Annex A - To FRAG O 002 to CDS OPORD – Operation HONOUR

Dated December 2016


1. Task Requirements. Tasks listed in this Annex are intended to clarify, replace and supersede the allocation of tasks issued under CDS OPORD – OPERATION HONOUR and CDS FragO 001.

2. Enduring Tasks. All supporting commanders are directed to ensure the following tasks are continued in perpetuity IOT persistently reaffirm our military ethos into the profession of arms:

  1. Proactively promote the maintenance of core values and military ethos to ensure a workplace free from discrimination and harassment;
  2. Foster confidence in the chain of command by encouraging reporting of HISB and taking prompt and decisive action in response to any HISB consistent with all applicable laws and policies;
  3. Emphasize the need for cultural change by personally re-engaging and leading activities including town halls, group discussions, training and education, information sessions and communications at the Group and Formation levels;
  4. Actively promote all CAF support services to members, including but not limited to services offered through the SMRC;
  5. Encourage your subordinates to develop innovate solutions that will foster culture change at the tactical level and note those of honourable mention to the CSRT-SM for inclusion in the Operation HONOUR “Honour Roll”;
  6. Support MILPERSCOM by facilitating access and support for research projects related to Operation HONOUR including but not limited to the follow-on prevalence surveys;
  7. Continue to coordinate staff efforts, share best practices and lessons learned with CSRT-SM on all Operation HONOUR related activities within your organization;
  8. Ensure revised CAF policies, procedures, definitions and language relating to Operation HONOUR are rapidly incorporated into education, training, leadership development, policies and procedures across your organization;
  9. Report SIRs related to HISB IAW Annex B; and
  10. Provide CSRT-SM monthly reports on HISB occurrences and how these occurrences were handled within your organizations IAW Annex B.

3. Collective Tasks. All supporting commanders are directed to ensure the following tasks are completed

  1. Phase Three
    1. Assist MILPERSCOM in the delivery of Operation HONOUR education and training IAW Training Needs Assessment (Ref G);
    2. Ensure that an effective instructional methodology for the instruction of HISB and related content is applied;
    3. Ensure that a consistent standard for the training and assessment of the fundamental attributes of leadership (emphasizing the importance of cohesive teams, military ethos, professionalism, and the demonstration of selfless support to superiors, peers and subordinates) is implemented and maintained for leadership training and assessment for all leaders across all developmental periods (DP)’s;
    4. Ensure instructor indoctrination or instructor development programs prepare personnel for their responsibilities as instructors in support of a culture of dignity and respect;
    5. Ensure all personnel in supervisory positions or appointments and are provided information and/or training GBA+ available on the Status of Women Canada website NLT 31 March 2017 and incorporate the principles of this training into all planning and operations across your Command/L1;
    6. Ensure all Command Teams are provided information and/or training on how to conduct Bystander Intervention Training within their units in using a variety of resources including those which are available on the Operation HONOUR website.
    7. Provide CSRT-SM a complete report of all Operation HONOUR related activities including a Commander’s assessment as to the effectiveness of those activities undertaken between 1 Jul 16 and 31 Dec 16; and
    8. Review and utilize the Statistics Canada survey results as a means to target Operation HONOUR efforts across the four lines of effort – understanding, response, support and prevention to address survey findings.
  2. Phase Four
    1. Continue to support positive cultural change in the CAF by providing support and feedback to new intiatives developed in Phase Three.

4. Individual Tasks. In addition to the common tasks listed above, the specified L1s are to provide the following:

  1. VCDS
    1. Phase Three
      1. Facilitate the alignment of IC2M development with SMRC and CSRT-SM initiatives;
      2. Support CSRT-SM in the creation of an enhanced victim reporting protocol by ensuring CFPM resources are in place to implement the protocols NLT end of Phase Three;
      3. Continue to provide the enduring services of a dedicated MP advisor to the CSRT-SM/SMRC and evaluate increasing the PY requirement as CSRT-SM/SMRC operations expand beyond their current levels, being cognisant of the need to succession plan the expansion of bilingual services;
      4. Continue to support CFPM ongoing review of capacity, capability, structure and organization with the goal of enhancing investigation capacity and victim services;
      5. Continue to support the Natl CJCR Sp Gp in the development and delivery of programs related to Operation HONOUR to supplement existing Cadet and JCR programs for youth participants and adult leaders; and
      6. Ensure continued cooperation and engagement between Natl CJCR Sp Gp HQ and the CSRT-SM on a comprehensive awareness and prevention campaign for COATS.
    2. Phase Four
      1. IAW Collective Tasks; and
      2. Be prepared to support additional tasks required to enhance victim support and positive cultural change.
    1. Phase Three. IAW Collective Tasks.
    2. Phase Four
      1. IAW Collective Tasks; and
      2. Be prepared to support additional tasks required to enhance victim support and positive cultural change.
    1. Phases Three and Four
      1. Continue to advise MILPERSCOM on the means by which surveys and common performance measurement tools can be administered to TFs and deployed CAF members;
      2. Continue to advise SMRC and CSRT-SM on ways to support, engage and inform deployed CAF personnel;
      3. Develop protocols to ensure vicitim support services are provided to all deployed CAF members and coordinate these efforts with the SMRC, CSRT-SM and other CAF member services as required; and
      4. Identify the mission training requirements and coordinate the delivery of pre-deployment training and education on HISB.
    2. Phase Four
      1. IAW Collective Tasks; and
      2. Be prepared to support additional tasks required to enhance victim support and positive cultural change.
    1. Phase Three
      1. Delegate to CSRT-SM the authority and responsibility to lead the policy revision and development of a unified policy on Personal Conduct (DAOD 5019 series), to include aspects of HISB. This concept shall be briefed to AFC in early 2017;
      2. Ensure the Training Needs Assessment recommendations as appropriate are incorporated in the end-to-end review of the CAF professional development system;.
      3. Assign a lead Training Authority for Operation HONOUR education and training;
      4. Implement a training workshop aimed at assisting CAF members to deal knowledgeably with HISB;
      5. Prioritize research and analysis activities IOT conduct research to determine the scope of HISB within the CAF, including the development of surveys and tools to understand the nature of the problem;
      6. Continue to complete and deliver an updated reports on all Operation HONOUR activities across CAF;
      7. Align closely with the IC2M pilot project as the centralized agency for harassment complaints and investigations;
      8. Coordinate efforts between CSRT-SM and SMRC on the concept of a dedicated national SME for Sexual Harassment within SMRC and staffing as required;
      9. Continue to assist in the development an enhanced victim reporting protocol in coordination with JAG and CFPM to be presented to AFC in early 2017 (TBC);
      10. Develop a Victim Liaison Assistance Program to ensure victims of sexual misconduct have the option of being supported by specifically trained personnel during all aspects of their interactions with the police, medical personnel and legal entities (‎as required) as their case progresses through the civilian or military systems;
      11. Develop a national peer support program for victims, families and bystanders affected by HISB;
      12. Provide advice to the DM on the selection of SMRC leadership and the future development of the SMRC to ensure the needs of CAF members are being met; and
      13. NLT Fall of 2017, develop and deliver plan to ensure CAF can continue supporting CSRT-SM operations into the future.
    2. Phase Four
      1. IAW Collective Tasks; and
      2. Be prepared to support additional tasks required to enhance victim support and positive cultural change.

