Backgrounder: Foreign Credentials Recognition Program


The Government of Canada announced funding of up to $52 million for 16 new projects through the Foreign Credential Recognition (FCR) Program, aimed at strengthening Canada’s healthcare workforce and construction sectors. These initiatives reflect a commitment to support the labour market integration of internationally trained professionals.

Foreign Credential Recognition Program Funding Recipients:

Organization: Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy Regulatory Organizations (ACOTRO)
Project name:
Strengthening and Improving the capacity of ACOTRO's foreign credential assessment system
Description: The project will streamline the foreign credential recognition process for Internationally Educated Occupational Therapists (IEOTs) across Canada. It will develop and implement several tools, including a self-assessment tool available to IEOTs before their arrival in Canada. Additionally, the project will create a registration portal, update the educational benchmark, and revise the Jurisprudence Knowledge Assessment Test, along with developing supporting educational materials. This initiative will shorten the time required for credential evaluation and expedite the recognition process for international schools with content substantially equivalent to Canadian occupational therapy university programs.
Funding amount: up to $3,336,653
Geographical Region: National

Organization: British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
Project name:
BCIT International Medical Radiography Integration Program
Description: The BCIT will support the labour market integration of internationally educated medical radiography technologists (IE-MRTs) with educational and clinical backgrounds in general radiography and computed tomography by developing assessment tools, a competency-based curriculum, and preparation tools for the national qualification exam. It aims to become the first Western Canada integration program for IE-MRTs with up to 24 graduates annually, successful completion of national certification, and ready to enter the workforce.
Funding amount: up to $993,000
Geographical Region:

Organization: Canadian Association of Social Workers
Project name:
Improving Resources for Internationally Educated Social Workers (IESWs): Strengthening the Canadian Association of Social Workers' (CASW) Credential Recognition Capacity
Description: The CASW will provide foreign credential recognition supports to IESWs by improving, standardizing, and streamlining its “CASW Assessment of International Credential Services,” thereby strengthening pre and post arrival resources for IESWs while providing guidance and assistance throughout their credential recognition process and workforce integration. CASW will develop an online documentation submission portal and an IESW immigration hub to share and provide essential resources to IESWs, including government information related to social work, videos, webinars, and online courses on Canadian workforce integration and experiences, as well as cultural diversity in the workplace.
Funding amount: up to $281,892
Geographical Region: Ontario

Organization: Canadian Organization of Paramedic Regulators
Project name:
Paramedic Equivalency Assessment System (PEAS) Enhancement
Description: This project will improve and expedite the registration, licensure, and certification process for internationally-trained paramedics in Canadian provinces, with a focus on French-speaking paramedics in regions with significant French-language minority populations. The goal is to reduce the assessment process time by 50% for foreign-trained paramedics. The project will update the Paramedic Equivalency Assessment System (PEAS) criteria to align with the Canadian Organization of Paramedic Regulators’ (COPR) new Canadian Paramedic Competency Framework. It will also conduct research to identify and implement best practices in assessing foreign-trained health professionals, ensuring that PEAS is aligned with industry standards, efficient, cost-effective for applicants, and sustainable for COPR to administer. Updates to PEAS English and French language requirements will be based on research to ensure fairness for applicants while maintaining regulatory standards. Overall, the project will develop an expedited application stream for applicants from pre-approved international educational programs or those licensed in countries with assessed regulatory frameworks.
Funding amount: up to $670,072
Geographical Region: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Prince-Edward-Island, Newfoundland, Ontario, Quebec

Organization: Canadian Welding Bureau
Project name:
National Welder Competency Assessment and Skills Training (WCAST)
Description: The Canadian Welding Bureau will address labour shortages in the skilled trades and meet housing construction needs in Canada by offering specialized training to 100 participants. The project will primarily target internationally trained welders including those who are women, youth, persons with disabilities, and racialized individuals, with the aim to foster inclusivity in the workforce. The specialized training will focus on upskilling internationally trained welders navigating the Canadian industry by identifying participants’ educational gaps, supporting them in completing their certification, and helping them secure employment. The applicant will partner with Skyler Media, the Construction Safety Training Centre, and Skills for Change to provide enhanced credential assessment tools, specialized construction safety training, and employment support services.
Funding amount: up to $901,072
Geographical Region: Ontario

