Canada’s Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory Report 2025: acknowledgements

The Pollutant Inventories and Reporting Division of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) wishes to acknowledge the individuals and organizations that contributed to Canada’s Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory Report 1990–2023 and Nomenclature for Reporting (NFR) tables prepared for submission to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Pollution (CLRTAP). The Division would like to highlight the contributions of the following inventory compilers, authors and reviewers, whose work helped to develop and improve this year’s inventory report and estimates:

Tatyana Abou-Chaker, Amélie Amiot, Sean Angel-York, Alice Au, Pegah Bauco, Owen Barrigar, Nicholas Bishop, Annie Cheng, Alessia Czerwinski, Sylvie Dasné, Corey Flemming, Ben Gloade, Brandon Greenlaw, Jordon Kay, Emil Laurin, Trevor Newton, Geneviève LeBlanc-Power, Catherine Lee, Chang Liang, Douglas MacDonald, Raymond Moreau, Monique Murphy, Kristen Obeda, Okenna Obi-Njoku, Raphaëlle Pelland St-Pierre, Lindsay Pratt, Catherine Robert, Duane Smith, Steve Smyth, Brittany Sullivan, Brett Taylor, Arumugam Thiagarajan, Shawn Tobin, Kristine Tracey, and Melanie Vanderpol.

The development and maintenance of a central data compilation and reporting framework, including processing facility-reported data and the generation of comprehensive emission tables, was led by Pegah Bauco and Amélie Amiot. The compilation of the NFR tables for submission to the UNECE was led by Pegah Bauco. Coordination of the report was led by Tatyana Abou-Chaker and Raphaëlle Pelland St-Pierre. Layout of the report for publication was carried out by Jorge Aranda Fernandez, Bruna Sunye and Marida Waters. Webpage development was completed by Jorge Aranda Fernandez, under Amélie Amiot’s supervision. Translation was carried out by Katryn Lamoureux, Bruna Sunye and Kim Thibault.

Special thanks are given to our colleagues from the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) and Substance Information Division of ECCC for providing database extracts from the 2023 NPRI. Special thanks are also given to Richard Holt and Navin Sundar of the Cross Sectoral Energy Division of ECCC for implementing the Marine Emissions Inventory Tool. In addition, we would like to express our appreciation to Jean-François Brisson of the Forest Products and Fisheries Act Division of ECCC for his assistance in preparing emission estimates for the Wood Products sector. We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of our colleagues from the Centre for Energy and Transportation Statistics Division at Statistics Canada, including the various survey teams responsible for collecting, compiling, analyzing, data sharing and disseminating the monthly and annual energy data required to produce Canada’s energy supply and demand estimates.

Of the numerous people and organizations that provided support and information, we are especially indebted to the contributors from the federal, provincial and territorial governments, industry and industry associations, consulting firms and universities who provided technical and scientific support.

This report represents the cumulative result of significant contributions from many individuals since its original publication many years ago. These contributions include those from former Directors, managers, inventory experts, and key partners. The Division would like to acknowledge these former colleagues whose contributions have formed the foundation upon which this report and the associated data have been developed.

Readers’ Comments Correspondence

Comments regarding the contents of this report should be addressed to:
Lindsay Pratt, Director
Pollutant Inventories and Reporting Division
Science Reporting and Assessment Directorate
Science and Technology Branch
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, QC  K1A 0H3
Telephone: 1-877-877-8375

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