Member of Royal Canadian Navy dies from injuries

News Release / November 30, 2016

Master Seaman (MS) Guillermo Morales Castellon passed away Friday, November 25 from injuries sustained on Monday, November 21, in an industrial accident at 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron located in Patricia Bay, near Victoria, British Columbia‎. There were no other personnel involved in the accident.

“My deepest sympathies go out to the family, friends and colleagues of Master Seaman Guillermo Morales Castellon during this extremely difficult time; we are all saddened by the loss," said Captain (Navy) Steven Waddell, CFB Esquimalt Base Commander. "Personnel from CFB Esquimalt and the Canadian Armed Forces will continue to provide support to his family while they deal with this tragedy.”

The Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS) will conduct an investigation into the accident with support from Formation Safety. Further, a Board of Inquiry will be convened into the circumstances surrounding Master Seaman Morales Castellon’s death.

The Commander of Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Esquimalt thanks BC Ambulance Service, the members of the Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt Base Logistics and 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron teams who came to MS Morales Castellon’s aid following the accident.

Master Seaman Guillermo Morales Castellon joined the Army Reserve, 2nd Field Artillery Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery, in 1995 and transferred to the Naval Reserve, Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship Donnacona, in 1998.

In 2014, Master Seaman Guillermo Morales Castellon accepted a transfer to the Regular Force where he was posted to CFB Esquimalt Base Logistics. MS Morales Castellon served as part of the Patricia Bay Supply Team supporting 443 Squadron.

An Assisting Officer and a Canadian Armed Forces Chaplain have been appointed to provide immediate and dedicated support to Master Seaman Guillermo Morales Castellon’s family who asks for privacy during this difficult time.

As an investigation is ongoing into the nature of the incident, no further information will be released at this time.

A BOI is an internal, non-judicial, administrative fact-finding investigation convened to examine and report on complex or significant events. Mandated by a Convening Authority, a BOI is conducted to determine facts, make findings, and develop recommendations with a view to preventing reoccurrence.

In accordance with the Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the CAF, a BOI is convened to investigate the death of any CAF member who dies for reasons other than wounds received in action.

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