8002-2 Air Cadet Flying Program

Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order (CJCR Gp O)

On this page

  1. Identification
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Definitions
  4. Policy
  5. Air Cadet Flying Program (ACFP) Components
  6. Command, Authorities and Responsibilities
  7. Oversight
  8. Orders
  9. Personnel, Qualifications, and Staffing Establishment
  10. Flight Operations Duty Time
  11. Use of Non-Air Cadet Gliding Program  (ACGP) Assets to Augment ACGP Operations
  12. Publication
  13. References
  14. Annexes

1. Identification

Date of Issue: 21 May 2019
Date of Verification: N/A

Application: This is an order that applies to members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and a directive that applies to Civilian Instructors and employees of the Department of National Defence (DND) employed within the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR).



Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Comd CJCR with concurrence of the Divisional Operational Airworthiness Manager (DOAM), 2 CAD - Director Air Force Training (Dir AF Trg). The dual authorities are a result of the airworthiness authorities that are being retained within the DND/CAF.
Office of Primary Interest (OPI): CJCR Gp HQ, National Cadet Air Operations Officer (NCA Ops O).

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2. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Complete Word or Phrase
1 CAD 1 Canadian Air Division
2 CAD 2 Canadian Air Division
AA Airworthiness Authority
ACFP Air Cadet Flying Program
ACGP Air Cadet Gliding Program
ACGPM Air Cadet Gliding Program Manual
ACL Air Cadet League of Canada
ACL/DND Contract Contract for Goods and Services between the Air Cadet League of Canada and Her Majesty The Queen 2006
(ACGP CONTRACT 1086-20-2 (D Law/P) 2006)
AIA Airworthiness Investigative Authority
AIF Aircrew Information File
ALOS Acceptable Level of Safety
ALSE Aircrew Life Support Equipment
AMA Aerospace Medical Authority
AME Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
AMEO Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Officer
CAR Canadian Aviation Regulations
CCO Canadian Cadet Organizations
CFHS Canadian Forces Health Services Group
CFI Chief Flying Instructor
CFS Cadet Flying Site
CFS OIC Cadet Flying Site Officer in Charge
CFTC Cadet Flight Training Centre
CR Crew Rest
DFAO Designated Flight Authorization Officer
DFS Directorate of Flight Safety
DGAEPM Director General Aerospace Equipment Program Management
DOAM Divisional Operational Airworthiness Manager
DTAES Director Technical Airworthiness and Engineering Support
Famil Familiarization Flight
FAO Flight Authorization Officer
FTE Flight Training Evaluation
FTU Flight Training Unit
GPS Glider Pilot Scholarship
LA Launch Authority
LCO Launch Control Officer
MA Mission Acceptance
MALA Mission Acceptance Launch Authority
NCA Ops O National Cadet Air Operations Officer
NCA Ops FSO National Cadet Air Operations Flight Safety Officer
NMPM National Maintenance Policy Manual
NTA National Technical Authority
OAA Operational Airworthiness Authority
OCRAA Operational Command Risk Acceptance Authority
PPS Power Pilot Scholarship
RCA Eng O Region Cadet Air Engineering Officer
RCA Ops FSO Region Cadet Air Operations Flight Safety Officer
RCA Ops O Region Cadet Air Operations Officer
RCA Ops Stds O Region Cadet Air Operations Standards Officer
RFO Region Flying Orders
SAV Staff Assistance Visit
SOF Supervisor of Flying
SMS Safety Management System
TAA Technical Airworthiness Authority
TCCA Transport Canada Civil Aviation
TE Training Establishment
TSB Transportation Safety Board of Canada
UNICOM Universal Communications

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3. Definitions

Aeronautical Product. Any aircraft, aircraft engine, aircraft propeller or aircraft appliance or part or the component parts of any of those things, including any computer system or hardware. (Subsection 3(1) of the Aeronautics Act)

Air Cadet Flying Program. All aviation activities conducted as part of delivering the overall Cadet Program including the GPS, PPS and Familiarization Flying.

Air Cadet Gliding Program. The gliding program as outlined in the Contract for Goods and Services between the Air Cadet League of Canada and Her Majesty the Queen 2006.

Air Display. An aerial display or demonstration before an invited assembly of persons by one or more aircraft. Such activities include flying and static displays of aircraft, airborne equipment and launch equipment operated under the ACFP.

Aircrew Member. "A person assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight time". (TCCA Canadian Aviation Regulation (CAR) 101.01)

Airworthiness. "A fit and safe state for flight and in conformity with its type design. The CAF applies the term airworthy not only to the aircraft, but also to all its components including the aircraft engine, propeller, appliances or the component parts of any of those things including computer systems and software, and incorporating all the standards of safety for an aeronautical product and its operation. Airworthiness is comprised of two components: Operational Airworthiness and Technical Airworthiness." (A-GA-005-000/AG-001 Department of National Defence/Canadian Forces Airworthiness Programme), See also AA, OAA, TAA, DOAM and AIA.

