8002-2 Annex B - Flight Launch Authorization

Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order (CJCR Gp O)

Acknowledgement of Accountability

Comd CJCR Gp, RCSU COs, or RCA Ops Os as appropriate, shall ensure that this Acknowledgement of Accountability is completed as indicated for all those officers designated as DFAO.

I hereby acknowledge, as a designed FAO responsible to authorize flights in aircrafts, those flights shall be authorized in writing, and that I shall ensure that each flight:

Delegated FAO authorities subject to restrictions listed below:

Designated Flight Authorization Officer: (name)
SN Name Rank: (rank)

Appointing Officer: (name)
SN Name Rank: (rank)

1 copy to unit file/1 copy to members file

Mission Acceptance and Launch Authority (MALA)

1. MALA is a tool that enables risk management of flight operations at the unit level. The process is divided into two distinct parts or phases, Mission Acceptance (MA) and Launch Authority (LA), each of which has a specific focus in terms of the risks being considered.

2. The MALA process is not intended to replace good airmanship or the requirement for effective flying supervision. Rather, it is intended to support these efforts by providing a risk framework within which a flying operation shall be considered. This risk framework identifies those risks that the Comd CJCR Gp is willing to delegate to lower levels of authority and those the Comd wishes to retain. This is accomplished in the details of the MALA tables and through a grading system which assigns points to certain levels of risks in well-defined risk areas. The addition of the points assigned through the assessment of each risk area serves to identify the cumulative risk. The MALA then provides cumulative risk thresholds beyond which higher level authorizations are required.

3. MALA execution has two distinct parts or phases. The Mission Acceptance (MA) process is generally conducted during mission planning and the Launch Authority (LA) process during pre-flight planning and mission execution. There are however many situations where aspects of LA should be considered during the MA phase and where aspects of MA are then reconsidered during the LA phase:

  1. Mission Acceptance (MA): Mission Acceptance is the process by which a planned flying operation/mission is assessed against capabilities and priorities. To a more limited extent MA can also include an assessment of available crews and aircraft and their capabilities and limitations – this would be accomplished in part by reviewing the Launch Authority (LA) risk framework during the MA phase. MA criteria should be considered first as part of the planning process, by the RCA Ops O, the CFTC CFI, or other DFAO. Once tasked, the ultimate responsibility for confirming that MA has been completed for a given mission lies with the DFAO accepting the mission. Once a mission is accepted, the MA criteria can be re-assessed at any point in the process by mission crew or supporting operations staff, up to and including flight/mission launch. If elements of the flight/mission have changed, which raise the required MA authority level, acceptance must then be sought again at that level.
  2. Launch Authority (LA): Launch Authority is the process by which a tasked and accepted mission is then considered against primarily crew, environmental, and equipment-related risk areas. An initial LA assessment often takes place as part of a pre-mission planning process in an effort for the crew and/or operations staff to proactively identify potential issues, but it shall be completed and/or finalized as part of the pre-flight planning process by the assigned CFS OIC or CFTC FComd. A point score representing the cumulative mission risk is developed and the appropriate LA/Risk Holder identified. In instances where the assessment of a given risk area is unclear, or where a previously unidentified risk becomes apparent, the LA process directs the CFS OIC or CFTC FComd to engage higher authority. This compels a CFS OIC or CFTC FComd to fully assess and then discuss critical or complex aspects of their assigned flight/mission and plans with more senior ACGP personnel, ensuring that the cumulative risk is fully understood and that all possible mitigation measures are considered. The appropriate LA/Risk Holder then authorizes the flight/mission or seeks further changes and/or mitigations to reduce the cumulative risk to an acceptable level.

4. All completed MALA documents shall be forwarded to the RCA Ops O and held for a minimum of two years.




All assessments shall be based on the period of planned air operations.

