About the Global Methane Initiative

Canada is a member and current co-chair, along with Mexico, of the Global Methane Initiative (GMI). The initiative is an international partnership aimed at reducing methane pollution. It also advances the recovery and use of methane as a cleaner energy source. The initiative includes 45 partner countries and over 1,300 project network members. These members come from:

GMI's efforts to reduce pollution focus on 5 key areas:

The initiative’s primary activities include:

Canada’s involvement

Since 2005, Canada has played an active role, funding a variety of projects. We currently co-chair the Global Methane Initiative. As the co-chair, we are responsible for providing strategic leadership to the Steering Committee.  We are also responsible for hosting a Steering Committee annual meeting.

Canada also participates in the GMI by:

We have invested close to $7.8 million in projects through the GMI to reduce methane emissions in developing countries. Our investment complements more than $12 million in contributions from government and non-government partners. These projects include a wide range of activities, in collaboration with other GMI member countries, to achieve goals such as:

Global Methane Challenge

In January 2019, Canada accepted the Global Methane Challenge. Through this challenge, countries and organizations voluntarily commit or pledge actions to reduce methane emissions. This is an opportunity for participants to showcase their efforts to address methane emissions.

Global Methane Forum 2018

In April 2018, Canada hosted the Global Methane Forum jointly with the GMI and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC). The forum provided a unique opportunity for Canada to showcase its efforts and demonstrate leadership on reducing methane emissions. A global and diverse audience attended the forum, which brought key players together around contemporary methane-related issues. It helped increase international momentum on methane emissions reduction and supported action at the national and sub-national level.

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