Airworthiness Authority. The person responsible for the policy, development, promotion, supervision and management of the Airworthiness Programme for the DND/CAF. (A GA 005 000/GA 001 DND/CAF Airworthiness Programme).

Airworthiness Investigative Authority. The person responsible for the airworthiness aspects of the Flight Safety Programme, the independent investigation of airworthiness related occurrences and the monitoring of the DND/CAF Airworthiness Programme to identify deficiencies. (A GA 135 003/GA 001 Airworthiness Investigative Manual)

Cadet Air Operations Duty. For the purposes of the ACFP, the term Cadet Air Operations Duty is used to list certain aircrew and ground support roles that have further restrictions than that of a duty day.

Crew Rest. That time provided for physiological rest to recover from flying duties or provided for rest prior to standby duties.

Designated Training Authority. DTA is an authority other than a Training Authority that due to functional, environmental and/or special accountabilities has been designated responsibility for the management of Individual Training and Education for specific career field, occupation, sub-occupation and/or specialty specifications. (A-P9-050-000/PT-Z01 Canadian Forces Manual of Individual Training and Education)

Divisional Operational Airworthiness Manager. The person assigned responsibility of providing oversight and coordination of all fleet/section-assigned OA activities by the OAA. (B-GA-104-000/FP-001 Operational Airworthiness Manual)

Duty Day. Commences when an individual reports for duty and ceases when they are released from duty.

Familiarization Flight. "For cadet purposes, a familiarization flight is a flight of short duration that usually departs and arrives at the same location." Glossary, 1 Canadian Air Division Orders, Volume 1 General Administration, 1998, RCAF.

Flight/Mission Authorization. For cadet aviation purposes, a document signed by an authority identified in this document that provides approval to conduct ACFP Flights/Missions in support of the ACFP.

Launch Authority. For cadet aviation purposes, a person with the authority to approve ACFP Flights/Missions.

Military Conveyance. For cadet purposes, an aircraft designed for movement from place to place, that is operated by or on behalf of the Department of National Defence or the Canadian Armed Forces. This includes all ACGP aircraft and any other DND/CAF contracted aircraft. (Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act)

Mission Acceptance. The process by which a tasked mission is assessed against unit capabilities, mission sets and priorities. (RCAF Flight Operations Manual para 3a)

Mission Acceptance Launch Authority. A process that enables risk management of flight operations at the unit level. (Adapted from RCAF Flight Operations Manual para 1.)

Operational Airworthiness Authority. The person responsible for the management of all operational aspects of the Airworthiness Programme. (B-GA-104-000/FP-001 Operational Airworthiness Manual)

Operational Command Risk Acceptance Authority. The operational commander directly responsible for the employment of the aeronautical product or aviation system at risk. (B-GA-104-000/FP-001 Operational Airworthiness Manual)

Passenger. "A person, other than a crew member, who is carried on board an aircraft". (TCCA CAR 101.01)

Power Famil. The use of non-ACGP resources to deliver practical aviation experiences to cadets as part of the ACFP. Does not apply to the use of commercial air carriers when used for transporting Canadian Cadet Organization personnel as passengers. Does not apply to famil flights in ACGP tow planes - see A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005 Air Cadet Gliding Program Manual for these activities.

Scholarship. When referred to in the context of the GPS and PPS refers to a flight training course of academic study and achievement vice any monetary amount. Therefore a cadet who has been ceased training is not entitled to any balance of allocated resources.

Technical Airworthiness Authority. The person responsible for the regulation of the technical airworthiness aspects of design, manufacture, maintenance and material support of aeronautical products and the determination of the airworthiness acceptability of those products prior to operational service. (C 05 005 001/GA 001 Technical Airworthiness Manual).

Training Establishment. The unit responsible for the conduct of Individual Training and Education. (A-P9-050-000/PT-Z01 Canadian Forces Manual of Individual Training and Education)

Universal Communications. An air-ground communications facility operated by a private agency to provide pilot advisory services at uncontrolled aerodromes. In the context of the ACFP, this refers to ACFP personnel providing this service while operations are in progress. (TP14371 Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual TC AIM)

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4. Policy


4.1 The CJCR Gp will conduct the ACFP to provide practical aviation experiences for the Air Cadet. The ACFP is an immersive, hands-on program delivered through the proficiency level training conducted at the squadron, and courses delivered at the CFS and the CFTC.

4.2 Requests for exemptions to this order shall be forwarded to ACGP DOAM for review and recommendation prior to approval by NCA Ops O as so delegated from the Comd CJCR.

