To be eligible, projects must meet one of the following objectives:
- foster closer ties among the players in the various ecosystems
- foster the creation, growth and maintenance of regional clusters
- attract foreign investment
Main sectors that are eligible:
- Manufacturing
- Food processing
- Information and communications technologies
- Life sciences
Other sectors may also be eligible.
Examples of funded projects
Transfer of technology and knowledge to businesses
- Acquisition of cutting-edge equipment by recognized research centres and educational institutions, and
incubators or accelerators
Innovation support service
- Recruiting of highly skilled resources to increase businesses’ innovation capacity
Partnership, alliances and industrial clusters
- Creation or development of associations, alliances or partnerships to promote ties and networking
- Services aimed at attracting foreign direct investment to Quebec
Other activities may also be eligible. Contact us to
discuss your project.
Financial assistance
For NPOs
- Non-repayable financial assistance generally of up to 90% of authorized costs (up to 50% of authorized
costs in the case of capital projects).
Eligible costs
All costs directly related to the project that are deemed reasonable by CED and essential to the
implementation of the project. Restrictions may apply in certain cases.
Ineligible costs
All non-essential costs not directly related to the project, as well as:
- the refinancing of an existing debt
- the purchase of an asset at a price that exceeds its fair market value
- amortization expenses
- goodwill costs
- land purchases
Examples of eligible clients
- Non-profit organizations (NPOs) that provide services or generate benefits for businesses
- Business incubators and accelerators
- Municipalities and regional county municipalities (RCMs)
- Groups or associations (NPOs, businesses, post-secondary institutions and consortia)
- Indigenous organizations
* Are you an SME or NPO in an economically
vulnerable RCM or in Montréal’s
East End? Your project may be eligible for flexible program conditions.
Examples of ineligible clients
- Retail businesses (e.g., clothing stores, grocery stores or automobile sales and maintenance outlets)
- Food services (e.g., restaurants and cafés)
- Transportation services
- Housing construction
- Daycare services
- Hair and beauty salons
- Nightclubs, bars and cabarets
Are you ineligible? Check out our network of
partners in your region who may be able to help you.
Analysis criteria
Projects are analyzed against specific criteria, namely:
- the expected results of your project
- the viability of your organization
- your technical and financial management capacity
- the contribution of partners in terms of financial resources or professional services
- the degree of risk