Group(s) LowFootnote 1 MedFootnote 2  HighFootnote 3  Score
All glider and tow pilots / Winch operators / Auto launch drivers There are enough pilots / operators / drivers that none will need to fill a Cadet Air Operations Duty role other than LCO or SOF. Some pilots/ operators/drivers will need to fill a Cadet Air Operations Duty role other than LCO or SOF. All pilots/ operators/drivers will need to fill a Cadet Air Operations Duty role other than LCO or SOF.  
Ground Support: wing, signals, timesheets, retrieve, other roles mandated by RFOs All non-pilot ground crew have more than 1 season of experience. Some non-pilot ground crew have less than 1 season of experience. All non-pilot ground crew have less than 1 season of experience.  
Travel No pilots / operators / drivers travel more than 1 hour to get to location. More than half of the pilots / operators / drivers travel more than 1 hour but less than 2 hours to get to location. More than half pilots / operators / drivers travel more than 2 hours to get to location.  
Fatigue No staff member has reported, or appears to be, fatigued. All have ≥ 6.5 hours of sleep in last 24 hrs. Some staff members have reported, or appear to be, fatigued. Some have 5 to < 6.5 hrs of sleep in last 24 hrs. More than half staff members have reported, or appear to be, fatigued. Most have < 5 hrs of sleep in last 24 hrs.  
Glider Aircrew Experience More than half of the fam flight pilots have more than 10 hrs PIC in gliders. Less than half of the fam flight pilots have more than 10 hrs PIC in gliders. Less than one quarter of the fam flight pilots have more than 10 hrs PIC in gliders.  
Glider Aircrew Training No glider pilot training will occur concurrently during famil ops. There is a need to conduct glider pilot training concurrently during famil ops. There is a need to conduct glider pilot training and LCO and/or winch / driver training concurrently during famil ops.  
Glider Aircrew Familiarity All glider fam flight pilots have flown at this CFS. Some glider fam flight pilots have not flown at this CFS. All glider fam flight pilots have not flown at this CFS.  
Winch operator / Auto launch driver All Operators / Drivers have more than 3  years of experience on type. 50% of the Operators / Drivers have less than 3  years of experience on type. All Operator / Driver have less than 1 year of experience on type.  
Winch operator / Driver training No winch / driver training will occur concurrently during famil ops. There is a need to conduct winch / driver training during famil ops. There is a need to conduct glider pilot training and LCO and/or winch / driver training concurrently during famil ops  
Tow Plane Aircrew More than 75% of tow pilots have more than 100 hrs on type. Less than 75% of tow pilots have more than 100 hrs on type. All tow pilots have less than 100 hrs on type.  
Tow Plane Training No Tow pilot training will occur concurrently during glider famil ops. There is a need to conduct tow pilot training concurrently on a separate runway during glider famils. There is a need to conduct tow pilot training concurrently on the same runway during glider famils.  
Aircraft / Winches / Auto launch vehicle No aircraft, winch, or auto launch vehicle has a deferred snag. At least one aircraft, winch, or auto launch vehicle has a deferred snag that will affect SOPs. Multiple aircraft, winch, or auto launch vehicle has a deferred snag that will affect SOPs.  
Forecast Winds < 15 KTS 15-20 KTS > 20 KTS  
Forecast Crosswind Component <5 KTS 5-6 KTS > 6 KTS  
Ceiling and Visibility CAVOK or well within ACGPM requirements. Meets ACGPM requirements but with SCT clouds below planned release height. Meets ACGPM requirements but with SCT cloud below planned release height and haze, or other impediments to visibility <6 SM.  
Air Traffic Non-ACGP air traffic is anticipated to be < 5 landing/hr & no anticipated non-ACGP air traffic circuit practice. Non-ACGP air traffic is anticipated to be > 5 landings/hr and/or anticipate some ab-initio circuit practice. Non-ACGP air traffic is anticipated to be > 5 landings/hr and/or anticipate extensive or multiple ab-initio circuit practice.  
NavCanada or RCAF ATC Not at location, or if at location, fully operational. Trainee controller. Normally at location but not in operation. (This does not apply to scheduled closures)  
Other item(s) perceived as adding Risk as determined by the CFS OIC / CFTC FComd: (Enter 0 if Not Applicable):  
Total Risk Score  

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