4.3 Should a matter arise wherein the CJCR Gp, RCAF, another DND/CAF organization, or TCCA cannot agree on a particular course of action pertaining to the ACFP, the issue shall be referred to the VCDS.


4.4 The ACFP is a unique cadet activity and has the following requirements:

  1. Airworthiness responsibilities delegated to the RCAF.
  2. Compliance with TCCA regulations and/or DND/CAF orders.
  3. Utilization of aircraft owned by the ACL and contracted to CJCR Gp for custody and control.
  4. Training Authority for flying operations is resident in 2 CAD.
  5. Professional development for continuous improvement of safe program delivery.

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5. ACFP Components

5.1 The ACFP is comprised the following components:

  1. Air Cadet Powered Flight Program. A national program using primarily civilian aircraft, augmented by military aircraft, and governed under the auspices of this CJCR Gp Order, CATO 52-07, CATO 54-27, and CJCR Gp Flying Orders. This program includes: 

    (1) Power Famil. Occurs year round at the cadet squadron and CFTC/CTC level. Famil flights may occur any day of the week.

    (2) PPS. Occurs July to August at contracted civilian FTU.

  2. ACGP. A national program using ACL assets listed in the ACL/DND Contract, and assets provided by DND. The ACGP is governed by this CJCR Gp Order, CATO 51-01, CATO 54-26, and A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005 Air Cadet Gliding Program Manual. ACGP gliders and tow planes are owned by the ACL and are civilian registered; however the DND/CAF exercises operational and technical control of ACGP aircraft and resources. In recognition of the ACL and DND/CAF partnership, TCCA regards the DND/CAF as having custody and control of the aircraft, while allowing the aircraft to remain registered to the ACL on the civil aircraft register through an exemption from CAR 202.35(1) and 202.36

    (1). There also exists another exemption to CAR 507.11 permitting the continued operation of the L-19 and Superdog aircraft. The ACGP includes:

    (1) Gliding Famil–Occurs generally in spring, summer and fall at the CFS or CFTC. Gliding famil flights most often occur on weekends at the CFS and most often during weekdays at the CFTC;
    (2) Famil flights in ACGP tow planes;
    (3) GPS Program–Occurs June to August at CFTCs;
    (4) Force Generation Flying to be inclusive of currency, proficiency, upgrades and periodic dual flights;
    (5) Flying Supervisor Course;
    (6) Launch Control Officer Course;
    (7) Glider Pilot Instructor Course;
    (8) Tow Pilot Conversion Course;
    (9) Winch Conversion Course;
    (10) Auto Tow Conversion Course;
    (11) ACGP Glider Pilot Conversion Course;
    (12) Power to Glider Pilot Conversion Course;
    (13) Aircrew Annual Refresher Training;
    (14) Air display flights; and
    (15) Ferry flights to move aircraft between CFS, CFTC, and Region Maintenance Facilities, maintenance flights, proficiency flights, and currency flights.

5.2 Cadets may receive famil trips in gliders not operated by the ACGP. See section 10 Use of Non-ACGP Assets to Augment ACGP Operations. The ACFP is included in the Memorandum of Understanding between DND and Transport Canada Civil Aviation, which delineates the operational and technical oversight of civil registered aircraft operated by or on behalf of the DND/CAF.

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6. Command, Authorities and Responsibilities

Overview of ACFP and ACGP Authorities, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Mandated Responsibilities Air Cadet Flying Program
Air Cadet Powered Flight Program Air Cadet Gliding Program
AA TCCA SMS provided by individual civilian flight contractor for PPS.
For privately owned aircraft, TCCA applicable policies will apply.
Monitored by NC Ops O.
OAA Comd 1 CAD
TAA DGGPEA oversight in compliance with CARs.
AIA Cooperative effort between DFS and TSB
TE Contracted civilian FTUs
Monitored by NCA Ops O
Standards NCA Ops O Comd 2 CAD
Evaluation NCA Ops O Comd 2 CAD

6.1 Comd RCAF retains authority for Flight Safety over all ACFP operations, authority for Airworthiness for the ACGP, and training for all qualifications related to ACGP flight operations.

Command and Operational Risk Acceptance

6.2 The Comd CJCR has OCRAA for all ACFP components. The Comd CJCR is the originating FAO for all ACFP flights.

Airworthiness Program

6.3 Comd RCAF is designated by the CDS, on behalf of the Minister of National Defence, as the AA for the DND/CAF Airworthiness Program including the Airworthiness Programme for the ACGP and Flight Safety for all ACFP operations and retains Operational Airworthiness Risk Management for the ACGP.

