What We Heard Report: Feedback on the consultation addressing plastic waste and pollution from the textile and apparel sector


Canadians are demanding that plastic waste and pollution be addressed. Commitments are being made across all sectors. Measures are being introduced to increase the circularity of plastic products, to keep them in the economy and out of the environment.

Textiles made of plastics (synthetic textiles) are a significant source of plastic waste and pollution in Canada. In 2020, textiles represented about 6% of Canada’s plastic waste. Most ends up in landfills and some is incinerated for energy recovery. Textiles also contribute to plastic pollution as they shed small plastic pieces called microfibres during regular wear and tear and through laundry. These microfibres can make their way into the environment. 

To address the situation, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) prepared a consultation document to solicit feedback on the key elements of a proposed roadmap for addressing plastic waste and pollution from the textile and apparel sector.

The consultation document:

How we consulted

A public comment period on addressing plastic waste and pollution from the textile and apparel sector was recently held. Stakeholders were notified of the published consultation papers via e-mail. Additionally, ECCC hosted a consultation webinar. Consultation activities included:

Who participated

The Government of Canada extends its gratitude to everyone who contributed their valuable input. Participation was high across each of the consultation opportunities. There was a broad range of industry sectors, non-governmental organizations, governments, and individuals represented. Provincial and territorial governments were also consulted extensively.

The consultation process allowed to gather perspectives from stakeholders across the following categories:

Written comments on the consultation papers

The Government received 62 written comments on the plastic waste and pollution from the textile and apparel sector consultation paper. These comments represent the views of stakeholders and partners.

Figure 1: Number of written comments received during the consultation process by type of organization

Long description

Figure 1 shows the number of written comments received during the consultation process by type of organization. Municipal governments submitted 14 comments. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) submitted 12 comments. Upstream industry submitted 11 comments. The public submitted 10 comments. Downstream industry submitted 8 comments. Associations submitted 7 comments. In total, 62 comments were submitted


The webinar allowed both virtual and in person participants and was open to anyone who registered. Figure 2 shows the number of participants and a breakdown of stakeholder participation. A total of 95 people attended the webinar.

Figure 2: Webinar Participants by Type of Organization

Long description

Figure 2 shows the number of webinar participants by type of organization. There were 33 participants from upstream industry. There were 12 participants from the federal government. There were 11 participants from provincial governments. There were 10 participants from other organizations (crown corporations, public, etc.). There were 10 participants from non-governmental organizations (NGOs). There were 9 participants from downstream industry. There were 5 participants from municipal governments. There were 5 participants from associations. In total, there were 95 participants at the webinar.

What we heard

This section presents a summary of numerous comments received during the consultation process, organized into overarching themes. The following statements are not intended to be attributed to specific organizations or individuals.

Addressing Fast Fashion

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)


Reuse and Repair



Other Suggestions

ECCC will take into consideration all comments received as part of this consultation process to inform the development of a draft roadmap for addressing plastic waste and pollution in the textile and apparel sector.

Contact information

By mail:
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Place Vincent Massey, 9th Floor
351 St. Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau Quebec
K1A 0H3
By Email: plastiques-plastics@ec.gc.ca


Consultation questions

Below are the questions and areas of interest identified in the proposed elements of the roadmap section for which ECCC is seeking input.

Support research in the textile and apparel sector

Extend the life of apparel products

Improve waste management through take-back programs

Support textile recycling infrastructure

Addressing microfibre pollution

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