National Financial Literacy Strategy video gallery

Title Description
Make change that counts: Introducing FCAC’s National Financial Literacy Strategy Dr. Supriya Syal, Deputy Commissioner of Research, Policy and Education at the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, provides an overview of the renewed National Financial Literacy Strategy 2021-2026.
Communicate in ways people understand How information is presented to people can have a significant impact on their decisions. Learn how to present your information so that people understand and can make better financial decisions based on their unique circumstances.
Build and provide for diverse needs Canadians are not a homogenous group. Neither are their needs. Learn how tailored approaches to meet the needs of diverse people can lead to greater financial inclusion.
Support increased digital access and digital literacy The financial sector moving online has resulted in more resources, services, and products. But the lack of reliable, high-speed internet, computers, and digital skills are leaving some behind. Learn what you can do to remove these barriers.
Enhance access to trustworthy and affordable financial help Trustworthy financial help and advice can be an important catalyst for making good financial decisions, but some people have limited access. Find out how enhanced access to trustworthy and affordable financial help can make a big difference for financially vulnerable consumers.
Use behavioural design to simplify financial decisions Understanding how people make decisions is essential to designing effective policies, programs, and interventions. Learn how using behavioural design can help people make better financial decisions.
Strengthen consumer protection measures Canadians want and need strong consumer protections. In a rapidly changing financial sector it can be unclear what laws, regulations, or other obligations may apply. Learn how you can support efforts to strengthen consumer protection.
5 Key consumer building blocks Learn about the 5 key consumer building blocks that have been proven to help people develop the skills, capacity, and behaviours that lead to financial resilience.
Counting Change: A Measurement Plan for the National Financial Literacy Strategy Introduction to the Measurement Plan, an actionable guide to measure our collective progress towards achieving the outcomes of the National Strategy.
Adopters of the Measurement Plan: Canadian Bankers Association Mathieu Labrèche, Vice President of Media Strategy and Communications at the Canadian Bankers Association, the industry association that represents over 60 banks in Canada, explains how two of their financial literacy programs align with the objectives of the National Financial Literacy Strategy.
Adopters of the Measurement Plan: QUBER Jennifer Leger, Co-Founder of QUBER, a mobile app that allows Canadians to save more with a unique employee matched-savings program, explains how they adopted the measurement plan in their practice and the measures they contributed to the measures library.
Adopters of the Measurement Plan: FINTECH Cadence Molly Willats, is Head of Financial Health and Ontario Lead at Fintech Cadence, a Montreal-based, non-profit organization dedicated to building out Canada's financial technology (fintech) ecosystem. Molly outlines how Fintech Cadence participates in the Measurement Plan and the importance of fintech startups to submit their Strategy-Aligned Measures (SAM’s) to the Measures Library.
Adopters of the Measurement Plan: Chartered Professional Accounts of Canada (CPA Canada) Doretta Thompson, Director of Social Impact and Financial Literacy Leader at the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, (CPA Canada) describes how the Measurement Plan, and its Measures Library have impacted their Canadian Finance Study.

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