6.4 The AA has delegated the following:

  1. OAA. Comd 1 CAD is the OAA for the ACGP.
  2. DOAM. Dir AF Trg is the DOAM for the ACGP and retains Operational Airworthiness Risk Management for the ACGP.
  3. TAA. DGAEPM is the TAA for the ACGP.
  4. AIA. DFS is the AIA for the ACGP and oversees Flight Safety for all ACFP operations.
  5. AMA. The Medical Advisor to the Comd RCAF is the AMA for the DND/CAF.
  6. FTA. The Commanding Officer of the Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment is the FTA for DND/CAF.

Technical Airworthiness in the ACGP

6.5 Gliders and tow aircraft retain their civil registry, therefore all maintenance, inspections, repairs and modifications are conducted IAW TCCA CARs 571 regulations and standards. Aircraft configuration is under the authority of the NTA.

6.6 ACGP aircraft are considered by TCCA as Private Aircraft. DND’s ACGP safety objective is to maintain the ACGP to the regulations, standards, and practices employed by “best in class” TCCA regulated aircraft maintenance organizations that support commercial FTUs. These maintenance regulations, standards, and practices are documented in the NMPM and DND will ensure compliance by internal and external audit. By adherence to this well-defined civil standard, the ACGP is deemed to meet the intent of the Technical Airworthiness Manual and AF9000. Any deviations from this objective must be specifically identified in the NMPM and approved by the TAA. TCCA remains the regulator for ACGP Aircraft and any deviations from the regulations applicable to Private Aircraft must be forwarded to TCCA for consideration.

Delegated Responsibility and Authorizations

6.7 The following responsibilities and authorizations are delegated by the Comd CJCR:

  1. NCA Ops O: 

    (1) ensure safety, conduct, and administer the ACFP;
    (2) monitor ACFP training;
    (3) negotiate and enter into contracts for the purposes of delivering the PPS;
    (4) monitor CAR compliance of the ACFP;
    (5) monitor the airworthiness program for the ACFP;
    (6) when designated in writing by the Comd, act as DFAO; and
    (7) designate DFAO to the DNCA Ops O.

  2. RCSU CO:  

    (1) command, ensure safety, conduct, and administer the ACFP;
    (2) act as DFAO when designated in writing by the Comd;
    (3) authorize ACGP aircraft and personnel to participate in air displays (with the concurrence of the applicable Provincial Committee of the ACL for aircraft usage); and
    (4) designate FAO authorities to the RCA Ops O, CFTC CO, or other officer in writing.

6.8 The following responsibilities and authorizations may be delegated by an RCSU CO:

  1. RCA Ops O:  

    (1) control, ensure safety, conduct and administer the ACFP;
    (2) maintain ACGP operational airworthiness at ALOS;
    (3) maintain ACGP training standards;
    (4) grant aircrew qualifications;
    (5) maintain ACGP technical airworthiness;
    (6) assign personnel to ACFP flights/missions;
    (7) when delegated in writing, act as MA for ACGP operations;
    (8) when delegated in writing, act as DFAO for flight Ops not forecasted by the RCSU CO; and
    (9) designate, in writing, FAO and MA to DRCA Ops O, RCA Ops Stds O, RCA Ops FSO, and CFS OIC.

  2. CFTC CO: 

    (1) command, ensure safety, conduct and administer assigned ACFP operations;
    (2) maintain ACGP operational airworthiness at ALOS;
    (3) maintain CFTC air training standards and qualifications;
    (4) maintain CFTC aircraft technical airworthiness;
    (5) when delegated in writing, act as DFAO for CFTC flight operations; and
    (6) when delegated in writing, may delegate, in writing, FAO and MA to the CFTC CFI and CFTC Flight Commanders.

6.9 The following responsibilities and authorizations may be delegated by an RCA Ops O:

  1. CFS OIC:  

    (1) control, ensure safety, conduct, and administer any assigned ACFP operation;
    (2) when delegated in writing, act as MA and LA for those flight operations authorized and scheduled by RCSU CO; and
    (3) assign persons, in writing, to positions required for ACGP flight Ops and delegate LA to assigned SOF.

  2. DRCA Ops O, RCA Stds O, and/or RCA Ops FSO

    (1) when delegated in writing, act as DFAO and MA for those flight operations authorized and scheduled by RCSU CO.

6.10 The following responsibilities and authorizations may be delegated by the CFTC CO:

  1. CFI:  

    (1) ensure safety, conduct, and administer any assigned CFTC flight training;
    (2) assign personnel to CFTC flights/missions;
    (3) act as DFAO and MA for flights not scheduled by the CFTC CO; and
    (4) act as MA and LA for those flight operations authorized and scheduled by CFTC CO.

  2. CFTC Flt Comd: 

    (1) ensure safety and conduct of any assigned CFTC flight ops;
    (2) act as MA and LA for those flight operations authorized and scheduled by CFTC CO; and
    (3) assign persons, in writing, to positions required for flight Ops and delegate LA to assigned SOF.

