Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2016 and ending March 31, 2017

From: Employment and Social Development Canada

Annex 2.1 Employment Insurance Benefits – Concepts and definitions

Chapter II and Annex 2 provide information on the numbers of new claims established, the average actual duration, the average weekly benefit rate, the amount paid in benefits, employment insurance claimant categories (long-tenured workers, occasional claimants, frequent claimants), seasonal regular claimants and claim status (active, open, completed, terminated, dormant and combined). These concepts are defined below.

Concept - Definition

New claims established

New claims established refer to new Employment Insurance claims that have been received, processed and approved by Employment and Social Development Canada (via Service Canada) for which at least $1 in benefits was paid to an Employment Insurance claimant.

To avoid double counting, each claim established is counted only once. Thus, a claim that was established, for example, in November 2014 (that is, in FY1415) and for which benefits paid to an Employment Insurance claimant began in December 2014 (that is, in FY1415) and ended in June 2015 (that is, in FY1516) is included in the FY1415 statistics, but is not counted in the FY1516 statistics.

New claims established designate a different concept from new applications submitted to Employment and Social Development Canada (and received by the organization). An application may be submitted, but not necessarily established. This is the case, for example, when the application is rejected because not all of the eligibility requirements are met.

It should be noted that the number of new claims established during a fiscal year does not necessarily correspond to the number of new Employment Insurance claimants because a claimant can have more than one Employment Insurance claim established annually.

New claims established are also referred to under other names such as: new claims established, benefits, claims and claims established. The terms "new," "benefits" and "established" are sometimes omitted so as not to complicate the text. In all cases, these terms refer to the same concept.

Average actual duration

The average actual duration of Employment Insurance claims refers, in regard to these claims, to the average number of weeks of benefits per claim during which at least one dollar in benefits was paid to an Employment Insurance claimant.

For claims associated with most benefits types, the average actual duration is calculated by dividing the sum of the number of weeks of benefits during which at least one dollar was paid per claim by the number of claims that were completed based on the variable assessed (that is, the average actual duration for Ontario is equal to the sum of the number of weeks of benefits paid in Ontario for all claims completed during a fiscal year divided by the number of claims that were completed in Ontario during the same period.

Average actual duration for claims for Employment Insurance fishing benefits, Work-Sharing benefits and benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children are calculated using claims established during the reference period rather than claims completed during the reference period.

Average actual duration

The average actual duration is a different concept than the average maximum duration: the latter is the maximum number of weeks during which benefits may be paid (under sections 12 and 152.14 of the Employment Insurance Act, and Section 8 of the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations), while the former is the number of weeks for which benefits are actually paid.

Average weekly benefit rate

The average weekly benefit rate, or level of EI benefits, refers to the rate of weekly benefits payable on average for an Employment Insurance claim.

The average weekly benefit rate is calculated by dividing the sum of the weekly benefit rate of each claim by the number of claims that were established.

The Family Supplement is always included in the calculation of the average weekly benefit rate, unless otherwise specified.

The average weekly benefit rate is not necessarily equal to the amount of benefits actually paid on average per claim established. The amount paid may be less than the benefit rate, especially if the weekly benefits are reduced because the claimant worked while on claim (for more information, see subsection 2.2.7 of Chapter II relating to the working while on claim provision).

Amount paid

The amount paid refers to the sum of benefit payments that claimants who have established an Employment Insurance claim have received. In other words, it is the value of Employment Insurance benefits that were paid to Employment Insurance claimants.

The amount paid is always reported on a cash basis, meaning that they are reported in the year in which they were paid regardless of when the claim was established. Thus, the amount paid in benefits to an Employment Insurance claimant who, for example, had a claim established in November 2015 (that is, in FY1516) and received payment starting in December 2015 (that is, in FY1516) and ending in June 2016 (that is, in FY1617) are included in the fiscal year statistics for FY1516 and FY1617. If this claimant received $200 per week for 17 weeks between December 2015 and March 2016, and $200 per week for 12 weeks between April and June 2016, an amount of $3,400 will be allocated to FY1516 and $2,400 will be allocated to FY1617.

Long-Tenured workers

Long-Tenured workers are Employment Insurance (EI) claimants who have paid at least 30% of the maximum annual EI premiums in 7 of the past 10 years and who, over the last five years, have collected EI regular or fishing benefits for 35 weeks or less.

Frequent claimants

Frequent claimants are EI claimants who have had three or more EI regular or fishing claims and have collected benefits for a total of more than 60 weeks in the past five years.

Occasional claimants

Occasional claimants are EI claimants who do not meet the requirements for either long-tenured workers or frequent claimants.

Seasonal claimants

Seasonal claimants are individuals who established three or more regular or fishing claims in the five fiscal years preceding the reference year, of which at least two were established at the same time of year as their claim in the reference year.

A claim is considered to have been established at the same time of year if it was established between eight weeks before and eight weeks after the week in which the reference year claim was established.

Active claims

Active claims are claims for which benefits are still being paid during the reference period.

With regards to the sub-section 2.2.4 Extension of Employment Insurance regular benefits for workers in regions affected by the downturn in commodity prices, active claims represent those that were established after January 4, 2015 in the 15 EI economic regions targeted by the Budget Implementation Act, 2016, No.1 and that were still open by the time the implementation act came into effect on July 3, 2016.

Open claims

Open claims are those for which the claimants are still receiving or still can receive Employment Insurance benefits.

Completed claims

Completed claims refer to claims that are terminated and those that are dormant.

Terminated claims

Terminated claims are those that have ended and for which claimants are no longer eligible to receive Employment Insurance benefits. The main reasons associated with the termination of claims is either that all weeks of benefits the claimant was entitled to be paid or that the claim reached the last week of the benefit period, that is the last week for which Employment Insurance benefits could be paid.

Dormant claims

Dormant claims are those that, as of August of the reference year following the reporting fiscal year, are open but are not active.

Combined or mixed claims

A combined or mixed claim refers to an Employment Insurance claim for which the claimant receives more than one type of benefit during the claimant’s benefit period. The eight types of benefits available under the Employment Insurance program as stipulated in Chapter II and Annex 2 are: regular benefits, fishing benefits, maternity benefits, parental benefits, sickness benefits, compassionate care benefits, benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children and Work-Sharing benefits. Regular and fishing benefits can never be combined in the same claim.

A claim for which a claimant receives both regular benefits and maternity benefits during its benefit period is treated as two separate claims in cases where information on regular benefits or maternity benefits is reported separately (as in the case of Annexes 2.4 and 2.12, which report data on the two types of benefits separately; in this example, each of the two annexes would add one claim to its totals). Conversely, if aggregated information is presented, the claim is considered a single claim (as in the case of Annex 2.3, which presents data on all Employment Insurance benefits).

Annex 2.2 Employment Insurance maximum number of benefit weeks entitlement
  Regional rate of unemployment
Number of hours of insurable employment in qualifying period 6% and under More than 6% but not more than 7% More than 7% but not more than 8% More than 8% but not more than 9% More than 9% but not more than 10% More than 10% but not more than 11% More than 11% but not more than 12% More than 12% but not more than 13% More than 13% but not more than 14% More than 14% but not more than 15% More than 15% but not more than 16% More than  16%
420 - 454 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 28 30 32
455 - 489 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 26 28 30 32
490 - 524 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 25 27 29 31 33
525 - 559 0 0 0 0 0 21 23 25 27 29 31 33
560 - 594 0 0 0 0 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
595 - 629 0 0 0 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
630 - 664 0 0 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
665 - 699 0 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
700 - 734 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
735 - 769 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
770 - 804 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37
805 - 839 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37
840 - 874 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
875 - 909 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
910 - 944 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39
945 - 979 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39
980 - 1014 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
1015 - 1049 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
1050 - 1084 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41
1085 - 1119 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41
1120 - 1154 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
1155 - 1189 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
1190 - 1224 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43
1225 - 1259 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43
1260 - 1294 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
1295 - 1329 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
1330 - 1364 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45
1365 - 1399 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45
1400 - 1434 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 45
1435 - 1469 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 45
1470 - 1504 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 45 45
1505 - 1539 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 45 45
1540 - 1574 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 45 45 45
1575 - 1609 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 45 45 45
1610 - 1644 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 45 45 45 45
1645 - 1679 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 45 45 45 45
1680 - 1714 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 45 45 45 45 45
1715 - 1749 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 45 45 45 45 45
1750 - 1784 34 36 38 40 42 44 45 45 45 45 45 45
1785 - 1819 35 37 39 41 43 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
1820 + 36 38 40 42 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

Source: Employment Insurance Act, Schedule I

Annex 2.3 Employment Insurance Benefits
Annex 2.3.1 – Employment Insurance benefits1: New claims established
  2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 2014/ 2015 2015/ 2016 2016/ 2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 81,130 82,040 81,230 85,910 74,000 -13.9
Prince Edward Island 21,870 21,330 21,950 22,140 22,540 +1.8
Nova Scotia 82,000 78,610 79,550 82,410 82,710 +0.4
New Brunswick 90,170 85,620 85,020 88,670 88,910 +0.3
Quebec 505,500 492,840 491,160 496,680 483,700 -2.6
Ontario 575,250 572,990 561,200 569,620 552,030 -3.1
Manitoba 58,320 56,620 57,000 64,660 59,250 -8.4
Saskatchewan 44,400 44,400 47,840 57,110 49,850 -12.7
Alberta 143,280 146,070 169,840 235,470 201,610 -14.4
British Columbia 211,540 205300 208,320 216,790 197,770 -8.8
Yukon 2,720 2,560 2,450 2,410 2,300 -4.6
Northwest Territories 2,400 2,310 2,250 2,320 2,380 +2.6
Nunavut 1,360 1,260 990 1,230 1,290 +4.9
Men 982,220 976,920 994,200 1,075,810 984,150 -8.5
Women 837,720 815,030 814,600 849,610 834,190 -1.8
24 years old and under 193,180 182,350 181,910 194,270 178,010 -8.4
25 to 44 years old 873,760 860,520 871,570 933,430 883,950 -5.3
45 to 54 years old 410,090 399,020 391,140 402,020 370,360 -7.9
55 years old and over 342,910 350,060 364,180 395,700 386,020 -2.4
EI claimant category2
Long-tenured workers 502,550 461,460 412,320 600,900 543,960 -9.5
Occasional claimants 967,260 991,310 1,063,380 988,250 960,300 -2.8
Frequent claimants 350,130 339,180 333,100 336,270 336,270 +1.0
Canada 1,819,940 1,791,950 1,808,800 1,925,420 1,818,340 -5.6

Note: Includes all claims for which at least $1 of EI benefits was paid.

1 Excludes Parents of Critically Ill Children (PCIC) benefits due to the incompatibility of administrative data sources.
2 See Annex-2.1 for definitions related to EI claimant categories.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.3.2 – Employment Insurance benefits1: Average weekly benefit rate2 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 407 422 435 448 445 -0.8
Prince Edward Island 398 403 416 428 432 +0.8
Nova Scotia 388 404 419 425 426 +0.4
New Brunswick 385 402 412 424 426 +0.4
Quebec 390 409 420 428 433 +1.3
Ontario 393 419 431 441 451 +2.2
Manitoba 381 408 422 435 440 +1.1
Saskatchewan 409 432 452 466 465 -0.2
Alberta 424 453 472 486 485 -0.1
British Columbia 389 416 429 442 447 +1.0
Yukon 453 472 474 490 498 +1.7
Northwest Territories 465 489 495 505 510 +0.8
Nunavut 466 464 469 472 485 +2.8
Men 421 443 457 469 473 +0.8
Women 363 387 398 409 416 +1.8
24 years old and under 354 380 394 407 400 -1.8
25 to 44 years old 406 429 442 455 460 +1.2
45 to 54 years old 399 420 434 446 452 +1.3
55 years old and over 384 405 417 428 433 +1.3
EI claimant category3
Long-tenured workers 428 453 468 477 485 +1.7
Occasional claimants 370 397 414 419 422 +0.6
Frequent claimants 414 428 439 449 457 +1.8
Canada 395 417 431 443 447 +1.0

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes all claims for which at least $1 of EI benefits was paid.

1Excludes Parents of Critically Ill Children (PCIC) benefits due to the incompatibility of administrative data sources.

2Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to Employment Insurance claimants.

3See Annex-2.1 for definitions related to EI claimant categories.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data

Annex 2.3.3 – Employment Insurance benefits1: Amount paid ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 840.8 837.8 862.8 958.6 1,040.2 +8.5
Prince Edward Island 218.1 200.0 211.4 228.1 230.7 +1.1
Nova Scotia 773.4 738.7 748.1 833.0 841.3 +1.0
New Brunswick 838.9 828.0 824.0 904.0 919.0 +1.7
Quebec 3,453.2 3,374.2 3,507.1 3,649.7 3,430.7 -6.0
Ontario 5,051.7 5,241.9 5,270.5 5,478.3 5,443.2 -0.6
Manitoba 463.3 482.8 498.2 573.4 587.3 +2.4
Saskatchewan 393.3 413.9 437.4 572.7 671.5 +17.2
Alberta 1,283.6 1,383.6 1,507.0 2,362.3 3,158.3 +33.7
British Columbia 1,815.2 1,798.0 1,862.8 2,031.1 2,064.2 +1.6
Yukon 31.8 29.5 30.4 25.9 27.3 +5.5
Northwest Territories 32.7 31.4 29.3 28.8 29.9 +3.9
Nunavut 17.7 18.1 15.1 16.2 17.6 +8.7
Men 7,778.8 7,872.5 8,088.4 9,411.7 9,868.8 +4.9
Women 7,435.1 7,505.4 7,715.7 8,250.3 8,592.2 +4.1
24 years old and under 1,347.9 1,319.7 1,316.1 1,523.7 1,522.2 -0.1
25 to 44 years old 8,128.4 8,281.6 8,525.3 9,497.1 9,869.4 +3.9
45 to 54 years old 3,091.6 3,050.6 3,069.2 3,341.4 3,450.0 +3.3
55 years old and over 2,645.9 2,726.1 2,893.5 3,299.8 3,619.4 +9.7
EI claimant category2
Long-tenured workers 7,114.6 7,860.5 8,774.0 8,877.8 9,048.8 +1.9
Occasional claimants 3,161.5 3,093.3 3,110.4 3,267.6 3,191.8 -2.3
Frequent claimants 4,937.8 4,424.0 3,919.7 5,516.7 6,220.4 +12.8
Canada 15,213.9 15,377.9 15,804.1 17,662.0 18,461.0 +4.5

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes all claims for which at least $1 of EI benefits was paid.

1Excludes Parents of Critically Ill Children (PCIC) benefits due to the incompatibility of administrative data sources.
2See Annex-2.1 for definitions related to EI claimant categories.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.4 Employment Insurance benefits (by Employment Insurance economic region)
Annex 2.4.1 – Employment Insurance benefits (by Employment Insurance economic region)1: New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John’s. 13,530 13,990 14,810 16,190 16,210 +0.1
Newfoundland – Labrador 67,600 68,050 66,420 69,720 57,790 -17.1
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island2 21,870 21,330 9,530 n/a n/a n/a
Charlottetown2 n/a n/a 2,960 5,470 5,860 +7.1
Prince Edward Island (excluding Charlottetown)2 n/a n/a 9,460 16,670 16,680 +0.1
Nova Scotia
Eastern Nova Scotia 27,060 27,010 27,660 28,370 28,580 +0.7
Western Nova Scotia 36,220 34,090 33,860 35,120 34,740 -1.1
Halifax 18,720 17,510 18,030 18,920 19,390 +2.5
New Brunswick
Fredericton-Moncton-Saint-John 28,190 26,370 26,280 28,070 27,670 -1.4
Madawaska-Charlotte 15,710 14,520 14,250 14,270 13,880 -2.7
Restigouche-Albert 46,270 44,730 44,490 46,330 47,360 +2.2
Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine 27,920 27,240 26,520 27,320 27,780 +1.7
Québec 39,570 39,040 40,290 40,400 38,730 -4.1
Trois-Rivières 10,670 10,700 9,900 10,060 9,550 -5.1
South Central Québec 10,950 10,590 9,760 9,190 9,950 +8.3
Sherbrooke 9,730 9,690 10,850 10,060 9,870 -1.9
Montérégie 32,470 31,260 30,970 33,220 32,400 -2.5
Montréal 181,210 176,260 176,270 179,760 174,100 -3.1
Central Quebec 90,680 87,370 87,010 87,800 86,170 -1.9
North Western Quebec 22,830 22,690 23,260 22,520 21,010 -6.7
Bas-Saint-Laurent - Côte-Nord 53,890 52,600 49,550 50,290 49,020 -2.5
Hull 12,820 12,860 13,420 13,320 12,980 -2.6
Chicoutimi-Jonquière 12,760 12,540 13,360 12,740 12,140 -4.7
Ottawa 33,650 33,380 33,180 34,370 33,210 -3.4
Eastern Ontario 26,240 26,590 26,590 27,780 26,630 -4.1
Kingston 5,810 5,790 5,730 5,110 5,520 +8.0
Central Ontario 60,220 60,790 58,200 61,340 60,350 -1.6
Oshawa 16,700 17,820 17,890 17,760 17,770 +0.1
Toronto 215,900 213,260 207,290 211,410 205,510 -2.8
Hamilton 28,730 29,520 29,230 29,400 29,650 +0.9
St. Catharines 22,290 22,220 19,580 20,760 20,330 -2.1
London 20,190 20,550 19,400 18,920 19,270 +1.8
Niagara 18,350 17,410 17,520 18,080 17,240 -4.6
Windsor 16,270 14,420 19,480 13,630 12,200 -10.5
Kitchener 21,730 22,420 20,450 20,340 20,980 +3.1
Huron 16,950 17,680 17,570 17,710 20,100 +13.5
South Central Ontario 21,100 19,740 18,560 19,210 19,310 +0.5
Sudbury 7,840 8,150 7,870 8,760 7,290 -16.8
Thunder Bay 5,730 6,440 6,510 6,540 6,000 -8.3
Northern Ontario 37,550 36,810 36,150 38,500 30,670 -20.3
Winnipeg 32,640 31,920 31,990 36,060 32,910 -8.7
Southern Manitoba 15,880 15,060 15,120 18,200 17,150 -5.8
Northern Manitoba 9,800 9,640 9,890 10,400 9,190 -11.6
Regina 7,870 7,800 8,510 9,830 10,260 +4.4
Saskatoon 10,920 11,360 12,220 14,780 13,940 -5.7
Southern Saskatchewan 12,470 11,660 13,080 15,310 12,210 -20.2
Northern Saskatchewan 13,140 13,580 14,030 17,190 13,440 -21.8
Calgary 46,090 46,710 54,040 74,310 63,390 -14.7
Edmonton 47,760 50,510 57,710 81,150 67,740 -16.5
Northern Alberta 11,890 12,180 14,890 20,620 22,770 +10.4
Southern Alberta 37,540 36,670 43,200 59,390 47,710 -19.7
British Columbia
Southern Interior British Columbia 38,370 38,040 38,600 43,030 36,590 -15.0
Abbotsford 11,240 11,120 10,690 10,790 11,090 +2.8
Vancouver 92,530 91,040 90,310 90,370 84,900 -6.1
Victoria 13,830 12,560 12,660 12,990 12,090 -6.9
Southern Coastal British Columbia 31,860 30,310 30,380 32,410 31,280 -3.5
Northern British Columbia 23,710 22,230 25,680 27,200 21,820 -19.8
Yukon2 2,720 2,560 1,120 n/a n/a n/a
Whitehorse2 n/a n/a 740 1,560 1,420 -9.0
Yukon (excluding Whitehorse)2 n/a n/a 590 850 880 +3.5
Northwest Territories2 2,400 2,310 1,330 n/a n/a n/a
Yellowknife2 n/a n/a 310 810 870 +7.4
Northwest Territories (excluding Yellowknife)2 n/a n/a 610 1,510 1,510 0.0
Nunavut2 1,360 1,260 510 n/a n/a n/a
Iqaluit2 n/a n/a 100 300 230 -23.3
Nunavut (excluding Iqaluit)2 n/a n/a 380 930 1,060 +14.0
Canada 1,819,940 1,791,950 1,808,800 1,925,420 1,818,340 -5.6

Note: Includes all claims for which at least $1 of EI benefits was paid.

1Excludes Parents of Critically Ill Children (PCIC) benefits due to incompatibility of administrative data sources.
2As of October 12, 2014, there is a total of 62 Employment Insurance (EI) economic regions, instead of 58 regions.
The EI economic regions of Prince Edward Island, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut were each divided into two
EI economic regions, one consisting of the capital area and the remaining consisting of the non-capital area.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.4.2 – Employment Insurance benefits (by Employment Insurance economic region): Average weekly benefit rate1, 2($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John’s. 422 430 441 456 464 +1.9
Newfoundland – Labrador 404 421 434 447 440 -1.6
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island3 398 403 409 n/a n/a n/a
Charlottetown3 n/a n/a 402 413 406 -1.8
Prince Edward Island (excluding Charlottetown)3 n/a n/a 428 433 441 +1.7
Nova Scotia
Eastern Nova Scotia 401 419 435 439 440 +0.4
Western Nova Scotia 385 392 407 413 416 +0.7
Halifax 375 405 415 426 425 -0.1
New Brunswick
Fredericton-Moncton-Saint-John 366 392 403 414 416 +0.3
Madawaska-Charlotte 384 391 398 411 411 -0.1
Restigouche-Albert 398 413 421 434 436 +0.4
Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine 405 421 432 437 443 +1.4
Québec 387 417 427 435 441 +1.3
Trois-Rivières 404 400 409 415 419 +1.1
South Central Québec 378 406 419 429 437 +1.8
Sherbrooke 377 403 412 418 430 +2.9
Montérégie 375 403 415 424 432 +1.9
Montréal 378 407 419 427 433 +1.2
Central Quebec 399 401 412 420 426 +1.5
North Western Quebec 413 417 428 433 438 +1.1
Bas-Saint-Laurent - Côte-Nord 410 417 425 433 435 +0.5
Hull 394 422 431 439 452 +2.9
Chicoutimi-Jonquière 404 408 422 423 427 +1.1
Ottawa 409 435 448 455 465 +2.2
Eastern Ontario 380 409 424 431 441 +2.3
Kingston 385 409 425 421 437 +3.6
Central Ontario 382 407 419 432 444 +2.9
Oshawa 421 429 449 452 466 +3.0
Toronto 392 422 433 445 455 +2.3
Hamilton 391 425 433 444 455 +2.4
St. Catharines 368 399 409 413 428 +3.7
London 382 414 426 427 439 +2.9
Niagara 404 411 425 438 444 +1.4
Windsor 406 404 448 437 433 -0.8
Kitchener 391 427 438 444 458 +3.1
Huron 406 414 421 435 441 +1.4
South Central Ontario 388 418 429 440 455 +3.6
Sudbury 402 426 434 453 453 +0.0
Thunder Bay 403 438 439 459 467 +1.9
Northern Ontario 410 424 432 445 442 -0.7
Winnipeg 381 411 425 436 448 +2.6
Southern Manitoba 373 401 416 434 432 -0.4
Northern Manitoba 395 410 417 435 428 -1.5
Regina 412 448 457 466 480 +2.9
Saskatoon 408 434 459 466 469 +0.7
Southern Saskatchewan 398 421 444 464 459 -1.1
Northern Saskatchewan 418 429 450 467 455 -2.6
Calgary 424 456 473 485 484 -0.1
Edmonton 428 458 474 489 492 +0.5
Northern Alberta 448 462 484 494 498 +0.7
Southern Alberta 410 440 465 479 472 -1.4
British Columbia
Southern Interior British Columbia 389 422 434 450 443 -1.5
Abbotsford 353 366 383 391 407 +4.2
Vancouver 385 413 424 435 451 +3.6
Victoria 395 426 436 450 453 +0.8
Southern Coastal British Columbia 384 419 433 444 443 -0.2
Northern British Columbia 426 438 454 467 459 -1.8
Yukon3 453 472 471 n/a n/a n/a
Whitehorse3 n/a n/a 478 485 504 +3.9
Yukon (excluding Whitehorse)3 n/a n/a 474 498 487 -2.1
Northwest Territories3 465 489 488 n/a n/a n/a
Yellowknife3 n/a n/a 499 505 511 1.1
Northwest Territories (excluding Yellowknife)3 n/a n/a 507 506 509 +0.7
Nunavut3 466 464 464 n/a n/a n/a
Iqaluit3 n/a n/a 497 499 524 +5.0
Nunavut (excluding Iqaluit)3 n/a n/a 470 463 477 +2.9
Canada 395 417 431 443 447 +1.0

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes all claims for which at least $1 of EI benefits was paid.

1Excludes Parents of Critically Ill Children (PCIC) benefits due to incompatibility of administrative data sources.
2Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to Employment Insurance claimants.
3As of October 12, 2014, there is a total of 62 Employment Insurance (EI) economic regions, instead of 58 regions. The EI economic regions of Prince Edward Island, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut were each divided into two EI economic regions, one consisting of the capital area and the remaining consisting of the non-capital area.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.4.3 – Employment Insurance benefits (by Employment Insurance economic region): Amount paid1, 2 ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John’s. 121.9 120.1 130.5 146.2 167.4 +14.5
Newfoundland – Labrador 718.8 717.7 732.4 812.4 872.7 +7.4
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island2 218.1 200.0 153.1 13.1 n/a n/a
Charlottetown2 n/a n/a 11.1 46.9 52.3 +11.5
Prince Edward Island (excluding Charlottetown)2 n/a n/a 47.1 168.1 178.4 +6.1
Nova Scotia
Eastern Nova Scotia 289.2 286.6 286.4 328.9 335.5 +2.0
Western Nova Scotia 329.5 300.1 298.5 321.4 322.3 +0.3
Halifax 154.8 151.9 163.1 182.6 183.5 +0.5
New Brunswick
Fredericton-Moncton-Saint-John 219.8 222.1 225.5 257.6 263.4 +2.3
Madawaska-Charlotte 136.7 132.3 120.5 125.2 117.1 -6.5
Restigouche-Albert 482.4 473.7 478.0 521.2 538.5 +3.3
Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine 281.1 271.7 273.8 291.4 290.4 -0.4
Québec 209.4 221.6 240.7 259.0 237.7 -8.3
Trois-Rivières 76.8 69.3 65.3 66.6 58.2 -12.6
South Central Québec 57.9 53.1 57.6 57.0 53.5 -6.2
Sherbrooke 54.3 54.2 67.2 66.7 61.9 -7.2
Montérégie 196.9 188.1 195.7 218.8 207.6 -5.1
Montréal 1,192.1 1,211.3 1,289.1 1,331.2 1,273.9 -4.3
Central Quebec 624.2 566.1 569.7 585.3 533.1 -8.9
North Western Quebec 185.4 178.1 176.4 180.1 164.2 -8.8
Bas-Saint-Laurent - Côte-Nord 411.6 398.0 390.9 397.4 372.8 -6.2
Hull 82.4 80.0 89.7 95.1 91.9 -3.3
Chicoutimi-Jonquière 81.2 82.7 91.0 101.0 85.6 -15.2
Ottawa 314.3 322.4 333.4 352.9 341.9 -3.1
Eastern Ontario 202.2 207.6 217.3 238.4 229.5 -3.7
Kingston 47.7 48.4 51.4 46.0 48.1 +4.6
Central Ontario 458.0 485.5 487.6 503.2 505.7 +0.5
Oshawa 152.5 159.0 162.7 167.4 167.5 +0.1
Toronto 2,060.0 2,149.4 2,161.6 2,224.3 2,178.7 -2.1
Hamilton 237.2 251.7 258.6 275.6 275.9 +0.1
St. Catharines 164.9 171.9 164.1 163.1 168.8 3.5
London 175.3 182.2 179.3 174.5 169.7 -2.8
Niagara 156.2 158.4 142.2 166.7 154.9 -7.1
Windsor 135.7 133.7 129.6 147.5 108.2 -26.6
Kitchener 178.8 197.0 202.2 194.7 199.1 +2.3
Huron 143.9 133.9 142.4 148.1 162.2 +9.5
South Central Ontario 171.5 169.8 165.2 169.4 177.3 +4.6
Sudbury 62.1 68.5 69.2 75.4 94.2 +24.9
Thunder Bay 45.3 48.5 54.5 55.9 55.3 -1.0
Northern Ontario 345.9 354.1 349.1 375.2 406.2 +8.3
Winnipeg 247.1 271.3 272.4 321.0 312.1 -2.8
Southern Manitoba 116.0 112.5 122.1 143.0 152.5 +6.6
Northern Manitoba 100.3 99.0 103.6 109.3 122.6 +12.2
Regina 68.2 71.1 76.8 93.7 106.6 +13.8
Saskatoon 90.1 99.8 111.3 144.1 177.0 +22.9
Southern Saskatchewan 98.2 99.0 106.2 142.8 169.9 +19.0
Northern Saskatchewan 136.8 144.0 143.0 192.2 217.9 +13.4
Calgary 432.4 474.1 510.1 786.2 1,057.4 +34.5
Edmonton 416.7 466.9 515.4 781.3 1,037.9 +32.8
Northern Alberta 124.4 122.6 139.3 225.5 323.4 +43.4
Southern Alberta 310.2 320.0 342.3 569.3 739.5 +29.9
British Columbia
Southern Interior British Columbia 298.6 302.7 321.9 386.2 439.6 +13.8
Abbotsford 92.1 86.9 86.7 88.6 93.0 +5.0
Vancouver 816.5 834.7 852.0 866.0 830.6 -4.1
Victoria 120.8 113.4 115.5 124.0 119.8 -3.4
Southern Coastal British Columbia 250.7 250.2 258.9 297.7 279.6 -6.1
Northern British Columbia 236.5 210.0 227.9 268.6 301.6 +12.3
Territories 31.8 29.5 24.0 2.7 n/a n/a
Yukon2 n/a n/a 3.2 14.3 18.4 +29.1
Whitehorse2 n/a n/a 3.2 9.0 8.9 -0.6
Yukon (excluding Whitehorse)2 32.7 31.4 24.8 3.6 n/a n/a
Northwest Territories2 n/a n/a 1.2 7.7 10.1 +31.7
Yellowknife2 n/a n/a 3.3 17.5 19.8 +13.4
Northwest Territories (excluding Yellowknife)2 n/a n/a 3.3 17.5 19.8 +13.4
Nunavut2 17.7 18.1 12.8 1.3 n/a n/a
Iqaluit2 n/a n/a 0.6 2.7 3.0 +9.3
Nunavut (excluding Iqaluit)2 n/a n/a 1.7 12.1 14.6 +20.3
Canada 15,213.9 15,377.9 15,804.1 17,662.0 18,461.0 +4.5

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI benefits was paid.

