Current Operations list

Canada and North America

Canada and North America

Name Description
Operation BOXTOP CAF mission to bring supplies to Canadian Forces Station Alert.
Operation DISTINCTION Operation DISTINCTION is the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) support to the Government of Canada’s National Commemoration Program.
Operation DRIFTNET CAF mission to stop drift netting and other forms of illegal fishing.
Operation LASER CAF response to a worldwide pandemic situation.
Operation LENTUS CAF response to forest fires, floods and natural disasters in Canada.
Operation LIMPID CAF mission to detect threats to Canada’s security as early as possible. The CAF keeps a routine watch over Canada’s air, maritime, land, space, and cyber domains. It also maintains a physical presence in some areas.
Operation NANOOK CAF contribution to whole-of-government sovereignty patrols and security exercises. These are usually held in the high and eastern Arctic.
Operation NEVUS CAF annual maintenance of the High Arctic Data Communications System. It takes place on Ellesmere Island.
Operation PALACI CAF support to the Parks Canada program to prevent avalanches from blocking land routes in Rogers Pass.
Operation VECTOR Operation VECTOR is the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) support to the Federal, Provincial, and Territorial governments for the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.
Fisheries Patrols Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) support to help Fisheries and Oceans Canada monitor fishing vessels and enforce fishing regulations in the Atlantic Ocean. The CAF conducts ship and aircraft patrols with DFO officials on board. These are known as FISHPATS.
National Sentry Program The National Sentry Program reinforces Canada’s commitment to remember and honour those Canadians who served in the major wars of the twentieth century, including both World Wars, as well as those who have contributed to Canada’s long-standing tradition of military excellence through to the present day.
Search and Rescue The CAF has the main responsibility in Canada for providing search and rescue (SAR) from the air. It also coordinates the national response for air and maritime SAR.
Central and South America

Central and South America

Name Description
Operation ACKEE Operation ACKEE is a military training mission and is part of the Global Affairs Canada (GAC) Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program (ACCBP).
Operation CARIBBE Operation CARIBBE is Canada's contribution to U.S.-led enhanced counter-narcotics operations in the Caribbean Sea and the eastern Pacific Ocean. Under this operation, Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) ships and aircraft deploy to the region on a rotational basis to support the U.S. mission to suppress drug trafficking in international waters.
Operation HELIOS Operation HELIOS is the Canadian Armed Forces’ contribution to the Canadian Whole-of-Government response to the worsening humanitarian and security crisis in Haiti.
Operation PROJECTION The CAF operates in maritime environments around the world to improve peace and stability.


Name Description
Operation KOBOLD CAF contribution to the NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR).
Operation OPEN SPIRIT CAF role to help clear explosive remnants of war in the Baltic Sea. A number of other countries take part. The annual mission is hosted by the three Baltic nations.
Operation REASSURANCE CAF support to NATO’s assurance and deterrence measures in Central and Eastern Europe.
Operation SNOWGOOSE CAF role in the United Nations Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP).
Operation UNIFIER CAF military training and capacity-building operation in Ukraine.


Name Description
Operation CROCODILE CAF role in supporting the United Nations mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Once a year, the CAF conducts combined training with the Tunisian Navy.
Operation FREQUENCE CAF strategic airlift support to France between France and the Sahel region of Africa.
Operation PRESENCE The CAF’s contribution to the Government of Canada’s peace operations strategy.
Operation PROJECTION The CAF operates in maritime enviroments around the world to improve peace and stability.
Operation SOPRANO CAF role in the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS).
Middle East

Middle East

Name Description
Operation ARTEMIS CAF maritime security and counter-terrorism operations in the Arabian Sea.
Operation CALUMET CAF role in the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt.
Operation FOUNDATION CAF role in United States Central Command Headquarters, United States Air Forces Central Headquarters, and Combined Maritime Forces Headquarters.
Operation IMPACT CAF role in the international coalition to assist local security forces who are fighting against Daesh in the Republic of Iraq and in Syria.
Operation JADE CAF role in the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO).
Operation PROTEUS CAF role in the Office of the U.S. Security Coordinator to build security capacity in the Palestinian Authority.


Name Description
Operation HORIZON As part of Canada’s commitment to a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific, Operation HORIZON is Canada’s forward-presence mission to the region to promote peace, stability, and the rules-based international order.
Operation NEON Operation NEON is Canada’s contribution to a coordinated multinational effort to support the implementation of United Nations Security Council sanctions imposed against North Korea.
Operation RENDER SAFE CAF role to help Australia clear explosive remnants of war in the Solomon Islands.
Operation DRIFTNET CAF support to Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The mission was to help enforce the global moratorium on high-seas driftnet fishing.
Around the world

Around the world

Name Description
Operation GLOBE CAF members are sometimes asked to help other Government of Canada departments with various tasks. When these tasks involve working outside of Canada, CAF members deploy under Operation GLOBE.
Operation PROJECTION The CAF operates in maritime environments around the world to improve peace and stability.
Operation RENAISSANCE The Canadian Armed Forces responds to international emergencies.

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