Flight Authorization

6.11 Comd CJCR, RCSU COs, or RCA Ops Os as appropriate, shall ensure that the Acknowledgement of Accountability is completed as indicated for all designated officers.

6.12 RCSU COs shall issue a Flight Training Schedule that includes ACGP activities and other flights/missions that will occur in support of the CCO. This schedule may be weekly, monthly, semi-annual, or annual. A separate Flight Training Schedule shall be used for CFTC flying, issued by the CFTC CO.

6.13 Power famil conducted under CATO 52-07 may be included in a Flight Training Schedule, but such inclusion does not alleviate the requirements outlined in CATO 52-07.

6.14 PPS scheduling is accomplished through the national contracting process.

6.15 RCA Ops Os shall ensure all ACGP flights are logged IAW A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005 ACGPM and that Time Sheets approved by RCSU CO are used by all CFS for the formal authorization and recording of the details of all ACGP flights. When FTUs provide flying services, the FTU documentation is deemed equivalent.

6.16 DFAOs exercising launch authority shall assess each tasked mission, or a day’s planned flight operations, against the items listed above prior to approval. The consideration of risk should address the following:

  1. Personnel – sufficient for mission, proficiency, currency, personal readiness (AMISAFE – Attitude, Medication, Illness, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, Emotion).
  2. Equipment – airworthiness, maintenance, ALSE.
  3. Environment – weather limitations (thermal or wind-chill stresses), time of day.

6.17 A DFAO is responsible for ensuring that the flight/mission is in the direct interest of the CCO. DFAOs are deemed to have met their responsibilities when the flight/mission has been approved by a higher authority IAW approvals outlined in this Order.

6.18 Prior to commencement of the daily flight operations or CFTC shift, the planned flights will be authorized by the CFS OIC or an officer designated by the RCSU CO in writing. The CFS OIC shall ensure that all authorizing documents are prepared with the proposed flight details. The authorizing officer shall sign the document, or use suitable electronic means, to verify that the flight/mission is in the direct interest of the CCO, such as:

  1. providing famil flights to cadets;
  2. training personnel IAW approved Training Plan course syllabi;
  3. performing ACFP flight operations as formally trained;
  4. allowing aircrew to accomplish currency and proficiency requirements as determined by regulations;
  5. conducting aircraft transits;
  6. evaluating aircraft performance; or
  7. conducting other flights/missions approved by the RCSU CO.

6.19 The ACGP authorizing officer shall:

  1. authorize the flight/mission IAW applicable orders and regulations;
  2. ensure the aircraft crew are qualified and competent to accomplish the assigned duty; and
  3. ensure the aircraft crew are properly briefed and understand the assigned duty.

6.20 Aircrew carrying out ACFP missions shall ensure that each mission has been appropriately authorized and launch authority given prior to flight. This will ensure that each mission satisfies the following criteria:

  1. meets or contributes to the provision of a practical aviation experience to cadets;
  2. meets or contributes to required currency, proficiency and/or training of aircrew;
  3. is being undertaken with all foreseeable risks correctly identified and mitigated;
  4. has an airworthy aircraft assigned;
  5. is undertaken within the capabilities of the crew assigned; and
  6. is justifiable usage of government resources.

6.21 Prior to commencement of the daily flight operations or CFTC shift , the Pilot in Command shall:

  1. ensure that the crew and passenger names, aircraft identification and reason for being on board of all occupants of the aircraft are recorded on the ACGP Time Sheet, flight authorization document, manifest or flight plan as applicable;
  2. acknowledge on the authorizing document, by initials or suitable electronic means, that the assigned duties are fully understood and the flight details and requirements specified in the flight/mission authorization will not be deviated from, unless necessitated by an emergency or in order to comply with regulations; and
  3. ensure all pre-flight items required by this document, CATO 52-07, A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005 ACGPM, or applicable training plan are completed prior to the flight/mission.

6.22 The Pilot in Command has the ultimate authority and is ultimately responsible for the safe execution of the flight/mission.

Authority for flights Outside of ACFP Scope

6.23 Any out-of-scope missions must be approved by the OCRAA. This includes Aid of the Civil Power (IAW National Defence Act S 274), and participation in RCAF training using ACFP assets or any flights that have a risk assessment level higher than ALOS. Missions shall be substantiated and include an airworthiness risk assessment.

Mission Acceptance and Launch Authority

6.24 All ACGP famil and ab-initio training operations shall include the MALA process outlined in Annex B. A new MALA shall be conducted for each mission day as a minimum.

6.25 A MALA process for one group of individuals conducting an operation, such as a CFTC Flight, may not use a MALA outcome originated by a different group of individuals.