1Excludes Parents of Critically Ill Children (PCIC) benefits due to incompatibility of administrative data sources.
2As of October 12, 2014, there is a total of 62 Employment Insurance (EI) economic regions, instead of 58 regions. The EI economic regions of Prince Edward Island, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut were each divided into two EI economic regions, one consisting of the capital area and the remaining consisting of the non-capital area. As a result of changes to EI economic region boundaries in October 2014, some claims established just prior to that month had claim amounts paid based on the claim length continuing into 2015 given the benefit entitlement duration the claimant received when their claim was first established. For some claims in the old EI regions of Prince Edward Island, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, amounts continued to be paid based on the previous entitlements claimants were eligible for when their claim was first established. Amounts paid listed for EI economic regions which are no longer in effect reflect the amount paid in benefits for claims established prior to October 12. All claims established after October 12, 2014 would be subject to benefit entitlements based on the new economic region boundaries, and these totals are reported for those new regions accordingly.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.5 Regular benefits
Annex 2.5.1 – Regular benefits: New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 62,430 63,290 63,410 67,880 55,590 -18.1
Prince Edward Island 16,930 16,040 16,560 16,790 16,910 +0.7
Nova Scotia 62,160 59,530 60,730 62,020 62,610 +1.0
New Brunswick 73,500 69,450 68,930 72,030 70,120 -2.7
Quebec 436,760 424,230 423,840 422,200 405,460 -4.0
Ontario 404,250 401,030 391,380 390,830 366,810 -6.1
Manitoba 37,830 35,640 37,280 41,810 39,310 -6.0
Saskatchewan 27,920 27,390 31,500 39,580 34,090 -13.9
Alberta 83,160 84,000 105,780 167,800 141,140 -15.9
British Columbia 147,300 140,810 139,040 146,080 124,830 -14.5
Yukon 2,080 2,020 1,880 1,840 1,750 -4.9
Northwest Territories 1,590 1,530 1,680 1,550 1,740 +12.3
Nunavut 900 850 600 680 770 +13.2
Men 814,090 808,040 826,410 896,610 806,660 -10.0
Women 542,720 517,770 516,200 534,480 514,470 -3.7
24 years old and under 138,910 129,400 129,700 140,640 126,880 -9.8
25 to 44 years old 594,800 580,650 592,390 639,540 588,420 -8.0
45 to 54 years old 339,570 330,230 323,840 329,800 298,500 -9.5
55 years old and over 283,530 285,530 296,680 321,110 307,330 -4.3
EI claimant category1
Long-tenured workers 316,420 285,000 261,760 380,460 329,290 -15.5
Occasional claimants 720,810 731,030 776,150 742,840 706,150 -4.9
Frequent claimants 319,580 309,780 304,700 307,790 285,690 -7.2
Canada 1,356,810 1,325,810 1,342,610 1,431,090 1,321,130 -7.7

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of regular benefits was paid.

1 See Annex-2.1 for definitions related to EI claimant categories.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.5.2 – Regular benefits: Average actual duration1, 2 (number of weeks)
  2012/2013r 2013/2014r 2014/2015r 2015/2016r 2016/2017p Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 26.5 26.2 25.8 26.0 31.6 +21.4
Prince Edward Island 24.5 23.5 22.8 23.3 23.1 -0.8
Nova Scotia 24.3 23.9 23.1 23.7 23.1 -2.6
New Brunswick 23.6 23.7 23.8 24.0 23.4 -2.3
Quebec 18.8 18.5 18.7 18.6 18.0 -3.4
Ontario 20.0 19.7 19.0 18.3 18.6 +1.6
Manitoba 18.0 17.8 17.2 17.9 19.1 +6.7
Saskatchewan 18.6 18.3 18.2 18.3 24.5 +33.9
Alberta 16.5 15.9 16.4 17.4 24.5 +40.5
British Columbia 19.6 19.0 18.5 18.4 20.0 +8.9
Yukon 23.5 23.2 24.2 21.6 20.6 -4.8
Northwest Territories 26.5 26.2 24.2 26.6 21.3 -19.9
Nunavut 28.8 27.2 31.4 27.0 31.3 +16.1
Men 20.0 19.7 19.6 19.6 20.6 +5.5
Women 20.2 19.7 19.2 18.9 20.1 +6.8
24 years old and under 18.4 17.8 17.6 17.6 18.4 +4.2
25 to 44 years old 19.3 18.9 18.6 18.5 19.4 +5.0
45 to 54 years old 20.4 20.2 19.9 19.8 21.2 +6.9
55 years old and over 22.1 21.5 21.3 21.1 22.7 +7.9
EI claimant category3
Long-tenured workers 18.9 18.7 18.0 17.4 20.0 +15.1
Occasional claimants 19.5 19.0 18.9 19.0 19.8 +4.1
Frequent claimants 22.8 22.2 22.0 22.1 22.8 +3.0
Canada 20.1 19.7 19.4 19.3 20.5 +6.0

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI regular benefits was paid.

1In the past, data on the actual duration of regular benefits were estimated using claims established during the fiscal year. Starting with this year’s report, duration estimates are reported based on claims which were completed during the reporting period. Estimates for the fiscal year covered by the report are preliminary and will be revised, if required, in next year’s report. Previous year’s statistics have also been revised to reflect the change in methodology.
2Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year.
3See Annex-2.1 for definitions related to EI claimant categories.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.5.3 – Regular benefits: Average weekly benefit rate1 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 400 417 430 444 434 -2.3
Prince Edward Island 389 395 407 419 419 0.0
Nova Scotia 385 400 417 423 422 -0.2
New Brunswick 386 403 413 426 430 +0.9
Quebec 395 414 426 434 440 +1.4
Ontario 395 421 435 445 454 +2.0
Manitoba 382 412 424 438 441 +0.7
Saskatchewan 413 435 458 472 468 -0.8
Alberta 431 462 484 495 493 -0.4
British Columbia 392 419 434 449 451 +0.4
Yukon 457 477 478 494 501 +1.4
Northwest Territories 463 487 498 507 511 +0.8
Nunavut 462 460 472 469 486 +3.6
Men 422 443 458 470 474 +0.9
Women 358 382 395 406 412 +1.5
24 years old and under 362 389 405 419 412 -1.7
25 to 44 years old 407 430 445 458 462 +0.9
45 to 54 years old 401 423 437 449 455 +1.3
55 years old and over 386 407 420 431 435 +0.9
EI claimant category2
Long-tenured workers 429 454 472 482 489 +1.5
Occasional claimants 375 403 420 428 429 +0.2
Frequent claimants 412 425 436 446 453 +1.6
Canada 396 419 434 446 449 +0.7

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI regular benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with regular benefits.
2See Annex-2.1 for definitions related to EI claimant categories.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.5.4 – Regular benefits: Amount paid1, 2 ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%)2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 647.2 644.3 666.5 749.5 822.2 +9.7
Prince Edward Island 163.0 144.3 147.6 162.6 161.2 -0.9
Nova Scotia 564.0 535.3 534.1 603.0 595.5 -1.2
New Brunswick 660.0 643.7 640.9 712.5 703.0 -1.3
Quebec 3,074.5 2,986.9 3,115.2 3,227.0 2,974.1 -7.8
Ontario 3,049.0 3,128.9 r 3,093.2 3,200.8 3,069.9 -4.1
Manitoba 270.2 267.7 277.2 338.3 352.1 +4.1
Saskatchewan 227.3 225.4 246.3 361.3 450.8 +24.8
Alberta 626.3 670.5 747.0 1,499.9 2,274.7 +51.7
British Columbia 1,111.8 1,067.1 1,081.5 1,219.0 1,217.0 -0.2
Yukon 22.1 21.3 22.7 18.7 18.8 +0.6
Northwest Territories 22.3 20.3 20.5 20.2 19.3 -4.7
Nunavut 12.9 11.9 9.5 9.4 11.5 +22.3
Men 6,793.2 6,851.0 7,032.8 8,253.4 8,612.3 +4.3
Women 3,657.3 3,516.6 3,569.3 3,868.8 4,057.8 +4.9
24 years old and under 1,004.7 973.2 966.1 1,153.7 1,158.1 +0.4
25 to 44 years old 4,553.0 4,510.3 4,603.5 5,345.2 5,548.9 +3.8
45 to 54 years old 2,638.8 2,586.6 2,604.6 2,844.6 2,921.7 +2.7
55 years old and over 2,254.1 2,297.5 2,427.9 2,778.8 3,041.3 +9.4
EI claimant category3
Long-tenured workers 2,719.2 2,377.2 2,136.9 3,141.1 3,681.5 +17.2
Occasional claimants 4,950.3 5,278.5 5,735.6 6,118.7 6,220.2 +1.7
Frequent claimants 2,781.1 2,712.0 2,729.5 r 2,862.3 2,768.4 -3.3
Canada 10,450.5 10,367.6 10,602.0 r 12,122.2 12,670.1 +4.5

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI regular benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with regular benefits.
2Starting with the 2014/2015 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, the amount paid in regular benefits include benefits under section 25 of the Employment Insurance Act for training purposes; prior years’ figures were revised when published in the 2014/2015 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report to reflect this change. The previous reporting methodology for regular benefits excluded these benefits, even though they were included in the total of amount paid in Employment Insurance benefits shown in Annex 2.3.
3See Annex-2.1 for definitions related to EI claimant categories.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.6 Regular benefits (by industry)
Annex 2.6.1 – Regular benefits (by industry): New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change(%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Goods-producing industries 492,470 512,200 511,030 565,610 484,720 -14.3
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 58,110 57,140 56,880 57,360 51,910 -9.5
Mining and oil and gas extraction 22,190 24,380 28,900 38,250 24,430 -36.1
Utilities 4,300 4,680 4,420 4,230 3,980 -5.9
Construction 258,530 274,730 274,140 316,290 273,380 -13.6
Manufacturing 149,340 151,270 146,690 149,480 131,020 -12.3
Service-producing industries 797,760 769,260 748,370 821,740 762,630 -7.2
Wholesale trade 45,620 43,940 44,050 48,240 43,600 -9.6
Retail trade 84,540 79,210 72,850 83,500 76,300 -8.6
Transportation and warehousing 58,950 56,690 56,270 67,950 59,470 -12.5
Finance and insurance 15,870 14,750 13,820 15,500 14,080 -9.2
Real estate and rental and leasing 17,750 18,050 18,030 20,220 18,640 -7.8
Professional, scientific and technical services 53,600 53,800 54,690 61,630 54,190 -12.1
Business, building and support services1 98,330 96,850 93,310 100,250 88,740 -11.5
Educational services 148,080 145,810 146,040 156,100 153,460 -1.7
Health care and social assistance 50,440 48,840 47,160 47,610 45,740 -3.9
Information, culture and recreation2 43,680 41,960 39,470 41,320 38,030 -8.0
Accommodation and food services 67,410 63,360 58,550 63,840 60,630 -5.0
Other services (except public administration) 44,080 40,700 40,730 45,900 42,020 -8.5
Public administration 69,410 65,300 63,400 69,680 67,730 -2.8
Unclassified 66,580 44,350 83,210 43,740 73,780 +68.7
Canada 1,356,810 1,325,810 1,342,610 1,431,090 1,321,130 -7.7

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of regular benefits was paid.

1This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of companies and enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services) from the North American industry classification system.

2This industry sector comprises industries with codes 51 (Information and cultural industries) and 71 (Arts, entertainment and recreation) from the North American industry classification system.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.6.2 – Regular benefits (by Industry): Average actual duration1, 2 (number of weeks)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 p Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Goods-producing industries 19.5 r 19.3 r 19.1 r 19.3 r 20.5 +6.2
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 22.5 r 21.5 r 21.4 r 21.6 r 21.6 +0.2
Mining and oil and gas extraction 20.0 r 20.3 r 20.7 r 20.8 r 24.3 +16.5
Utilities 17.1 r 17.0 r 18.5 r 17.6 r 17.9 +1.8
Construction 18.1 18.1 18.1 r 18.4 r 19.4 +5.1
Manufacturing 20.6 r 20.6 r 20.0 r 20.0 r 21.7 +8.4
Service-producing industries 20.3 r 19.9 r 19.5 19.3 r 20.4 +6.0
Wholesale trade 23.7 r 23.5 r 23.1 r 22.7 23.5 +3.7
Retail trade 23.1 r 22.7 r 22.2 21.9 r 22.6 +3.5
Transportation and warehousing 19.5 r 19.3 r 19.1 r 18.9 r 20.8 +10.2
Finance and insurance 24.5 r 25.1 r 24.4 r 23.3 r 24.2 +3.8
Real estate and rental and leasing 23.0 r 21.9 r 22.3 r 22.0 r 22.9 +3.9
Professional, scientific and technical services 21.9 r 21.2 r 21.2 r 20.9 r 22.6 +8.3
Business, building and support services3 21.9 r 21.6 r 21.3 r 21.2 r 21.8 +2.8
Educational services 12.1 r 11.9 r 11.7 r 11.9 r 12.3 +4.1
Health care and social assistance 22.0 r 21.3 21.2 r 21.0 r 22.3 +6.1
Information, culture and recreation4 21.3 r 20.7 r 20.4 r 20.0 r 20.4 +2.5
Accommodation and food services 22.9 r 22.6 r 22.0 22.1 r 22.8 +3.0
Other services (except public administration) 21.9 r 21.5 r 21.1 20.9 r 22.1 +6.0
Public administration 20.6 r 20.4 r 20.4 20.1 r 21.5 +6.9
Unclassified 23.1 r 20.8 r 22.4 r 19.7 r 20.5 +4.1
Canada 20.1 r 19.7 r 19.4 r 19.3 r 20.5 +6.0

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI regular benefits was paid.

1In the past, data on the actual duration of regular benefits were estimated using claims established during the fiscal year. Starting with this year’s report, duration estimates are reported based on claims which were completed during the reporting period. Estimates for the fiscal year covered by the report are preliminary and will be revised, if required, in next year’s report. Previous year’s statistics have also been revised to reflect the change in methodology.
2Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year.
3This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of Companies and Enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services) from the North American Industry Classification System.
4This industry sector comprises industries with codes 51 (Information and Cultural Industries) and 71 (Arts, Entertainment and Recreation) from the North American Industry Classification System.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.6.3 – Regular benefits (by industry): Average weekly benefit rate1 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change(%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Goods-producing industries 431 451 467 480 485 +1.0
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 393 403 416 429 431 +0.5
Mining and oil and gas extraction 476 495 510 522 528 +1.1
Utilities 477 494 501 516 524 +1.6
Construction 454 473 487 498 505 +1.4
Manufacturing 398 423 439 448 453 +1.1
Service-producing industries 377 399 411 r 426 r 432 +1.4
Wholesale trade 389 412 424 440 447 +1.6
Retail trade 324 352 368 374 386 +3.2
Transportation and warehousing 373 390 403 425 417 -1.9
Finance and insurance 408 436 445 462 463 +0.2
Real estate and rental and leasing 382 407 421 432 440 +1.9
Professional, scientific and technical services 426 448 463 479 482 +0.6
Business, building and support services2 368 394 409 419 422 +0.7
Educational services 415 438 449 457 466 +2.0
Health care and social assistance 363 384 394 402 408 +1.5
Information, culture and recreation3 371 388 401 413 414 +0.2
Accommodation and food services 310 330 341 352 355 +0.9
Other services (except public administration) 362 380 394 416 418 +0.5
Public administration 411 426 437 446 451 +1.1
Unclassified 372 392 412 419 423 +1.0
Canada 396 419 434 446 449 +0.7

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI regular benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with regular benefits.
2This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of companies and enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services) from the North American industry classification system.
3This industry sector comprises industries with codes 51 (Information and cultural industries) and 71 (Arts, entertainment and recreation) from the North American industry classification system.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.6.4 – Regular benefits (by industry): Amount paid1, 2 ($ Million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change(%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Goods-producing industries 4,157.8 4,349.4 4,379.8 5,337.1 5,397.7 +1.1
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 522.3 503.6 500.7 520.4 515.6 -0.9
Mining and oil and gas extraction 211.8 253.1 238.9 445.0 448.8 +0.8
Utilities 38.2 40.0 41.1 39.1 42.2 +8.1
Construction 2,125.8 2,324.7 2,376.8 2,934.7 3001.5 +2.3
Manufacturing 1,259.8 1,228.0 1,222.4 1,397.9 1389.6 -0.6
Service-producing industries 5,841.1 5,734.3 5,656.9 6,487.5 6,687.7 +3.1
Wholesale trade 429.3 435.7 421.0 497.1 515.1 +3.6
Retail trade 641.8 630.3 607.0 685.4 712.3 +3.9
Transportation and warehousing 435.7 412.9 400.3 520.5 556.8 +7.0
Finance and insurance 161.2 167.0 155.9 166.5 177.9 +6.9
Real estate and rental and leasing 152.8 155.3 163.7 191.8 208.1 +8.5
Professional, scientific and technical services 476.0 510.6 505.4 630.5 666.4 +5.7
Business, building and support services3 785.3 784.5 787.0 881.9 876.9 -0.6
Educational services 616.8 605.8 634.6 711.6 695.1 -2.3
Health care and social assistance 388.7 360.2 362.2 371.2 389.6 +5.0
Information, culture and recreation4 346.1 332.8 318.3 336.2 337.1 +0.3
Accommodation and food services 475.2 460.3 427.2 498.2 496.3 -0.4
Other services (except public administration) 357.6 336.6 334.4 399.4 424.4 +6.3
Public administration 574.7 542.3 539.9 597.3 631.5 +5.7
Unclassified 451.7 283.9 565.3 297.6 584.7 +96.5
Canada 10,450.5 10,367.6 10,602.0 r 12,122.2 12,670.1 +4.5

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI regular benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with regular benefits.
2Starting with the 2014/2015 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, the amount paid in regular benefits includes benefits under Section 25 of the Employment Insurance Act for training purposes; prior years’ figures have been restated to reflect this. The previous reporting methodology for regular benefits excluded these benefits, even though they were included in the total of amount paid in Employment Insurance benefits shown in Annex 2.3.
3This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of companies and enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services) from the North American industry classification system.
4This industry sector comprises industries with codes 51 (Information and cultural industries) and 71 (Arts, entertainment and recreation) from the North American industry classification system.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.7 Regular benefits (by regional unemployment rate and hours of insurable employment from previous employment)
Annex 2.7.1 – Regular benefits (by regional unemployment rate and hours of insurable employment from previous employment): New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change(%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Regional unemployment rate1
6.0% and under 199,610 187,910 273,380 218,020 171,350 -21.4
6.1% ~ 7.0% 159,140 196,410 158,060 363,660 363,170 -0.1
7.1% ~ 8.0% 177,020 259,710 329,870 279,030 299,000 +7.2
8.1% ~ 9.0% 441,350 327,910 236,460 216,290 169,290 -21.7
9.1% ~ 10.0% 100,260 45,870 78,450 75,660 65,480 -13.5
10.1% ~ 11.0% 49,340 84,810 55,950 50,430 35,420 -29.8
11.1% ~ 12.0% 43,320 52,390 44,380 16,740 21,420 +28.0
12.1% ~ 13.0% 19,890 10,030 7,660 43,880 35,300 -19.6
13.1% ~ 14.0% 27,860 6,620 470 16,910 11,350 -32.9
14.1% ~ 15.0% 17,740 20,030 25,870 23,650 38,190 +61.5
15.1% ~ 16.0% 21,730 57,470 25,100 31,980 25,370 -20.7
16.1% or greater 99,550 76,650 106,960 94,840 85,790 -9.5
Hours of insurable employment from previous employment
420 to 559 17,170 16,200 15,540 16,070 20,010 +24.5
560 to 699 57,610 52,690 48,850 51,100 56,330 +10.2
700 to 839 91,410 88,590 88,530 91,000 102,770 +12.9
840 to 979 119,280 112,690 115,160 116,610 113,880 -2.3
980 to 1,119 130,690 125,430 127,920 132,800 119,850 -9.8
1,120 to 1,259 130,750 127,170 128,290 131,700 122,760 -6.8
1,260 to 1,399 120,050 116,850 117,920 126,290 113,860 -9.8
1,400 to 1,539 129,200 127,380 127,610 134,580 125,170 -7.0
1,540 to 1,679 110,650 109,630 109,360 115,230 103,540 -10.1
1,680 to 1,819 112,990 110,030 109,480 119,890 103,900 -13.3
1,820 or more 337,010 339,150 353,950 395,820 339,060 -14.3
Canada 1,356,810 1,325,810 1,342,610 1,431,090 1, 321,130 -7.7

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of regular benefits was paid.

1Unemployment rates used for the Employment Insurance program are a moving average of seasonally adjusted monthly rates of unemployment produced by Statistics Canada, as per section 17 of the Employment Insurance Regulations.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.7.2 – Regular benefits (by regional unemployment rate and hours of insurable employment from previous employment): Average actual duration1, 2 (number of weeks)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 r 2016/2017 p Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Regional unemployment rate3
6.0% and under 16.0 r 15.9 r 15.7 r 17.2 19.1 +10.7
6.1% ~ 7.0% 18.0 r 17.5 r 18.0 r 15.9 18.6 +16.7
7.1% ~ 8.0% 18.9 r 17.7 r 18.2 r 19.2 18.7 -2.8
8.1% ~ 9.0% 19.5 r 19.9 r 19.5 r 19.4 19.6 +1.1
9.1% ~ 10.0% 21.2 r 21.1 r 19.7 r 19.2 20.6 +7.2
10.1% ~ 11.0% 21.5 r 20.6 r 21.4 r 21.3 22.6 +6.0
11.1% ~ 12.0% 22.7 r 22.0 r 21.2 r 23.8 24.5 +2.9
12.1% ~ 13.0% 24.0 r 26.0 r 23.6 r 19.8 23.9 +20.6
13.1% ~ 14.0% 25.6 r 24.3 r 25.1 r 19.7 23.9 +21.4
14.1% ~ 15.0% 25.1 r 26.5 r 26.7 r 27.9 25.9 -7.2
15.1% ~ 16.0% 27.2 r 26.0 r 28.0 r 26.6 28.4 +6.7
16.1% or greater 27.4 r 26.3 25.2 r 26.4 31.7 +20.1
Hours of insurable employment from previous employment
420 to 559 28.9 r 26.6 r 25.9 r 26.6 28.1 +5.4
560 to 699 22.6 r 21.3 r 20.6 r 20.8 21.4 +3.2
700 to 839 20.4 r 19.3 r 18.8 r 18.5 19.1 +3.3
840 to 979 20.4 r 19.8 r 19.4 19.2 20.2 +5.2
980 to 1,119 19.8 r 19.5 19.4 r 19.0 20.0 +5.6
1,120 to 1,259 18.8 r 18.9 r 18.5 18.4 19.4 +5.4
1,260 to 1,399 18.5 r 18.4 r 18.2 r 17.8 18.9 +6.1
1,400 to 1,539 17.3 r 17.0 r 16.7 r 16.8 17.6 +4.6
1,540 to 1,679 18.3 18.4 r 18.4 r 18.3 19.2 +5.1
1,680 to 1,819 20.1 r 19.8 r 19.8 19.6 20.9 +6.6
1,820 or more 21.6 r 21.4 r 21.2 r 21.1 22.6 +7.0
Canada 20.1 r 19.7 r 19.4 r 19.3 20.5 +6.0

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of regular benefits was paid.

1In the past, data on the actual duration of regular benefits were estimated using claims established during the fiscal year. Starting with this year’s report, duration estimates are reported based on claims which were completed during the reporting period. Estimates for the fiscal year covered by the report are preliminary and will be revised, if required, in next year’s report. Previous year’s statistics have also been revised to reflect the change in methodology.
2Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year.
3Unemployment rates used for the Employment Insurance program are a moving average of seasonally adjusted monthly rates of unemployment produced by Statistics Canada, as per section 17 of the Employment Insurance Regulations.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.7.3 – Regular benefits (by regional unemployment rate and hours of insurable employment from previous employment: Average weekly benefit rate1 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change(%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Regional unemployment rate2
6.0% and under 406 442 452 452 454 +0.4
6.1% ~ 7.0% 393 416 433 456 453 -0.7
7.1% ~ 8.0% 384 417 428 439 446 +1.6
8.1% ~ 9.0% 395 415 426 443 451 +1.8
9.1% ~ 10.0% 397 412 436 427 443 +3.7
10.1% ~ 11.0% 404 413 430 447 466 +4.3
11.1% ~ 12.0% 393 411 419 481 449 -6.7
12.1% ~ 13.0% 403 429 434 448 478 +6.7
13.1% ~ 14.0% 409 429 506 442 432 -2.3
14.1% ~ 15.0% 392 413 422 431 429 -0.5
15.1% ~ 16.0% 387 413 431 433 443 +2.3
16.1% or greater 406 420 429 444 433 -2.5
Hours of insurable employment from previous employment
420 to 559 299 309 328 340 334 -1.8
560 to 699 335 343 353 369 365 -1.1
700 to 839 342 356 367 379 380 +0.3
840 to 979 354 374 387 397 402 +1.3
980 to 1,119 366 388 402 411 417 +1.5
1,120 to 1,259 381 403 417 427 436 +2.1
1,260 to 1,399 397 422 434 446 451 +1.1
1,400 to 1,539 414 438 452 462 472 +2.2
1,540 to 1,679 413 439 452 463 472 +1.9
1,680 to 1,819 420 445 457 471 478 +1.5
1,820 or more 439 463 478 491 499 +1.6
Canada 396 419 434 446 449 +0.7

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of regular benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with regular benefits.
2Unemployment rates used for the Employment Insurance program are a moving average of seasonally adjusted monthly rates of unemployment produced by Statistics Canada, as per section 17 of the Employment Insurance Regulations.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.7.4 – Regular benefits (by regional unemployment rate and hours of insurable employment from previous employment): Amount paid1, 2 ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change(%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Regional unemployment rate3
6.0% and under 1,320.2 2,512.0 2,848.1r 4,089.6 1,381.8 -66.2
6.1% ~ 7.0% 1,090.2 1,583.2 1,855.8 2,836.0 3,092.1 +9.0
7.1% ~ 8.0% 1,039.3 2,957.8 2,661.5 1,572.8 2,511.9 +59.7
8.1% ~ 9.0% 3,220.7 406.5 461.9 727.7 2,022.7 +178.0
9.1% ~ 10.0% 1,048.6 573.1 534.0 526.8 539.5 +2.4
10.1% ~ 11.0% 391.4 455.0 444.9 194.9 337.2 +73.0
11.1% ~ 12.0% 469.1 108.1 112.5 294.4 282.4 -4.1
12.1% ~ 13.0% 214.2 164.0 24.8 60.8 460.1 +656.3
13.1% ~ 14.0% 220.8 150.0 227.4 235.3 165.6 -29.6
14.1% ~ 15.0% 219.4 424.0 379.2 378.3 345.7 -8.6
15.1% ~ 16.0% 255.5 503.0 604.6 459.2 295.1 -35.7
16.1% or greater 961.4 530.9 447.4 746.2 1,235.9 +65.6
Hours of insurable employment from previous employment
420 to 559 155.1 133.8 127.2 144.0 176.3 +22.3
560 to 699 458.0 380.0 361.1 380.7 437.8 +15.0
700 to 839 646.5 592.3 592.6 625.3 720.0 +15.2
840 to 979 861.4 795.4 829.4 879.3 917.6 +4.3
980 to 1,119 924.7 891.1 931.0 1,001.5 1,002.1 +0.1
1,120 to 1,259 880.8 871.5 903.0 985.0 1,001.8 +1.7
1,260 to 1,399 829.3 814.0 851.0 931.2 950.8 +2.1
1,400 to 1,539 836.4 853.0 872.5 976.4 996.0 +2.0
1,540 to 1,679 782.5 803.8 836.3 932.8 958.5 +2.7
1,680 to 1,819 897.8 923.5 924.4 1,075.4 1,107.4 +3.0
1,820 or more 3,178.0 3,309.1 r 3,373.4 4,190.5 4,401.8 +22.3
Canada 10,450.5 10,367.6 10,602.0 r 12,122.2 12,670.1 +4.5

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding. Totals include amounts paid for claims where data on insurable hours worked are missing. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of regular benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with regular benefits.

