Military Justice at the Unit Level Policy 2.0

This Policy applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

The Military Justice at the Unit Level Policy 2.0 was issued 12 April 2024 under the authority of:

Date modified: 12 April 2024

Approval Authority: Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Judge Advocate General (JAG)

Enquiries: Office of the Judge Advocate General

Office of Primary Interest: Judge Advocate General Military Justice Policy (MJ Pol)

Record of amendments

The authorities for changes to this policy are the CDS and JAG.

Amendment number Revision description Date
1 Military Justice at the Unit Level Policy 1.0 20 JUL 22
2 Entire policy revision 12 APR 24

Message from the Judge Advocate General

The military justice system (MJS) is fundamental to the maintenance of discipline, efficiency and morale of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). The creation of the summary hearing system was a significant change to the MJS. The Military Justice at the Unit Level Policy plays a vital role in assisting those members who perform duties or carry-out responsibilities within the MJS, whether prescribed or by virtue of being a part of the chain of command, in addressing misconduct at the unit level.

Importantly, this policy provides direction and guidance for military justice authorities concerning their interactions with both victims of service offences (Annex B) as well as persons affected by service infractions (Annex C). Rights and entitlements must be respected and people must be supported.

Discipline must be administered fairly and swiftly. This policy ensures persons alleged of misconduct, those charged, and those found to have committed a service infraction are afforded procedural protections. Equally important is ensuring that charges are dealt with as expeditiously as possible.

Included in this policy is guidance on: the pre-charge phase, including investigations; charge laying; the summary hearing process; the review process; and post-hearing administration. This policy is not a standalone document. It supplements the existing provisions in the National Defence Act (NDA) and the Queens Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces (QR&O). Taken together, they provide support and assistance for misconduct to be addressed fairly and swiftly, with due consideration paid to the rights of victims and the entitlements of affected persons.

If you have any comments about either official language version of this policy, please email:

Fiat Justitia

Chapter 1 – Pre-charge

Table of Contents

Chapter 2 - Pre-hearing

Table of Contents

Chapter 3 – Hearing

Table of Contents

Chapter 4 – Review

Table of Contents

Chapter 5 – Post-hearing

Table of Contents


Annex A – Elements of the Service Infraction

Table of Contents

Annex B – Victims of Service Offences: Interactions with the Military Justice System

Table of Contents

Annex C – Persons Affected by a Service Infraction: Interactions with the Military Justice System

Table of Contents


Page details

Date modified: