Annex C – Canadian Forces Decorations Advisory Committee – Terms of reference
1150-1 – 15 November 2021
- Chair:
- Members:
- VCDS Comd
RCN Comd
CA Comd
GG’s Rep - Advisors:
CRes & Cdts
- CANSOFCOM Representative: DComd CANSOFCOM
- Secretary:
- DH&R
- Recording Secretary:
- DH&R Orders, Decorations & Awards Mgr
- The Canadian Forces Decorations Advisory Committee (CFDAC) was established to consider submissions received from the L1 Honours and Awards Committees for the following national level decorations and commendations:
- Military Valour Decorations (MVD);
- Canadian Bravery Decorations;
- Meritorious Service Decorations (MSD) (Military Division); and
- Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation.
- When considering MVD nominations, CFDAC is acting as the MVDs Advisory Committee established by paragraph 8 of the MVD Regulations.
- When considering Canadian Bravery Decorations nominations, CFDAC may, as stipulated in paragraph 9 of the Canadian Bravery Decorations Regulations, submit nominations to the Director of Honours, Chancellery of Honours, for consideration by the Canadian Decorations Advisory Committee established by paragraph 7 of those Regulations.
- When considering MSD nominations, CFDAC is acting as the Military Advisory Committee established by paragraph 8 of the MSD Regulations.
- The Advisory Committee will be convened once every two months with the exception of July and August. The meeting will usually take place the second Monday of every other month.
- The members of the Advisory Committee will vote on each case file. The advisors will provide their comments which will be considered by members of the Committee. When case files from CJOC, CANSOFCOM, CFINTCOM or CAFCYBERCOM are being reviewed, a representative of the command will attend the first portion of the meeting and provide additional comments on their files as required by the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee will use the simple majority voting system, with only the votes of the members counting and with the Chair voting only to break a tie.
- Members and advisors who are not able to attend the meeting will have the options of either sending their votes/comments electronically in advance of the meeting to the Secretary, or sending a representative of a rank of BGen/Cmdre and above to convey the votes/comments from the member/advisor.
- The Advisory Committee has the authority to:
- support the nomination;
- reject the nomination;
- upgrade the nomination to a higher level of award;
- downgrade the nomination to a lower level of award; or
- return the nomination to the originator requesting additional information or substantiation.
- Minutes of the meetings will be prepared by the Secretary and signed by the Secretary and the Chair of the Advisory Committee.
- Recommendations for MVDs, MSDs and Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendations will be forwarded to the GG by the Chair of the Advisory Committee. Nominations for Canadian Bravery Decorations will be forwarded to the Chancellery of Honours by the Directorate of Honours and Recognition (DH&R).
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