2Starting with the 2014/2015 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, amount paid in regular benefits include benefits under Section 25 of the Employment Insurance Act for training purposes; prior years’ figures have been restated to reflect this. The previous reporting methodology for regular benefits excluded these benefits, even though they were included in the total of amount paid in Employment Insurance benefits shown in Annex 2.3.

3Unemployment rates used for the Employment Insurance program are a moving average of seasonally adjusted monthly rates of unemployment produced by Statistics Canada, as per section 17 of the Employment Insurance Regulations.


Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.8 Regular benefits (by Employment Insurance economic region)
Annex 2.8.1 – Regular benefits (by Employment Insurance economic region): New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John's 9,360 9,740 10,550 12,290 12,510 1.8
Newfoundland – Labrador 53,070 53,550 52,860 55,590 43,080 -22.5
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island1 16,930 16,040 6,940 n/a n/a n/a
Charlottetown1 n/a n/a 2,320 4,070 4,420 +8.6
Prince Edward Island (excluding Charlottetown)1 n/a n/a 7,300 12,720 12,490 -1.8
Nova Scotia
Eastern Nova Scotia 21,430 21,600 22,110 22,420 22,580 +0.7
Western Nova Scotia 28,200 26,340 26,450 27,000 26,950 -0.2
Halifax 12,530 11,590 12,170 12,600 13,080 +3.8
New Brunswick
Fredericton-Moncton-Saint-John 20,670 19,040 19,230 20,920 19,800 -5.4
Madawaska-Charlotte 12,990 11,830 11,370 11,240 10,700 -4.8
Restigouche- Albert 39,840 38,580 38,330 39,870 39,620 -0.6
Gaspésie-île-de-la Madeleine 25,250 24,670 23,830 24,740 24,990 +1.0
Québec 33,530 32,840 34,200 33,750 31,470 -6.8
Trois-Rivières 9,420 8,870 8,620 8,430 7,930 -5.9
South Central Quebec 9,220 8,930 8,160 7,480 7,900 +5.6
Sherbrooke 8,250 8,070 9,210 8,230 7,990 -2.9
Montérégie 26,730 26,190 25,750 27,030 26,160 -3.2
Montreal 155,350 152,130 152,310 152,860 146,390 -4.2
Central Quebec 78,520 74,410 74,540 73,830 70,970 -3.9
North Western Quebec 20,390 19,970 20,300 19,850 17,960 -9.5
Lower Saint Lawrence and North Shore 48,710 47,280 44,590 44,610 43,010 -3.6
Hull 10,310 10,340 10,750 10,660 10,430 -2.2
Chicoutimi-Jonquière 11,080 10,530 11,580 10,730 10,260 -4.4
Ottawa 20,740 19,950 20,180 21,210 19,470 -8.2
Eastern Ontario 19,510 19,820 19,820 20,220 18,910 -6.5
Kingston 3,820 3,820 3,770 3,120 3,530 +13.1
Central Ontario 44,740 44,080 42,610 44,200 42,800 -3.2
Oshawa 11,510 12,700 12,350 12,280 12,270 -0.1
Toronto 147,190 145,690 141,040 141,370 132,690 -6.1
Hamilton 19,680 20,220 19,540 19,400 19,210 -1.0
St. Catharines 16,870 16,770 14,660 15,240 14,710 -3.5
London 13,900 14,210 13,430 12,300 12,710 +3.3
Niagara 13,260 12,610 12,330 12,760 12,160 -4.7
Windsor 12,210 10,230 15,520 9,340 8,360 -10.5
Kitchener 14,600 15,050 13,340 13,340 13,360 +0.1
Huron 12,850 13,750 13,040 12,940 13,970 +8.0
South Central Ontario 14,050 13,040 11,590 11,890 11,480 -3.4
Sudbury 5,740 5,780 5,540 6,550 4,560 -30.4
Thunder Bay 4,320 4,520 4,580 4,990 4,250 -14.8
Northern Ontario 29,260 28,790 28,040 29,680 22,370 -24.6
Winnipeg 20,440 19,370 20,080 22,270 21,380 -4.0
Southern Manitoba 10,130 9,260 9,750 11,550 10,960 -5.1
Northern Manitoba 7,260 7,010 7,450 7,990 6,970 -12.8
Regina 3,920 3,970 4,470 5,700 6,270 +10.0
Saskatoon 6,310 6,100 7,510 9,730 9,210 -5.3
Southern Saskatchewan 8,020 7,500 8,550 10,590 8,320 -21.4
Northern Saskatchewan 9,670 9,820 10,970 13,560 10,290 -24.1
Calgary 26,820 26,580 32,730 52,480 43,150 -17.8
Edmonton 27,300 29,770 36,310 57,060 47,150 -17.4
Northern Alberta 7,060 7,320 10,290 16,090 18,750 +16.5
Southern Alberta 21,980 20,330 26,450 42,170 32,090 -23.9
British Columbia
Southern Interior British Columbia 29,400 29,140 28,630 32,740 25,790 -21.2
Abbotsford 8,270 7,980 7,380 7,390 7,160 -3.1
Vancouver 60,470 58,780 55,620 54,580 49,110 -10.0
Victoria 8,830 7,790 7,520 7,920 6,650 -16.0
Southern Coastal British Columbia 22,680 21,280 20,740 22,350 20,390 -8.8
Northern British Columbia 17,650 15,840 19,150 21,100 15,730 -25.5
Yukon1 2,080 2,020 780 n/a n/a n/a
Whitehorse1 n/a n/a 560 1,070 950 -11.2
Yukon (excluding Whitehorse) 1 n/a n/a 540 770 800 +3.9
Northwest Territories1 1,590 1,530 990 n/a n/a n/a
Yellowknife 1 n/a n/a 170 410 510 +24.4
Northwest Territories (excluding Yellowknife)1 n/a n/a 520 1,140 1,230 +7.9
Nunavut1 900 850 280 n/a n/a n/a
Iqualuit1 n/a n/a 40 110 110 +0.0
Nunavut (excluding Iqaluit)1 n/a n/a 280 570 660 +15.8
Canada 1,356,810 1,325,810 1,342,610 1,431,090 1,321,130 -7.7

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of regular benefits was paid.

1As of October 12, 2014, there is a total of 62 Employment Insurance (EI) economic regions, instead of 58 regions. The EI economic regions of Prince Edward Island, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut were each divided into two EI economic regions, one consisting of the capital area and the remaining consisting of the non-capital area.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.8.2 – Regular benefits (by Employment Insurance economic region): Average actual duration1, 2 (number of weeks)
2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 p Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John's 18.3 r 17.3 r 17.6 r 18.7 r 19.0 +1.2
Newfoundland – Labrador 28.0 r 27.7 r 27.3 r 27.6 35.1 +27.4
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island3 24.5 r 23.5 r 23.2 r 25.3 r n/a n/a
Charlottetown3 n/a n/a n/a 4 19.6 r 19.4 -1.2
Prince Edward Island (excluding Charlottetown)3 n/a n/a n/a 4 23.9 r 24.5 +2.6
Nova Scotia
Eastern Nova Scotia 28.1 r 27.4 r 26.0 r 27.4 r 26.6 -3.0
Western Nova Scotia 23.6 r 23.4 r 22.6 r 23.0 r 21.8 -5.3
Halifax 19.0 r 18.8 r 19.4 r 18.9 r 19.7 +4.0
New Brunswick
Fredericton-Moncton-Saint John 19.0 r 19.6 19.5 r 20.4 19.7 -3.8
Madawaska-Charlotte 22.7 r 23.2 r 21.6 r 21.4 r 20.5 -4.2
Restigouche-Albert 26.2 r 26.0 r 26.6 26.5 r 26.2 -1.0
Gaspésie--Îles-de-la-Madeleine 25.9 r 24.6 r 26.2 r 26.0 r 25.2 -3.1
Quebec 15.0 r 15.1 r 15.3 r 15.9 15.2 -4.6
Trois-Rivières 20.0 r 18.3 18.0 r 17.4 r 16.1 -7.5
South Central Quebec 13.9 r 13.9 r 14.3 r 14.8 r 13.7 -7.9
Sherbrooke 15.7 r 16.3 r 17.2 r 17.1 r 16.0 -6.4
Montérégie 17.2 r 16.5 r 16.9 r 16.9 r 16.2 -3.8
Montreal 18.9 r 18.9 r 19.2 19.0 r 18.7 -1.3
Central Quebec 18.9 r 18.0 r 17.7 r 17.4 r 16.3 -6.3
North Western Québec 20.5 r 19.8 r 19.3 r 20.1 r 18.6 -7.3
Lower Saint Lawrence and North Shore 19.7 r 19.0 r 19.6 19.3 r 18.8 -2.7
Hull 17.6 r 16.9 r 17.3 18.0 r 17.3 -4.1
Chicoutimi-Jonquière 16.9 r 17.3 r 18.0 19.2 r 18.0 -6.3
Ottawa 18.1 r 17.6 r 17.4 r 17.1 r 17.2 +0.4
Eastern Ontario 19.0 r 18.0 r 18.1 r 17.8 r 18.2 +2.0
Kingston 17.7 r 17.3 r 17.9 r 18.1 r 17.1 -5.7
Central Ontario 19.0 r 18.6 r 17.5 r 16.9 r 17.1 +1.3
Oshawa 18.0 r 19.5 r 16.7 r 15.5 r 17.3 +11.2
Toronto 21.3 r 21.0 r 20.3 r 19.6 r 19.0 -3.5
Hamilton 17.8 18.1 r 16.5 r 16.9 r 16.2 -4.6
St. Catharines 19.7 18.9 r 19.0 r 17.5 r 17.2 -1.5
London 20.9 19.3 r 19.3 r 18.2 r 16.2 -11.0
Niagara 20.3 19.9 r 18.4 r 18.2 r 17.8 -1.9
Windsor 18.3 r 20.4 r 19.0 r 16.6 r 18.6 +12.1
Kitchener 19.2 r 18.1 r 18.4 r 17.0 r 16.5 -3.0
Huron 18.6 r 18.4 r 18.3 r 17.1 r 16.8 -1.4
South Central Ontario 16.8 r 16.9 16.7 r 16.2 r 16.1 -0.7
Sudbury 19.3 r 18.3 r 18.2 r 17.3 r 25.0 +44.2
Thunder Bay 16.7 r 16.5 r 17.4 r 16.0 r 15.7 -1.5
Northern Ontario 22.7 r 22.4 r 22.4 r 21.7 r 28.3 +30.4
Winnipeg 16.5 r 16.0 r 15.7 r 16.9 r 16.7 -0.8
Southern Manitoba 15.1 r 15.7 r 14.8 r 15.8 r 16.6 +5.0
Northern Manitoba 26.9 r 25.2 r 24.5 r 24.4 r 30.2 +23.8
Regina 15.0 r 15.4 r 14.0 r 14.9 r 16.2 +8.6
Saskatoon 15.7 r 14.9 r 15.6 r 16.0 r 22.2 +38.5
Southern Saskatchewan 16.2 r 15.9 16.7 r 16.4 r 23.8 +45.2
Northern Saskatchewan 23.9 r 23.3 r 22.7 r 23.2 r 31.3 +34.6
Calgary 17.0 r 16.8 r 16.8 r 17.5 r 26.5 +51.2
Edmonton 15.5 r 15.1 r 15.7 r 16.8 r 23.8 +41.7
Northern Alberta 19.1 r 17.0 r 18.3 r 19.8 r 21.8 +9.9
Southern Alberta 16.2 r 15.5 r 16.1 r 17.3 r 24.3 +40.1
British Columbia
Southern Interior British Columbia 18.9 r 17.8 r 18.3 r 18.4 r 23.5 +27.5
Abbotsford 19.8 r 18.7 r 18.4 r 17.3 r 16.7 -3.6
Vancouver 19.7 r 19.3 r 18.3 r 17.7 r 17.2 -2.7
Victoria 18.1 r 18.4 r 17.2 r 17.3 r 18.0 +4.3
Southern Coastal British Columbia 19.2 r 18.8 r 18.9 r 19.1 r 18.6 -2.8
Northern British Columbia 21.7 r 20.9 r 19.7 r 20.6 r 26.2 +27.0
Yukon3 23.5 r 23.2 r 26.5 r 29.6 n/a n/a
Whitehorse3 n/a n/a 11.9 r 16.7 r 21.2 +26.8
Yukon (excluding Whitehorse)3 n/a n/a n/a 4 20.4 r 19.8 -2.7
Northwest Territories3 26.5 r 26.2 r 25.4 r 35.0 n/a n/a
Yellowknife3 n/a n/a n/a 4 17.6 r 14.5 -17.6
Northwest Territories (excluding Yellowknife)3 n/a n/a n/a 4 25.0 r 24.2 -3.1
Nunavut3 28.8 r 27.2 r 32.0 r 34.7 n/a n/a
Iqaluit3 n/a n/a n/a 4 17.6 r 17.1 -2.8
Nunavut (excluding Iqaluit)3 n/a n/a n/a 25.5 r 34.3 +34.6
Canada 20.1 r 19.7 r 19.4 r 19.3 r 20.5 +6.0

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI regular benefits was paid.

1In the past, data on the actual duration of regular benefits were estimated using claims established during the fiscal year. Starting with this year’s report, duration estimates are reported based on claims which were completed during the reporting period. Estimates for the fiscal year covered by the report are preliminary and will be revised, if required, in next year’s report. Previous year’s statistics have also been revised to reflect the change in methodology.
2Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year.
3As of October 12, 2014, there is a total of 62 Employment Insurance (EI) economic regions, instead of 58 regions. The EI economic regions of Prince Edward Island, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut were each divided into two EI economic regions, one consisting of the capital area and the remaining consisting of the non-capital area.
4While claim duration were reported in the past for these regions, these are no longer reported as duration of claims completed in those regions in 2014/2015 are incomplete due to the fact that these regions were created in October 2014. Indeed, only claims that were established in or after October 2014 and that were completed before April 2015 are captured by the measure.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.8.3 – Regular benefits (by Employment Insurance economic region): Average weekly benefit rate1 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change(%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John's 422 434 447 460 468 +1.7
Newfoundland – Labrador 397 414 426 440 424 -3.6
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island2 389 395 399 n/a n/a n/a
Charlottetown2 n/a n/a 401 416 399 -4.1
Prince Edward Island (excluding Charlottetown)2 n/a n/a 417 421 426 +1.2
Nova Scotia
Eastern Nova Scotia 394 413 432 434 433 -0.2
Western Nova Scotia 382 388 404 411 411 0.0
Halifax 375 405 417 428 424 -0.9
New Brunswick
Fredericton-Moncton-Saint-John 368 393 407 418 422 +1.0
Madawaska-Charlotte 383 391 399 413 413 0.0
Restigouche- Albert 397 411 421 433 438 +1.2
Gaspésie-île-de-la Madeleine 404 421 430 437 442 +1.1
Québec 396 428 438 445 452 +1.6
Trois-Rivières 411 409 418 424 429 +1.2
South central Quebec 386 413 426 441 444 +0.7
Sherbrooke 383 411 419 425 440 +3.5
Montérégie 380 408 420 430 439 +2.1
Montreal 382 412 424 432 438 +1.4
Central Quebec 403 407 418 427 434 +1.6
North western Quebec 419 422 437 440 447 +1.6
Lower Saint Lawrence and North Shore 414 422 429 439 441 +0.5
Hull 399 424 436 445 457 +2.7
Chicoutimi-Jonquière 410 413 427 432 434 +0.5
Ottawa 399 429 443 453 460 +1.5
Eastern Ontario 383 410 428 435 442 +1.6
Kingston 390 411 429 429 438 +2.1
Central Ontario 387 412 425 437 449 +2.7
Oshawa 422 432 453 456 472 +3.5
Toronto 392 424 435 447 458 +2.5
Hamilton 392 431 437 452 460 +1.8
St. Catharines 369 405 412 417 434 +4.1
London 383 416 423 427 441 +3.3
Niagara 405 415 433 439 447 +1.8
Windsor 408 408 456 440 440 0.0
Kitchener 391 429 443 452 463 +2.4
Huron 412 419 431 445 451 +1.3
South Central Ontario 392 419 431 445 460 +3.4
Sudbury 409 430 444 457 458 +0.2
Thunder Bay 412 446 456 463 476 +2.8
Northern Ontario 415 429 439 452 444 -1.8
Winnipeg 380 417 429 441 451 +2.3
Southern Manitoba 378 404 419 438 435 -0.7
Northern Manitoba 396 409 417 431 421 -2.3
Regina 416 455 468 473 490 +3.6
Saskatoon 411 437 469 474 476 +0.4
Southern Saskatchewan 403 426 450 469 461 -1.7
Northern Saskatchewan 421 432 453 472 453 -4.0
Calgary 431 462 484 493 490 -0.6
Edmonton 437 470 487 499 500 +0.2
Northern Alberta 451 465 490 499 500 +0.2
Southern Alberta 418 450 477 490 481 -1.8
British Columbia
Southern Interior British Columbia 395 428 442 459 448 -2.4
Abbotsford 348 359 374 383 398 +3.9
Vancouver 384 412 424 438 453 +3.4
Victoria 398 428 437 454 459 +1.1
Southern Coastal British Columbia 394 427 443 457 456 -0.2
Northern British Columbia 432 444 462 474 461 -2.7
Yukon2 457 477 476 n/a n/a n/a
Whitehorse2 n/a n/a 485 491 510 +3.9
Yukon (excluding Whitehorse)2 n/a n/a 473 499 491 -1.6
Northwest Territories2 463 487 492 n/a n/a n/a
Yellowknife2 n/a n/a 511 506 508 +0.4
Northwest Territories (excluding Yellowknife)2 n/a n/a 507 507 513 +1.2
Nunavut2 462 460 464 n/a n/a n/a
Iqualuit2 n/a n/a 494 496 526 +6.0
Nunavut (excluding Iqaluit)2 n/a n/a 477 464 480 +3.4
Canada 396 419 434 446 449 +0.7

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI regular benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with regular benefits.
2As of October 12, 2014, there is a total of 62 Employment Insurance (EI) economic regions, instead of 58 regions. The EI economic regions of Prince Edward Island, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut were each divided into two EI economic regions, one consisting of the capital area and the remaining consisting of the non-capital area.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.8.4 – Regular benefits (by Employment Insurance economic region): Amount paid1, 2 ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 3 2015/2016 3 2016/20173 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John's 73.0 71.0 82.0 98.6 116.3 +17.9
Newfoundland – Labrador 574.2 573.4 584.5 650.9 705.9 +8.5
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island3 163.0 144.3 105.7 8.5 0.0 -100.0
Charlottetown3 n/a n/a 8.3 33.4 34.1 +2.1
Prince Edward Island (excluding Charlottetown)3 n/a n/a 33.5 120.6 127.1 +5.3
Nova Scotia
Eastern Nova Scotia 230.8 225.8 222.4 256.1 257.9 +0.7
Western Nova Scotia 247.8 224.1 219.8 241.1 231.8 -3.9
Halifax 85.4 85.3 91.9 105.8 105.8 0.0
New Brunswick
Fredericton-Moncton-Saint-John 145.2 142.0 146.2 176.3 170.1 -3.5
Madawaska-Charlotte 108.6 104.2 92.1 96.5 87.9 -8.9
Restigouche-Albert 406.2 397.6 402.7 439.7 445.0 +1.2
Gaspésie-île-de-la Madeleine 258.4 248.2 249.1 266.8 264.2 -1.0
Québec 179.6 188.5 209.8 222.0 198.3 -10.6
Trois-Rivières 68.8 59.6 57.1 57.5 48.6 -15.5
South Central Quebec 47.5 44.1 47.5 47.0 42.7 -9.1
Sherbrooke 47.5 45.6 58.5 57.4 50.6 -11.8
Montérégie 169.8 161.5 168.6 186.3 174.3 -6.5
Montreal 1,071.5 1,090.8 1,166.0 1,195.6 1,124.4 -6.0
Central Quebec 552.0 495.5 496.5 508.2 449.4 -11.6
North Western Quebec 171.0 160.5 159.5 164.2 146.7 -10.6
Lower Saint Lawrence and North Shore 369.2 354.6 349.5 354.2 327.0 -7.7
Hull 70.2 67.4 74.9 81.2 76.5 -5.8
Chicoutimi-Jonquière 68.9 70.5 78.1 86.5 71.4 -17.5
Ottawa 145.8 147.4 151.3 165.8 151.8 -8.4
Eastern Ontario 133.9 137.1 144.8 160.2 146.6 -8.5
Kingston 24.6 26.1 27.9 24.1 23.9 -0.7
Central Ontario 307.9 316.3 310.7 320.9 313.5 -2.3
Oshawa 86.5 89.9 89.9 93.6 91.1 -2.7
Toronto 1,178.7 1,218.5 1,215.2 1,230.7 1,148.5 -6.7
Hamilton 133.9 141.1 137.5 145.9 143.5 -1.7
St. Catharines 115.3 117.2 109.2 106.7 106.7 0.0
London 105.3 109.1 104.9 92.6 88.3 -4.6
Niagara 101.8 100.1 88.9 103.8 93.9 -9.5
Windsor 89.8 85.3 83.8 98.6 62.5 -36.5
Kitchener 103.2 111.9 108.9 104.5 101.6 -2.7
Huron 94.0 94.1 95.3 98.6 101.2 +2.7
South Central Ontario 93.6 90.6 82.8 86.7 84.1 -3.0
Sudbury 40.8 45.5 43.0 50.9 64.6 +26.9
Thunder Bay 29.3 31.4 33.9 36.0 33.4 -7.3
Northern Ontario 264.7 267.2 265.1 281.4 314.4 +11.7
Winnipeg 132.8 134.8 138.4 171.9 169.3 -1.5
Southern Manitoba 61.0 60.9 64.1 82.9 88.6 +6.9
Northern Manitoba 76.4 72.0 74.7 83.6 94.2 +12.7
Regina 27.3 28.7 31.3 43.8 52.3 +19.4
Saskatoon 44.5 43.4 52.1 82.1 109.4 +33.2
Southern Saskatchewan 55.6 52.6 60.3 87.9 115.4 +31.3
Northern Saskatchewan 99.9 100.6 102.6 147.5 173.7 +17.8
Calgary 202.1 217.0 237.3 486.3 747.9 +53.8
Edmonton 198.3 227.7 260.7 489.2 730.6 +49.3
Northern Alberta 65.0 65.1 79.3 157.5 253.3 +60.8
Southern Alberta 160.9 160.8 169.6 366.9 542.9 +48.0
British Columbia
Southern Interior British Columbia 212.2 207.9 221.2 273.0 318.5 +16.7
Abbotsford 55.6 51.8 48.9 49.3 48.7 -1.2
Vancouver 446.9 449.4 435.8 436.5 391.0 -10.4
Victoria 64.5 57.1 57.4 64.6 56.4 -12.7
Southern Coastal British Columbia 164.7 158.4 161.5 193.8 173.2 -10.7
Northern British Columbia 167.9 142.5 156.8 201.8 229.2 +13.6
Yukon3 22.1 21.3 17.0 1.8 0.0 -100.0
Whitehorse3 n/a n/a 2.6 9.2 10.8 +17.5
Yukon (excluding Whitehorse)3 n/a n/a 3.1 7.7 8.0 +3.7
Northwest Territories3 22.3 20.3 17.2 2.6 0.0 -100.0
Yellowknife3 n/a n/a 0.7 3.8 4.3 +14.1
Northwest Territories (excluding Yellowknife)3 n/a n/a 2.7 13.8 15.0 +8.2
Nunavut3 12.9 11.9 7.9 0.7 0.0 -100.0
Iqualuit3 n/a n/a 0.2 0.7 1.3 +91.2
Nunavut (excluding Iqaluit)3 n/a n/a 1.4 8.0 10.2 +26.6
Canada 10,450.5 10,367.6 10,602.0 r 12,122.2 12,670.1 +4.5

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI regular benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with regular benefits.
2Starting with the 2014/2015 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, amount paid in regular benefits include benefits under section 25 of the Employment Insurance Act for training purposes; prior years’ figures have been restated to reflect this. The previous reporting methodology for regular benefits excluded these benefits, even though they were included in the total of amount paid in Employment Insurance benefits shown in Annex 2.3.
3As of October 12, 2014, there is a total of 62 Employment Insurance (EI) economic regions, instead of 58 regions. The EI economic regions of Prince Edward Island, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut were each divided into two EI economic regions, one consisting of the capital area and the remaining consisting of the non-capital area. As a result of changes to EI economic region boundaries in October 2014, some claims established just prior to that month had claim amounts paid based on the claim length continuing into 2015 given the benefit entitlement duration the claimant received when their claim was first established. For some claims in the old EI regions of Prince Edward Island, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, amounts continued to be paid based on the previous entitlements claimants were eligible for when their claim was first established. Amounts paid listed in this column for EI economic regions which are no longer in effect reflect the amount paid in benefits for claims established prior to October 12, 2014 that were subject to benefit entitlements based on previous region boundaries, unemployment rates and insurable hours for eligibility whose claims continue to be paid on that basis in the 2015/2016 fiscal period. All claims established after October 12, 2014 would be subject to benefit entitlements based on the new economic region boundaries, and these totals are reported for those new regions accordingly.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.9 Seasonal regular claimants
Annex 2.9.1 – Seasonal regular claimants1: New claims established2
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 32,450 32,100 30,720 32,470 17,130 -47.2
Prince Edward Island 9,390 8,750 8,580 8,590 8,430 -1.9
Nova Scotia 26,630 26,060 25,560 24,970 24,630 -1.4
New Brunswick 35,150 34,470 34,090 34,910 33,620 -3.7
Quebec 161,250 160,890 159,240 159,380 156,020 -2.1
Ontario 91,820 95,870 97,110 98,420 92,340 -6.2
Manitoba 10,670 10,520 10,820 11,090 9,970 -10.1
Saskatchewan 8,260 7,770 7,770 8,240 4,800 -41.7
Alberta 12,150 13,000 13,700 15,280 8,650 -43.4
British Columbia 31,160 32,100 31,370 31,500 24,410 -22.5
Yukon 640 550 520 560 420 -25.0
Northwest Territories 280 280 210 230 220 -4.3
Nunavut 80 50 30 50 40 -20.0
Men 259,690 262,030 261,810 266,130 232,770 -12.5
Women 160,240 160,380 157,910 159,560 147,910 -7.3
24 years old and under 11,980 10,940 10,540 10,470 8,130 -22.3
25 to 44 years old 154,550 155,330 154,680 156,900 142,730 -9.0
45 to 54 years old 128,020 126,060 120,920 119,340 103,330 -13.4
55 years old and over 125,380 130,080 133,580 138,980 126,490 -9.0
Canada 419,930 422,410 419,720 425,690 380,680 -10.6

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI regular benefits was paid.