Organization: Centre for Skills
Project name:
Bridging the Gap: Empowering Newcomers in Trades
Description: This project will support 400 skilled newcomers in Ontario by bridging skills gaps in trades and securing employment that aligns with their experience. This will be achieved through skills assessments, targeted training, and connecting employers with skilled trades individuals. Using a case management approach, the Centre will recruit newcomers with skilled trades experience and offer individualized employment support, including skills assessments, credential evaluations, and targeted trades-specific language training. Newcomers will benefit from employment coaching and assistance in navigating credential recognition processes, helping them find work that matches their qualifications and experience.
Funding amount: up to $2,246,729
Geographical Region: Ontario

Organization: Construction Association of PEI (CAPEI)
Project name:
Skilled Newcomers in Construction
Description: This project aims to integrate 60 skilled newcomers into the labor market through work placements, wage subsidies, and targeted training, while also supporting them in obtaining Red Seal certification. CAPEI will collaborate with key partners, including the province’s Apprenticeship Branch, Engineers PEI, and Holland College, to achieve these goals
Funding amount: up to $1,280,065
Geographical Region: Prince-Edward-Island

Organization: Construction Foundation of British Columbia (CFBC)
Project name:
The New Path Program: Newcomer Pathways to Skilled Trades
Description: This project aims to bridge gaps in the labour market integration of newcomers in skilled trades by developing three distinct pathways (direct certification, skills upgrading, alternative pathway) for credential recognition. Targeting 100 newcomers with foreign skilled trades experience, the project will offer trade-related language training, employment facilitation, exam coaching, and newcomer-specific learning resources. A replicable trades pathway framework will be created, leveraging partners like trade unions and training centers to boost employment and certification through skills assessments, coaching, and individualized plans.
Funding amount: up to $700,000
Geographical Region: British Columbia

Organization: Environmental Careers Organization of Canada (ECO Canada)
Project name:
Building Green: Nurturing Newcomer Talent in Residential Construction Careers
Description: This project will help 300 highly skilled newcomers secure green jobs in residential construction by offering career training and targeted work placements with green construction employers. It will equip newcomers, such as electrical and electronics engineers, construction managers, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) mechanics, with essential skills and knowledge for Canada’s residential construction and environmental job market. Participants will receive support to pursue ECO Canada’s Environmental Professional in Training designation, along with work placements, wage subsidies, training, and mentoring to establish stable careers in environmental fields. Employers will also receive diversity, equity, and inclusion training to better integrate these skilled newcomers. Overall, the project supports Canada’s Housing Plan by helping skilled trades workers build more homes.
Funding amount: up to $10,000,000
Geographical Region: National

Organization: Government of Alberta
Project name:
The International Credential Recognition (ICR) Project
Description: The Government of Alberta will partner with the Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA) to develop a streamlined process to support internationally educated professionals in obtaining credential recognition for six to eight residential construction Red Seal Trades. Potential trades include welders, industrial and construction electricians, industrial mechanics (millwright), painters, carpenters, heavy-duty equipment technicians, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics, roofers, concrete finishers, insulators, boilermakers, steamfitters-pipefitters, and sheet metal workers. The Government of Alberta will develop resources based on relevant foreign recognition data and research on Red Seal Trades requirements across many countries in order to implement a strong foreign credential recognition process that will benefit participating provinces and territories, thus reducing labour shortages in each jurisdiction involved.
Funding amount: up to $2,625,000
Geographical Region: Alberta