5. Departmental Support Requirements. Critical to the success of this mission is the support of the integrated Defence Team. As such, support is sought from the following L0/L1s:

  1. DM
    1. Phase Three
      1. In collaboration with MILPERSCOM and VCDS entities, finalize the mandate, governance, and operational model for FOC of SMRC in consultation with CMP in order to meet the requirements of CAF members NLT Jul 2017; and
      2. Consider service delivery options for the SMRC to ensure 24/7 support is provided CAF members NLT 1 Apr 2017.
    2. Phase Four
      1. Continue to support positive cultural change in the CAF by providing support and feedback to intiatives developed in Phase Three; and
      2. To the maximum extent possible, integrate the Enduring Tasks list in para 2 across your organisation
  2. JAG
    1. Phases Three
      1. Continue to review aspects of the military justice system to ensure that any proposed changes to military justice legislation, policies and practices are consistent with the policy approaches developed by the CSRT-SM; and
      2. Support the creation of an enhanced victim reporting protocol in coordination with CSRT-SM and CFPM.
    2. Phase Four
      1. Continue to support positive cultural change in the CAF by providing support and feedback to intiatives developed in Phase Three; and
      2. To the maximum extent possible, integrate the Enduring Tasks list in para 2 across your organisation.
  3. ADM HR (Civ)
    1. Phase Three
      1. Provide advice on HR practices and opportunities to align military and civilian policy, education, training, and performance measurement; and
      2. Dedicate staff to assist CMP in the development and harmonization of military and civilian policies to address HISB and a prevention strategy from the whole of government approach.
    2. Phase Four
      1. Continue to support positive cultural change in the CAF by providing support and feedback to intiatives developed in Phase Three; and
      2. To the maximum extent possible, integrate the Enduring Tasks list in para 2 across your organisation
  4. ADM (IM)
    1. Phase Three
      1. Continue the development of the Data Warehouse and Case Management System IM/IT solution to facilitate the collection and integration of complaint data available to the CAF on sexual harassment and sexual offences, coordinating with JAG and CFPM given their respective independent roles within the military justice system; and
      2. Continue to assist MPC in the development, delivery and maintenance of a centralized HISB intranet and internet webpages.
    2. Phase Four
      1. Continue to support positive cultural change in the CAF by providing support and feedback to intiatives developed in Phase Three; and
      2. To the maximum extent possible, integrate the Enduring Tasks list in para 2 across your organisation
  5. ADM (PA)
    1. Phase Three
      1. Provide dedicated Communications Advisors and/or Public Affairs Officers to CMP in support of SMRC and CSRT-SM’s activities; and
      2. Provide specialized Public Affairs support to CSRT-SM activities, to include media monitoring and analysis, graphic design, exhibits and displays, web, social media and internal communications support, and media and stakeholder outreach.
      3. In keeping with para (b); under the direction of CSRT-SM, liaise and develop a marketing plan that would further the awareness and prevention lines of operation in the spirit of Operation HONOUR.
    2. Phase Four
      1. Continue to support positive cultural change in the CAF by providing support and feedback to intiatives developed in Phase Three; and
      2. To the maximum extent possible, integrate the Enduring Tasks list in para 2 across your organisation
  6. ADM (RS)
    1. Phase Three
      1. Provision of Defence Ethics Programme support to CMP;
      2. Conduct a holistic review of the SMRC;
      3. Assist in the alignment of IC2M development with SMRC and CSRT-SM sexual harassment initiatives by undertaking to become the centralized lead on sexual harassment investigations for CAF.
    2. Phase Four
      1. Continue to support positive cultural change in the CAF by providing support and feedback to intiatives developed in Phase Three; and
      2. To the maximum extent possible, integrate the Enduring Tasks list in para 2 across your organisation

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