1Seasonal regular claimants are individuals who established three or more regular or fishing claims in the five fiscal years preceding the reference year, of which at least two were established at the same time of year as their claim in the reference year. For the purposes of this annex, a 17-week window is used to determine whether a claim was established at the same time of year as their claim in the reference year. Specifically, a claim is considered to have been established at the same time of year if was established between eight weeks before and eight weeks after the week in which the reference year claim was established.
2In previous Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Reports, this annex dealt with all seasonal claimants, not only seasonal regular claimants. By definition, all those receiving fishing benefits were considered seasonal claimants, and their statistics were therefore included in this annex. For the 2016/2017 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, for consistency and simplicity, this annex deals only with seasonal regular claimants, and data on individuals receiving fishing benefits are shown separately in Annex 2.10.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.9.2 – Seasonal regular claimants1: Average actual duration2, 3 (number of weeks)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 p Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 27.2 r 26.9 r 26.6 r 26.7 r 34.3 +28.5
Prince Edward Island 25.0 r 23.8 r 23.1 r 23.5 r 23.8 +0.9
Nova Scotia 24.3 r 23.7 r 22.7 r 23.6 r 22.8 -3.5
New Brunswick 24.5 r 24.6 r 24.6 24.6 r 24.0 -2.3
Quebec 17.4 r 16.8 r 17.1 17.1 16.5 -3.7
Ontario 14.8 14.6 14.6 r 14.0 r 14.5 +4.1
Manitoba 14.9 r 14.7 r 13.8 r 15.2 r 16.0 +4.8
Saskatchewan 17.2 r 16.3 r 16.2 r 16.6 r 24.4 +47.2
Alberta 13.7 r 13.2 r 12.9 r 14.2 r 21.5 +51.5
British Columbia 16.2 r 15.8 r 15.0 r 15.0 r 17.1 +14.0
Yukon 22.6 r 22.4 r 21.3 r 19.9 r 19.1 -4.1
Northwest Territories 27.0 r 27.0 r 23.7 r 24.1 r 23.7 -1.6
Nunavut 29.0 r 27.8 r 37.3 r 26.7 r 38.0 +42.5
Men 19.4 r 19.0 r 18.9 19.0 r 19.5 +2.9
Women 17.5 r 16.8 r 16.3 16.1 r 17.1 +6.1
24 years old and under 18.4 18.1 r 17.7 r 18.1 r 18.3 +1.0
25 to 44 years old 17.6 17.1 r 16.9 17.0 17.3 +1.8
45 to 54 years old 18.5 18.0 r 17.7 17.7 18.5 +4.5
55 years old and over 20.3 19.5 r 19.2 r 19.1 r 20.4 +6.8
Canada 18.7 r 18.1 r 17.9 r 17.9 r 18.6 +4.3

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI regular benefits was paid.

1Seasonal regular claimants are individuals who established three or more regular claims in the five fiscal years preceding the reference year, of which at least two were established at the same time of year as their claim in the reference year. For the purposes of this annex, a 17-week window is used to determine whether a claim was established at the same time of year as their claim in the reference year. Specifically, a claim is considered to have been established at the same time of year if was established between eight weeks before and eight weeks after the week in which the reference year claim was established.
2In the past, data on the actual duration of regular benefits were estimated using claims established during the fiscal year. Starting with this year’s report, duration estimates are reported based on claims which were completed during the reporting period. Estimates for the fiscal year covered by the report are preliminary and will be revised, if required, in next year’s report. Previous year’s statistics have also been revised to reflect the change in methodology.
3Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.9.3 – Seasonal regular claimants1: Average weekly benefit rate2, 3 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 413 426 439 452 428 -5.3
Prince Edward Island 400 404 413 431 443 +2.8
Nova Scotia 402 411 427 433 440 +1.6
New Brunswick 404 417 426 440 453 +3.0
Quebec 420 436 447 457 466 +2.2
Ontario 425 443 456 466 478 +2.6
Manitoba 397 425 435 442 452 +2.3
Saskatchewan 418 441 451 465 457 -1.7
Alberta 446 468 478 488 485 -0.6
British Columbia 403 422 431 445 444 -0.2
Yukon 469 489 497 514 517 +0.6
Northwest Territories 463 498 513 517 515 -0.4
Nunavut 463 501 431 507 484 -4.5
Men 443 458 470 481 487 +1.2
Women 374 392 403 413 423 +2.4
24 years old and under 428 444 462 478 479 +0.2
25 to 44 years old 434 451 464 475 484 +1.9
45 to 54 years old 415 431 443 454 462 +1.8
55 years old and over 396 412 423 432 437 +1.2
Canada 417 433 445 455 462 +1.5

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI regular benefits was paid.

1Seasonal regular claimants are individuals who established three or more regular or fishing claims in the five fiscal years preceding the reference year, of which at least two were established at the same time of year as their claim in the reference year. For the purposes of this annex, a 17-week window is used to determine whether a claim was established at the same time of year as their claim in the reference year. Specifically, a claim is considered to have been established at the same time of year if was established between eight weeks before and eight weeks after the week in which the reference year claim was established.
2In previous Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Reports, this annex dealt with all seasonal claimants, not only seasonal regular claimants. By definition, all those receiving fishing benefits were considered seasonal claimants, and their statistics were therefore included in this annex. For the 2016/2017 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, for consistency and simplicity, this annex deals only with seasonal regular claimants, and data on individuals receiving fishing benefits are shown separately in Annex 2.10.
3Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to seasonal regular claimants.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.9.4 – Seasonal regular claimants1: Amount paid2, 3 ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 345.8 340.2 342.1 365.8 359.0 -1.8
Prince Edward Island 86.9 79.1 75.8 82.6 80.4 -2.7
Nova Scotia 236.9 230.3 222.4 238.1 230.3 -3.3
New Brunswick 324.2 322.5 330.4 352.2 343.6 -2.5
Quebec 1,040.9 1,043.2 1,082.2 1,126.7 1,041.2 -7.6
Ontario 499.3 547.9 572.0 606.0 585.9 -3.3
Manitoba 58.7 60.2 63.3 70.9 68.6 -3.2
Saskatchewan 54.7 53.1 53.5 63.9 59.9 -6.4
Alberta 68.2 73.7 78.4 99.9 111.7 11.8
British Columbia 178.1 180.4 188.9 191.4 188.5 -1.5
Yukon 6.5 5.4 6.0 4.8 4.7 -1.6
Northwest Territories 3.8 3.4 2.6 2.8 2.6 -8.9
Nunavut 1.2 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.8 66.5
Men 2,045.5 2,097.6 2,162.1 2,311.1 2,214.8 -4.2
Women 859.8 842.5 856.0 894.5 862.4 -3.6
24 years old and under 89.2 82.9 80.4 87.3 76.4 -12.5
25 to 44 years old 1,047.3 1,058.4 1,089.1 1,157.1 1,108.0 -4.2
45 to 54 years old 870.1 862.6 859.2 884.9 826.8 -6.6
55 years old and over 898.7 936.3 989.3 1,076.3 1,066.0 -1.0
Canada 2,905.3 2,940.2 3,018.1 3,205.6 3,077.2 -4.0

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI regular benefits was paid.

1Seasonal regular claimants are individuals who established three or more regular or fishing claims in the five fiscal years preceding the reference year, of which at least two were established at the same time of year as their claim in the reference year. For the purposes of this annex, a 17-week window is used to determine whether a claim was established at the same time of year as their claim in the reference year. Specifically, a claim is considered to have been established at the same time of year if was established between eight weeks before and eight weeks after the week in which the reference year claim was established.
2In previous Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Reports, this annex dealt with all seasonal claimants, not only seasonal regular claimants. By definition, all those receiving fishing benefits were considered seasonal claimants, and their statistics were therefore included in this annex. For the 2016/2017 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, for consistency and simplicity, this annex deals only with seasonal regular claimants, and data on individuals receiving fishing benefits are shown separately in Annex 2.10.
3Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to seasonal regular claimants.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.10 Fishing benefits
Annex 2.10.1 – Fishing benefits: New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 11,833 11,218 11,160 11,469 11,819 +3.1
Prince Edward Island 2,877 2,834 2,844 2,981 3,108 +4.3
Nova Scotia 5,436 5,225 5,185 5,327 5,448 +2.3
New Brunswick 2,795 2,751 2,791 2,977 3,066 +3.0
Quebec 1,457 1,409 1,390 1,409 1,425 +1.1
British Columbia 2,814 2,644 3,124 2,940 2,919 -0.7
Other provinces and territories 1,078 1,094 1,093 1,168 1,149 -1.6%
Men 23,222 22,372 22,590 23,121 23,502 +1.6
Women 5,068 4,803 4,997 5,150 5,432 +5.5
24 years old and under 1,239 1,127 1,218 1,380 1,460 +5.8
25 to 44 years old 8,987 8,335 8,214 8,327 8,335 +0.1
45 to 54 years old 8,805 8,420 8,228 8,184 8,171 -0.2
55 years old and over 9,259 9,293 9,927 10,380 10,968 +5.7
Canada 28,290 27,175 27,587 28,271 28,934 +2.3

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of fishing benefits was paid.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data, except for the amount paid which is based on a 10% sample.

Annex 2.10.2 – Fishing benefits: Average actual duration1 (number of weeks)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 20.7 20.9 20.7 20.7 21.2 p +2.4
Prince Edward Island 19.5 19.8 20.3 19.7 19.7 p 0.0
Nova Scotia 19.6 19.9 19.9 19.8 20.0 p +1.0
New Brunswick 19.6 19.9 19.8 19.4 19.8 p +2.1
Quebec 18.9 19.9 19.5 18.6 20.0 p +7.5
British Columbia 22.9 22.8 23.2 22.9 23.0 p +0.4
Other provinces and territories 23.1 23.4 22.8 22.3 22.5 P +0.9
Men 20.1 20.4 20.4 20.1 20.5 P +2.0
Women 22.2 22.3 22.3 22.0 22.3 P +1.4
24 years old and under 19.9 20.3 20.2 20.3 20.3 P 0.0
25 to 44 years old 20.0 20.3 20.4 20.2 20.5 P +1.5
45 to 54 years old 20.3 20.5 20.5 20.2 20.5 P +1.5
55 years old and over 21.2 21.3 21.3 21.0 21.3 P +1.4
Canada 20.5 20.7 20.7 20.5 20.8 p +1.5

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of fishing benefits was paid.

1In the past, data on the actual duration of fishing benefits were reported with a lag of one year after the period covered by the Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report to ensure that data would pertain to claims that had ended. Starting with the 2014/2015 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, data on the actual duration of fishing benefits are reported for the fiscal year covered by the Report in order to provide timely, relevant and consistent information. This change has been made possible by methodological improvements and the increased availability of historical data. However, data for the fiscal year covered by the Report are preliminary; data for 2016/2017 will be revised, if required, in the 2017/2018 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report. pPreliminary. rRevised.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data, except for the amount paid which is based on a 10% sample.

Annex 2.10.3 – Fishing benefits: Average weekly benefit rate1 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/20176
Newfoundland and Labrador 448 464 484 497 506 +1.7
Prince Edward Island 470 475 493 511 527 +3.2
Nova Scotia 463 474 498 506 519 +2.7
New Brunswick 473 486 499 511 519 +1.5
Quebec 475 489 504 513 525 +2.3
British Columbia 415 432 459 444 457 +2.9
Other provinces and territories 395 405 414 431 426 -1.7
Men 456 470 489 498 509 ¸+2.2
Women 433 443 465 480 489 +1.9
24 years old and under 430 449 464 475 481 +1.2
25 to 44 years old 453 467 484 494 503 +1.9
45 to 54 years old 458 471 490 500 511 +2.3
55 years old and over 448 461 484 493 504 +2.4
Canada 452 465 484 494 505 +2.1

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of fishing benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with fishing benefits.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data, except for the amount paid which is based on a 10% sample.

Annex 2.10.4 – Fishing benefits: Amount paid1 ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 101.3 100.1 98.6 108.1 111.4 +3.0
Prince Edward Island 23.3 22.6 24.1 26.2 28.4 +8.5
Nova Scotia 50.7 49.2 49.9 53.0 57.2 +8.0
New Brunswick 25.8 27.0 26.6 29.3 31.1 +6.2
Quebec 12.1 12.3 12.8 12.5 12.0 -4.1
British Columbia 28.9 25.4 31.7 31.3 29.9 -4.6
Other provinces and territories 10.7 11.3 12.0 11.8 12.9 +8.6
Men 209.4 205.0 210.9 223.9 229.5 +2.5
Women 43.4 43.0 44.7 48.4 53.4 +10.3
24 years old and under 11.3 10.9 10.4 11.6 14.0 +21.5
25 to 44 years old 77.6 75.0 74.3 78.6 82.1 +4.5
45 to 54 years old 82.9 78.8 78.7 81.4 79.9 -1.8
55 years old and over 80.9 83.2 92.2 100.7 106.9 +6.1
Canada 252.8 247.9 255.6 272.3 282.9 +3.9

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of fishing benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with fishing benefits.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data, except for the amount paid which is based on a 10% sample.

Annex 2.11 Special benefits
Annex 2.11.1 – Special benefits1: New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 11,120 11,650 11,940 12,490 12,080 -3.3
Prince Edward Island 5,010 5,930 6,340 6,610 6,850 +3.6
Nova Scotia 20,500 21,110 21,600 23,830 24,110 +1.2
New Brunswick 25,280 24,190 24,850 26,980 28,480 +5.6
Quebec 105,330 105,110 107,060 112,690 120,900 +7.3
Ontario 181,920 184,720 183,350 192,110 198,760 +3.5
Manitoba 19,300 19,570 18,910 20,230 19,100 -5.6
Saskatchewan 14,760 15,240 14,740 16,230 15,380 -5.2
Alberta 53,990 54,730 58,090 62,330 58,820 -5.6
British Columbia 70,880 71,440 75,040 75,380 77,130 +2.3
Yukon 740 590 670 740 710 -4.1
Northwest Territories 820 690 600 720 640 -11.1
Nunavut 390 380 350 470 420 -10.6
Men 167,900 170,840 177,350 188,700 195,280 +3.5
Women 342,140 344,510 346,190 362,110 368,100 +1.7
24 years old and under 41,810 39,800 39,730 41,940 41,340 -1.4
25 to 44 years old 297,860 298,570 301,340 317,170 321,680 +1.4
45 to 54 years old 90,260 91,240 90,650 93,420 94,840 +1.5
55 years old and over 80,110 85,740 91,820 98,280 105,520 +7.4
Employment status
Employees 509,390 514,700 522,810 550,250 562,660 +2.3
Self-employed persons 650 650 730 560 720 +28.6
Canada 510,040 515,350 523,540 550,810 563,380 +2.3

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI special benefits was paid.

1Includes maternity, parental, sickness, and compassionate care benefits. Excludes Parents of Critically Ill Children (PCIC) benefits due to incompatibility of administrative data sources.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.11.2 – Special benefits1: Average weekly benefit rate2 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 393 401 408 422 436 +3.3
Prince Edward Island 384 387 397 407 424 +4.1
Nova Scotia 372 393 400 409 416 +1.7
New Brunswick 379 395 405 419 421 +0.6
Quebec 364 380 390 398 406 +1.8
Ontario 386 410 420 430 441 +2.5
Manitoba 373 397 413 424 432 +1.8
Saskatchewan 390 414 430 442 453 +2.5
Alberta 402 430 445 454 460 +1.4
British Columbia 375 403 411 422 434 +2.6
Yukon 436 452 463 475 494 +4.1
Northwest Territories 466 488 478 503 508 +1.1
Nunavut 470 474 458 472 482 +2.1
Men 410 433 444 454 462 +1.8
Women 366 388 398 408 416 +2.1
24 years old and under 301 321 330 343 346 +0.9
25 to 44 years old 397 420 431 441 450 +2.0
45 to 54 years old 377 399 409 423 430 +1.8
55 years old and over 365 385 396 403 414 +2.7
Employment status
Employees 381 403 414 424 432 +2.0
Self-employed persons 293 326 315 329 337 +2.4
Canada 381 403 414 423 432 +2.0

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI special benefits was paid.

1Includes maternity, parental, sickness, and compassionate care benefits. Excludes Parents of Critically Ill Children (PCIC) benefits due to incompatibility of administrative data sources.
2Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with special benefits.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.11.3 – Special benefits1: Amount paid2 ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 92.2 r 93.5 98.0 101.3 106.6 +5.3
Prince Edward Island 31.8 32.9 r 39.7 39.5 41.2 +4.3
Nova Scotia 158.2 154.2r 164.2r 177.1r 188.0 +6.2
New Brunswick 152.9 157.4r 156.8 162.7 185.1 +13.8
Quebec 347.8r 365.6r 373.8r 407.8r 442.0 +8.4
Ontario 1,997.7r 2,108.1r 2,179.2r 2,281.4r 2,379.7 +4.3
Manitoba 184.4r 206.0r 212.6 224.6r 224.4 -0.1
Saskatchewan 165.0r 187.3r 188.2 208.5r 218.8 +5.0
Alberta 656.4 712.5r 762.2 848.9r 863.2 +1.7
British Columbia 673.1r 705.3r 751.2 779.7r 817.8 +4.9
Yukon 9.7r 8.1 7.7 7.3r 8.5 +17.1
Northwest Territories 14.7 c 16.7 c, r 13.5 c, r 13.8 c 15.0 c +8.7
Missing data 0.0 1.2 0.5 0.1 0.1 -13.0
Men 757.2r 803.2r 834.1r 909.2r 1,1001.3 +10.1
Women 3,726.6r 3,945.7r 4,113.4r 4,343.4r 4,489.1 +3.4
24 years old and under 330.9 334.8r 339.6 357.1 348.5 -2.4
25 to 44 years old 3,487.6r 3,694.8r 3,854.9r 4,076.6r 4,240.3 +4.0
45 to 54 years old 360.9r 378.9r 383.0r 405.4r 438.5 +8.2
55 years old and over 304.5r 340.3r 370.0r 413.5r 463.2 +12.0
Employment status
Employees 4,478.1r 4,740.7r 4,939.8 5,244.7r 5,482.7 +4.5
Self-employed persons 5.7 8.2 7.7 7.9r 7.7 -1.8
Canada 4,483.8r 4,748.9r 4,947.5r 5,252.5r 5,490.4 +4.5

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI special benefits was paid.

1Includes maternity, parental, sickness, compassionate care and Parents of Critically Ill Children (PCIC) benefits.
2Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with special benefits.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for Northwest Territories and Nunavut have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data, except for data on compassionate care benefits and benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children, which are based on a 100% sample.

Annex 2.12 Special benefits (by Employment Insurance economic region)
Annex 2.12.1 – Special benefits (by Employment Insurance economic region)1: New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John’s 4,290 4,440 4,590 4,440 4,570 +2.9
Newfoundland – Labrador 6,830 7,210 7,350 8,050 7,510 -6.7
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island2 5,010 5,930 3,310 n/a n/a n/a
Charlottetown2 n/a n/a 760 1,830 2,130 +16.4
Prince Edward Island (excluding Charlottetown)2 n/a n/a 2,270 4,780 4,720 -1.3
Nova Scotia
Eastern Nova Scotia 5,680 6,470 6,800 7,290 7,600 +4.3
Western Nova Scotia 7,780 8,010 7,970 9,200 8,950 -2.7
Halifax 7,040 6,630 6,830 7,340 7,560 +3.0
New Brunswick
Fredericton-Moncton-Saint-John 9,640 9,130 9,050 9,980 10,180 +2.0
Madawaska-Charlotte  4,010 3,870 4,000 4,120 4,130 +0.2
Restigouche- Albert 11,630 11,190 11,800 12,880 14,170 +10.0
Gaspésie-Île-de-la Madeleine 3,690 3,150 3,530 3,480 3,980 +14.4
Québec 9,380 9,420 9,270 10,330 10,800 +4.5
Trois-Rivières  2,430 3,000 2,640 2,830 2,910 +2.8
South Central Quebec 3,040 2,840 2,690 2,700 2,990 +10.7
Sherbrooke 2,140 2,380 2,610 2,550 3,150 +23.5
Montérégie  7,670 7,120 7,350 8,420 8,650 +2.7
Montreal 33,510 33,090 33,100 35,590 38,450 +8.0
Central Quebec 19,720 20,490 21,040 21,830 24,180 +10.8
North Western Quebec 4,020 4,540 4,600 4,330 4,560 +5.3
Lower Saint Lawrence and North Shore 13,000 12,250 12,770 12,930 13,600 +5.2
Hull 3,040 3,160 3,380 3,280 3,380 +3.0
Chicoutimi-Jonquière 3,690 3,670 4,080 4,420 4,250 -3.8
Ottawa 13,460 13,960 13,270 13,860 14,310 +3.2
Eastern Ontario 7,450 7,380 7,520 8,250 8,210 -0.5
Kingston 2,220 2,210 2,120 2,110 2,130 +0.9
Central Ontario  16,960 18,140 16,790 18,820 18,920 +0.5
Oshawa 5,540 5,630 5,970 5,980 6,020 +0.7
Toronto 71,490 71,580 71,370 74,040 77,080 +4.1
Hamilton 9,600 9,800 10,300 10,620 11,100 +4.5
St. Catharines 5,950 6,260 5,530 6,410 6,470 +0.9
London 6,520 6,890 6,360 6,930 7,110 +2.6
Niagara 5,500 5,270 5,690 5,750 5,610 -2.4
Windsor 4,620 4,780 4,560 4,640 4,520 -2.6
Kitchener 7,040 7,640 7,430 7,280 7,900 +8.5
Huron 4,880 4,680 5,260 5,550 7,100 +27.9
South Central Ontario  7,210 6,680 6,880 7,370 7,800 +5.8
Sudbury  2,420 2,620 2,790 2,560 3,040 +18.8
Thunder Bay 1,650 2,180 2,100 1,950 1,980 +1.5
Northern Ontario 9,410 9,020 9,410 9,990 9,460 -5.3
Winnipeg 11,990 12,210 12,180 12,870 11,630 -9.6
Southern Manitoba 5,580 5,380 5,040 5,630 5,680 +0.9
Northern Manitoba 1,730 1,980 1,690 1,730 1,790 +3.5
Regina  3,470 3,490 3,570 3,890 3,910 +0.5
Saskatoon  4,040 4,440 4,120 4,500 4,450 -1.1
Southern Saskatchewan  4,020 3,790 4,010 4,150 3,830 -7.7
Northern Saskatchewan  3,230 3,520 3,040 3,690 3,190 -13.6
Calgary 17,780 18,000 19,550 20,220 19,240 -4.8
Edmonton 18,530 18,830 19,690 21,670 20,310 -6.3
Northern Alberta 4,360 4,190 4,080 4,950 4,710 -4.8
Southern Alberta 13,320 13,710 14,770 15,490 14,560 -6.0
British Columbia
Southern Interior British Columbia 10,660 10,840 11,680 12,160 12,250 +0.7
Abbotsford 4,420 4,580 4,730 4,360 5,240 +20.2
Vancouver 34,350 34,840 36,700 36,830 36,380 -1.2
Victoria 5,350 5,020 5,390 5,190 5,510 +6.2
Southern Coastal British Columbia  10,050 9,470 10,110 10,480 11,570 +10.4
Northern British Columbia  6,050 6,690 6,430 6,360 6,180 -2.8
Yukon2 740 590 440 n/a n/a n/a
Whitehorse2 n/a n/a 180 590 570 -3.4
Yukon (excluding Whitehorse)2 n/a n/a 50 150 140 -6.7
Northwest Territories2 820 690 380 n/a n/a n/a
Yellowknife2 n/a n/a 120 390 370 -5.1
Northwest Territories (excluding Yellowknife)2 n/a n/a 100 330 270 -18.2
Nunavut2 390 380 210 n/a n/a n/a
Iqualuit2 n/a n/a 60 170 110 -35.3
Nunavut (excluding Iqaluit)2 n/a n/a 80 300 310 +3.3
Canada 510,040 515,350 523,540 550,810 563,380 +2.3

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI special benefits was paid.

1Includes maternity, parental, sickness and compassionate care benefits. Excludes Parents of Critically Ill Children (PCIC) benefits due to incompatibility of administrative data sources.
2As of October 12, 2014, there are a total of 62 Employment Insurance (EI) economic regions, instead of 58 regions. The EI economic regions of Prince Edward Island, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut were each divided into two EI economic regions, one consisting of the capital area and the remaining consisting of the non-capital area.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.12.2 – Special benefits (by Employment Insurance economic region)1: Average weekly benefit rate2 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John’s 411 412 415 430 445 +3.5
Newfoundland – Labrador 382 395 403 417 430 +3.1
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island3 384 387 397 n/a n/a n/a
Charlottetown3 n/a n/a 389 383 405 +5.7
Prince Edward Island (excluding Charlottetown)3 n/a n/a 399 416 432 +3.8
Nova Scotia
Eastern Nova Scotia 382 412 419 426 436 +2.2
Western Nova Scotia 369 372 381 391 395 +1.0
Halifax 365 400 401 414 421 +1.6
New Brunswick
Fredericton-Moncton-Saint-John 364 386 403 415 414 -0.2
Madawaska-Charlotte  376 382 394 399 401 +0.7
Restigouche- Albert 392 407 410 428 433 +1.0
Gaspésie-Île-de-la Madeleine 380 387 407 403 414 +2.8
Québec 349 379 385 397 408 +2.8
Trois-Rivières  373 367 382 385 389 +1.0
South Central Quebec 349 381 389 391 410 +4.8
Sherbrooke 340 374 390 381 400 +5.2
Montérégie  347 373 386 400 402 +0.4
Montreal 351 382 389 402 407 +1.3
Central Quebec 373 370 382 391 397 +1.6
North Western Quebec 381 379 388 392 401 +2.1
Lower Saint Lawrence and North Shore 389 391 402 404 410 +1.6
Hull 375 412 409 412 433 +4.9
Chicoutimi-Jonquière 387 386 404 405 414 +2.2
Ottawa 420 440 453 455 470 +3.2
Eastern Ontario 367 400 410 417 432 +3.4
Kingston 378 405 414 408 434 +6.5
Central Ontario   363 388 399 414 427 +3.1
Oshawa 415 418 435 440 449 +2.0
Toronto 389 417 426 438 446 +2.0
Hamilton 383 411 424 425 443 +4.4
St. Catharines 358 379 397 400 409 +2.2
London 373 405 422 421 432 +2.7
Niagara 396 390 404 428 431 +0.8
Windsor 398 396 418 430 419 -2.6
Kitchener 381 415 422 426 444 +4.1
Huron 387 399 394 412 422 +2.2
South Central Ontario  374 409 420 423 444 +4.8
Sudbury  376 409 407 432 437 +1.2
Thunder Bay 378 418 400 445 451 +1.4
Northern Ontario 389 405 406 420 431 +2.8
Winnipeg 376 399 416 427 437 +2.4
Southern Manitoba 360 390 407 412 419 +1.7
Northern Manitoba 390 404 409 445 439 -1.2
Regina  399 432 436 451 461 +2.3
Saskatoon  390 416 431 441 449 +1.8
Southern Saskatchewan  374 398 417 438 447 +2.1
Northern Saskatchewan  401 410 437 437 454 +3.8
Calgary 405 437 449 459 465 +1.3
Edmonton 405 432 443 456 466 +2.2
Northern Alberta 439 447 464 472 484 +2.4
Southern Alberta 381 412 435 439 438 -0.1
British Columbia
Southern Interior British Columbia 362 400 403 422 430 +1.9
Abbotsford 344 356 374 378 394 +4.0
Vancouver 380 407 417 425 443 +4.3
Victoria 391 421 428 437 440 +0.8
Southern Coastal British Columbia  357 396 402 416 415 -0.2
Northern British Columbia  406 418 418 438 447 +2.1
Yukon3 436 452 465 n/a n/a n/a
Whitehorse3 n/a n/a 453 474 496 +4.6
Yukon (excluding Whitehorse)3 n/a n/a 478 476 485 +1.7
Northwest Territories3 466 488 475 n/a n/a n/a
Yellowknife3 n/a n/a 482 506 516 +2.0
Northwest Territories (excluding Yellowknife)3 n/a n/a 485 499 497 -0.3
Nunavut3 470 474 450 n/a n/a n/a
Iqualuit3 n/a n/a 499 528 530 +0.5
Nunavut (excluding Iqaluit)3 n/a n/a 451 441 465 +5.5
Canada 381 403 414 423 432 +2.0

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI special benefits was paid.