6.26 The MA criteria can be re-assessed at any point by mission crew or supporting operations staff, up to and including flight/mission launch. If elements of the flights/missions change and raise the required MA authority level, the higher MA authority level shall be obtained.

6.27 All completed MALA documents shall be forwarded to the RCA Ops O and held for a minimum of two years.


6.28 The Designated Training Authority for all qualifications related to ACGP flight operations is 2 CAD.

6.29 CJCR Gp is the TE for ACFP courses.

Standards and Evaluation

6.30 The ACGPSET at 2 CAD provides oversight of standards and evaluation of the ACGP and reports to Dir AF Trg and the OAA through Air Force Air Operations and Training.

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7. Oversight

Flight Safety

7.1 Flight Safety policy for the ACFP is established by the AIA. It is implemented by the Comd CJCR through the RCSU COs and RCA Ops O, who are assisted by the NCA Ops FSO and RCA Ops FSO.

7.2 DFS, in cooperation with TSB, will initiate Flight Safety Investigations for accidents and selected incidents IAW the severity or the potential for severity of the occurrence and the AIA/TSB agreement found in A-GA-153-003/AG-001, Airworthiness Investigation Manual.

7.3 Reporting of ACFP occurrences shall follow A-GA-135-001/AA-001, Flight Safety for the Canadian Armed Forces.

7.4 Comd CJCR shall promulgate a Flight Safety Program for the ACFP IAW A-GA-135-001/AA-001 Flight Safety for the Canadian Armed Forces.

7.5 Each RCA Ops, CFS, and CFTC shall have a designated FSO who is responsible for the implementation of the RCSU CO's Flight Safety Program.

7.6 Available billets on the Flight Safety Course shall be provided to CJCR Gp HQ. The CJCR Gp HQ will advise the RCA Ops Os who will select personnel to attend. These billets shall be awarded based on the following:

  1. personnel going into an RCA Ops FSO position;
  2. personnel going into a CFTC FSO position; or
  3. personnel going into a CFS FSO position.

Inspections and Evaluations

7.7 Comd CJCR will conduct periodic visits of contracting civilian FTUs to ensure contract compliance and to promote flight safety.

7.8 2 CAD, through the ACGPSET, and assisted by one or more members of CJCR Gp and/or the RCAF, shall conduct periodic SAV and FTE of ACGP locations to monitor ACGP activities with respect to direction, policies, and standards. 2 CAD will propose recommendations for the improvement of the efficiency, effectiveness and safety of ACGP operations by providing:

  1. a verbal debriefing outlining findings and recommendations to the applicable RCA Ops O or CFTC CO; and
  2. a written report to Comd CJCR and the RCSU CO with info copies to the RCA Ops O, NCA Ops O, ACGP NTA, and DFS.

7.9 On a biannual basis, the ACGP NTA shall conduct a technical audit at each Region Cadet Air Maintenance and Repair Facility to confirm that the necessary resources are available and the aircraft and gliding equipment is maintained in compliance with applicable regulations, standards and orders.

7.10 On an annual basis, DTAES 4 will conduct a technical audit of one of the five Regions to confirm compliance with the NMPM.

7.11 On an annual basis, the project authority for the PPS will conduct a technical audit of the contracted FTU to verify compliance with airworthiness standards and contractual requirements.

Flying Standards

7.12 The RCA Ops Stds O shall monitor and maintain training and operations standards as required by TCCA, CATOs, and A-CR-CCP-242 ACGPM.

7.13 The ACGPSET at 2 CAD will provide oversight of standards and evaluation of the ACGP and report to Dir AF Trg and the OAA through AF AOT.

7.14 ACGPSET members are considered aircrew when carrying out assigned duties. ACGPSET may act as Pilot in Command, operate any launch support equipment, and carry out any other ACGP duty for which a valid ACGP qualification is held provided they are current and proficient IAW regulations.


7.15 TCCA is responsible for the medical standards for holders of TCCA licences as per CAR 404.01.

7.16 The AMA shall provide advice and information on medical issues pertaining to ACFP aircrew, as required.

7.17 Medical oversight of CTCs is the responsibility of D Med Pol SSO Primary Care. CFHS is responsible for medical screening to attend a CFTC and providing emergency care. CAF clinicians may ground or un-ground Aircrew (including COATS/CI and Air Cadets) for minor conditions as per Div Surg Letter 6640-4, 30 July 2014. Should a decision from the AMA or Div Surg and TCCA conflict, the issue will be referred to the VCDS.

7.18 See CATO 51-01 Annex B for specific medical restrictions pertaining to the ACFP.

7.19 See CJCR Gp Flying Orders for additional medical information pertaining to ACFP personnel.

Flight Testing

7.20 TCCA is responsible for the issuing of flight authorities and Certificates of Airworthiness as per CAR 507.01 for ACGP aircraft. RCAF FTA may be required for DND/CAF aspects of ACGP equipment. Should a decision from the FTA and TCCA conflict, the issue will be referred to the VCDS.

