Canadian Medals Chart
This honours chart shows the sequence to wear modern Canadian orders, decorations and medals. Awards are displayed in sequential order of precedence from left to right starting at the top with the Victoria Cross.
Some awards are not included, such as those related to the two World Wars and Korean War as well as some provincial awards. It is unlikely that they will be awarded to serving members of the Canadian Forces.
For more information about applications or to start the application process for any of the honours below, please visit our applications page.
Click the award for eligibility and other information.
Orders, Decorations, and Medals
Victoria Cross (VC)
Cross of Valour (CV)
Order of Merit (OM)
Companion of the Order of Canada (CC)
Officer of the Order of Canada (OC)
Member of the Order of Canada (CM)
Commander of the Order of Military Merit (CMM)
Commander of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces (COM)
Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (CVO)
Officer of the Order of Military Merit (OMM)
Officer of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces (OOM)
Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order (LVO)
Member of the Order of Military Merit (MMM)
Member of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces (MOM)
Member of the Royal Victorian Order (MVO)
The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem (all grades)
The Ordre national du Québec (GOQ, OQ CQ)
Saskatchewan Order of Merit (SOM)
The Order of Ontario (O Ont)
Order of British Columbia (OBC)
Alberta Order of Excellence (AOE)
Order of Prince Edward Island (OPEI)
Order of Manitoba (OM)
Order of New Brunswick (ONB)
Order of Nova Scotia (ONS)
Order of Newfoundland and Labrador (ONL)
Order of Nunavut (ONu)
Order of the Northwest Territories (ONWT)
Order of Yukon (OY)
Star of Military Valour (SMV)
Star of Courage (SC)
Meritorious Service Cross (MSC)
Medal of Military Valour (MMV)
Medal of Bravery (MB)
Meritorious Service Medal (MSM)
Royal Victorian Medal (RVM)
Sacrifice Medal (SM)
Gulf and Kuwait Medal
Somalia Medal
South-West Asia Service Medal (SWASM)
General Campaign Star – ALLIED FORCE (GCS-AF)
General Campaign Star – SOUTH-WEST ASIA (GCS-SWA)
General Campaign Star – EXPEDITION (GCS-EXP)
General Service Medal – ALLIED FORCE (GSM-AF)
General Service Medal – SOUTH-WEST ASIA (GSM-SWA)
General Service Medal – EXPEDITION (GSM-EXP)
Operational Service Medal – South-West Asia (OSM-SWA)
Operational Service Medal – Sierra Leone (OSM-SL)
Operational Service Medal – Haiti (OSM-H)
Operational Service Medal – Sudan (OSM-S)
Operational Service Medal – HUMANITAS (OSM-HUM)
Operational Service Medal – EXPEDITION (OSM-EXP)
Special Service Medal (SSM)
Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal (CPSM)
UN Emergency Force (UNEF)
UN Truce Supervision Organization in Palestine (UNTSO)
UN Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan & Pakistan (UNGOMAP)
UN Military Observer Group in India & Pakistan (UNMOGIP)
UN Organization in Congo (ONUC)
UN Temporary Executive Authority in West New Guinea (UNTEA)
UN Yemen Observer Mission (UNYOM)
UN Forces in Cyprus (UNFICYP)
UN India Pakistan Observation Mission (UNIPOM)
UN Emergency Force Middle East (UNEFME)
UN Disengagement Observation Force (UNDOF)
UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)
UN Military Observation Group in Iran – Iraq (UNIIMOG)
UN Transition Assistance Group (Namibia) (UNTAG)
UN Observer Group in Central America (ONUCA)
UN Iraq – Kuwait Observer Mission (UNIKOM)
UN Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM)
UN Mission for the Referendum In Western Sahara (MINURSO)
UN Observation Mission in El Salvador (ONUSAL)
UN Protection Force (Yugoslavia) (UNPROFOR)
UN Advance Mission in Cambodia (UNAMIC)
UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC)
UN Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM)
UN Operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ)
UN Observer Mission Uganda – Rwanda (ONOMUR)
UN Assistance Mission For Rwanda (UNAMIR)
UN Mission in Haiti (UNMIH)
United Mission for the verification of Human Rights in Guatemala (MINUGUA)
UN Mission in the Central African Republic (MINURCA)
UN Preventive Deployment Force (Macedonia) (UNPREDEP)
UN Mission in Bosnia – Herzegovina (UNMIBH)
UN Military Observer Mission in Prevlaka (Croatia) (UNMOP)
UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)
United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL)
UN Mission East Timor (UNAMET)
UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC/MONUSCO)
UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE)
UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH)
UN Operation in Ivory Coast (ONUCI)
UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS)
United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT)
United Nations - African Union Hybrid Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)
UN Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS)
The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA)
UN Special Service Medal (UNSSM)
UN Headquarters Medal (UNHQ)
NATO Medal for Former Yugoslavia (NATO-FY)
NATO Medal for Kosovo (NATO-K)
NATO for Former Republic of Macedonia (NATO-FYROM)
Article 5 NATO Medal for Operation EAGLE ASSIST
Article 5 NATO Medal for Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR
Non-Article 5 NATO Medal for Operations in the Balkans
Non-Article 5 NATO Medal for service with the NATO Training Implementation Mission and the NATO Training Mission in Iraq (NTM-IRAQ)
Non-Article 5 Medal for NATO Logistical Support to the African Union Mission in Sudan
Non-Article 5 NATO Medal for North Atlantic Council Approved NATO operations and activities in relation to AFRICA
Non-Article 5 NATO Medal for Service on NATO Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR - LIBYA (OUP-LIBYA)
Non-Article 5 NATO Medal for Service on NATO Operation SEA GUARDIAN
Non-Article 5 NATO VIGILANCE Medal
International Commission for Supervision and Control Indo-China (ICSC)
International Commission of Control and Supervision Vietnam (ICCS)
Multinational Force and Observers (SINAI) (MFO)
European Community Monitor Mission (Yugoslavia) (ECMMY)
International Force East Timor (INTERFET)
European Security and Defence Policy Service Medal / Common Security and Defence Policy Service Medal (ESDP/CSDP)
Polar Medal
Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers
Canadian Centennial Medal
Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal
125 Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada Medal
Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal
Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee Medal
King Charles III’s Coronation Medal
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Long Service Medal
Canadian Forces' Decoration (CD)
Police Exemplary Service Medal
Corrections Exemplary Service Medal
Fire Service Exemplary Service Medal
Canadian Coast Guard Exemplary Service Medal
Emergency Medical Services Exemplary Service Medal
Peace Officer Exemplary Service Medal
King's Medal for Champion Shot
Service Medal of the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem
Commissionaires Long Service Medal
Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Medal (Provincial)
Departmental Awards
Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation
Governor General’s Commendation for Bravery
Vice-Regal Commendation
Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation
Chief of the Defence Staff Commendation
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Commissioner's Commendation
Canadian Coast Guard Commissioner's Commendation
Correctional Service Canada Citation for Bravery
Correctional Service Canada Commissioner’s Commendation
Command Commendation
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Commanders' Commendation
St. John Chancellor’s Commendation
St. John Provincial/Territorial Commendation
Canadian Forces Medallion for Distinguished Service
Canadian Forces’ Unit Commendation
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