1Includes maternity, parental, sickness and compassionate care benefit. Excludes Parents of Critically Ill Children (PCIC) benefits due to incompatibility of administrative data sources.
2Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with special benefits.
3As of October 12, 2014, there are a total of 62 Employment Insurance (EI) economic regions, instead of 58 regions. The EI economic regions of Prince Edward Island, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut were each divided into two EI economic regions, one consisting of the capital area and the remaining consisting of the non-capital area.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.12.3 – Special benefits (by Employment Insurance economic region)1: Amount paid2 ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 3 2015/2016 3 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John’s 44.8 45.4 44.6 43.3 47.2 +9.0
Newfoundland – Labrador 47.3 48.0 53.1 57.7 59.2 +2.7
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island3 31.8 32.9 33.4 4.3 n/a n/a
Charlottetown3 n/a n/a 2.3 12.1 16.4 +36.1
Prince Edward Island (excluding Charlottetown)3 n/a n/a 3.9 22.9 24.7 +7.9
Nova Scotia
Eastern Nova Scotia 32.9 35.7 37.9 43.6 47.2 +8.3
Western Nova Scotia 57.7 53.3 56.6 58.7 66.2 +12.7
Halifax 67.7 65.0 69.4 74.4 74.5 +0.2
New Brunswick
Fredericton-Moncton-Saint-John 72.8 78.3 77.9 79.7 91.7 +15.0
Madawaska-Charlotte 24.0 23.2 23.6 23.2 24.1 +3.7
Restigouche-Albert 56.2 55.7 54.9 59.2 68.9 +16.4
Gaspésie-Île-de-la Madeleine 11.4 11.7 11.7 12.4 14.5 +16.7
Québec 29.4 32.9 30.4 36.8 38.8 +5.7
Trois-Rivières 7.6 9.4 8.0 8.9 9.5 +6.4
South Central Quebec 10.0 8.9 9.9 9.9 10.4 +5.9
Sherbrooke 6.5 8.2 8.4 9.0 11.1 +23.2
Montérégie 26.3 25.6 26.2 31.4 32.5 +3.4
Montreal 115.3 117.2 120.0 133.3 146.7 +10.0
Central Quebec 68.4 68.5 71.7 75.6 82.1 +8.5
North Western Quebec 14.0 17.2 16.7 15.9 17.4 +9.2
Lower Saint Lawrence and North Shore 41.6 42.5 40.8 42.6 45.4 +6.5
Hull 12.2 12.6 14.8 13.8 15.4 +11.4
Chicoutimi-Jonquière 12.2 11.5 12.6 14.5 14.2 -1.7
Ottawa 168.0 174.8 182.1 187.2 190.0 +1.5
Eastern Ontario 67.5 70.2 72.3 78.0 82.4 +5.6
Kingston 23.1 22.2 23.4 21.9 24.2 +10.5
Central Ontario 149.2 168.5 175.7 181.9 191.5 +5.3
Oshawa 65.9 68.9 72.7 73.7 76.4 +3.6
Toronto 876.5 926.7 944.5 990.5 1,028.4 +3.8
Hamilton 102.9 110.4 120.8 129.6 132.2 +2.0
St. Catharines 49.3 54.6 54.8 56.0 62.0 +10.7
London 69.9 72.7 74.0 81.6 81.1 -0.6
Niagara 54.0 57.9 53.1 62.7 60.7 -3.2
Windsor 45.7 48.3 45.8 48.7 45.6 -6.5
Kitchener 74.9 83.9 93.0 90.1 97.2 +7.8
Huron 49.5 39.6 47.0 49.1 60.6 +23.4
South Central Ontario 77.6 78.8 82.1 82.7 93.0 +12.5
Sudbury 21.2 22.8 26.1 24.5 29.5 +20.6
Thunder Bay 16.1 17.0 20.6 20.0 22.0 +10.1
Northern Ontario 80.3 85.9 82.9 92.8 90.5 -2.5
Winnipeg 113.5 135.7 133.3 147.1 141.3 -4.0
Southern Manitoba 54.4 51.0 57.4 57.9 61.5 +6.2
Northern Manitoba 16.4 19.0 21.3 18.9 20.6 +9.0
Regina 40.9 42.4 45.4 49.8 54.3 +9.1
Saskatoon 45.6 56.1 57.5 60.6 66.5 +9.7
Southern Saskatchewan 42.6 46.4 45.8 53.8 54.2 +0.7
Northern Saskatchewan 36.0 42.3 39.0 43.3 42.4 -2.0
Calgary 230.0 256.4 272.5 294.0 301.6 +2.6
Edmonton 217.9 238.9 254.5 284.5 297.3 +4.5
Northern Alberta 59.3 57.4 59.8 67.6 69.5 +2.8
Southern Alberta 149.2 159.0 172.5 198.9 191.4 -3.8
British Columbia
Southern Interior British Columbia 85.8 94.4 100.4 111.0 120.4 +8.5
Abbotsford 36.3 34.4 37.4 38.8 43.8 +12.9
Vancouver 361.1 378.6 406.3 418.7 430.5 +2.8
Victoria 54.2 54.3 56.4 57.7 61.4 +6.4
Southern Coastal British Columbia  76.4 82.7 86.5 92.4 95.8 +3.7
Northern British Columbia  59.1 60.2 61.9 58.4 63.1 +8.0
Yukon (until October 11, 2014)3 9.6 8.1 7.0 0.9 n/a n/a
Whitehorse (starting October 12, 2014)3 n/a n/a 0.6 5.1 7.6 +50.3
Yukon (excluding Whitehorse)3 n/a n/a 0.1 1.3 0.9 -26.7
Northwest Territories3 10.1 10.7 7.6 1.0 n/a n/a
Yellowknife3 n/a n/a 0.5 3.9 5.7 +49.0
Northwest Territories (excluding Yellowknife)3 n/a n/a 0.4 3.1 4.3 +37.3
Nunavut3 4.6 6.0 4.4 0.5 n/a n/a
Iqaluit3 n/a n/a 0.3 1.8 1.5 -15.8
Nunavut (excluding Iqaluit)3 n/a n/a 0.2 3.4 3.5 +3.0
Canada 4,484.5 4,741.0 4,928.7 5,228.8 5,464.6 +4.5

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI special benefits was paid.

1Includes maternity, parental, sickness and compassionate care benefits. Excludes Parents of Critically Ill Children (PCIC) benefits due to incompatibility of administrative data sources. Therefore, total amount paid in EI special benefits do not match those in annex 2.11.3.
2Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with special benefits.
3As of October 12, 2014, there are a total of 62 Employment Insurance (EI) economic regions, instead of 58 regions. The EI economic regions of Prince Edward Island, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut were each divided into two EI economic regions, one consisting of the capital area and the remaining consisting of the non-capital area. As a result of changes to EI economic region boundaries in October 2014, some claims established just prior to that month had claim amounts paid based on the claim length continuing into 2015 given the benefit entitlement duration the claimant received when their claim was first established. For some claims in the old EI regions of Prince Edward Island, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, amounts continued to be paid based on the previous entitlements claimants were eligible for when their claim was first established. Amounts paid listed in this column for EI economic regions which are no longer in effect reflect the amount paid in benefits for claims established prior to October 12, 2014 that were subject to benefit entitlements based on previous region boundaries, unemployment rates and insurable hours for eligibility whose claims continue to be paid on that basis in the 2015/2016 fiscal period. All claims established after October 12, 2014 would be subject to benefit entitlements based on the new economic region boundaries, and these totals are reported for those new regions accordingly.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.13 Firms and Employment Insurance regular and special benefits (by industry)
  Distribution of firms Distribution of the firm’s workforce1 EI regular claimant distribution2 EI special claimant distribution2
Goods-producing industries 266,859 21.8 3,726,953 19.7 694,998 39.5 150,192 19.5
Agriculture, forestry,  fishing and hunting 52,668 4.3 316,644 1.7 65,438 3.7 15,305 2.0
Mining, and oil and gas extraction 9,872 0.8 244,999 1.3 43,726 2.5 7,863 1.0
Utilities 853 0.1 117,852 0.6 6,016 0.3 2,692 0.3
Construction 153,232 12.5 1,305,710 6.9 377,840 21.5 54,563 7.1
Manufacturing 50,234 4.1 1,741,748 9.2 201,978 11.5 69,769 9.1
Service-producing industries 873,093 71.3 14,952,329 79.2 1,026,876 58.4 607,044 78.9
Wholesale trade 48,990 4.0 867,041 4.6 64,880 3.7 28,633 3.7
Retail trade 106,327 8.7 2,147,836 11.4 107,508 6.1 83,096 10.8
Transportation and warehousing 71,417 5.8 796,599 4.2 77,366 4.4 31,309 4.1
Finance and insurance 33,289 2.7 757,163 4.0 21,456 1.2 26,997 3.5
Real estate and rental and leasing 53,759 4.4 342,024 1.8 26,406 1.5 12,664 1.6
Professional, scientific and technical services 154,695 12.6 1,037,121 5.5 76,293 4.3 31,985 4.2
Business, building and other support services3 60,269 4.9 1,263,576 6.7 135,441 7.7 54,371 7.1
Educational services 13,792 1.1 1,362,011 7.2 166,487 9.5 49,340 6.4
Health care and social assistance 104,789 8.6 1,597,529 8.5 66,983 3.8 99,370 12.9
Information, culture and recreation4 31,978 2.6 674,961 3.6 53,998 3.1 19,252 2.5
Accommodation and food services 76,545 6.3 1,456,314 7.7 85,721 4.9 56,640 7.4
Other services (except public administration) 111,690 9.1 740,207 3.9 57,890 3.3 31,307 4.1
Public administration 5,553 0.5 1,909,947 10.1 86,447 4.9 82,080 10.7
Unclassified 84,688 6.9 191,453 1.0 35,728 2.0 12,017 1.6
Canada 1,224,640 100.0 18,870,735 100.0 1,757,602 100.0 769,253 100.0

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding.

1The number of workers in a firm is the number of individuals paid employment income by that firm, as indicated on a T4 form. The number of workers is adjusted so that each individual in the labour force is only counted once and individuals who work for more than one firm are taken into account. For example, if an employee earned $25,000 in firm 1 and $25,000 in firm 2, then he or she was recorded as 0.5 employees at the first firm and 0.5 employees at the second firm.
2These columns are based on the number of people receiving EI regular and/or special benefits in 2015.
3This industry category comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of companies and enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and support, waste management and mediation services) from the North American Industry Classification System.
4This industry category comprises the industries with codes 51 (Information and cultural industries) and 71 (Arts, entertainment and recreation) from the North American Industry Classification System.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, EI administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI data; CRA administrative data. CRA data are based on a 100% sample.

Annex 2.14 Maternity benefits
Annex 2.14.1 – Maternity benefits1: New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 2,840 2,940 2,730 2,970 2,750 -7.4
Prince Edward Island 920 990 1,060 1,050 1,030 -1.9
Nova Scotia 5,130 4,840 5,430 5,680 5,000 -12.0
New Brunswick 4,680 4,280 4,230 4,410 4,130 -6.3
Quebec2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Ontario 84,900 84,110 82,350 84,190 83,770 -0.5
Manitoba 8,460 8,910 8,090 8,870 8,150 -8.1
Saskatchewan 7,710 7,820 7,780 8,330 7,760 -6.8
Alberta 29,260 29,280 31,070 31,860 30,580 -4.0
British Columbia 25,910 25,650 25,690 26,300 26,340 +0.2
Yukon 360 220 250 290 280 -3.4
Northwest Territories 350 370 260 360 320 -11.1
Nunavut 160 230 140 200 220 +10.0
24 years old and under 18,440 17,650 17,520 16,990 15,470 -8.9
25 to 29 years old 52,110 49,730 49,300 49,060 47,800 -2.6
30 to 34 years old 63,620 64,730 66,320 70,100 68,500 -2.3
35 to 39 years old 30,870 31,450 30,270 32,470 32,420 -0.2
40 years old and over 5,640 6,080 5,670 5,890 6,140 +4.2
Canada 170,680 169,640 169,080 174,510 170,330 -2.4

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI maternity benefits was paid.

1Figures also include maternity benefits for self-employed individuals.
2Since January 2006, Quebec has administered its own maternity benefits under the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.14.2 – Maternity benefits: Average actual duration1 (number of weeks)
  2012/2013r 2013/2014r 2014/2015r 2015/2016r 2016/2017P Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 14.4 14.2 14.2 14.1 14.3 +1.9
Prince Edward Island 14.8 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.6 +3.3
Nova Scotia 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.5 14.6 +0.6
New Brunswick 14.6 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.6 -0.4
Quebec2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Ontario 14.6 14.6 14.7 14.6 14.6 -0.1
Manitoba 14.6 14.6 14.8 14.6 14.7 +0.2
Saskatchewan 14.7 14.6 14.7 14.7 14.7 +0.1
Alberta 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 -0.2
British Columbia 14.7 14.7 14.7 14.7 14.6 -0.3
Yukon 15.0 14.5 14.4 14.5 14.4 -0.6
Northwest Territories 14.9 14.8 14.6 14.8 14.2 -4.3
Nunavut 13.9 15.0 14.8 14.0 14.5 +3.6
24 years old and under 14.7 14.6 14.6 14.7 14.6 -0.3
25 to 29 years old 14.6 14.6 14.7 14.7 14.6 -0.3
30 to 34 years old 14.7 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 +0.1
35 to 39 years old 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 -0.2
40 years old and over 14.6 14.4 14.5 14.5 14.5 +0.2
Canada 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 -0.1

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI maternity benefits was paid.

1In the 2015/2016 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, data on the actual duration of maternity benefits were estimated using claims established in the first half of the fiscal year. Starting with this year’s report, duration estimates are reported based on claims which were completed during the reporting period. Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year. Estimates for the fiscal year covered by the report are preliminary and will be revised, if required, in next year’s report. Previous year’s statistics have also been revised to reflect the change in methodology.
2Since January 2006, Quebec has administered its own maternity benefits under the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.14.3 – Maternity benefits: Average weekly benefit rate1 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 412 418 430 424 450 +6.2
Prince Edward Island 392 387 421 432 436 +0.8
Nova Scotia 370 396 394 409 411 +0.5
New Brunswick 373 393 403 414 424 +2.2
Quebec2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Ontario 397 420 429 439 448 +1.8
Manitoba 371 388 407 416 432 +3.7
Saskatchewan 391 409 427 439 455 +3.8
Alberta 400 426 441 449 462 +2.9
British Columbia 383 409 421 428 437 +2.1
Yukon 430 457 438 474 493 +4.0
Northwest Territories 468 489 492 495 499 +0.8
Nunavut 457 472 434 453 480 +5.9
24 years old and under 284 304 315 325 326 +0.4
25 to 29 years old 377 401 411 419 430 +2.5
30 to 34 years old 418 439 451 459 469 +2.3
35 to 39 years old 427 448 460 468 476 +1.6
40 years old and over 426 448 459 462 475 +2.9
Canada 393 416 427 436 447 +2.3

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI maternity benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with maternity benefits.
2Since January 2006, Quebec has administered its own maternity benefits under the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.14.4 – Maternity benefits: Amount paid1 ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 16.9 17.4 17.6 17.7 18.5 +4.1
Prince Edward Island 5.1 5.2 6.9 6.5 6.2 -3.6
Nova Scotia 30.2 26.8 32.1 33.1 32.0 -3.6
New Brunswick 25.1 25.9 25.6 25.6 27.9 +9.0
Quebec2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Ontario 492.8 514.4 522.4 542.5 556.9 +2.6
Manitoba 44.9 50.4 49.5 53.1 51.5 -3.1
Saskatchewan 43.5 46.8 48.2 52.3 53.0 +1.3
Alberta 170.1 182.2 198.1 209.5 212.9 +1.6
British Columbia 147.1 154.0 159.7 165.2 172.6 +4.5
Yukon 2.5 1.8 1.5 1.9 2.0 +7.2
Northwest Territories 2.3 2.8 2.0 2.1 2.5 +19.3
Nunavut 1.3 1.7 0.8 1.3 1.3 +3.0
24 years old and under 79.5 80.8 80.3 81.9 77,4 -5.5
25 to 29 years old Data not available 296.1 297.2 302.6 308.1 +1.8
30 to 34 years old Data not available 410.0 440.9 466.0 480.6 +3.1
35 to 39 years old Data not available 203.5 207.4 219.7 229.3 +4.4
40 years old and over Data not available 39.0 38.6 40.6 41.9 +3.1
Canada 981.9 1,029.5 1,064.3 1,110.9 1,137.3 +2.4

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI maternity benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with maternity benefits.
2Since January 2006, Quebec has administered its own maternity benefits under the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.15 Parental benefits (biological and adoptive)
Annex 2.15.1 – Parental benefits (biological and adoptive): New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 2,920 3,030 2,820 2,960 2,930 -1.0
Prince Edward Island 940 1,170 1,150 1,140 1,130 -0.9
Nova Scotia 6,040 5,580 6,110 6,470 5,970 -7.7
New Brunswick 5,270 4,810 4,720 4,940 4,580 -7.3
Quebec1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Ontario 97,300 96,630 94,920 96,390 98,370 +2.1
Manitoba 9,650 9,950 9,380 9,970 9,440 -5.3
Saskatchewan 8,470 8,750 8,470 9,140 8,720 -4.6
Alberta 31,540 31,520 33,640 34,830 33,480 -3.9
British Columbia 29,210 28,660 29,210 29,670 30,340 +2.3
Yukon 390 290 340 340 330 -2.9
Northwest Territories 460 460 350 480 390 -18.8
Nunavut 280 270 210 330 280 -15.2
Men 26,390 25,480 26,540 26,690 29,490 +10.5
Women 166,080 165,640 164,780 169,970 166,470 -2.1
24 years old and under 18,430 17,610 17,500 17,030 15,840 -7.0
25 to 29 years old 55,160 52,890 52,010 51,830 51,080 -1.4
30 to 34 years old 70,860 72,410 74,080 77,880 77,230 -0.8
35 to 39 years old 37,770 38,000 36,980 39,010 40,360 +3.5
40 years old and over 10,250 10,210 10,750 10,910 11,450 +4.9
Canada 192,470 191,120 191,320 196,660 195,960 -0.4

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI parental benefits was paid. Parental benefits that are shared between two parents are considered as two separate claims.

1Since January 2006, Quebec has administered its own parental benefits under the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.15.2 – Parental benefits (biological and adoptive): Average actual duration1 (number of weeks)
  2012/2013r 2013/2014r 2014/2015r 2015/2016r 2016/2017P Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 30.3 30.0 30.6 30.9 29.9 -3.3
Prince Edward Island 29.4 29.6 30.7 30.2 29.9 -1.2
Nova Scotia 29.3 29.3 29.4 28.7 29.4 +2.4
New Brunswick 28.9 29.6 30.2 29.8 29.6 -0.8
Quebec2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Ontario 30.2 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.0 -0.9
Manitoba 29.8 30.4 30.5 30.5 30.3 -0.8
Saskatchewan 31.1 31.2 31.2 31.3 30.8 -1.4
Alberta 31.1 31.3 31.4 31.0 30.8 -0.6
British Columbia 30.6 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.0 -1.5
Yukon 29.3 31.7 25.9 28.1 26.5 -6.0
Northwest Territories 25.7 24.9 26.5 25.7 27.8 +8.5
Nunavut 25.6 28.0 28.6 24.0 27.4 +14.0
Men 17.2 17.3 16.5 16.6 16.0 -3.6
Women 32.4 32.4 32.6 32.6 32.6 0.0
24 years old and under 31.3 31.7 31.8 31.6 31.4 -0.6
25 to 29 years old 31.1 31.2 31.2 31.4 31.2 -0.6
30 to 34 years old 30.5 30.4 30.6 30.5 30.3 -0.8
35 to 39 years old 29.1 29.3 29.4 29.4 29.2 -0.8
40 years old and over 26.4 26.9 26.2 26.0 25.4 -2.1
Canada 30.3 30.3 30.4 30.4 30.1 -0.9

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI parental benefits was paid. Parental benefits that are shared between two parents are considered as two separate claims.

1In the 2015/2016 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, data on the actual duration of parental benefits were estimated using claims established in the first half of the fiscal year. Starting with this year’s report, duration estimates are reported based on claims which were completed during the reporting period. Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year. Estimates for the fiscal year covered by the report are preliminary and will be revised, if required, in next year’s report. Previous year’s statistics have also been revised to reflect the change in methodology.
2Since January 2006, Quebec has administered its own parental benefits under the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.15.3 – Parental benefits (biological and adoptive): Average weekly benefit rate1 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 419r 429r 433 441r 460 +4.4
Prince Edward Island 405r 402r 428 438 440 +0.3
Nova Scotia 388r 413r 411r 427r 432 +1.1
New Brunswick 388 406r 418r 425r 434 +2.3
Quebec2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Ontario 406 429 438 448 458 +2.2
Manitoba 382r 401r 419r 427r 444 +3.9
Saskatchewan 402r 419r 433 448 463 +3.4
Alberta 408r 434 448 457r 468 +2.6
British Columbia 395r 420r 434 440r 450 +2.3
Yukon 444 460 469r 483 498 +3.1
Northwest Territories 471 490 498 503 513 +2.0
Nunavut 468 470 451r 464r 491 +5.6
Men 443 467 480 491 503 +2.5
Women 396r 419r 430r 439r 449 +2.2
24 years old and under 295r 315r 327r 336r 336 -0.1
25 to 29 years old 384 408 417 426 438 +2.8
30 to 34 years old 424 446 457 465 476 +2.3
35 to 39 years old 434 453 468 475 484 +1.9
40 years old and over 435 459 466 477 489 +2.5
Canada 403 r 426 r 437 r 446 457 +2.4

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI parental benefits was paid. Parental benefits that are shared between two parents are considered as two separate claims.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with parental benefits.
2Since January 2006, Quebec has administered its own parental benefits under the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.15.4 – Parental benefits (biological and adoptive): Amount paid1 ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 38.8 38.1 41.3 39.9 42.0 +5.3
Prince Edward Island 13.1 11.9 15.7 15.4 14.4 -6.8
Nova Scotia 72.9 67.0 72.4 77.0 79.4 +3.0
New Brunswick 60.1 61.0 59.0 61.8 62.5 +1.2
Quebec2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Ontario 1,167.9 1,216.3 1,258.4 1,297.7 1,328.0 +2.3
Manitoba 101.4 116.9 120.3 125.0 126.1 +0.9
Saskatchewan 96.5 111.5 110.3 121.1 127.8 +5.5
Alberta 386.3 420.3 446.7 497.7 501.7 +0.8
British Columbia 347.9 363.8 382.3 395.9 409.5 +3.4
Yukon 5.6 4.8 4.9 3.4 4.2 +22.3
Northwest Territories 6.0 6.4 5.3 4.6 6.6 +43.3
Nunavut 2.9 3.6 3.4 3.9 2.8 -29.0
Men 200.2 195.9 205.1 213.5 233.7 +9.5
Women 2,099.1 2,225.7 2,314.9 2,430.0 2,471.4 +1.7
24 years old and under 182.1 179.6 183.0 191.9 177.8 -7.3
25 to 29 years old Data not available 675.9 683.1 705.8 707.4 +0.2
30 to 34 years old Data not available 955.8 1,010.3 1,080.1 1,116.0 +3.3
35 to 39 years old Data not available 488.5 514.1 530.6 565.6 +6.6
40 years old and over Data not available 121.9 129.5 135.1 138.3 +2.3
Canada 2,299.3 2,421.6 2,520.1 2,643.5 2,705.1 +2.3

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI parental benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with parental benefits.
2Since January 2006, Quebec has administered its own parental benefits under the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.16 Sickness benefits
Annex 2.16.1 – Sickness benefits: New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 8,880 9,460 9,930 10,170 10,140 -0.3
Prince Edward Island 4,300 5,050 5,520 5,780 6,000 +3.8
Nova Scotia 15,310 16,530 16,570 18,500 19,070 +3.1
New Brunswick 21,050 20,440 21,080 22,800 24,830 +8.9
Quebec 103,930 104,120 105,880 111,420 119,210 +7.0
Ontario 89,260 92,650 93,470 99,060 105,010 +6.0
Manitoba 10,220 9,960 9,990 10,590 9,970 -5.9
Saskatchewan 6,810 7,070 6,910 7,640 7,060 -7.6
Alberta 23,980 24,680 25,430 29,240 26,520 -9.3
British Columbia 45,120 46,210 49,580 49,490 50,170 +1.4
Yukon 390 300 330 430 420 -2.3
Northwest Territories 390 220 250 250 200 -20.0
Nunavut 110 110 130 110 100 -9.1
Men 140,380 144,300 149,630 160,580 163,870 +2.0
Women 189,370 192,500 195,440 204,900 214,830 +4.8
24 years old and under 26,160 25,360 25,410 27,730 28,710 +3.5
25 to 34 years old 70,040 70,380 72,060 77,030 80,220 +4.1
35 to 44 years old 67,910 68,700 69,800 74,860 76,310 +1.9
45 to 54 years old 86,700 88,030 87,430 89,420 90,600 +1.3
55 to 64 years old 67,530 71,460 76,270 80,310 84,940 +5.8
65 years old and over 11,410 12,870 14,100 16,130 17,920 +11.1
Canada 329,750 336,800 345,070 365,480 378,700 +3.6

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI sickness benefits was paid.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.16.2 – Sickness benefits: Average actual duration1 (number of weeks)
  2012/2013r 2013/2014r 2014/2015r 2015/2016r 2016/2017P Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 9.7 10.1 9.9 9.6 9.7 +1.4
Prince Edward Island 7.9 8.1 7.9 7.8 7.8 -0.2
Nova Scotia 9.2 9.4 9.5 9.0 9.3 +2.4
New Brunswick 8.4 8.4 8.5 8.3 8.5 +2.4
Quebec 9.0 9.1 9.1 9.0 9.0 +0.2
Ontario 10.3 10.5 10.5 10.6 10.6 +0.1
Manitoba 10.2 10.1 10.5 10.2 10.5 +3.0
Saskatchewan 10.0 10.3 10.1 10.4 10.8 +3.9
Alberta 10.5 10.7 10.8 10.7 10.8 +0.7
British Columbia 10.4 10.6 10.6 10.7 10.6 -1.0
Yukon 9.4 10.0 9.1 10.0 8.8 -11.3
Northwest Territories 9.8 10.3 10.5 9.9 9.9 +0.6
Nunavut 10.5 10.2 11.2 13.3 10.1 -24.1
Men 9.4 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 +0.2
Women 9.9 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 +0.6
24 years old and under 8.7 8.8 9.0 8.8 8.9 +1.3
25 to 34 years old 9.0 9.2 9.2 9.1 9.1 -0.3
35 to 44 years old 9.7 9.8 9.8 9.7 9.8 +0.6
45 to 54 years old 10.0 10.1 10.1 10.0 10.1 +0.8
55 to 64 years old 10.2 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.5 +0.4
65 years old and over 10.7 11.0 11.0 10.9 10.8 -1.1
Canada 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.8 9.8 +0.4

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI sickness benefits was paid.