Air Displays

7.21 ACGP aircraft and personnel may be authorized by the RCSU CO where the air display is to take place, with the concurrence of the applicable Provincial Committee of the ACL, to participate in air displays. These displays shall expose the general public to ACGP operations to the greatest advantage.

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8. Orders

Flying Orders

8.1 ACFP operations shall be conducted IAW CJCR Flying Orders. In case of conflict between CJCR Gp Flying Orders and the CARs, the CARs shall prevail.

8.2 IAW the TCCA Exemption from CAR 202.35(1) and 202.36(1), and B-GA-100-001 National Defence Flying Orders, ACGP operations shall be conducted IAW A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005 ACGPM, as approved by the ACGP DOAM. In case of conflict between the ACGPM and CARs, the CARs shall prevail.

8.3 Region Flying Orders shall be produced by each RCA Ops O, approved and signed by the RCSU CO, and distributed to the applicable CFTC and CFS, as well as the ACGPSET, and the CJCR HQ.

8.4 CFTC and Local Flying Orders shall be held as an Annex to Region Flying Orders.

8.5 Annually, National and Region Flying Orders shall be read and signed by all personnel engaged in ACFP activities to indicate understanding and compliance.

8.6 Contracted civilian FTU personnel are required to read and comply with their applicable FTU operations manual, and are not required to read and sign ACFP Flying Orders.

8.7 Where FTU owned or privately owned aircraft are engaged to deliver famil flying, they shall read and comply with the Air Tasking Order issued by the RCA Ops O.

Maintenance Orders

8.8 Maintenance of aircraft supporting power famil and private pilot programs are the responsibility of the contracting civilian FTU or civilian owner and is regulated by TCCA.

8.9 Maintenance of ACGP aviation assets shall be conducted IAW the ACGP NMPM. The NMPM describes the region’s means of compliance with the regulations as required by CARs. In case of conflict between the NMPM and the CARs, the CARs shall prevail.

8.10 The ACGP NTA is directly responsible to the TAA for all ACGP airworthiness issues, and monitoring ACGP compliance with TCCA technical policies, directives and regulations.

8.11 The RCA Ops O is responsible for maintenance of ACGP aviation assets operating within the region, through the RCA Eng O/AMEO.

8.12 Maintenance staffing is dependent upon the size of fleet. When considering staffing levels, the highest consideration is to be given to the 2007 ACGP Maintenance Staffing Assessment RDIMS # AEPM 664805.

Aircrew Information File

8.13 In order to promote proficiency, currency and flight safety, the RCA Ops O shall maintain an AIF system at the CFTC and each CFS. AIFs contain supplementary operational, training, maintenance, flight safety, and regulatory directives and information that impacts the safe and effective execution of flying operations, and is not available in published directives.

8.14 AIFs shall be issued only by the Comd CJCR or designate, RCA Ops O or designate, or by 2 CAD Dir AF Trg as ACGP DOAM.

9. Personnel, Qualifications, and Staffing Establishment

9.1 Participation in ACFP activities is detailed in CATO 21-01, 23-07, 51-01, 52-07, 54-26, and 54-27.

9.2 All Cadets and CAF members shall have written authority to participate in ACFP operations from the HQ/RCSU CO.

9.3 All positions undertaking airworthiness activities must be staffed with qualified aircrew or maintenance personnel. Qualified winch and auto launch operators/instructors/drivers are not required to be aircrew but must be qualified to the applicable ACGP standard. TCCA delegated positions are to be staffed IAW TCCA requirements.


9.4 Licensing requirements for power famil and private pilot programs are governed by TCCA and CATO 52-07.

9.5 Only persons holding a TCCA licence or permit, current and valid for the type of aircraft being flown, shall operate ACGP aircraft listed in the ACL/DND Contract.

9.6 Only persons holding an AME licence as outlined in the NMPM shall exercise the authorities of an AME on ACGP aircraft listed in the ACL/DND Contract.

9.7 Signing of TCCA licences is governed by TCCA. Only a person approved by Transport Canada shall sign a TCCA permit or licence.


9.8 Qualifications required to conduct Power Famil are issued under the authority of the RCA Ops O on behalf of the RCSU CO and are detailed in CATO 52-07.

9.9 Qualifications required to conduct ACGP operations are issued under the authority of the RCA Ops O on behalf of Dir AF Trg and are listed in A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005 ACGPM and the NMPM.

Aircrew Currency and Proficiency

9.10 ACFP aircrew shall meet all TCCA CAR requirements.

9.11 ACGP procedures to meet TCCA CAR requirements for aircrew currency, and proficiency requirements are listed in A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005 ACGPM.

