Citizen submissions on Canada-Chile environmental matters

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Citizen Submissions presented to the Canada-Chile Commission on Environmental Cooperation

Submission SEM-08-01

Matter Addressed: The petitioners assert that Chile is failing to effectively enforce its environmental laws with respect to a proposed hydro project [Proyecto HydroAysén] in two waterways close to the Chile-Argentina border (the rivers Pascua and Baker).

See summary

Conservación Patagónica Chile S.A.
Valle Chac, LLC
Fundación Pumalín
Agrupación de Defensores del Espíritu de la Patagonia
Corporación para la Conservación y Preservación del Medio Ambiente, Chile - Ambiente
Juan Pablo Orrego Silva
Ernesto Muñoz Padilla
Margarita Baigorria
Franz Xaver Schindele
Gabriela Ulrike Löschner
Neftalí Aníbal Barros Arratia
Sixto Jesús Díaz Reyes
Irma Oyarzo Fuentes
Marco Aurelio Cruces Meza
Leopoldo Adrián Cárdenas Oyarzo
Consejo de Defensa de la Patagonia
International Rivers
Marcelo Castillo Sánchez

Date received: 12/6/08
Party: Chile

Process status:

Submission A14-2002-01

Matter addressed: The submitters claim that Chilean environmental authorities have failed to effectively enforce Chile's environmental law with regard to the construction of the Southern Coastal Highway Project.

See summary


Waldemar Monsalve U.
Instituto de Ecologia de Chile -- Austral
Corporacion Rio Contaco
Centro Austral de Derecho Ambiental (CEADA)

Date Received: 21/06/02
Party: Chile

Process status:

Submission A14-2001-02

Matter Addressed: The submitters claim that Chilean environmental authorities have failed to effectively enforce Chile’s environmental law with regard to public consultation in the amendment of the Plan for Prevention and Atmospheric Decontamination of The Metropolitan Region.

See summary


Luis Mariano Rendón Escobar
Patricio Herman Pacheco
Larisa de Orbe González
Jorge Cisternas Zañartu
Enrique Siefer Eilcr
Jacobo Schatan Weitzman
Antonio García Vareta

Date received:23/04/01
Party: Chile

Process status::

Submission A14-2001-01

Matter Addressed: The submitters claim that Chilean environmental authorities have failed to effectively enforce Chile’s environmental law with regard to the establishment and operation of the Andacollo Cobre mining project.

See summary


Date received: 30/03/01
Party: Chile

Process status::

Submission A14-2000-01

Matter Addressed: The submitters claim that Chilean environmental authorities have failed to effectively enforce Chile's environmental law with regard to the Cascada-Chile wood chip and structural panel manufacturing plant.

See summary


Date received: Party: Process status::Alianza por los bosques de Chile
Comité Nacional Pro-Defensa de la Fauna y Flora (CODEFF)
Sociedades Sustentables
Red National de Acción Ecólogica (RENACE)
Instituto de Ecología Politica (IEP)
Represented by: Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente (FIMA)

Date received: 27/6/00
Party: Chile

Process status::

Chilean National Secretariat

Page details

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