Archived: Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy 2016-17, Environment and Climate Change Canada, chapter 2

Section 2: Themes I to III - Department-Led Targets

This section presents the 2013-16 FSDS targets and associated indicators in Themes I to III. Overall, ECCC is responsible for or contributes to 17 FSDS targets and 26 indicators, the majority of which are Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) and aligned with the Department’s Performance Measurement Framework indicators.

Theme I: Addressing Climate Change and Air Quality

Goal 1: Climate Change

In order to mitigate the effects of climate change, reduce Greenhouse Gas emission levels and adapt to unavoidable impacts.

FSDS Targets FSDS Performance Indicators

Target 1.1: Climate Change Mitigation

Relative to 2005 emission levels, reduce Canada’s total Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions 17% by 2020.

Target 1.2: Climate Change Adaptation

Facilitate reduced vulnerability of individuals, communities, regions and economic sectors to the impacts of climate change through the development and provision of information and tools. 

  • Measuring adaptation is complex, given the broad nature and scope of potential impacts. In the short term, measurement for the FSDS will focus on measures of the performance of specific government actions that are expected to be available for inclusion in the next FSDS Progress Report. These may be complemented in the future by additional indicators that measure adaptation outcomes for Canada more broadly.

Goal 2: Air Pollution

Minimize the threats to air quality so that the air Canadians breathe is clean and supports healthy ecosystems.

FSDS Target FSDS Performance Indicator

Target 2.1: Outdoor Air Pollutants

Improve outdoor air quality by ensuring compliance with new or amended regulated emission limits by 2020 and thus reducing emissions of air pollutants in support of Air Quality Management System (AQMS) objectives.

Theme II: Maintaining Water Quality and Availability

Goal 3: Water Quality and Water Quantity

Protect and enhance water so that it is clean, safe and secure for all Canadians and supports healthy ecosystems

FSDS Targets FSDS Performance Indicators

Target 3.3: Great Lakes - Canadian Areas of Concern

Take federal actions to restore beneficial uses for delisting 5 Canadian Areas of Concern (AOC) and to reduce the number of Impaired Beneficial Uses in the remaining Areas of Concern by 25% by 2019.

Target 3.4: Great Lakes

Contribute to the restoration and protection of the Great Lakes by developing and gaining bi-national acceptance of objectives for the management of nutrients in Lake Erie by 2016 and for the other Great Lakes as required.

Target 3.5: St. Lawrence River

Take federal actions to reduce pollutants in order to improve water quality, conserve biodiversity and ensure beneficial uses in the St. Lawrence River by 2016.

Target 3.6: Lake Simcoe and South-eastern Georgian Bay

Reduce an estimated 2000 kg of phosphorus loadings to Lake Simcoe by 2017, which will support the Province of Ontario’s target to reduce phosphorus inputs into Lake Simcoe to 44 000 kg/year by 2045.

Reduce an estimated 2000 kg of phosphorus loadings to South-eastern Georgian Bay watersheds by 2017. 

Target 3.7: Lake Winnipeg Basin

By 2017, reduce phosphorus inputs to water bodies in the Lake Winnipeg Basin, in support of the Province of Manitoba’s overall plan to reduce phosphorus in Lake Winnipeg by 50% to pre-1990 levels.

Target 3.9: Marine Pollution - Disposal at Sea

Ensure that permitted disposal at sea is sustainable, such that 85% of disposal site monitoring events do not identify the need for site management action (such as site closure) from 2013 to 2016.

Target 3.11: Wastewater and Industrial Effluent

Reduce risks associated with effluent from wastewater (sewage) and industrial sectors by 2020.

Target 3.12: Water Resource Management

Facilitate sustainable water resource management through the collection of data and the development and dissemination of knowledge from 2013 to 2016.

  • Overall client satisfaction index, on a scale of 1 (unsatisfactory) to 10 (excellent) towards ECCC’s delivery of the Hydrometric Program

Theme III: Protecting Nature and Canadians

Goal 4: Conserving and Restoring Ecosystems, Wildlife and Habitat, and Protecting Canadians

Resilient ecosystems with healthy wildlife populations so Canadians can enjoy benefits from natural spaces, resources and ecological services for generations to come.

FSDS Targets FSDS Performance Indicators

Target 4.1: Species at Risk

By 2020, populations of species at risk listed under federal law exhibit trends that are consistent with recovery strategies and management plans.

Target 4.2: Migratory Birds

Improve the proportion of migratory bird species that meet their population goals.

Target 4.3: Terrestrial Ecosystems and Habitat Stewardship

Contribute to the proposed national target that by 2020, at least 17% of terrestrial areas and inland waters are conserved through networks of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures

Habitat-conserved indicators:

Target 4.6: Invasive Alien Species

By 2020, pathways of invasive alien species introductions are identified, and risk-based intervention or management plans are in place for priority pathways and species.

Target 4.7: Environmental Disasters, Incidents and Emergencies

Environmental disasters, incidents and emergencies are prevented or their impacts mitigated.Footnote 1

Target 4.8: Chemicals Management

Reduce risks to Canadians and impacts on the environment and human health posed by releases of harmful substances.Footnote 2

Indicators:Footnote 3

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