1In the 2015/2016 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, data on the actual duration of sickness benefits were estimated using claims established in the first half of the fiscal year. Starting with this year’s report, duration estimates are reported based on claims which were completed during the reporting period. Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year. Estimates for the fiscal year covered by the report are preliminary and will be revised, if required, in next year’s report. Previous year’s statistics have also been revised to reflect the change in methodology.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.16.3 – Sickness benefits: Average weekly benefit rate1 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 385 390 399 415 429 +3.2
Prince Edward Island 378 382 389 400 418 +4.4
Nova Scotia 362 383 391 400 408 +1.9
New Brunswick 374 390 400 416 417 +0.4
Quebec 364 380 390 398 405 +1.7
Ontario 359 386 397 408 420 +3.0
Manitoba 361 392 405 419 417 -0.4
Saskatchewan 373 401 417 428 438 +2.2
Alberta 389 420 436 448 446 -0.3
British Columbia 358 389 394 408 419 +2.5
Yukon 425 444 453 470 490 +4.3
Northwest Territories 461 483 449 502 517 +3.1
Nunavut 475 500 467 455 430 -5.5
Men 404 427 438 448 455 +1.5
Women 336 359 368 379 388 +2.3
24 years old and under 303 323 331 346 351 +1.3
25 to 34 years old 364 388 398 410 417 +1.7
35 to 44 years old 377 404 415 426 433 +1.6
45 to 54 years old 375 397 407 421 428 +1.6
55 to 64 years old 369 390 400 407 418 +2.7
65 years old and over 341 358 368 381 391 +2.4
Canada 365 388 398 409 417 +1.8

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI sickness benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with sickness benefits.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.16.4 – Sickness benefits: Amount paid1 ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 36.3 37.8 38.7 43.0 45.1 +4.8
Prince Edward Island 13.5 15.7 17.0 17.3 20.2 +16.2
Nova Scotia 54.8 59.9 58.9 65.8 74.0 +12.4
New Brunswick 67.5 70.1 71.6 74.3 92.7 +24.8
Quebec 346.0 362.4 367.9 400.0 428.8 +7.2
Ontario 331.8 368.9 386.1 424.3 461.8 +8.8
Manitoba 37.7 38.0 41.6 44.9 43.7 -2.7
Saskatchewan 24.7 28.3 28.9 33.6 35.4 +5.3
Alberta 98.8 107.5 113.0 136.1 138.2 +1.6
British Columbia 176.1 184.6 204.7 212.9 223.9 +5.2
Yukon 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.8 2.1 +14.2
Northwest Territories 1.8 1.4 1.1 1.3 0.9 -29.6
Nunavut 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.7 +33.1
Men 553.4 601.5 621.1 684.5 745.5 +8.9
Women 637.6 675.3 710.6 771.5 821.9 +6.5
24 years old and under 69.2 73.9 75.2 81.9 91.5 +11.7
25 to 34 years old Data not available 245.2 256.4 283.9 307.8 +8.4
35 to 44 years old Data not available 268.1 278.2 308.2 327.3 +6.2
45 to 54 years old 335.2 353.4 357.4 375.7 396.9 +5.6
55 to 64 years old Data not available 285.9 308.5 341.5 370.0 +8.3
65 years old and over Data not available 50.4 55.9 64.8 74.0 +14.2
Canada 1,191.0 1,276.8 1,331.7 1,456.0 1,567.4 +7.7

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI sickness benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with sickness benefits.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.17 Sickness benefits (by industry)
Annex 2.17.1 – Sickness benefits (by industry): Employment (totals in thousands)
  2012/2013 Employment (000s) Share (%) 2016/2017 Employment (000s) Share (%)
Goods-producing industries 3,892.7 22.2 3,823.1 21.1
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, mining and oil and gas extraction 674.4 3.8 610.3 3.4
Utilities 133.1 0.8 137.0 0.8
Construction 1,334.2 7.6 1,389.9 7.7
Manufacturing 1,751.0 10.0 1,685.9 9.3
Service-producing industries 13,629.0 77.8 14,330.2 78.9
Wholesale and retail trade 2,671.2 15.2 2,756.2 15.2
Transportation and warehousing 865.6 4.9 913.1 5.0
Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing 1,066.1 6.1 1,141.4 6.3
Professional, scientific and technical services 1,269.2 7.2 1,398.8 7.7
Business, building and other support services1 712.2 4.1 767.0 4.2
Educational services 1,218.9 7.0 1,274.8 7.0
Health care and social assistance 2,158.3 12.3 2,346.7 12.9
Information, culture and recreation2 758.3 4.3 788.6 4.3
Accommodation and food services 1,174.0 6.7 1,218.5 6.7
Other services (except public administration) 803.0 4.6 781.7 4.3
Public administration 932.2 5.3 943.4 5.2
Canada 17,521.6 100.0 18,153.4 100.0

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding.

1This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of companies and enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services) from the North American Industry Classification System.
2This industry sector comprises industries with codes 51 (Information and cultural industries) and 71 (Arts, entertainment and recreation) from the North American Industry Classification System.

Source: Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey, CANSIM Table 282-0007.

Annex 2.17.2 – Sickness benefits (by industry): Number of claims (totals in thousands)
  2012/2013 New claims (000s) Share (%) 2016/2017 New claims (000s) Share (%)
Goods-producing industries 85.1 25.8 96.9 25.6
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, mining and oil and gas extraction 15.1 4.6 17.2 4.5
Utilities 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.1
Construction 31.1 9.4 35.5 9.4
Manufacturing 38.6 11.7 43.9 11.6
Service-producing industries 230.4 69.9 262.4 69.3
Wholesale and retail trade 53.6 16.2 59.3 15.7
Transportation and warehousing 16.4 5.0 20.1 5.3
Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing 9.8 3.0 11.9 3.2
Professional, scientific and technical services 9.5 2.9 9.8 2.6
Business, building and other support services1 25.5 7.7 29.2 7.7
Educational services 9.4 2.9 10.9 2.9
Health care and social assistance 42.4 12.9 44.9 11.8
Information, culture and recreation2 6.8 2.1 7.5 2.0
Accommodation and food services 25.6 7.8 27.7 7.3
Other services (except public administration) 13.6 4.1 16.2 4.3
Public administration 18.0 5.5 25.1 6.6
Unclassified 14.2 4.3 19.4 5.1
Canada 329.8 100.0 378.7 100.0

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage share is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI sickness benefits was paid.

1This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of companies and enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services) from the North American Industry Classification System.
2This industry sector comprises industries with codes 51 (Information and cultural industries) and 71 (Arts, entertainment and recreation) from the North American Industry Classification System.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.17.3 – Sickness benefits (by industry): Amount paid ($ million)
  2012/2013 Amount paid Share (%) 2016/2017 Amount paid Share (%)
Goods-producing industries 333.6 28.0 435.0 27.8
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, mining and oil and gas extraction 53.4 4.5 68.0 4.3
Utilities 2.2 0.2 1.6 0.1
Construction 131.5 11.0 179.6 11.5
Manufacturing 146.5 12.3 185.8 11.9
Service-producing industries 816.2 68.5 1,066.1 68.0
Wholesale and retail trade 171.1 14.4 220.4 14.1
Transportation and warehousing 69.1 5.8 94.1 6.0
Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing 39.5 3.3 51.4 3.3
Professional, scientific and technical services 36.1 3.0 42.1 2.7
Business, building and other support services1 90.3 7.6 118.7 7.6
Educational services 31.9 2.7 39.7 2.5
Health care and social assistance 162.4 13.6 192.9 12.3
Information, culture and recreation2 23.4 2.0 28.5 1.8
Accommodation and food services 70.4 5.9 87.5 5.6
Other services (except public administration) 47.2 4.0 67.5 4.3
Public administration 74.9 6.3 123.2 7.9
Unclassified 41.2 3.5 66.3 4.2
Canada 1,191.0 100.0 1,567.4 100.0

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage share is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI sickness benefits was paid.

1This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of companies and enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services) from the North American Industry Classification System.
2This industry sector comprises industries with codes 51 (Information and cultural industries) and 71 (Arts, entertainment and recreation) from the North American Industry Classification System.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.18 Compassionate care benefits
Annex 2.18.1 – Compassionate care benefits: New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2107 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 72 64 76 92 106 +15.2
Prince Edward Island 37 36 33 51 55 +7.8
Nova Scotia 163 169 170 243 367 +51.0
New Brunswick 150 121 143 205 245 +19.5
Quebec 1,030 912 1,046 1,319 1,759 +33.4
Ontario 2,704 2,712 2,738 3,465 4,452 +28.5
Manitoba 217 245 229 297 391 +31.6
Saskatchewan 148 199 157 200 258 +29.0
Alberta 569 553 675 741 1,002 +35.2
British Columbia 985 947 948 1,238 1,523 +230.
Yukon 27c 23c 29c 20c 35c +75.0
Northwest Territories
Men 1,714 1,637 1,833 2,260 2,812 +24.4
Women 4,388 4,344 4,411 5,611 7,381 +31.5
24 years old and under 116 99 118 138 176 +27.5
25 to 44 years old 2,115 1,982 2,099 2,450 3,259 +33.0
45 to 54 years old 2,277 2,189 2,172 2,758 3,461 +25.5
55 years old and over 1,594 1,711 1,855 2,525 3,297 +30.6
Canada 6,102 5,981 6,244 7,871 10,193 +29.5

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI compassionate care benefits was paid.

cFor confidentiality purposes, data for Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.18.2 – Compassionate care benefits: Average actual duration1 (number of weeks)
  2012/2013r 2013/2014r 2014/2015r 2015/2016r, 2 2016/2017P Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 4.7 5.5 3.6 5.4 9.8 +80.9
Prince Edward Island 6.0 5.0 6.0 4.7 10.8 +131.6
Nova Scotia 4.8 4.4 5.2 5.2 10.8 +108.8
New Brunswick 5.3 5.2 4.7 4.7 10.1 +115.8
Quebec 4.5 4.3 4.3 4.5 8.5 +90.4
Ontario 4.8 4.6 4.6 4.8 9.7 +103.3
Manitoba 5.4 4.8 4.7 5.1 10.0 +96.5
Saskatchewan 4.6 5.4 5.7 5.7 11.6 +105.2
Alberta 5.2 5.0 4.8 5.1 9.9 +95.3
British Columbia 4.6 5.0 4.9 4.9 10.3 +110.8
Yukon 4.0 c 5.0 c 4.8 c 5.0 c 11.0 c +119.3
Northwest Territories
Men 4.8 4.8 4.7 4.9 9.6 +94.9
Women 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.8 9.8 +104.9
24 years old and under 3.0 4.2 5.0 4.8 9.6 +100.3
25 to 44 years old 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 9.4 +99.1
45 to 54 years old 4.7 4.7 4.5 4.8 9.5 +96.7
55 years old and over 5.0 4.9 4.9 4.9 10.4 +110.7
Canada 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.8 9.7 +102.0

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI compassionate care benefits was paid.

1In the 2015/2016 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, data on the actual duration of compassionate care benefits were estimated using all claims established over the fiscal year. Starting with this year’s report, duration estimates are reported based on claims which were completed during the reporting period. Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year. Estimates for the fiscal year covered by the report are preliminary and will be revised, if required, in next year’s report. Previous year’s statistics have also been revised to reflect the change in methodology.
2Starting January 3, 2016, compassionate care benefits were enhanced to allow claimants to collect up to 26 weeks of benefits, an increase from the maximum of 6 weeks previously available.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.18.3 – Compassionate care benefits: Average weekly benefit rate1 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 397r 407 410r 421r 433 +2.6
Prince Edward Island 396r 373 405r 411 417 +1.4
Nova Scotia 379r 364 395r 399r 411 +3.2
New Brunswick 353 384 397 392r 403 +2.9
Quebec 377 393 411r 412 414 +0.6
Ontario 392 419 431 438 450 +2.8
Manitoba 374r 398 415r 425r 448 +5.3
Saskatchewan 396 439 445 465 463 -0.4
Alberta 413 441 457r 464r 470 +1.3
British Columbia 385r 421 427 439 453 +3.3
Yukon 467c 451c 493c, r 460c, r 498c +8.4
Northwest Territories
Men 424r 446 461 468r 478 +2.2
Women 375 403 414 420 431 +2.6
24 years old and under 329 351 361 364r 380 +4.4
25 to 44 years old 402r 427 440r 448r 457 +1.9
45 to 54 years old 390 418 432 439 454 +3.5
55 years old and over 374r 401 412r 417 423 +1.4
Canada 389 415 428 434 444 +2.4

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI compassionate care benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with compassionate care benefits.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.18.4 – Compassionate care benefits: Amount paid1 ($ million)
  2012/20132 2013/20142 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 +176.5
Prince Edward Island 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 +182.7
Nova Scotia 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6r 2.1 +277.8
New Brunswick 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5r 1.4 +220.9
Quebec 1.8 1.7 1.9 2.8 7.7 +170.8
Ontario 5.2 5.4 5.5 8.0 23.0 +189.1
Manitoba 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 2.2 +198.3
Saskatchewan 0.3 0.4 0.4r 0.5 1.7 +230.0
Alberta 1.2 1.3 1.5 2.0r 6.1 +209.6
British Columbia 1.9 2.0 1.9 2.9r 8.8 +201.5
Yukon 0.1c 0.1c 0.1c 0.1c 0.2c +251.1
Northwest Territories
Men 3.6 3.7 4.1 5.9 16.8 +186.1
Women 8.0 8.3 8.5 12.4 37.3 +199.8
24 years old and under 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.7 +190.5
25 to 44 years old 4.2 4.1 4.2 5.8 17.0 +194.0
45 to 54 years old 4.3 4.4 4.4 6.4 18.5 +187.2
55 years old and over 2.9 3.4 3.8 5.9 17.9 +206.0
Canada 11.6 12.0 12.5 18.3 54.1 +195.4

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI compassionate care benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with compassionate care benefits.
2Amount paid for FY1213 and FY1314 are based on the province or territory where the claimant lived at the end of his/her claim, whereas, for other fiscal years, amount paid are based on the province or territory at the time the claim was established.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.19 Benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children
Annex 2.19.1 – Benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children1: New claims established
  2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 11 32 58r 43 -25.9
Prince Edward Island 6 10 26 22 -15.4
Nova Scotia 41 64 73r 84 +15.1
New Brunswick 34 77 74r 93 +25.7
Quebec 297 642 822r 888 +8.0
Ontario 507 1,010 1,329r 1,556 +17.1
Manitoba 51 92 129r 164 +27.1
Saskatchewan 36 77 142r 153 +7.7
Alberta 192 408 558r 601 +7.7
British Columbia 163 349 466r 551 +18.2
Yukon 5c 5c 13c, r 14c +7.7
Northwest Territories
Missing data 287 80 50r 42 -16.0
Men 367 567 751r 818 +8.9
Women 1,263 2,279 2,989r 3,393 +13.5
24 years old and under 95 180 216r 222 +2.8
25 to 44 years old 1,370 2,454 3,276r 3,740 +14.2
45 to 54 years old 156 194 226r 229 +1.3
55 years old and over 9 18 22r 20 -9.1
Canada 1,630 2,846 3,740r 4,211 +12.6

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children was paid. All Parents of Critically Ill Children benefits that are shared between two parents are considered as two separate claims.

1Benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children have been available since June 2013.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data from Service Canada's Manual Pay System.

Annex 2.19.2 – Benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children1: Average actual duration2 (number of weeks)
  2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017p Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 26.6 21.4 17.8r 17.1 -4.0
Prince Edward Island 11.6 10.8 11.0r 24.7 +124.2
Nova Scotia 15.7 19.6 20.6r 20.5 -0.5
New Brunswick 9.1 16.2 21.0r 19.3 -8.4
Quebec 13.1 15.2 14.6r 14.6 +0.1
Ontario 15.9 16.6 20.9r 20.2 -3.2
Manitoba 19.7 16.0 19.9r 19.6 -1.6
Saskatchewan 10.4 15.1 21.4r 18.3 -14.7
Alberta 15.8 16.5 21.1r 20.9 -1.0
British Columbia 15.3 16.3 20.2r 18.0 -11.1
Yukon 23.3c 19.6c 10.5c, r 25.0c +138.1
Northwest Territories
Missing data 10.7 13.0 7.4r 6.2 -15.7
Men 12.9 14.9 16.0r 14.3 -11.0
Women 14.1 16.5 18.3r 18.7 +2.2
24 years old and under 12.7 15.0 15.8r 16.0 +1.3
25 to 44 years old 13.5 15.8 17.2r 16.7 -2.4
45 to 54 years old 16.9 22.1 21.5r 21.7 +0.9
55 years old and over 17.5 11.9 12.7r 21.9 +72.7
Canada 13.8 16.2 17.5r 17.2 -1.9

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children was paid. All Parents of Critically Ill Children benefits that are shared between two parents are considered as two separate claims.

1Benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children have been available since June 2013.
2Results on the actual duration of benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children have been estimated using all claims established over the fiscal year.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data from Service Canada's Manual Pay System.

Annex 2.19.3 –Benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children1: Average weekly benefit rate2 ($)
  2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 323 431 422r 446 +5.5
Prince Edward Island 373 376 467r 437 -6.4
Nova Scotia 436 396 403r 441 +9.4
New Brunswick 450 415 435r 402 -7.5
Quebec 410 423 435r 442 +1.6
Ontario 425 435 443r 457 +3.1
Manitoba 419 432 431r 435 +1.0
Saskatchewan 431 452 477r 442 -7.3
Alberta 455 452 457r 462 +1.1
British Columbia 417 434 447r 442 -1.1
Yukon 501c 501c 442c, r 454c +2.8
Northwest Territories
Men 456 457 474 481 +1.3
Women 416 428 424r 430 +1.5
24 years old and under 350 346 376r 374 -0.6
25 to 44 years old 433 441 445r 452 +1.6
45 to 54 years old 396 431 435r 443 +1.8
55 years old and over 371 409 418r 455 +8.9
Canada 425 433 440r 447 +1.5

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children was paid. All Parents of Critically Ill Children benefits that are shared between two parents are considered as two separate claims.

1Benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children have been available since June 2013.
2Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data from Service Canada's Manual Pay System.

Annex 2.19.4 –Benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children1: Amount paid2 ($ million)
  2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 +9.0
Prince Edward Island 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 -23.0
Nova Scotia 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 +10.8
New Brunswick 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.5 -1.8
Quebec 1.4 4.0 4.9 5.5 +11.9
Ontario 3.1 6.8 8.9r 9.9 +11.8
Manitoba 0.3 0.6 0.8 1.0 +22.9
Saskatchewan 0.2 0.5 0.9 0.9 +2.5
Alberta 1.2 2.9 3.7 4.2 +14.8
British Columbia 0.9 2.4 2.8 3.1 +8.6
Yukon 0.0c 0.1c 0.1c 0.1c +62.9
Northwest Territories
Missing data 1.2 0.5 0.1 0.1 -13.0
Men 2.1 3.7 5.2r 5.3 +0.6
Women 6.9 15.1 18.6r 21.2 +14.3
24 years old and under 0.4 0.9 1.1r 1.1 -2.9
25 to 44 years old 7.6 16.1 20.5r 23.3 +13.2
45 to 54 years old 1.0 1.8 2.0r 2.0 +1.3
55 years old and over 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 -13.3
Canada 8.9 18.9 23.8r 26.5 +11.3

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children was paid.

1Benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children have been available since June 2013.
2Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data from Service Canada's Manual Pay System.

Annex 2.20 Work-Sharing benefits
Annex 2.20.1 – Work-Sharing benefits: New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 20c 13c 14 43 41 -4.7
Prince Edward Island 82 12 10 -16.7
Nova Scotia 266 151 20c 205 145 -29.3
New Brunswick 78 67 42 16 -61.9
Quebec 6,310 4,759 3,580 4,451 2,737 -38.5
Ontario 5,373 4,512 2,255 2,849 2,017 -29.2
Manitoba 519 536 262 2,482 915 -63.1
Saskatchewan 11 68 742 1,035 577 -44.3
Alberta 483 1,024 631 7,939 4,872 -38.6
British Columbia 815 534 438 1,463 606 -58.6
Yukon 15 9c 0 0 0 n/a
Northwest Territories 0 0 0 0 n/a
Nunavut 0 0 0 0 0 n/a
Men 9,594 8,078 5,952 15,933 8,883 -44.2
Women 4,296 3,595 2,072 4,588 3,053 -33.5
24 years old and under 759 546 497 1,425 718 -49.6
25 to 44 years old 10,492 5,689 5,130 3,475 9,463 -41.4
45 to 54 years old 7,588 4,584 3,702 2,403 5,539 -43.2
55 years old and over 4,173 2,858 2,295 1,649 4,094 -38.3
Canada 13,890 11,673 8,024 20,521 11,936 -41.8

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI Work-Sharing benefits was paid.

cFor confidentiality purposes, data for some provinces and territories in different years have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data, except for the amount paid which is based on a 10% sample.

Annex 2.20.2 – Work-Sharing benefits: Average actual duration1 (number of weeks)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 16.6c 18.7c 17.3 18.7 25.9p +38.2
Prince Edward Island 6.9 25.1 13.2p -47.4
Nova Scotia 13.9 13.3 15.3c 13.2 19.9p +50.8
New Brunswick 20.7 17.2 17.3 12.1p -29.9
Quebec 12.7 13.6 13.2 11.9 17.5p +47.2
Ontario 11.9 14.4 14.0 15.8 12.4p -21.5
Manitoba 10.3 12.8 15.3 16.1 14.6p -8.9
Saskatchewan 16.3 10.7 18.5 17.7 17.8p +0.6
Alberta 8.7 4.6 14.6 21.6 19.6p -9.2
British Columbia 10.8 12.5 13.9 19.0 12.7p -33.5
Yukon 9.7 32.1c n/a n/a n/a n/a
Northwest Territories n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Nunavut n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Men 11.8 12.6 13.7 17.2 16.2p -5.8
Women 12.9 14.1 15.1 18.7 19.9p +6.5
24 years old and under 10.7 11.9 11.0 15.8 16.0p +0.7
25 to 44 years old 11.8 12.4 13.9 17.4 16.9p -2.5
45 to 54 years old 12.2 13.6 14.5 17.7 17.5p -1.2
55 years old and over 13.0 13.9 14.7 18.2 17.3p -4.8
Canada 12.1 13.1 14.1 17.5 17.1p -2.5

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI Work-Sharing benefits was paid.

1In the past, data on the actual duration of Work-Sharing benefits were reported with a lag of one year after the period covered by the Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report to ensure that data would pertain to claims that had ended. Starting with the 2014/2015 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, data on the actual duration of Work-Sharing benefits are reported for the fiscal year covered by the Report in order to provide timely, relevant and consistent information. Averages listed for previous years have been revised and restated according to this new methodological approach. Changes have been made possible by methodological improvements and the increased availability of historical data. However, data for the fiscal year covered by the Report are preliminary; data for 2016/2017 will be revised, if required, in the 2017/2018 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for some provinces and territories in different years have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data, except for the amount paid which is based on a 10% sample.

Annex 2.20.3 – Work-Sharing benefits: Average weekly benefit rate1 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 207c 119c 135 168 187 +11.3
Prince Edward Island 160 186 211 +13.4
Nova Scotia 96 117 196c 136 137 +0.7
New Brunswick 133 127 128 176 +37.5
Quebec 112 107 120 116 113 -2.6
Ontario 97 103 118 117 118 +0.9
Manitoba 101 110 135 119 101 -15.1
Saskatchewan 166 194 196 142 142 0.0
Alberta 130 222 146 142 137 -3.5
British Columbia 114 114 121 150 114 -24.0
Yukon 125 117c n/a n/a n/a n/a
Northwest Territories n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Nunavut n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Men 115 123 135 136 131 -3.7
Women 88 103 112 115 107 -7.0
24 years old and under 97 99 122 133 120 -9.8
25 to 44 years old 107 123 132 133 125 -6.0
45 to 54 years old 108 114 130 128 126 -1.6
55 years old and over 108 113 125 129 124 -3.9
Canada 107 117 129 131 125 -4.6

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI Work-Sharing benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with Work-Sharing benefits.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for some provinces and territories in different years have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data, except for the amount paid which is based on a 10% sample.

Annex 2.20.4 – Work-Sharing benefits: Amount paid1 ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 0.2c 0.1c 0.0 0.1 0.2 +128.2
Prince Edward Island 0.1 0.1 0.0 -100.0
Nova Scotia 0.5 0.2 0.3c 0.3 0.7 +107.1
New Brunswick 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 +536.2
Quebec 11.8 8.9 8.0 6.0 6.5 +9.9
Ontario 10.2 8.7 5.4 5.3 4.7 -10.1
Manitoba 0.7 1.0 0.5 3.3 3.3 -1.4
Saskatchewan 0.1 0.2 2.4 2.9 2.1 -30.0
Alberta 0.8 1.2 0.4 17.1 23.5 +37.8
British Columbia 1.7 0.9 0.8 3.8 2.4 -37.8
Yukon 0.0 0.0c 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a
Northwest Territories 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a
Nunavut 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a
Men 18.6 15.0 14.1 30.5 32.3 +6.0
Women 7.5 6.3 3.6 8.3 11.1 +33.3
24 years old and under 1.0 1.0 0.8 2.4 2.3 -3.4
25 to 44 years old 9.9 8.7 8.3 17.5 20.3 +16.3
45 to 54 years old 8.9 7.0 5.2 11.6 12.2 +4.7
55 years old and over 6.3 4.6 3.4 7.3 8.6 +17.9
Canada 26.1 21.3 17.7 38.8 43.4 +11.9

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI Work-Sharing benefits was paid.

1 Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with Work-Sharing benefits.
c For confidentiality purposes, data for some provinces and territories in different years have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data, except for the amount paid which is based on a 10% sample.

Annex 2.21 Work-Sharing benefits (by industry)
Annex 2.21.1 – Work-Sharing benefits (by industry): New claims established
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Goods-producing industries 11,121 9,087 5,365 15,612 9,315 -40.3
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 135 94 75 40 10 -75.0
Mining and oil and gas extraction 17 148 67 514c 281c -45.3
Utilities 0 0 0
Construction 278 324 208 627 550 -12.3
Manufacturing 10,691 8,521 5,015 14,431 8,474 -41.3
Service-producing industries 2,584 2,511 2,462 4,869 2,439 -49.9
Wholesale trade 605 722 849 2,026 1,017 -49.8
Retail trade 421 167 171 521 167 -67.9
Transportation and warehousing 80 155c 71c 220c 78c -64.5
Finance and insurance 36
Real estate and rental and leasing 18 895c 25 131 203 +55.0
Professional, scientific and technical services 823 889 1,069 543 -49.2
Business, building and support services1 329 141 114 170 175 +2.9
Educational services 57c 16 49 45c 32c -28.9
Health care and social assistance 192 66
Information, culture and recreation2 59 55 60 105 23 -78.1
Accommodation and food services 32 19 26 216 29 -86.6
Other services (except public administration) 117 142 141 352 169 -52.0
Public administration 192c 82c 198c 54c 185c +242.6
Canada 13,890 11,673 8,024 20,521 11,936 -41.8

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI Work-Sharing benefits was paid.

1This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of companies and enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services) from the North American Industry Classification System.
2This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 51 (Information and cultural industries) and 71 (Arts, entertainment and recreation) from the North American Industry Classification System.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for some industries in different years have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data, except for the amount paid which is based on a 10% sample.

Annex 2.21.2 – Work-Sharing benefits (by industry): Average actual duration1 (number of weeks)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Goods-producing industries 11.8 12.0 13.2 16.4 16.0p -2.7
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 16.3 11.8 7.7 8.5 13.0p +53.2
Mining and oil and gas extraction 21.0 11.3 16.6 20.6c 21.3c, p +3.7
Utilities 0.0 0.0 0.0
Construction 14.1 12.5 11.9 14.5 17.4p +19.7
Manufacturing 11.7 12.0 13.3 16.4 15.6p -4.7
Service-producing industries 13.4 16.7 15.8 21.1 21.5p +1.6
Wholesale trade 15.0 16.5 18.1 20.2 20.9p +3.3
Retail trade 12.1 18.7 11.4 18.2 19.3p +6.1
Transportation and warehousing 19.1 17.3c 18.2c 21.8c 25.6c, p +17.7
Finance and insurance 13.0
Real estate and rental and leasing 19.1 18.1c 13.9 18.3 25.7p +41.0
Professional, scientific and technical services 12.8 15.1 22.3 20.0p -10.3
Business, building and support services2 11.7 15.6 14.8 23.3 19.7p -15.6
Educational services 21.4c 20.4 15.0 19.6c 22.0 c, p +12.4
Health care and social assistance 12.2 18.5
Information, culture and recreation3 11.6 15.4 17.6 32.2 35.4p +9.9
Accommodation and food services 11.0 12.5 12.3 25.7 13.8p -46.6
Other services (except public administration) 12.3 14.2 9.6 20.7 25.2p +21.8
Public administration 12.1c 15.5c 16.5c 15.8c 19.0c, p +20.1
Canada 12.1 13.1 14.1 17.5 17.1p -2.5

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI Work-Sharing benefits was paid.

