Code of practice for storage tank systems containing petroleum and allied products: part 3
Part 3: design and installation of aboveground storage tank systems
Section 3.1: scope
3.1.1(1) This part applies to the design and installation of a new aboveground storage tank system.
3.1.1(2) A storage tank installed in a concrete vault located below grade with the interior of the vault not filled with backfill material shall be considered an aboveground storage tank for the purpose of this code.
Section 3.2: general requirements
3.2.1 Except as provided in this part, the design, fabrication and installation of an aboveground storage tank system shall be in conformance with the National Fire Code of Canada (NFCC).
3.2.2 Except as provided in this part, the design and installation of an aboveground storage tank system connected to an oil-burning appliance and equipment that comes within the scope of Canada/Canadian Standards Association (CAN/CSA)-B139-00, "Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment" shall be in conformance with that code.
3.2.3 An aboveground storage tank, components, and accessories, for which there is a recognized standard, shall be approved only for the uses indicated under the standard.
3.2.4 A company or individual that is authorized by the authority having jurisdiction shall verify that the design and installation of an aboveground storage tank system meets the requirements of this code or other requirements as specified by the authority having jurisdiction.
3.2.5 An aboveground storage tank system shall be installed by a company or individual that is authorized by the authority having jurisdiction.
3.2.6 An aboveground storage tank shall be equipped to control emissions of volatile organic compounds in conformance with the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) PN 1180, "Environmental Guideline for Controlling Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Aboveground Storage Tanks". (See appendix B, note B.3.2.6)
3.2.7(1) The owner of an aboveground storage tank system shall provide an as-built drawing to the authority having jurisdiction in the manner and time frame as specified by the authority having jurisdiction.
3.2.7(2) As-built drawings for an aboveground storage tank system shall include, as a minimum:
- the outline of all storage tanks;
- the centerline of all piping or pipinggroups;
- the centerline of all underground electrical power and monitor sensor conduit;
- building foundation outlines;
- secondary containment systems; and
- property lines.
3.2.8(1) No person shall install an aboveground storage tank system unless:
- required permits or approvals have been obtained from the authority having jurisdiction;
- plans, drawings and specifications of the system or equipment have been examined by the authority having jurisdiction; and
- the plans, drawings and specifications referred to in clause (b) bear the stamp and signature of a professional engineer licensed to practice in the province/territory.
3.2.9 An aboveground storage tank system shall be designed and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, the appropriate standards, and this code.
Section 3.3: field-erected storage tank systems
3.3.1(1) A field-erected storage tank system shall:
- have corrosion protection in conformance with section 3.8;
- have a secondary containment system in conformance with section 3.9;
- have leak detection in conformance with part 6;
- have containment sumps, as applicable;
- be provided with overfill protection:
- for pipeline delivery, in the form of an alarm system that will automatically alert pipeline or terminal personnel so that action can be taken to prevent the storage tank from being overfilled;
- for truck, rail, ship, or barge delivery, in the form of a visual and audible alarm system for detecting a high level that will activate and alert personnel in enough time to terminate the flow of the product to the storage tank and prevent an overfill (See appendix B, note B.3.3.1(1)(e)(ii)); or
- in conformance with the American Petroleum Institute (API) RP 2350-96, "Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks in Petroleum Facilities"; and
- have piping in conformance with part 5, as applicable
3.3.2 If vapour balancing or vapour recovery systems are required, they shall be designed and built in conformance with CCME PN 1057, "Environmental Code of Practice for Vapour Recovery in Gasoline Distribution Networks".
Section 3.4: shop-fabricated storage tank systems
3.4.1(1) A shop-fabricated storage tank system shall:
- have corrosion protection in conformance with section 3.8;
- have a secondary containment system in conformance with section 3.9;
- have leak detection in conformance with part 6;
- have containment sumps, as applicable;
- except as specified in sentence 3.4.1(2), be provided with overfill protection:
- compatible with the intended method of filling;
- designed, built, and approved in conformance with ORD-C58.15-1992, "Overfill Protection Devices for Flammable Liquid Storage Tanks," which will prevent filling the tank beyond 95% of the tank's capacity or activate an audible or combined audible/visual alarm at a product level of 90% of the tank's capacity; and
- where a high-level alarm system is used, with audible and visual alarms located where personnel are constantly on duty during the product transfer operation and can promptly stop or divert delivery to the tank; and
- have piping in conformance with part 5, as applicable.
