2015–16 Report on Plans and Priorities - Disclosure of Transfer Payment Programs Under $5 million

1. Named Grants for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

Name of transfer payment program Named Grants for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (voted)

End date Not applicable

Type of transfer payment Grant

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 2.1: Skills and Employment

Sub-Program 2.1.13: Sectoral Initiatives Program

Main objective Contribute to studies aligned with Employment and Social Development Canada policy priorities undertaken by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) committees, including Education Policy; Employment, Labour and Social Affairs and Local Employment and Economic Development.

Planned spending for 2015–16 ($) 100,000

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2013–14

General targeted recipient groups International Organization: The OECD.

2. Provision of funds for interest payments to lending institutions under the Canada Student Loans Act

Name of transfer payment program Provision of funds for interest payments to lending institutions under the Canada Student Loans Act (statutory)

End date Ongoing

Type of transfer payment Contribution

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program: 2.2: Learning

Sub-Program 2.2.1: Canada Loans and Grants for Students and Apprentices Program

Main objective A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market.

Planned spending for 2015–16 ($) 2,541

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2011–12

General targeted recipient groups Other (Students from low and middle income families).

3. Provision of funds for liabilities including liabilities in the form of guaranteed loans under the Canada Student Loans Act

Name of transfer payment program Provision of funds for liabilities including liabilities in the form of guaranteed loans under the Canada Student Loans Act (statutory)

End date Ongoing

Type of transfer payment Contribution

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 2.2: Learning

Sub-Program 2.2.1: Canada Loans and Grants for Students and Apprentices Program

Main objective A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market.

Planned spending for 2015–16 ($) (5,333,048)

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2011–12

General targeted recipient groups Other (Students from low and middle income families.)

4. Payments related to direct financing arrangement under the Apprentice Loan Act

Name of transfer payment program Payments related to direct financing arrangement under the Apprentice Loan Act (statutory)

End date Ongoing

Type of transfer payment Contribution

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 2.2: Learning

Sub-Program 2.2.1: Canada Loans and Grants for Students and Apprentices Program

Main objective Economic Action Plan 2014 announced an expansion of the Canada Loans and Grants for Students and Apprentices Program to include the Canada Apprentice Loan, an interest-free loan of up-to $4,000 per periods of technical training that will help apprentices registered in Red Seal trades with the cost of training. This transfer payment represents consolidated costs related to these loans, including interest subsidy, repayment assistance benefits and administrative costs net of recoveries on affected loans.

Planned spending for 2015–16 ($) 840,260

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable

General targeted recipient groups Other (Apprentices registered in Red Seal trades).

5. Labour Funding Program

Name of transfer payment program Labour Funding Program (voted)

End date

  • Stream 1: Not applicable
  • Stream 2: Not applicable
  • Stream 3: Not applicable
  • Stream 4: Not applicable

Type of transfer payment

  • Stream 1: Grants for low- to moderate-risk proposals

    Contributions for higher-risk proposals
  • Stream 2: Grants for low- to moderate-risk proposals

    Contributions for higher-risk proposals
  • Stream 3: Grant for high risk proposals

    Contributions for higher-risk proposals
  • Stream 4: Grant for high risk proposals

    Contributions for higher-risk proposals

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 3.1: Labour

  • Stream 1:

    Sub-Program 3.1.4: International Labour Affairs
  • Stream 2:

    Sub-Program 3.1.1: Labour Relations
  • Stream 3:

    Sub-Program 3.1.2 Workplace Health and Safety

    Sub-Sub-Program Occupational Health and Safety
  • Stream 4:

    Sub-Program 3.1.3: Labour Standards and Equity

    Sub-Sub-Program Workplace Equity

Main objective

  • Stream 1: International Trade and Labour:

    To contribute to increased partner countries’ enforcement of internationally accepted labour legislation
  • Stream 2: Labour Management Partnership:

    To contribute to reduced labour disruption
  • Stream 3: Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Prevention:

    Increased capacity to address occupational health and safety issues
  • Stream 4: Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity:

    Support employers subject to the Employment Equity Act in their efforts to improve designated group representation in areas of low representation through partnerships and industry-tailored strategies

Planned spending for 2015–16 ($) 1,703,000

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

  • Stream 1: 2010–11
  • Stream 2: 2010–11
  • Stream 3: 2005–06
  • Stream 4: Not applicable

General targeted recipient groups

  • Stream 1: International labour-related organizations, national and international not for profit organizations, publicly funded universities and colleges
  • Stream 2: Employers, unions, labour/management-related not-for-profit organizations, Aboriginal organizations, publicly funded universities and colleges
  • Stream 3: Not-for-profit organizations that address workplace occupational health and/or safety, publicly funded universities and colleges
  • Stream 4: Federally regulated private-sector employers in the creation of diverse and inclusive workplaces

6. Payments of compensation respecting merchant seamen

Name of transfer payment program Payments of compensation respecting merchant seamen (Merchant Seamen Compensation Act)

End date Ongoing

Type of transfer payment Grant

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 3.1: Labour

Sub-Program 3.1.2: Workplace Health and Safety

Sub-Sub-Program: Federal Workers’ Compensation

Main objective Ensures that certain merchant seamen injured in work-related accidents can receive health benefits and medical compensation. The Merchant Seamen Compensation Act can also provide financial assistance for surviving dependents if a work-related injury results in the death of the seaman.

Planned spending for 2015–16 ($) 5,000

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable

General targeted recipient groups Injured merchant seamen and their survivors and dependents

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