1In the past, data on the actual duration of Work-Sharing benefits were reported with a lag of one year after the period covered by the Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report to ensure that data would pertain to claims that had ended. Starting with the 2014/2015 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, data on the actual duration of Work-Sharing benefits are reported for the fiscal year covered by the Report in order to provide timely, relevant and consistent information. Averages listed for previous years have been revised and restated according to this new methodological approach. Changes have been made possible by methodological improvements and the increased availability of historical data. However, data for the fiscal year covered by the Report are preliminary; data for 2016/2017 will be revised, if required, in the 2017/2018 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report.
2This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of companies and enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services) from the North American Industry Classification System.
3This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 51 (Information and cultural industries) and 71 (Arts, entertainment and recreation) from the North American Industry Classification System.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for some industries in different years have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data, except for the amount paid which is based on a 10% sample.

Annex 2.21.3 – Work-Sharing benefits (by industry): Average weekly benefit rate1 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Goods-producing industries 108 119 125 132 124 -6.1
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 99 99 153 142 116 -18.3
Mining and oil and gas extraction 207 131 198 152 c 126 c -17.1
Utilities 0 0 0
Construction 122 112 113 153 148 -3.3
Manufacturing 108 119 124 130 122 -6.2
Service-producing industries 100 112 138 129 129 0.0
Wholesale trade 88 92 169 109 111 +1.8
Retail trade 82 102 126 115 130 +13.0
Transportation and warehousing 102 95 c 155 c 135 c 158 c +17.0
Finance and insurance 124
Real estate and rental and leasing 128 141 c 116 125 132 +5.6
Professional, scientific and technical services 120 122 138 145 +5.1
Business, building and support services2 84 97 111 140 139 -0.7
Educational services 100 c 103 144 126 c 124 c -1.6
Health care and social assistance 86 100
Information, culture and recreation3 104 101 124 179 152 -15.1
Accommodation and food services 103 86 103 211 125 -40.8
Other services (except public administration) 112 118 114 158 151 -4.4
Public administration 103 c 92 c 128 c 148 c 130 c -12.2
Canada 107 117 129 131 125 -4.6

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI Work-Sharing benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with Work-Sharing benefits.
2This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of companies and enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services) from the North American Industry Classification System.
3This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 51 (Information and cultural industries) and 71 (Arts, entertainment and recreation) from the North American Industry Classification System.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for some industries in different years have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data, except for the amount paid which is based on a 10% sample.

Annex 2.21.4 – Work-Sharing benefits (by industry): Amount paid1 ($ million)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Goods-producing industries 20.6 15.9 11.7 27.6 30.1 +9.1
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 -70.1
Mining and oil and gas extraction 0.2 0.3 0.3 1.6c 1.3c -20.2
Utilities 0.0 0.0 0.0
Construction 1.0 0.6 0.3 0.8 1.4 +77.3
Manufacturing 19.1 14.8 11.1 25.1 27.4 +9.1
Service-producing industries 5.1 5.2 5.8 11.2 12.8 +14.3
Wholesale trade 1.4 1.0 2.4 3.9 3.8 -2.5
Retail trade 1.0 0.6 0.2 0.8 1.2 +47.2
Transportation and warehousing 0.3 0.3c 0.1c 0.4c 0.9c +131.9
Finance and insurance 0.1
Real estate and rental and leasing 0.0 2.2c 0.1 0.3 1.0 +247.6
Professional, scientific and technical services 1.3 2.3 2.7 2.6 -4.8
Business, building and support services2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.8 +265.6
Educational services 0.2c 0.0 0.1 0.1c 0.1c +1.6
Health care and social assistance 0.2 0.1
Information, culture and recreation3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.4 -17.6
Accommodation and food services 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.7 -48.2
Other services (except public administration) 0.1 0.4 0.1 1.1 1.4 +30.3
Public administration 0.4c 0.2c 0.2c 0.0c 0.5c +1,459.6
Canada 26.1 21.3 17.7 38.8 43.4 +11.9

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of EI Work-Sharing benefits was paid.

1Takes into account Family Supplement top-ups paid to claimants with Work-Sharing benefits.
2This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of companies and enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services) from the North American Industry Classification System.
3This industry sector comprises the industries with codes 51 (Information and cultural industries) and 71 (Arts, entertainment and recreation) from the North American Industry Classification System.
cFor confidentiality purposes, data for some industries in different years have been combined.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data, except for the amount paid which is based on a 10% sample.

Annex 2.22 Family supplement
Annex 2.22.1 – Family Supplement: New claims established
  2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016 -2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 2,490 2,500 +0.4
Prince Edward Island 990 1,020 +3.0
Nova Scotia 4,600 4,440 -3.5
New Brunswick 4,100 4,100 0.0
Quebec 17,470 18,200 +4.2
Ontario 27,680 26,330 -4.9
Manitoba 4,390 4,070 -7.3
Saskatchewan 2,660 3,050 +14.7
Alberta 6,380 6,700 +5.0
British Columbia 9,030 8,780 -2.8
Yukon 20 40 +100.0
Northwest Territories 20 90 +350.0
Nunavut 80 90 +12.5
Men 16,540 16,480 -0.4
Women 63,370 62,930 -0.7
24 years old and under 10,420 9,820 -5.8
25 to 44 years old 57,080 57,040 -0.1
45 to 54 years old 10,840 10,980 +1.3
55 years old and over 1,570 1,570 0.0
EI claimant category1
Long-tenured workers 7,300 6,290 -13.8
Occasional claimants 65,170 66,460 +2.0
Frequent claimants 7,440 6,660 -10.5
Canada 79,910 79,410 -0.6

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 in Family Supplement was paid.

1See Annex-2.1 for definitions related to EI claimant categories.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.22.2 – Family Supplement: Percentage of new claims established which included Family Supplement (%)
  2015/2016 2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 2.9 3.4
Prince Edward Island 4.5 4.5
Nova Scotia 5.6 5.4
New Brunswick 4.6 4.6
Quebec 3.5 3.8
Ontario 4.9 4.8
Manitoba 6.8 6.9
Saskatchewan 4.7 6.1
Alberta 2.7 3.3
British Columbia 4.2 4.4
Yukon 0.8 1.7
Northwest Territories 0.9 3.8
Nunavut 6.5 7.0
Men 1.5 1.7
Women 7.5 7.5
24 years old and under 5.4 5.5
25 to 44 years old 6.1 6.5
45 to 54 years old 2.7 3.0
55 years old and over 0.4 0.4
EI claimant category1
Long-tenured workers 1.2 1.2
Occasional claimants 6.6 6.9
Frequent claimants 2.2 2.1
Canada 4.2 4.4

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 in Family Supplement was paid.

1See Annex-2.1 for definitions related to EI claimant categories.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.22.3 – Family Supplement: Average weekly Family Supplement ($)
  2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016 -2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 42 39 -8.3
Prince Edward Island 43 41 -3.8
Nova Scotia 43 45 +5.8
New Brunswick 39 41 +7.0
Quebec 43 42 -0.5
Ontario 40 43 +7.5
Manitoba 49 55 +13.6
Saskatchewan 44 49 +12.4
Alberta 41 44 +8.0
British Columbia 39 43 +9.0
Yukon 60 30 -50.5
Northwest Territories 15 35 +138.4
Nunavut 61 44 -27.9
Men 47 47 +0.6
Women 40 43 +7.0
24 years old and under 35 38 +9.6
25 to 44 years old 44 47 +6.2
45 to 54 years old 37 36 -2.7
55 years old and over 36 34 -5.0
EI claimant category1
Long-tenured workers 34 38 +11.8
Occasional claimants 42 45 +5.9
Frequent claimants 39 38 -3.6
Canada 41 44 +5.8

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 in Family Supplement was paid.

1See Annex-2.1 for definitions related to EI claimant categories.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.22.4 – Family Supplement: Average weekly benefit rate1 ($)
  2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016 -2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 332 341 +2.4
Prince Edward Island 340 343 +1.1
Nova Scotia 329 324 -1.5
New Brunswick 338 340 +0.5
Quebec 353 360 +2.1
Ontario 336 341 +1.5
Manitoba 349 369 +5.7
Saskatchewan 359 359 -0.1
Alberta 357 366 +2.6
British Columbia 338 349 +3.3
Yukon 461 480 +4.1
Northwest Territories 500 432 -13.4
Nunavut 385 344 -10.7
Men 393 397 +1.1
Women 330 337 +2.3
24 years old and under 297 299 +0.4
25 to 44 years old 350 358 +2.4
45 to 54 years old 345 349 +1.3
55 years old and over 363 355 -2.2
EI claimant category2
Long-tenured workers 372 380 +2.0
Occasional claimants 337 344 +2.1
Frequent claimants 361 375 +3.9
Canada 343 350 +2.0

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 in Family Supplement was paid.

1Averages include all claims which provided Family Supplement top-ups paid to Employment Insurance claimants.
2See Annex-2.1 for definitions related to EI claimant categories.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.22.5 – Family Supplement: Amount paid ($ million)
  2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Change (%) 2015/2016-2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 4.6 4.3 3.7 3.6 3.4 3.1 -8.7
Prince Edward Island 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 +7.3
Nova Scotia 7.6 7.1 5.8 5.1 6.2 5.7 -7.7
New Brunswick 5.8 5.5 5.5 5.0 4.9 4.6 -4.7
Quebec 19.1 17.9 15.8 15.2 15.3 15.5 +0.8
Ontario 41.1 39.3 35.6 32.7 32.8 30.0 -8.6
Manitoba 6.3 6.4 5.7 5.4 5.5 6.1 +10.3
Saskatchewan 4.7 4.3 3.9 3.9 3.3 4.2 +27.6
Alberta 7.2 7.1 6.9 7.3 7.4 8.1 +9.0
British Columbia 14.2 13.0 10.8 10.3 10.3 9.8 -4.4
Yukon 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 -40.5
Northwest Territories 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 +83.8
Nunavut 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 -43.8
Men 21.7 20.1 17.9 16.4 17.0 17.0 0.0
Women 90.9 86.5 77.3 73.6 73.6 71.6 -2.6
24 years old and under 17.6 15.4 13.8 13.6 13.5 12.1 -10.2
25 to 44 years old 83.1 78.9 70.6 66.8 67.5 67.0 -0.8
45 to 54 years old 10.7 11.0 9.6 8.4 8.3 8.5 +1.7
55 years old and over 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.1 -15.0
EI claimant category1
Long-tenured workers 7.9 87.6 80.6 78.4 77.9 75.9 -2.5
Occasional claimants 93.6 10.7 8.9 7.7 7.4 6.8 -8.8
Frequent claimants 11.1 8.3 5.6 3.9 5.3 6.0 +12.0
Canada 112.6 106.6 95.2 90.0 90.6 88.7 -2.1

Note: Data may not add up to the total due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Only includes the amounts paid under the Family Supplement provision.

1See Annex-2.1 for definitions related to EI claimant categories.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.23 Working While on Claim
Annex 2.23.1 – Working While on Claim: Number of completed claims for regular Employment Insurance benefits with Working While on Claim1, 2
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017P Change (%) 2015/2016 -2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 46,040 38,990 38,000 36,560 34,830 -4.7
Prince Edward Island 12,040 10,010 9,100 8,950 8,970 +0.2
Nova Scotia 43,170 37,530 33,780 34,730 34,300 -1.2
New Brunswick 51,930 45,680 44,010 43,590 44,740 +2.6
Quebec 285,700 256,330 257,360 249,000 246,390 -1.0
Ontario 191,680 177,100 180,650 182,430 163,170 -10.6
Manitoba 18,250 15,940 17,750 15,790 17,940 +13.6
Saskatchewan 13,560 11,790 12,590 14,650 15,480 +5.7
Alberta 36,770 34,880 35,170 43,880 73,950 +68.5
British Columbia 80,780 69,650 70,660 66,910 66,380 -0.8
Yukon 1,120 1,190 920 870 760 -12.6
Northwest Territories 710 720 720 750 760 +1.3
Nunavut 360 320 270 230 240 +4.3
Men 461,470 415,740 418,680 418,140 439,380 +5.1
Women 320,640 284,390 282,300 280,200 268,530 -4.2
24 years old and under 78,310 70,010 67,960 67,700 73,210 +8.1
25 to 44 years old 348,650 318,740 319,090 325,920 334,160 +2.5
45 to 54 years old 221,030 199,200 198,710 188,990 182,940 -3.2
55 years old and over 134,120 112,180 115,220 115,730 117,600 +1.6
Canada 782,110 700,130 700,980 698,340 707,910 +1.4

Note: Includes claims for which at least $1 of regular benefit was paid. Includes only claims with at least $1 of employment income earned from working while claim while claiming EI regular benefits.

1Starting with the 2016/2017 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, the number and the share of claims with working while on claim are reported based on completed claims for which at least $1 of regular benefit was paid. Estimates for the fiscal year covered by the report are preliminary and will be revised, if required, in next year’s report.
2Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.23.2 – Working While on Claim1: Average number of weeks worked while on claim 1, 2 (number of weeks)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017p Change (%) 2015/2016 -2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 18.5r 15.8 15.6r 15.6r 15.2 -2.7
Prince Edward Island 19.0 r 14.5 13.7 r 13.1 r 13.9 +6.0
Nova Scotia 17.6 r 14.9 14.5 r 14.3 r 13.9 -2.6
New Brunswick 19.5 r 15.9 r 16.8 13.5 r 16.3 -1.7
Quebec 15.9 r 13.8 r 13.5 r 13.4 r 13.5 +0.5
Ontario 11.0 r 9.6 9.1 r 8.3 r 8.5 +2.1
Manitoba 7.4 r 6.2 r 5.7 6.0 r 5.8 -2.9
Saskatchewan 8.1 r 6.2 5.7 r 6.0 r 7.0 +12.5
Alberta 7.5 r 6.1 r 5.9 r 6.0 r 7.1 +18.6
British Columbia 11.2 r 9.6 r 8.9 r 8.9 r 9.0 +0.4
Yukon 10.0 r 7.6 r 8.7 r 7.6 r 7.0 -8.3
Northwest Territories 9.4 r 4.8 r 5.7 r 7.0 7.1 +0.4
Nunavut 12.4 7.9 r 5.8 7.3 r 8.5 +16.9
Men 13.6 r 11.8 r 11.6 r 11.2 r 11.0 -2.3
Women 14.5 r 12.2 11.5 11.1 11.5 +3.2
24 years old and under 10.9 r 9.4 r 9.3 r 9.1 r 8.8 -3.8
25 to 44 years old 13.0 r 11.2 r 10.7 10.4 r 10.4 +0.4
45 to 54 years old 15.6 r 13.7 r 13.1 r 12.8 r 12.7 -0.7
55 years old and over 15.8 r 13.0 12.4 r 12.0 r 12.3 +2.5
Canada 14.0 r 12.0 r 11.5 11.2 r 11.2 -0.2

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes only weeks with at least $1 of employment income earned from working while claim while claiming EI regular benefits.

1Starting with the 2016/2017 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, statistics on weeks worked while on claim are based on completed claims for which at least $1 of regular benefit was paid. Estimates for the fiscal year covered by the report are preliminary and will be revised, if required, in next year’s report
2Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.23.3 – Working While on Claim: Average weekly employment income earned from Working While on Claim1, 2 ($)
  2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017p Change (%) 2015/2016 -2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 796r 888r 965r 1,014r 997 -1.7
Prince Edward Island 530 676r 664 743r 721 -3.0
Nova Scotia 675r 750r 803r 848r 852 +0.5
New Brunswick 634r 737r 764r 793 794 +0.2
Quebec 632 710 731r 750r 762 +1.5
Ontario 560r 596r 638r 631r 650 +2.9
Manitoba 487 536r 569 574r 623 +8.6
Saskatchewan 588r 671r 699r 769r 739 -4.0
Alberta 750r 794r 841r 891r 834 -6.4
British Columbia 600r 649r 673r 735r 728 -0.9
Yukon 615r 672r 651r 663r 668 +0.7
Northwest Territories 590r 741r 819r 899r 821 -8.7
Nunavut 728r 818r 682 819r 628 -23.3
Men 767 841 878r 907r 904 -0.3
Women 416 464r 485r 502r 507 +1.1
24 years old and under 502 563r 591r 603r 616 +2.0
25 to 44 years old 633r 690 725r 750r 770 +2.7
45 to 54 years old 683 729 761r 793 794 +0.1
55 years old and over 569r 689r 707r 733 731 -0.2
Canada 623 688 719 744 754 +1.3

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes employment income only (all amounts paid in Employment Insurance benefits are excluded from the calculation). Only weeks with at least $1 of employment income earned from working while claim while claiming EI regular benefits are taken into account in the calculation.

1Starting with the 2016/2017 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, statistics on average weekly employment earnings from working while on claim are based on completed claims for which at least $1 of regular benefit was paid. Estimates for the fiscal year covered by the report are preliminary and will be revised, if required, in next year’s report
2Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.23.4 – Working While on Claim1: Percentage of completed claims for regular Employment Insurance benefits with employment income from Working While on Claim2
  2012/2013r 2013/2014r 2014/2015r 2015/2016r 2016/2017 p Change (% Points) 2015/2016 -2016/2017
Newfoundland and Labrador 67.2 61.4 59.5 60.1 59.8 -0.3
Prince Edward Island 64.4 56.4 55.0 55.6 52.3 -3.3
Nova Scotia 62.9 58.6 56.7 55.4 54.3 -1.0
New Brunswick 67.3 62.8 62.6 61.5 60.0 -1.5
Quebec 61.6 58.6 58.5 57.7 57.3 -0.4
Ontario 46.1 43.1 43.6 44.8 41.9 -2.9
Manitoba 46.5 43.3 45.8 42.8 43.2 +0.4
Saskatchewan 46.5 42.8 43.7 47.2 43.2 -3.9
Alberta 42.6 41.1 41.4 42.5 43.9 +1.5
British Columbia 50.8 47.9 48.2 48.0 47.0 -1.0
Yukon 53.1 53.8 42.4 48.3 39.0 -9.4
Northwest Territories 39.9 45.6 43.1 43.6 44.4 +0.8
Nunavut 37.5 34.0 36.5 41.8 31.6 -10.2
Men 53.7 50.2 50.4 49.7 48.8 -1.0
Women 56.1 52.9 52.6 53.5 51.3 -2.2
24 years old and under 52.5 50.7 51.2 50.8 50.3 -0.5
25 to 44 years old 55.6 53.1 53.5 53.6 52.3 -1.3
45 to 54 years old 60.6 58.6 58.6 58.5 56.7 -1.7
55 years old and over 46.2 39.0 38.5 38.6 37.1 -1.5
Canada 54.7 51.3 51.3 51.2 49.7 -1.5

Note: Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers. Includes claims for which at least $1 of regular benefit was paid.

1Starting with the 2016/2017 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, the number and the share of claims with working while on claim are reported based on completed claims for which at least $1 of regular benefit was paid. Estimates for the fiscal year covered by the report are preliminary and will be revised, if required, in next year’s report
2Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.24 Completed pure and combined Employment Insurance claims, by types of benefits
Annex 2.24 – Completed pure and combined Employment Insurance claims, by types of benefits, Canada
Benefit type1 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017
Level of claims Combined claims (%) Level of claims Combined claims (%) Level of claims Combined claims (%)
Regular 1,446,200 10.9 1,451,370 11.0 1,467,290 11.9
Fishing 26,660 10.0 26,390 11.1 27,280 13.2
Sickness 368,270 47.3 370,370 47.3 398,040 47.4
Maternity 174,310 98.6 171,150 98.4 175,170 98.4
Parental2 199,100 86.9 195,930 86.9 202,880 86.0
Compassionate care 6,640 41.6 6,730 46.2 9,690 41.6
Work-Sharing 10,420 25.0 13,250 19.8 17,950 22.1
Claims3 1,873,880 17.5 1,879,050 17.3 1,922,010 18.0

Note: Completed claims include those that are terminated and those that are dormant and remained inactive as of August the following fiscal year.

1Excludes benefits for parents of critically ill children.

2Parental benefits for biological parents and parental benefits for adoptive parents are grouped together.

3The total number of claims and of combined claims is lower than the sum of claims associated to each benefit type, because combined claims are only counted once even though they appear in more than one benefit type.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.25 Employment Insurance benefit repayment
Annex 2.25.1 – Employment Insurance benefit repayment1: People who repaid benefits
  2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Change (%) 2014-2015
Newfoundland and Labrador 11,254 11,799 12,787 14,168 14,766 +4.2
Prince Edward Island 1,013 1,358 1,048 1,275 1,422 +11.5
Nova Scotia 7,350 7,712 7,722 8,738 8,625 -1.3
New Brunswick 5,687 6,488 6,499 7,220 6,869 -4.9
Quebec 48,360 47,748 40,948 40,567 37,645 -7.2
Ontario 45,635 42,376 38,373 43,716 45,100 +3.2
Manitoba 3,096 2,913 2,918 3,084 3,162 +2.5
Saskatchewan 4,842 4,621 4,585 4,690 4,982 +6.2
Alberta 26,890 23,918 22,813 23,415 28,296 +20.8
British Columbia 20,337 18,569 18,676 19,215 20,590 +7.2
Yukon 384 306 288 273 299 +9.5
Northwest Territories 374 317 275 259 264 +1.9
Nunavut 46 143 108 96 108 +12.5
Non-residents of Canada 33 70 69 61 97 +59.0
Men 155,614 150,102 140,103 148,848 153,159 +2.9
Women 19,687 18,236 17,006 17,929 19,066 +6.3
24 years old and under 6,704 6,629 6,098 6,328 5,408 -14.5
25 to 44 years old 74,806 72,133 68,297 72,948 77,047 +5.6
45 to 54 years old 49,526 45,694 41,376 43,660 44,369 +1.6
55 years old and over 44,265 43,882 41,338 43,841 45,401 +3.6
Canada 175,301 168,338 157,109 166,777 172,225 +3.3

1As benefit repayments are administered through the tax system, the most recent data available are for the 2015 taxation year.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.25.2 – Employment Insurance benefit repayment1: Amount repaid ($ million)
  2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Change (%) 2014-2015
Newfoundland and Labrador 19.6 19.5 21.0 26.9 28.7 +6.7
Prince Edward Island 1.8 2.9 1.9 2.7 3.8 +42.3
Nova Scotia 12.7 13.9 14.5 17.5 20.0 +14.1
New Brunswick 9.3 11.0 11.6 13.5 14.7 +8.9
Quebec 49.3 49.9 45.3 46.1 44.3 -3.8
Ontario 47.6 44.9 44.5 49.8 54.8 +10.0
Manitoba 3.6 3.6 3.7 4.2 4.4 +4.9
Saskatchewan 5.6 5.5 5.7 6.4 7.1 +11.6
Alberta 35.4 29.8 29.1 31.2 40.0 +28.0
British Columbia 23.8 23.0 23.3 24.9 28.6 +15.2
Yukon 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 +8.9
Northwest Territories 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 +4.4
Nunavut 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 +42.8
Non-residents of Canada 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 -9.0
Men 189.6 186.1 182.9 203.8 224.4 +10.1
Women 20.1 19.0 18.8 20.2 23.1 +14.7
24 years old and under 7.5 7.6 7.2 8.0 7.4 -7.1
25 to 44 years old 80.1 80.2 79.8 89.8 100.9 +12.4
45 to 54 years old 57.3 53.6 52.0 57.1 63.0 +10.4
55 years old and over 64.7 63.7 62.6 69.1 76.1 +10.2
Canada 209.7 205.1 201.7 224.0 247.5 +10.5

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding. Percentage change is based on unrounded numbers.

1As benefit repayments are administered through the tax system, the most recent data available are for the 2015 taxation year.

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data. Data are based on a 100% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.26 Contributors to the Employment Insurance program
Annex 2.26.1 – Contributors to the Employment Insurance program1: Employment Insurance premium ($ million)
  Total % of total Paid by employers2 Paid by employees
2014 2015 2015 2015 2015
Newfoundland and Labrador 356.0 368.5 1.6 214.6 153.9
Prince Edward Island 88.8 90.5 0.4 52.3 38.2
Nova Scotia 585.3 598.7 2.5 343.3 255.4
New Brunswick 468.6 481.9 2.1 276.8 205.1
Quebec 4,198.6 4,306.9 18.3 2,447.4 1,859.5
Ontario 8,915.9 9,269.2 39.4 5326 3,943.1
Manitoba 835.7 865.7 3.7 496.6 369.1
Saskatchewan 785.0 793.3 3.4 455.8 337.5
Alberta 3,579.9 3,546.4 15.1 2,052.8 1,493.6
British Columbia 2,922.7 3,048.2 13.0 1758 1,290.3
Yukon 34.3 34.7 0.1 20.1 14.6
Northwest Territories 48.4 50.9 0.2 29.8 21.1
Nunavut 30.2 31.8 0.1 18.6 13.2
Outside Canada 15.3 15.3 0.1 8.8 6.5
Men 12,734.8 13,019.4 55.4 7,506.8 5,512.6
Women 10,124.5 10,480.5 44.6 5,992.8 4,487.7
Missing data 5.3 2.0 0.0 1.1 0.8
24 years old and under 1,878.4 1,887.5 8.0 1,094.3 793.2
25 to 44 years old 10,729.4 11,034.6 47.0 6,350.6 4,684.1
45 to 54 years old 5,881.6 5,942.0 25.3 3,401.9 2,540.1
55 years old and over 4,369.8 4,631.9 19.7 2,650.6 1,981.3
Missing data 5.3 5.9 0.0 3.4 2.5
Goods-producing industries 5,182.9 5,403.00 23.0 3,130.80 2,272.10
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 259.0 279.0 1.2 163.4 115.6
Mining, and oil and gas extraction 475.3 453.9 1.9 262.2 191.8
Utilities 212.8 216.2 0.9 120.9 95.3
Construction 1,771.0 1,846.5 7.9 1,095.3 751.2
Manufacturing 2,464.8 2,607.3 11.1 1,489.0 1,118.3
Service-producing industries 16,393.5 17,943.5 76.3 10,278.2 7,665.3
Wholesale trade 1,201.3 1,241.8 5.3 713.9 528.0
Retail trade 1,809.7 1,932.3 8.2 1,116.5 815.8
Transportation and warehousing 1,035.8 1,095.9 4.7 626.4 469.5
Finance and insurance 1,074.6 1,161.4 4.9 653.5 508.0
Real estate and rental and leasing 365.4 394.3 1.7 229.7 164.7
Professional, scientific and technical services 1,302.3 1,394.9 5.9 807.7 587.1
Business, building and other support services3 1,304.9 1,327.5 5.6 768.0 559.5
Educational services 1,786.6 1,843.0 7.8 1,036.0 806.9
Health care and social assistance 1,790.9 2,100.8 8.9 1,207.1 893.7
Information, culture and recreation4 762.9 814.4 3.5 466.3 348.1
Accommodation and food services 851.7 932.0 4.0 542.9 389.1
Other services (except public administration) 769.7 798.6 3.4 465.2 333.4
Public administration 2,337.8 2,906.6 12.4 1,645.1 1,261.5
Unclassified 1,288.2 155.5 0.7 91.8 63.7
Canada 22,864.6 23,501.9 100.0 13,500.8 10,001.1

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding. Percentage share is based on unrounded numbers.

1As Employment Insurance premium payments are administered through the tax system, the most recent data available are for the 2015 taxation year.
2Employer contributions are 1.4 times the level of employee contributions. However, employers who participate in the Premium Reduction Program may contribute less than 1.4 times their employees’ contributions. See Chapter 2, Section 2.7 for more information.
3This industry category comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of Companies and Enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Mediation services) from the North American Industry Classification System.
4This industry category comprises the industries with codes 51 (Information and Cultural Industries) and 71 (Arts, Entertainment and Recreation) from the North American Industry Classification System.

