Operation PROJECTION is Canada’s ongoing naval forward presence mission to promote peace and stability in support of the rules-based international order.

During this operation, the Royal Canadian Navy regularly conducts exercises, engagements and port visits with allies and partners. The CAF also supports NATO Maritime Command, U.S. Naval Forces, and other allied operations.

How many people are deployed?

The number of deployed personnel varies throughout the year. Halifax-class frigates routinely deployed on Operation PROJECTION have a crew of approximately 240 members onboard.

What are they doing?

During this operation, the CAF is conducting training, exercises, and engagements with foreign navies and other international security partners. The CAF also supports NATO Maritime Command, U.S. Naval Forces, and other allied operations.

History and context of the operation

The RCN has a long history of deploying around the world in peacetime and during conflicts. In line with “Strong, Secure, Engaged,” Canada’s Defence Policy, Canada’s naval forces work on their own and in support of allied or partner missions. They help keep regions secure and defend Allies and partners if needed.

Current Deployments

HMCS Margaret Brooke

His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Margaret Brooke deployed to the South American and Antarctic regions in support of Operation PROJECTION 25-01 on January 10, 2025. The mission marks the first circumnavigation of South America and visit to Antarctica by a Royal Canadian Navy vessel.

During the deployment, the ship will build and enhance international relationships, in cooperation with Global Affairs Canada, as it visits multiple ports throughout South America.

In Antarctica, HMCS Margaret Brooke will support Canada’s Antarctic scientific research with scientists embarked on the ship from several Government of Canada partners.

This deployment will also showcase the unique design of the Harry DeWolf-class vessel and allow the Royal Canadian Navy to demonstrate proven Arctic operational capabilities in the Antarctic regional maritime domain.

Past deployments

  • Indo-Pacific

    HMCS Montréal

    HMCS Montréal deployed to the Indo-Pacific region on Operation PROJECTION from 26 March to 3 October 2023. During its deployment, HMCS Montréal participated in multinational training exercises, such as Exercise TALISMAN SABRE, and engaged with regional militaries and other international security partners to promote peace, resilience, and security. HMCS Montréal also supported Operation SAVANNE, from 23 April to 6 May 2023.

    HMCS Winnipeg & Vancouver

    HMCS Winnipeg and Vancouver were deployed to the Indo-Pacific region on Operation PROJECTION from 5 August to 5 December, 2022, to conduct forward naval presence operations in the region as well as cooperative deployments and participate in international naval exercises with partner nations. During this deployment HMCS Vancouver also briefly supported Operation NEON.

    HMCS Winnipeg

    HMCS Winnipeg deployed to the Indo-Pacific region on Operation PROJECTION from 17 August to 16 December, 2021, to conduct forward naval presence operations in the region as well as conduct cooperative deployments and participate in international naval exercises with partner nations. During their deployment they also supported Operation NEON.

    HMCS Calgary

    HMCS Calgary deployed to the Indo-Pacific region on Operation PROJECTION from 26 February to 3 September, 2021, to conduct forward naval presence operations in the region as well as conduct cooperative deployments and participate in international naval exercises with partner nations. During their deployment they also supported Operation ARTEMIS in the Middle East and Indian Ocean.

    HMCS Winnipeg

    HMCS Winnipeg deployed to the Indo-Pacific region on Operation PROJECTION from 4 September to 18 December, 2020, to conduct forward naval presence operations in the region as well as conduct cooperative deployments and participate in international naval exercises with partner nations. During their deployment they also supported Operation NEON.

    HMCS Ottawa

    HMCS Ottawa deployed to the Indo-Pacific region on Operation PROJECTION from 6 August to 18 December, 2019, to conduct forward naval presence operations in the region as well as conduct cooperative deployments and participate in international naval exercises with partner nations. During their deployment they also supported Operation NEON, Canada’s contribution to the enforcement United Nations Security Council Resolutions 2375 and 2397.

    HMCS Regina and MV Asterix

    HMCS Regina and MV Asterix deployed to the Indo-Pacific region on Operation PROJECTION from 6 February to 20 August, 2019. During their deployment they also supported Operation ARTEMIS, under the command of the Canadian-led Combined Task Force 150 (CTF 150), part of the Combined Maritime Force (CMF) which is a naval coalition of 33 partner nations that promotes security and stability in international waters of the Middle East regions. The two ships also supported Operation NEON during the June-August timeframe of their sail in the Asia-Pacific region.

    HMCS Calgary

    From July to December 2018, HMCS Calgary deployed to the Asia-Pacific region to conduct naval presence operations in the region. HMCS Calgary made port visits in five different countries. These visits supported Canada’s diplomatic efforts in the region. HMCS Calgary was the first Halifax-class frigate to visit Da Nang, Vietnam and to conduct operations in support of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 2375 and 2397.

    HMCS Vancouver

    From April to June 2018, Her Majesty's Canadian Ship (HMCS) Vancouver deployed to the Asia-Pacific region. During the deployment, the ship took part in the United States-led Pacific Partnership 2018. This annual exercise focused on training participating nations in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief in the region. Throughout the deployment, the ship visited the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Singapore, Suva (Fiji), and finally Hawaii to participate in Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC).

  • Euro-Atlantic

    From February to June 2018, HMCS Windsor deployed to the Euro-Atlantic region. From March 5 to 16, 2018, the submarine participated in in NATO Maritime Command’s Exercise Dynamic Manta 2018, and in NATO’s Operation SEA GUARDIAN between late February and early June 2018. HMCS Windsor returned to Halifax on June 20, 2018.

  • West Africa

    HMC Ships Glace Bay and Moncton

    HMC Ships Glace Bay and Moncton departed Halifax on January 9, 2023 for the Gulf of Guinea as part of OP PROJECTION Africa. On February 28, 2023, they were retasked to support Operation GLOBE, having taken part in Exercise Obangame Express 2023.

    HMC Ships Goose Bay and Moncton

    On January 20, 2022, Royal Canadian Navy Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels HMCS Goose Bay and HMCS Moncton departed Halifax for a strategic deployment until April 2022 as part of Operation PROJECTION West Africa. While deployed, the ships participated in Exercise Obangame Express 2022 (OE22) in the Gulf of Guinea. 

    HMC Ships Shawinigan and Glace Bay

    HMC Ships Glace Bay and Shawinigan departed Halifax on 26 January 2020 and deployed until April 2020 as part of OP PROJECTION Africa, a strategic deployment to the Gulf of Guinea. While deployed, the ships participated in Exercise Obangame Express 2020 (OE20) in the Gulf of Guinea, and Exercise Phoenix Express 2020 (PE20) off the coast of North Africa.

    HMC Ships Shawinigan and Kingston

    HMC Ships Kingston and Shawinigan deployed from January to April 2019, as part of OP PROJECTION West Africa. While deployed, the ships also participated in Exercise Obangame Express 2019 in the Gulf of Guinea, and Exercise Phoenix Express 2019 off the coast of North Africa.

    HMC Ships Kingston and Summerside

    From January 26 to late April 2018, HMC Ships Kingston and Summerside deployed as part of Op PROJECTION West Africa. From March 22 to 27, 2018, the ships took part in Exercise Obangame Express 2018. 

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