Organization: Government of New Brunswick
Project name:
Enhancing Qualification Recognition and Workforce Integration in Healthcare, Education and Skilled Trades Sectors in New Brunswick
Description: The Government of New Brunswick proposes to accelerate the foreign credential recognition process for internationally educated healthcare professionals, teachers, and skilled trades professionals including nurses, paramedics, physicians, pharmacists, psychologists, physiotherapists, social workers, pharmacy technicians, occupational therapists, teachers, bricklayer, carpenter, construction electrician, heavy duty equipment technician, industrial electrician, plumber, refrigeration and air conditioning technician. The project will facilitate quicker integration of these professionals into the workforce by removing barriers and reducing the duration of credential assessments. The project will recruit and integrate 460 internationally educated healthcare professionals, provide educational and training support to 100 teachers with interim certifications, and recruit and provide employment support to 1000 skilled trades professionals.
Funding amount: up to $10,000,000
Geographical Region: New Brunswick

Organization: Halton Multicultural Council
Project name: Healthcare Connect
Halton Multicultural Council will improve labour market integration outcomes of skilled newcomers in Ontario by supporting 600 internationally educated health care professionals in accelerating their career paths, of which 180 will be provided with work placements. This will be achieved by providing participants with employment assistance, mentorship opportunities, and wraparound supports. The organization will work with healthcare employers to create work placement opportunities for participants as well as other settlement agencies, municipal and regional governments, hospitals, and the general healthcare community.
Funding amount: up to $2,831,417
Geographical Region: Ontario

Organization: McMaster University
Project name:
A Joint Initiative to Support the Labour Market Integration of Internationally Educated Nurses
Description: As a research focused post-secondary institution specialized in the issues of labour studies, employment, and immigration, McMaster University will accelerate the integration of 500 newly licensed Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) into the labour market in Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador. In addition, the project will develop a resource tool for information sharing and training to healthcare employers, professionals and nursing regulatory bodies.  This project builds on a previous initiative that helped 300 IENs attain employment commensurate to their skills in Ontario by upscaling the activities to three other jurisdictions.
Funding amount: up to $4,099,516
Geographical Region: Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland

Organization: Newcomer Women's Services Toronto
Project name:
BuildHER Future: Newcomer Women in Construction
Description: The Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto will support the transition to the construction sector of approximately 200 newcomer women annually in the Greater Toronto Area targeting 1000 newcomers over 5 years. The project will provide individualized plans, employment support services, training and work placements to highly skilled newcomer women. This initiative is aiming to put skilled women newcomers in positions commensurate with their skills by providing bridging training for the Canadian market. The project targets those with an engineering, technical and project management background who may benefit from bridging their skills into careers in construction, further enhancing their employability.
Funding amount: up to $10,000,000
Geographical Region: Ontario

Organization: Registered Psychiatric Nurses Regulators of Canada
Project name:
Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPNs) in Atlantic Canada – Phase 2
Description: As the national umbrella organization for Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN), the Registered Psychiatric Nurse Regulators of Canada (RPNRC) will support the four nursing regulatory authorities in Atlantic Canada to create new educational standards for psychiatric nursing programs in the region. The project objective supports the recommendations that were made in a feasibility study previously funded by the program between 2021 and 2023 and will lead to the implementation of a professional pathway for psychiatric nurses in Atlantic Canada.
Funding amount: up to $1,282,051
Geographical Region: Prince-Edward-Island, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick

Organization: Regulatory Organizations of Architecture in Canada (ROAC)
Project name:
BEFA Boot Camp and BEFA Interview Process
Description: The project will modernize the Broadly Experienced Foreign Architect (BEFA) Program by aligning it with new training resources for internationally trained architects (ITAs) and updating processes to meet new regulatory requirements. Specifically, it will introduce nationwide alternatives to the six-month work experience requirement. This includes developing a boot camp for BEFA program applicants and reviewing the BEFA panel interview process to better assess ITAs with limited or no work experience in Canada. Funded by the Foreign Credential Recognition Program, the BEFA Program evaluates ITAs against Canadian standards. This initiative has significantly reduced the licensing or certification time for ITAs in Canada from four to five years to approximately 12 months, standardizing the approach across Canadian jurisdictions.
Funding amount: up to $458,000
Geographical Region: National

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