Health, support and casualty services

Health, wellness, and spiritual services to support Canadian Armed Forces and their families. Services and benefits in case of an illness, injury or death.

Services and information

Medical and dental benefits

View the military medical and dental care plans. File a dental claim.

Medical and dental centres

Contact a medical, dental or physiotherapy centre anywhere in Canada and abroad.

Mental health in the CAF

Get help with addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, and other mental health issues.

Member and family assistance services

Get confidential help with personal, family, emotional, addiction and work-related issues 24 hours a day.

Casualty support services

Services supporting Canadian Armed Forces members and their families through illness, injury, return to duty, or death.

Morale and wellness

Programs and services offered by Canadian Forces Morale and Wellness Services (CFMWS).

Staying healthy and active

Addiction awareness, injury prevention, nutrition, and social wellness resources.

Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre

Get confidential support services for Canadian Armed Forces members affected by sexual misconduct and those who want to support them. Use action verbs.

Chaplaincy and spiritual wellness

Spiritual support in all aspects of your life, during conflict and during peacetime regardless of your religious beliefs.

The Defence Team Total Health and Wellness Strategy

Learn about the Defence Team’s foundational strategy to a more holistic approach to health and wellness.

The Road to Mental Readiness

The Road to Mental Readiness (R2MR) program offers resilience and mental health training to Canadian Armed Forces members throughout their careers.

Women and Diversity Health

Find information and resources related to the health needs of women and individuals who identify with diversity factors.

Cancer screening

Learn about cancer screening options for breast/chest, cervical, colorectal, and lung cancers for eligible members. Early detection can improve treatment success and improve chances of survival.


Military Mental Health

Medical and mental health care, emergency contacts, support for you and your family.


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