The R2MR program is layered, and integrated to progressively meet the relevant demands and responsibilities faced by CAF personnel and their families.
Requesting R2MR Training for CAF units
Mechanisms to request training will vary depending on the course. All R2MR training must be delivered by personnel who have been appropriately trained and qualified on the courseware they are delivering, in accordance with established standards.
All career training delivered at CAF training establishments during Developmental Periods (DP) 1-5 courses is normally arranged between the training establishment and regional R2MR delivery personnel, or through R2MR Ops & Training.
Pre-deployment training, details of which are issued by CJOC, can be arranged between the deploying task force or units and regional R2MR delivery personnel, or through R2MR Ops & Training.
Post deployment training, which is required IAW CDIO 1000 series, can be provided in-person either in-theatre or at a third location, onboard ship en route back to Canada, virtually through a variety of platforms, or via self-directed DLN course. The tasking process is initiated via an Operational Support Task Request (OSTR) from the deployed unit to CJOC. If a TAV for R2MR delivery is approved by CJOC, Health Services Ops will engage R2MR Ops to identify qualified suggested sources for nomination.
Career Training
Recruit Training provides the foundational building blocks to maximize individual performance and enhance resilience. R2MR courseware is embedded in DP 1 BMQ and BMOQ courses.
Leadership Training continues to build upon these key concepts as individuals take on further leadership responsibilities, with a focus on the maintenance of health in ones’ subordinates and on institutional policy and procedures. The training highlights the role of leaders in reappraising stressful situations, reinforcing the knowledge that overcoming the impact of stress often leads to increased confidence, new skills and strengths, as well as a renewed sense of purpose. R2MR courseware is included in various DP 2-5 courses at both the non-commissioned and officer level.
Occupation Specific Training is provided to high risk occupations that require a more customized and tailored training package to meet their unique performance and well-being objectives. Occupations and environments that have tailored R2MR training include Firefighter, Military Police, Imagery Analyst, Search & Rescue Technician, Submariner, Health Services, Aerospace Controllers, Forensic Dental, Military Prosecutors, Flight Engineers, Air Combat Systems Officers, Airborne Electronic Sensor Operators, Intelligence, and Special Operations Forces.
Unit Training is focused on embedding the key fundamental principles into the daily activities by training unit personnel to facilitate discussion sessions about mental health in the workplace.
Deployment Training
Pre-deployment Mission Specific Training is focused on ensuring that CAF members are adequately prepared to anticipate and manage the specific challenges of an identified mission. Course content is adapted to meet the needs and unique demands of each mission or operation. Further information about the requirement for pre-deployment R2MR training can be found in CJOC Directives for International Operations.
Post-deployment Transition & Reintegration Training prepares CAF personnel to manage the psychological process and period of adaptation during reintegration after a mission. The adjustment following a deployment can be challenging for many CAF members and families, regardless of the type of mission, and research indicates that providing information about the adjustment process and some tools to navigate it can contribute to positive mental health outcomes. In accordance with CJOC Directives for International Operations, post-deployment mental health briefings are required for all deployed operations more than 60 days, as well as select high tempo or intense missions.
Individual Battle Task Standards (IBTS) training modules are being developed to provide regular Individual Skill (IS) Level 1 and Level 2 refresher training every three years, as well as online mission specific training for those who do not have an opportunity to attend in-person training. These will be implemented in 2023. There is currently no requirement for annual R2MR training as part of IBTS.
R2MR for Family Life
R2MR for Family Life website (coming soon) is designed to bring the R2MR program to the entire Defence team and their families. The skills taught within the R2MR program apply to all areas of our lives, and so this website provides access to core R2MR information and strategies that focus more on the individual aspects of performance and well-being and less on operational aspects.
Professional Development Sessions
There are four R2MR Professional Development sessions that can provided to units by qualified R2MR instructors.
Mental Health Awareness. This 60 minute briefing provides an overview of mental health, stress and its impact on performance, sources of stress and coping strategies, the importance of mental recovery, indicators along the mental health continuum, and mental health resources.
Mental Resilience and Optimized Performance. This 90 minute session provides more in-depth information about the optimized performance cycle, an overview of mental toughness and resilience, information about the stress response and strategies to manage stressful demands, as well as activities focused on recovery activities and coping strategies.
Creating a Resilient Workplace. This 2.5 hour session explores actions that leaders at all levels can take all along the continuum to support mental health and wellbeing. It includes shielding actions and prevention, sensing actions and common barriers to care-seeking, as well as supporting actions that include caring for the injured and engaging specialized resources.
Mental Health and Leadership. This 3 hour training includes the shield, sense and support leader actions as well as an activity that focuses on the 13 psychosocial factors that contribute to workplace wellbeing, responding to adverse events, sources of leadership stress and burnout, a resilience self-assessment, and resources for unit personnel.
R2MR Instructor Training
R2MR Instructor Training is provided to properly equip CAF and DND personnel to co-deliver select R2MR courses. Instructor training differs depending on the courseware that candidates are being trained to deliver, but is generally 3-5 days long. Instructor training can be arranged to meet local needs for career, deployment or occupation-specific courseware delivery.
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