UN Operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ)
The official description, eligibility, criteria, and history of the UN Operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ).

The Mission was established on 13 October 1992 to monitor and verify the cease-fire, the separation and concentration of forces and their demobilization; and the collection, storage, and destruction of weapons. The Mission was also established to monitor and verify the complete withdrawal of foreign forces; to monitor and verify the disbanding of private and irregular armed groups; to authorize security arrangements for vital infrastructures; to provide security for the United Nations and other international activities in support of the peace process, especially in the corridors; to provide technical assistance and monitor the entire electoral process; to coordinate and monitor all humanitarian assistance operations—in particular those related to refugees, internally displaced persons, demobilized military personnel, and the affected local population—and to facilitate the implementation of the general peace agreement for Mozambique. Upon completion of the task, the Mission was terminated in January 1995.
Eligibility and criteria
Awarded for 90 days consecutive service between 13 October 1992 to 31 January 1995.
The UN strictly applies their medals policy and will not consider requests for initial issue of the UN medals that are submitted more than one year after repatriation from the mission area.
The qualifying service is not required for members killed or presumed killed while on assignment. In such cases, the medal may be awarded posthumously.
A circular bronze alloy medal, 1.4 inches (35mm) in diameter:
On the obverse, the representation of the UN symbol surmounted by the straight letters UN, both in bas-relief.
On the reverse, an inscription bearing the words "IN THE SERVICE OF PEACE" in English (and only in English).
A 0.5 inch (12mm) bronze ring, which holds the ribbon, passes through a small hollow ball at the top of a claw joined to the top of the medal.
The ribbon consists of a central wide band of UN blue flanked by two narrow bands of white, representing the peace, and two bands in green on the sides, representing the tropical climate of Mozambique.
There is no bar to this medal.
The medal shall be worn in sequence prescribed in the Canadian Orders, Decorations and Medals Directive, and in the following manner: on the left breast, suspended from the ribbon described above, after the UNSOM medal and before the UNOMUR medal.
The use of a post-nominal is not authorized for this medal.
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