gender equality and economic empowerment through training in marketing, financial management, business development, raising awareness on human rights and SGBV, establishing marketing groups, and developing standard procedures for SGBV prevention and response. This project is part of Canada’s Small and medium organizations for impact and innovation Initiative

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