Currency and Proficiency Extensions

9.12 RCA Ops O may grant temporary extensions to some Power Famil and ACGP currency and/or proficiency qualifications. Such circumstances are outlined in CJCR Gp Flying Orders.

9.13 TCCA recency requirements may be extended only by permission of the Minister of Transport.

Aircrew Training Records

9.14 An Aircrew Training Record shall be maintained by the RCA Ops O for all personnel acting as a pilot of an ACFP famil flight and for all personnel holding an ACGP qualification. For persons employed by a civilian FTU, their training record is held by the FTU.

9.15 Content and administration of ACGP Aircrew Training Records is governed by A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005 ACGPM.

Personal Log Books

9.16 All ACFP pilots shall maintain a personal log IAW TCCA CAR and, for the ACGP as outlined in A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005 ACGPM.

Instructional Standards

9.17 Instructional standards used by civilian FTUs contracted to provide power famil flights and/or to deliver the PPS Program are governed and monitored by TCCA.

9.18 Instructional standards used by the ACGP are found in the A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005 ACGPM.

CFTC Instructor Allocation

9.19 A CFTC shall be manned as per Annex C.

CFS Staff Allocation

9.20 CFS operations shall be manned as per Annex D.

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10. Flight Operations Duty Time

Duty Day

10.1 The normal duty day should not exceed 12 hours. In any case, it shall not exceed 14 hours.

Cadet Air Operations Duty Time and Rest

10.2 For the purposes of the ACFP, Cadet Air Operations Duty includes:

  1. Aircrew;
  2. Crew of glider launch equipment;
  3. Driver of rope retrieve vehicles;
  4. UNICOM advisory duties;
  5. Launch Control Officer; and/or
  6. Supervisor of Flying duties.

10.3 Maximum continuous famil flying, towing , and instruction is not to exceed two and a half hours.

10.4 Tow plane ferry flights, cross-country glider tows, and soaring may exceed two and a half hours, but not longer than eight hours.

10.5 Personnel assigned a Cadet Air Operations duty shall receive a 30-minute rest period prior to assuming another Cadet Air Operations duty. When assigned duties that do not encompass a full two-hour period, the flying supervisor may reduce the 30-minute rest period, but must take into account the tasks and operation intensity experienced during the duty period.

10.6 Students on the GPS course shall normally fly no more than six flights per day, however;

  1. CFTC COs may authorize up to eight flights in a day based on student fatigue level; and
  2. In the post-solo phase and in exceptional circumstances, CFTC COs may authorize up to 10 flights per day with notification to the NCA Ops O and ACGPSET.

10.7 Aircrew shall not fly (any combination of civilian or military flying) more than:

  1. 120 hours in any consecutive 30-day period;
  2. 300 hours in any consecutive 90-day period; or
  3. 1,000 hours in any consecutive 12-month period.

Flight Operations Crew Rest

10.8 CR amplification:

  1. CR begins when an individual is released from duty.
  2. Periods of rest acquired during the aircrew duty day shall not be considered rest for the purposes of either extending the computed length of the duty day or reducing the length of the CR period.
  3. CR should be a minimum of 12 hours.
  4. Following duty days exceeding 12 hours, a minimum of 14 hours CR should be attained.

10.9 CFTC COs and CFS OICs may declare a reduced CR period provided that at least eight hours of uninterrupted rest is assured. It remains the member's responsibility to ensure that adequate CR is attained.

10.10 The above time descriptors do not account for every individual circumstance. When circumstances occur that do not fit the definitions above, the final decision shall rest with the on-site flying supervisor.

10.11 Aircrew may declare unscheduled CR at any time when fatigue could jeopardize the safety of the flight. When unscheduled CR is declared, aircrew shall report the circumstances to the RCA Ops O, CFTC CO, or CFS OIC.

10.12 When consideration of a mission is undertaken under MALA, CR shall be considered.

11. Use of Non-ACGP Assets to Augment ACGP Operations

11.1 Other than those listed in Annex A of the ACL/DND Contract, use of civilian gliders and tow planes to augment ACGP operations requires approval by Comd CJCR following DOAM review and issuance of an Operational Airworthiness Approval.

12. Publication

Frequency of Publication

12.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.

Errors/Omissions or Suggestions

12.2 Users of CJCR Gp Orders are encouraged to bring any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR Gp HQ J1 Policy.

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13. References

Source References

Related References

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14. Annexes

Annex A

ACFP Lines of Authorities and Responsibilities

Annex B

Flight Authorization

Annex C

Staffing Establishment for CFTC Operations

Annex D

Staffing Establishment for Daily CFS Operation [PDF-127KB] (You are now leaving Canada.ca. Link accessible only on the Cadet365 Sharepoint)

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