3.4.1(2) A shop-fabricated storage tank system having a capacity of less than 5 000 L may be provided with overfill protection in the form of visual monitoring and gauging of the level in the storage tank system by trained employees in constant attendance throughout the transfer operation and who are located so as to be able to promptly shut down the flow, or communicate immediately with the person controlling the delivery so that the flow can be shut down promptly.
3.4.2 A horizontal storage tank shall be supported above grade level.
3.4.3 Where there is a dispenser, leak detection for the dispenser and related components shall be in conformance with part 6.
Section 3.5: aboveground storage tank systems for storing used oil
3.5.1(1) An aboveground used oil storage tank that is manually filled shall be designed, built, and approved in conformance with:
- ORD-C142.23-1991, "Aboveground Waste Oil Tanks"; or
- Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC)-S652-1993, "Tank Assemblies for Collection of Used Oil".
3.5.1(2) A used oil storage tank that is not manually filled shall be designed, built, and approved in conformance with ULC-S652-1993, "Tank Assemblies for Collection of Used Oil". (See appendix B, Note B.3.5.1(2))
Section 3.6: design standards
3.6.1(1) Based on the design, an aboveground storage tank shall be designed, built, and approved in conformance with the following, as applicable:
- American Petroleum Institute (API) Std 650-98, "Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage";
- ULC-S601-2000, "Aboveground Horizontal Shop Fabricated Steel Tanks";
- CAN/ULC-S602-1992, "Aboveground Steel Tanks for Fuel Oil and Lubricating Oil";
- ULC-S630-2000, "Aboveground Vertical Shop Fabricated Steel Tanks";
- CAN/ULC-S643-2000, "Aboveground Shop Fabricated Steel Utility Tanks";
- ULC-S652-1993, "Tank Assemblies for Collection of Used Oil";
- ULC-S653-1994, "Contained Aboveground Steel Tank Assemblies";
- ORD-C142.5-1992, "Aboveground Concrete Encased Steel Tank Assemblies";
- ORD-C142.18-1995, "Aboveground Rectangular Steel Tanks";
- ORD-C142.21-1995, "Aboveground Used Oil Systems";
- ORD-C142.22-1995, "Contained Aboveground Vertical Steel Tank Assemblies"; or
- ORD-C142.23-1991, "Aboveground Waste Oil Tanks".
3.6.2 An overfill protection device shall be designed, built, and approved in conformance with ORD-C58.15-1992, "Overfill Protection Devices for Flammable Liquid Storage Tanks".
3.6.3 A containment sump shall be designed, built, and approved in conformance with ORDC107.21-1992, "Under-Dispenser Sumps".
3.6.4 A liner shall be designed, built, and approved in conformance with ORD-C58.9-1997, "Secondary Containment Liners for Underground and Aboveground Tanks".
3.6.5 An aboveground storage tank designed to contain an allied petroleum product shall be designed, built, and approved for use with that product.
3.6.6(1) An aboveground storage tank built in conformance with:
- API Spec 12B-95, "Bolted Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids";
- API Spec 12D-94, "Field Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids"; or
- API Spec 12F-94, "Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids"
shall be used only for the storage of production petroleum and allied petroleum products.
Section 3.7: repair, alteration, reconstruction, and relocation
3.7.1(1) The repair, alteration, reconstruction, or relocation of an aboveground storage tank system shall be done in conformance with the technical requirements of, as applicable:
- ULC-S601(A)-2001, "Shop Refurbishing of Aboveground Horizontal Shop Fabricated Steel Tanks";
- ULC-S630(A)-2001, "Shop Refurbishing Aboveground Vertical Shop Fabricated Steel Tanks";
- API Std 653-01, "Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction";
- Standard for Inspection (STI) SP001-00, "Standard for Inspection of In-service Shop Fabricated Aboveground Tanks for the Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids"; or
- the special acceptance procedures of ULC or API.
3.7.2 The owner of an aboveground storage tank system shall provide a revised as-built drawing in conformance with sentence 3.2.7(2) to the authority having jurisdiction in a time frame specified by the authorityhaving jurisdiction whenever new construction, alteration, or site upgrade occurs.
Section 3.8: corrosion protection of aboveground steel storage tank systems
3.8.1(1) When cathodic protection is used, it shall be designed by a corrosion expert (See appendix B, note B.3.8.1(1)) and be in conformance with:
- API RP 651-97, "Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks";
- API Std 653-01, "Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction";
- NACE International (NACE) RP0193-2001, "External Cathodic Protection of On-Grade Carbon Steel Storage Tank Bottoms"; or
- STI R893-89, "Recommended Practice for External Corrosion Protection of Shop Fabricated Aboveground Tank Floors."
