Summary of the Evaluation of the Canada Pension Plan Service Improvement Strategy

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About the Canada Pension Plan Service Improvement Strategy

The Canada Pension Plan Service Improvement Strategy (CPP SIS) implemented a number of information technology (IT) and non-IT service improvement initiatives between March 2017 and June 2022. Those initiatives aimed at addressing the overall delivery of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) program.

CPP SIS was the Department's initial concerted effort to improve the overall delivery of the CPP Program. There is a recognized need for continuous improvements to increase automation and claim processing speed of service.

Key findings and observations

The CPP SIS was implemented and delivered within the expected scope and budget.

Expected outcomes

Overall, CPP SIS efforts contributed to:

Looking ahead and observations

Building on activities implemented under the CPP SIS, the following should be considered to continue strengthening the delivery of the CPP program:

From these findings, the following 2 observations are drawn:

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