Source: Canada Revenue Agency, T4 slips with employment income. Data are based on a 10% sample of T4 slips with employment income.

Annex 2.26.2 – Contributors to the Employment Insurance program1: Employment income
  Total employment income Total insurable earnings Number of workers with employment income Employment income per worker Insurable earnings per worker
($ million)   ($ million)   ($ per year) ($ per year)
2014 2015 % of total 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 % of total 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015
Newfoundland and Labrador 12,345.2 12,942.9 1.5 8,191.4 8,454.9 275,710 280,320 1.5 44,776 46,172 29,710 30,162
Prince Edward Island 2,634.3 2,696.6 0.3 2,024.1 2,056.5 79,000 79,270 0.4 33,346 34,018 25,622 25,943
Nova Scotia 18,378.3 18,813.3 2.1 13,498.1 13,789.6 474,820 480,560 2.5 38,706 39,149 28,428 28,695
New Brunswick 14,373.8 14,676.1 1.7 10,758.7 11,038.7 387,220 392,710 2.1 37,120 37,371 27,784 28,109
Quebec 167,104.9 170,132.0 19.2 120,481.3 122,514.5 4,202,580 4,193,700 22.2 39,762 40,568 28,668 29,214
Ontario 329,395.5r 345,302.5 39.0 206,229.0 214,136.0 6,960,670r 7,104,330 37.6 47,322r 48,605 29,628r 30,142
Manitoba 27,629.1 28,728.4 3.2 19,342.9 19,979.8 665,770 674,840 3.6 41,499 42,571 29,053 29,607
Saskatchewan 27,828.6 28,000.3 3.2 18,375.1 18,491.5 598,890 598,120 3.2 46,467 46,814 30,682 30,916
Alberta 153,445.0 150,170.2 16.9 84,026.4 82,777.5 2,543,420 2,527,190 13.4 60,330 59,422 33,037 32,755
British Columbia 103,628.2 108,376.5 12.2 67,470.4 70,193.3 2,384,780 2,453,250 13.0 43,454 44,177 28,292 28,612
Yukon 1,152.3 1,159.9 0.1 790.0 796.6 24,700 24,560 0.1 46,652 47,227 31,984 32,435
Northwest Territories 2,038.8 2,165.7 0.2 1,133.2 1,193.3 32,570 33,340 0.2 62,597 64,958 34,793 35,792
Nunavut 1,255.4 1,314.3 0.1 705.3 742.0 23,040 23,940 0.1 54,488 54,900 30,612 30,994
Outside Canada 1,485.1 1,652.9 0.2 370.6 365.6 15,090 15,210 0.1 98,416 108,672 24,559 24,037
Men 531,677.0 544,450.1 61.4 308,556.2 314,132.7 9,671,570 9,760,040 51.7 54,973 55,784 31,903 32,186
Women 330,622.8 341,394.1 38.5 244,713.8 252,352.5 8,978,620 9,105,030 48.2 36,823 37,495 27,255 27,716
Missing data 394.6 287.4 0.0 126.3 44.7 18,070 16,270 0.1 21,837 17,664 6,989 2,747
24 years old and under 47,547.5 47,197.8 5.3 44,178.2 44,195.4 3,163,650 3,151,600 16.7 15,029 14,976 13,964 14,023
25 to 44 years old 379,132.7 386,638.8 43.6 260,165.1 266,470.5 7,802,050 7,883,550 41.8 48,594 49,044 33,346 33,801
45 to 54 years old 248,090.0 250,959.3 28.3 143,338.1 144,214.9 4,023,580 3,983,740 21.1 61,659 62,996 35,625 36,201
55 years old and over 187,529.6 200,925.7 22.7 105,588.6 111,508.6 3,660,870 3,842,250 20.3 51,225 52,294 28,842 29,022
Missing data 394.6 409.9 0.0 126.3 140.4 18,110 20,200 0.1 21,789 20,292 6,974 6,950
Goods-producing industries 204,511.4 211,052.1 23.8 125,197.3 129,924.8 3,655,630 3,769,000 20.0 55,944 55,997 34,248 34,472
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 8,724.0 9,354.8 1.1 6,068.8 6,528.6 321,800 334,630 1.8 27,110 27,956 18,859 19,510
Mining, and oil and gas extraction 28,381.7 26,729.5 3.0 11,560.9 10,957.9 260,810 249,290 1.3 108,821 107,223 44,327 43,956
Utilities 11,219.5 11,140.7 1.3 5,290.9 5,351.9 119,840 118,860 0.6 93,621 93,730 44,150 45,027
Construction 66,298.8 68,711.5 7.8 41,995.1 43,562.3 1,271,050 1,318,690 7.0 52,161 52,106 33,040 33,035
Manufacturing 89,887.5 95,115.6 10.7 60,281.5 63,524.0 1,682,130 1,747,530 9.3 53,437 54,429 35,836 36,351
Service-producing industries 609,451.4 668,795.2 75.5 396,096.5 432,933.9 13,958,450 14,924,240 79.0 43,662 44,813 28,377 29,009
Wholesale trade 49,489.2 51,624.0 5.8 29,044.3 29,932.7 849,830 864,520 4.6 58,234 59,714 34,177 34,623
Retail trade 56,050.1 60,344.9 6.8 43,033.3 45,811.1 2,056,390 2,134,710 11.3 27,257 28,268 20,927 21,460
Transportation and warehousing 37,978.7 40,162.6 4.5 25,152.2 26,499.7 765,160 799,420 4.2 49,635 50,240 32,872 33,149
Finance and insurance 56,319.2 61,377.2 6.9 26,577.0 28,619.3 723,700 762,150 4.0 77,821 80,532 36,724 37,551
Real estate and rental and leasing 15,324.4 16,108.6 1.8 8,654.0 9,316.5 320,730 344,280 1.8 47,780 46,789 26,982 27,061
Professional, scientific and technical services 61,427.5 65,606.6 7.4 31,560.5 33,668.2 991,480 1,043,650 5.5 61,955 62,863 31,832 32,260
Business, building and other support services2 48,195.4 50,178.5 5.7 31,033.5 31,505.6 1,249,470 1,244,320 6.6 38,573 40,326 24,837 25,320
Educational services 63,268.3 65,191.1 7.4 44,249.2 45,463.4 1,347,290 1,356,530 7.2 46,960 48,057 32,843 33,514
Health care and social assistance 59,019.9 69,329.9 7.8 43,391.5 51,583.6 1,392,220 1,601,320 8.5 42,393 43,295 31,167 32,213
Information, culture and recreation3 29,362.1 32,072.6 3.6 18,563.6 19,744.7 649,450 673,750 3.6 45,211 47,603 28,584 29,306
Accommodation and food services 22,938.8 25,037.9 2.8 19,806.6 21,627.9 1,336,930 1,446,210 7.7 17,158 17,313 14,815 14,955
Other services (except public administration) 25,525.7 26,390.0 3.0 18,137.2 18,764.7 721,370 737,050 3.9 35,385 35,805 25,143 25,459
Public administration 84,552.1 105,371.3 11.9 56,893.5 70,396.5 1,554,430 1,916,330 10.1 54,394 54,986 36,601 36,735
Unclassified 48,731.6 6,284.2 0.7 32,102.5 3,671.1 1,054,180 188,100 1.0 46,227 33,409 30,453 19,517
Canada 862,694.4 886,131.6 100.0 553,396.3 566,529.8 18,668,260 18,881,340 100.0 46,212 46,932 29,644 30,005

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding. Percentage share is based on unrounded numbers.

1As Employment Insurance premium payments are administered through the tax system, the most recent data available are for the 2015 taxation year.
2This industry category comprises the industries with codes 55 (Management of Companies and Enterprises) and 56 (Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Mediation services) from the North American Industry Classification System.
3This industry category comprises the industries with codes 51 (Information and Cultural Industries) and 71 (Arts, Entertainment and Recreation) from the North American Industry Classification System.

Source: Canada Revenue Agency, T4 slips with employment income. Data are based on a 10% sample of T4 slips with employment income.

Annex 2.27 Adjusted benefits-to-contributions ratios
Annex 2.27 – Adjusted benefits-to-contributions ratios1
  Employment Insurance premium Employment Insurance regular benefits Total Employment Insurance benefits Adjusted regular benefits-to-contributions ratio2, 3 (Canada=1) Adjusted total benefits-to-contributions ratio3 (Canada=1)
($ million)
% of total 2015 2015
($ million)
% of total 2015 2015
($ million)
% of Total 2015 2015 2015
Newfoundland and Labrador 368.5 1.6 692.5 6.3 927.6 5.5 4.07 3.49
Prince Edward Island 90.5 0.4 144.0 1.3 215.7 1.3 3.48 3.31
Nova Scotia 598.7 2.5 561.8 5.1 803.1 4.7 2.02 1.86
New Brunswick 481.9 2.1 643.9 5.9 861.8 5.1 2.90 2.48
Quebec 4,306.9 18.3 3,042.8 27.8 3,551.2 21.0 1.51 1.14
Ontario 9,269.2 39.4 2,999.9 27.4 5,357.7 31.7 0.70 0.80
Manitoba 865.7 3.7 286.0 2.6 543.0 3.2 0.71 0.87
Saskatchewan 793.3 3.4 274.1 2.5 497.9 2.9 0.74 0.87
Alberta 3,546.4 15.1 1,166.3 10.6 2,137.2 12.6 0.70 0.84
British Columbia 3,048.2 13.0 1,096.6 10.0 1,955.0 11.5 0.78 0.89
Yukon 34.7 0.1 17.6 0.2 24.7 0.1 1.10 0.99
Northwest Territories 50.9 0.2 18.5 0.2 27.3 0.2 0.77 0.75
Nunavut 31.8 0.1 9.0 0.1 15.4 0.1 0.60 0.67
Outside Canada 15.3 0.1 3.5 0.0 9.5 0.1 0.47 0.86
Men 13,019.4 55.4 7,374.4 67.3 8,906.1 52.6 1.21 0.95
Women 10,480.5 44.6 3,582.0 32.7 8,021.0 47.4 0.73 1.06
Missing data 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
24 years old and under 1,887.5 8.0 930.4 8.5 1,478.4 8.7 1.09 1.09
25 to 44 years old 11,034.6 47.0 4,771.3 43.5 9,141.8 54.0 0.93 1.15
45 to 54 years old 5,942.0 25.3 2,665.8 24.3 3,202.3 18.9 0.96 0.75
55 years old and over 4,631.9 19.7 2,589.0 23.6 3,104.6 18.3 1.20 0.93
Missing data 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Goods-producing industries 5,403.0 23.0 4,797.3 43.8 6,105.8 36.1 1.91 1.57
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 279.0 1.2 496.1 4.5 835.0 4.9 3.91 4.15
Mining, and oil and gas extraction 453.9 1.9 384.5 3.5 454.4 2.7 1.77 1.39
Utilities 216.2 0.9 36.8 0.3 62.8 0.4 0.36 0.40
Construction 1,846.5 7.9 2,592.6 23.7 3,033.6 17.9 3.05 2.28
Manufacturing 2,607.3 11.1 1,287.2 11.7 1,720.0 10.2 1.06 1.29
Service-producing industries 17,943.5 76.3 5,943.0 54.2 10,523.6 62.2 0.71 0.81
Wholesale trade 1,241.8 5.3 449.5 4.1 648.3 3.8 0.78 0.72
Retail trade 1,932.3 8.2 622.6 5.7 1,104.9 6.5 0.7 0.79
Transportation and warehousing 1,096 4.7 463 4.2 650 3.8 0.90 0.82
Finance and insurance 1,161 4.9 152 1.4 414 2.4 0.27 0.50
Real estate and rental and leasing 394 1.7 173 1.6 260 1.5 0.95 0.92
Professional, scientific and technical services 1,395 5.9 570 5.2 877 5.2 0.88 0.87
Business, building and other support services5 1,328 5.6 811 7.4 1,154 6.8 1.33 1.21
Educational services 1,843 7.8 678 6.2 1,184 7.0 0.77 0.89
Health care and social assistance 2,101 8.9 340 3.1 1,112 6.6 0.35 0.74
Information, culture and recreation6 814 3.5 316 2.9 460 2.7 0.83 0.78
Accommodation and food services 932 4.0 463 4.2 755 4.5 1.10 1.13
Other services (except public administration) 799 3.4 359 3.3 594 3.5 0.99 1.03
Public administration 2,907 12.4 546 5.0 1,310 7.7 0.40 0.63
Unclassified 156 0.7 216 2.0 298 1.8 3.00 2.66
Canada 23,502 100.0 10,957 100.0 16,927 100.0 1.00 1.00

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding. Percentage share is based on unrounded numbers.

1As Employment Insurance premium payments are administered through the tax system, the most recent data available are for the 2015 taxation year.
2To factor in the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP), which reduces the premiums paid by employers and employees in Quebec, and the Premium Reduction Program (PRP), which reduces the premiums paid by employers who offer their employees a short-term disability plan, the regular benefits-to-contributions ratios (adjusted and non-adjusted) have been calculated based on an estimate of the Employment Insurance premiums that would have been paid by employees and employers in the absence of QPIP and PRP, rather than on the premiums that were actually paid.
3For ease of analysis, the benefits-to-contributions ratios have been adjusted (i.e., standardized) so that the figure for Canada equals one.
4The benefits-to-contributions ratios for the provinces and territories are determined by the location of employers for premiums and by the residence of claimants for benefits. As a result, it is possible that the ratio for some provinces and territories may be under or overstated if contributions are being accredited to a province or territory, while the employment is actually situated in another province or territory.
5This industry comprises the industries with codes 55 (management of companies and enterprises) and 56 (administrative and support, waste management and mediation services) from the North American Industry Classification System.
6This industry comprises the industries with codes 51 (information and cultural industries) and 71 (arts, entertainment and recreation) from the North American Industry Classification System.

Source: Canada Revenue Agency [CRA], T4 slips with employment income (for data on Employment Insurance contributions); and Employment and Social Development Canada [ESDC], Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data (for data on Employment Insurance benefits). CRA data are based on a 10% sample of T4 slips with employment income, and ESDC data are based on a 10% sample of EI administrative data.

Annex 2.28 Unemployment rates used for the purpose of the Employment Insurance program (by Employment Insurance economic region)
Annex 2.28 – Unemployment rates used for the purpose of the Employment Insurance program (by Employment Insurance economic region)1
  Regional rate of unemployment2
Effective date3 April 10 to May 7, 2016 May 8 to June 11, 2016 June 12 to July 9, 2016 July 10 to Aug. 6, 2016 Aug. 7 to Sept. 10, 2016 Sept. 11 to Oct. 8, 2016 Oct. 9 to Nov. 5, 2016 Nov. 6 to Dec. 3, 2016 Dec. 4 to Jan. 7, 2016/ 2017 Jan. 8 to Feb. 11, 2017 Feb. 12 to March 11, 2017 March 12 to Apr. 8, 2017 Minimum of the 12 months Average of the 12 months Maximum of the 12 months
Unemployment rate moving average ending on the month of…4 March 2016\ (%) April 2016 (%) May 2016 (%) June 2016 (%) July 2016 (%) Aug. 2016 (%) Sept. 2016 (%) Oct. 2016 (%) Nov. 2016 (%) Dec. 2016 (%) Jan. 2017 (%) Feb. 2017 (%) 2016/2017 (%) 2016/2017 (%) 2016/2017 (%)
Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John’s. 7.2 7.1 6.5 6.3 6.3 6.4 6.7 8.0 9.2 9.9 9.6 9.2 6.3 7.7 9.9
Newfoundland – Labrador 19.5 18.4 17.4 16.9 17.3 17.5 18.0 18.1 18.6 19.0 18.6 18.9 16.9 18.2 19.5
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown 7.2 7.4 7.0 7.5 7.9 9.0 8.4 8.2 7.7 7.9 7.6 7.1 7.0 7.7 9.0
Prince Edward Island  13.8 14.4 14.3 14.0 13.4 13.4 13.8 14.8 14.5 14.2 13.3 13.1 13.1 13.9 14.8
Nova Scotia                              
Eastern Nova Scotia 16.4 15.4 14.5 14.3 14.9 14.7 14.7 14.7 14.8 14.7 14.4 14.8 14.3 14.9 16.4
Western Nova Scotia 8.3 8.6 9.3 9.9 10.5 10.3 10.2 9.3 9.1 8.9 9.1 8.7 8.3 9.4 10.5
Halifax 7.2 7.1 6.5 5.6 5.3 5.4 5.7 6.0 5.9 6.1 6.0 6.1 5.3 6.1 7.2
New Brunswick
Fredericton-Moncton-Saint-John 8.3 8.6 8.6 8.4 7.9 7.4 6.9 7.0 7.3 7.9 7.8 7.7 6.9 7.8 8.6
Madawaska-Charlotte 9.6 8.9 7.9 7.6 8.2 8.8 8.8 8.5 7.4 7.2 7.2 8.0 7.2 8.2 9.6
Restigouche-Albert 14.2 14.4 14.8 15.0 15.5 15.2 15.5 15.5 15.2 14.2 13.6 13.5 13.5 14.7 15.5
Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine 16.4 16.9 17.1 17.2 16.3 16.5 16.3 16.6 16.2 16.4 15.5 14.0 14.0 16.3 17.2
Québec 5.2 4.6 4.3 4.2 4.5 4.9 5.0 4.8 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.4 4.2 4.6 5.2
Trois-Rivières 6.3 6.6 7.3 7.1 7.0 6.5 6.8 7.0 7.0 7.1 7.0 6.6 6.3 6.9 7.3
South Central Québec 5.7 6.3 6.3 5.7 5.1 5.3 5.8 5.8 5.4 5.0 4.9 4.9 4.9 5.5 6.3
Sherbrooke 7.4 7.7 7.0 6.7 6.0 5.8 5.8 5.7 6.0 5.8 5.5 5.5 5.5 6.2 7.7
Montérégie 6.0 6.3 6.7 7.1 7.1 7.3 6.9 7.0 6.6 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.0 6.7 7.3
Montréal 8.6 8.5 8.2 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.5 7.0 6.8 6.7 6.9 6.7 7.7 8.6
Central Quebec 6.7 6.9 6.8 6.6 6.2 6.5 6.8 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.1 7.1 6.2 6.9 7.4
North Western Quebec 9.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.8 8.3 8.3 8.5 8.7 8.4 7.7 7.7 8.9 10.0
Bas-Saint-Laurent – Côte-Nord 9.7 9.7 9.1 8.9 8.5 8.4 9.0 9.6 10.2 10.1 9.9 9.7 8.4 9.4 10.2
Hull 6.6 6.6 7.2 7.3 7.5 7.4 7.5 7.2 6.6 6.0 5.5 5.6 5.5 6.8 7.5
Chicoutimi-Jonquière 9.1 9.9 9.9 9.0 7.2 6.7 6.7 7.1 7.2 7.4 7.7 7.1 6.7 7.9 9.9
Ottawa 6.7 6.9 6.7 6.7 6.3 6.0 5.9 5.8 6.0 6.0 5.7 5.1 5.1 6.2 6.9
Eastern Ontario 8.1 8.2 7.8 7.9 7.6 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.2 6.6 6.0 5.9 5.9 7.4 8.2
Kingston 6.0 6.3 6.5 6.1 5.6 5.4 5.5 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.7 6.1 5.4 5.8 6.5
Central Ontario 6.1 6.3 6.3 6.6 6.8 7.3 7.3 7.2 6.9 6.4 6.5 6.4 6.1 6.7 7.3
Oshawa 6.1 5.8 6.5 6.5 6.9 6.4 6.0 5.4 5.2 5.3 5.9 5.2 6.0 6.9 8.3
Toronto 7.3 7.5 7.3 6.7 6.3 6.4 6.9 7.1 6.9 6.9 7.0 7.2 6.3 7.0 7.5
Hamilton 5.8 5.4 5.8 6.1 6.2 6.2 6.3 6.3 6.3 5.9 6.0 6.0 5.4 6.0 6.3
St. Catharines 8.3 7.6 8.1 8.5 7.9 6.7 5.8 5.9 6.3 6.5 6.6 6.5 5.8 7.1 8.5
London 6.6 7.3 7.2 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.1 6.8 7.0 7.1 7.3 6.5 6.5 7.1 7.5
Niagara 8.0 8.2 8.5 8.7 8.0 8.1 7.9 8.4 7.7 7.9 7.2 7.1 7.1 8.0 8.7
Windsor 7.3 6.7 6.7 6.8 6.6 6.3 5.9 5.7 6.4 6.5 6.3 5.8 5.7 6.4 7.3
Kitchener 6.1 5.7 5.5 5.6 5.8 5.7 5.4 5.3 5.3 5.2 5.4 5.5 5.2 5.5 6.1
Huron 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.2 6.9 7.5 7.6 8.0 7.6 7.2 6.7 6.7 6.7 7.3 8.0
South Central Ontario 4.8 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.9 5.0 4.4 4.1 3.8 4.2 4.6 4.7 3.8 4.6 5.0
Sudbury 8.5 8.6 8.5 8.2 7.8 7.6 7.1 7.2 7.4 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.1 7.9 8.6
Thunder Bay 7.5 7.3 7.4 7.0 6.7 6.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.6 5.6 6.5 7.5
Northern Ontario 11.9 12.5 12.6 12.4 11.6 11.4 11.2 11.8 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.0 11.2 12.0 12.6
Winnipeg 6.2 6.2 6.1 6.2 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.8 6.6 6.6 6.1 6.5 6.8
Southern Manitoba 6.7 7.0 7.3 7.2 7.1 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.6 6.6 6.9 7.3
Northern Manitoba 34.7 34.0 33.0 32.5 32.2 32.1 32.4 32.3 32.0 31.5 31.2 30.8 30.8 32.4 34.7
Regina 4.5 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.1 4.5 5.1 5.5
Saskatoon 6.4 7.1 6.9 6.6 6.2 6.6 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.0 6.2 6.9 7.5
Southern Saskatchewan 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.2 7.4 7.9 7.9 8.1 8.1 7.9 7.5 7.2 7.6 8.1
Northern Saskatchewan 20.1 19.9 20.1 20.1 20.3 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.3 20.5 19.9 20.2 20.5
Calgary 8.6 8.4 8.4 8.7 8.9 9.2 9.6 10.3 10.5 10.5 10.2 9.5 8.4 9.4 10.5
Edmonton 6.9 6.9 6.9 7.0 7.7 8.1 7.9 7.1 7.0 7.5 8.2 8.4 6.9 7.5 8.4
Northern Alberta 12.3 12.3 12.5 12.6 12.6 12.3 12.1 12.1 12.3 12.3 12.7 12.7 12.1 12.4 12.7
Southern Alberta 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.7 9.3 9.1 8.9 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.6 8.7 8.1 8.6 9.3
British Columbia
Southern Interior British Columbia 8.8 8.7 8.9 8.9 9.0 8.9 8.9 9.2 9.5 9.6 9.3 8.8 8.7 9.0 9.6
Abbotsford 7.0 7.1 7.2 6.9 6.3 6.0 6.1 6.7 6.9 6.3 6.4 6.3 6.0 6.6 7.2
Vancouver 6.3 6.0 5.7 5.4 5.5 5.3 5.0 5.0 5.2 5.2 5.0 4.7 4.7 5.4 6.3
Victoria 6.9 7.1 6.6 6.2 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.5 5.2 5.2 6.0 7.1
Southern Coastal British Columbia 7.9 7.0 6.7 6.8 6.6 6.7 7.2 7.7 7.6 7.4 7.0 6.8 6.6 7.1 7.9
Northern British Columbia 11.1 10.8 11.2 11.5 11.5 11.1 11.4 11.7 12.2 12.4 12.8 12.7 10.8 11.7 12.8
Whitehorse 5.9 5.5 5.9 6.1 7.7 6.6 5.8 5.9 5.6 5.4 5.6 5.4 6.0 7.7 8.2
Yukon 10.4 8.3 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.8 6.8 6.5 8.8 8.2 9.2 5.9 5.9 7.5 10.4
Yellowknife 6.1 6.6 5.7 6.4 5.8 5.5 5.3 5.3 4.8 4.7 5.1 4.4 4.4 5.5 6.6
Northwest Territories 12.7 12.4 12.5 12.2 11.8 11.8 11.1 10.7 10.4 10.1 10.2 10.2 10.1 11.3 12.7
Iqaluit 4.7 5.2 5.5 5.1 5.2 4.5 4.2 3.6 3.4 4.2 4.6 9.7 3.4 5.0 9.7
Nunavut 22.1 21.5 20.9 20.7 20.2 19.6 20.1 20.1 20.4 19.3 18.9 18.7 18.7 20.2 22.1

1The unemployment rates in this annex are those used in the administration of the EI program. These rates come from Statistics Canada but may differ from the official unemployment rates due to differences in methodology, as explained below.
2To obtain the monthly unemployment rates used for the purposes of the Employment Insurance program relating to periods before April 10 2016, please refer to the Web page Monthly Seasonal Adjusted Unemployment Rates by EI Economic Region [http://srv129.services.gc.ca/ei_regions/eng/rates.aspx?id=2017]
3Effective for new claims established between the dates indicated.
4The regional unemployment rates are calculated using a 3-month moving average (or, in the case of the territories, a 12-month moving average if this is larger) of seasonally adjusted unemployment rates for the period ending in the month indicated. These regional rates come from Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey (LFS). The regional unemployment rates in the provinces incorporate an estimate of the rates of unemployment for status Indians living on reserves, as per section 17 of the Employment Insurance Regulations. Conversely, the regional unemployment rates in the territories are representative of the population, as LFS data cover persons living on and off reserves. A monthly regional unemployment rate substitute is used if Statistics Canada is not able to publish a monthly unemployment rate for reasons of confidentiality.

Source: Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey (for data on unemployment rate); and Employment and Social Development Canada, Employment Insurance administrative data (for information on effective dates).

Annex 2.29 Employment Insurance economic regions map – FY1617
Employment Insurance economic regions in Canada
Descriptive text for Annex 2.28

There are 62 Employment Insurance economic regions in Canada. These are distributed as follows across provinces and territories:

  • Newfoundland and Labrador:
    • 01 St-John’s
    • 02 Newfoudland/Labrador
  • Prince Edward Island:
    • 65 Charlottetown
    • 66 Prince Edward Island
  • Nova Scotia:
    • 04 Eastern Nova Scotia
    • 05 Western Nova Scotia
    • 06 Halifax
  • New Brunswick:
    • 07 Fredericton–Moncton–Saint John
    • 08 Madawaska–Charlotte
    • 09 Restigouche–Albert
  • Quebec:
    • 10 Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine
    • 11 Québec
    • 12 Trois-Rivières
    • 13 South Central Quebec
    • 14 Sherbrooke
    • 15 Montérégie
    • 16 Montréal
    • 17 Central Quebec
    • 18 North Western Quebec
    • 19 Bas-St-Laurent–Côte-Nord
    • 20 Hull
    • 21 Chicoutimi–Jonquière
  • Ontario:
    • 22 Ottawa
    • 23 Eastern Ontario
    • 24 Kingston
    • 25 Central Ontario
    • 26 Oshawa
    • 27 Toronto
    • 28 Hamilton
    • 29 St. Catherines
    • 30 London
    • 31 Niagara
    • 32 Windsor
    • 33 Kitchener
    • 34 Huron
    • 35 South Central Ontario
    • 36 Sudbury
    • 37 Thunder Bay
    • 38 Northern Ontario
  • Manitoba:
    • 39 Winnipeg
    • 40 Southern Manitoba
    • 41 Northern Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan:
    • 42 Regina
    • 43 Saskatoon
    • 44 Southern Saskatchewan
    • 45 Northern Saskatchewan
  • Alberta:
    • 46 Calgary
    • 47 Edmonton
    • 48 Northern Alberta
    • 49 Southern Alberta
  • British Columbia:
    • 50 Southern Interior British Columbia
    • 51 Abbotsford
    • 52 Vancouver
    • 53 Victoria
    • 54 Southern Coastal British Columbia
    • 55 Northern British Columbia
  • Yukon:
    • 59 Whitehorse
    • 60 Yukon
  • Northwest Territories:
    • 61 Yellowknife
    • 62 Northwest Territories
  • Nunavut:
    • 63 Iqaluit
    • 64 Nunavut

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