3.8.2(1) Atmospheric corrosion of an aboveground storage tank system shall be controlled by:
- a protective coating applied in conformance with the coating manufacturer's instructions;
- a corrosion control program in accordance with API Std 653-01, "Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction"; or
- the use of a non-corroding material in its construction.
Section 3.9: secondary containment requirements
3.9.1(1) Subject to Sentences (2) and (3), a secondary containment system for an aboveground storage tank shall:
- for a storage tank system that consists of a single storage tank, have a volumetric capacity of not less than 110% of the capacity of the tank; or
- for a storage tank system that consists of more than one storage tank, have a volumetric capacity of not less than the sum of:
- the capacity of the largest storage tank located in the contained space; and
- 10% of the greater of:
- the capacity specified in clause (a); or
- the aggregate capacity of all other storage tankslocated in the contained space.
3.9.1(2) A secondary containment system for a shopfabricated storage tank shall be designed, built, and approved in conformance with:
- ULC-S653-1994, " Contained Aboveground Steel Tank Assemblies";
- ULC-S655-1998, "Aboveground Protected Tank Assemblies";
- ORD-C142.5-1992, "Aboveground Concrete Encased Steel Aboveground Tank Assemblies"; or
- a recognized standard for double-wall tanks.
3.9.1(3) A secondary containmen t system for a fielderected aboveground storage tank shall be:
- a single-wall and single-bottom storage tank placed entirely within a dyked area, with an impermeable barrierin the floor of the containment area and in the dyke walls;
- a single-wall, double-bottom storage tank placed entirely within a dyked area, with an impermeable barrierin the floor of the containment area and in the dyke walls, sealed to the perimeter of the storage tank or pad when the liner is not installed under the tank;
- a double-wall storage tank for a storage tankwith a capacity of 50 000 L or less; or
- a double-wall storage tank placed entirely within a dyked area, with an impermeable barrier in the floor of the containment area and in the dyke walls, for a storage tank with a capacity of more than 50 000 L.
3.9.2(1) Except as provided in sentence (2), a secondary containment impermeable barrier shall be:
- designed, built, and approved in conformance with:
- ORD-C58.9-1997, "Secondary Containment Liners for Underground and Aboveground Tanks"; or
- ORD-C142.20-1995, "Aboveground Secondary Containment Tanks"; and
- installed so that:
- the liner is sealed to the perimeter of the storage tank or pad when the liner is not installed under the tank;
- the liner extends to the top of the dyke wall;
- the liner is covered with a non-combustible material of such nature and thickness that it will not fail when the secondary containment is exposed to fire; and
- liners that are intended to be exposed in service are listed for aboveground (exposed) use.
3.9.2(2) A secondary containment impermeable barrier that does not conform to sentence (1) shall:
- use material compatible with the product being stored and acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction (See appendix B, note 3.9.2(2)(a)); and
- be designed, constructed, and maintained to ensure a maximum hydraulic conductivity of 1 x 10 -6 cm/s.
3.9.3(1) Liner penetrations shall be located at the high point or in a raised part of the dyke floor. (See appendix B, note B.3.9.3(1)).
3.9.3(2) All liner penetrations shall be sealed.
3.9.4 Monitoring of the interstitial space of the secondary containment system shall be provided in conformance with part 6 of this code.
Section 3.10: spill containment and runoff collection
3.10.1 Spills, overfills, and storm water from product transfer areas shall be contained, treated and disposed of in conformance with the applicable provincial or territorial regulations, guidelines or policies.
3.10.2 Containment area floors within dykes shall slope away from the tank base towards a sump at a slope greater than 1%.
3.10.3(1) An oil-water separator used to treat storm water runoff, overfills, or a spill from the product transfer area shall be sized for a minimum hydraulic flow rate of a ten year return, one hour storm event, with the one hour rainfall intensity data obtained for the nearest weather station, and:
- be designed, built, and approved in conformance with ULC-S656-2000, "Oil-Water Separators"; or
- conform to the following:
- be designed to produce a discharge of water that does not contain more than 15 mg/L of free oil and grease as measured by the partition-gravimetric method or other protocol as defined by the authority having jurisdiction;
- be designed for an insoluble-in-water oil with a specific gravity of 0.875 ±0.025; and
- be designed based on the hydraulic retention time required to separate oil with a particle droplet size of 60 microns from storm water.
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