The RMC/Saint-Cyr Academic Exchange lives on
July 09, 2024 - Defence Stories

Thirteen officer cadets from the US, Austria, Germany and France on academic exchange during the fall 2023 semester on the campus of the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) in Kingston, Ontario.
Twenty years ago in June 2004, BGen Jean Leclerc, Commandant of the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC), and Gen Jean Coulloumme-Labarthe, Commander of the Académie militaire de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan, signed in Kingston, Ont., the terms of an exchange of officer cadets between their respective national institutions.
Two students from Saint-Cyr Military Academy started in Kingston the first one-semester exchange in September 2004, and their counterparts from RMC were sent to France the following year.
The original aim of the academic exchanges between RMC and Saint-Cyr was to expose future French officers to an English learning environment.
"The initial objectives were broadened to create a true epistemic community," according to RMC Professor Frédéric Labarre, who with then French captain André Colautti set up the project in Kingston.
"Both countries can benefit from these personal and professional friendships as the careers of these new officers progress, and at minimal cost," with the respective institutions only having to cover the travel expenses of the officer cadets.

Vincent Roberge, RMC Associate professor, with officer cadets Mélissa Brûlé and Joshua Fauveau from Saint-Cyr Military Academy on academic exchange at RMC in the Fall of 2022.
Not only do cadets have the enriching experience of a different military and academic culture – they also form strong bonds that they maintain throughout their career.
The exchange program has grown over the years, and now nearly eight cadets are exchanged per academic year.
Last year, RMC had four students on exchange at Saint-Cyr, and hosted four officer cadets from the same French academy. RMC also sent three cadets to Saint-Cyr on a short-term exchange last summer to participate in French Army Company Level training.
The program also joined RMC Saint-Jean, which has also welcomed its share of Saint-Cyriens for more than a decade.
"This success is not accidental," adds retired captain André Colautti, who was Professor Labarre’s counterpart in developing the terms of the exchange agreement.

Two officer cadets from École de l'air et de l'espace pose on Point Frederick in front of the inner harbor of the city of Kingston, Ontario, in September 2023.
"The prestige of RMC goes well with that of Saint-Cyr, because the two institutions have the same value of excellence."
For each and every one of the officer cadets, the adventure that this represents remains an unforgettable memory.
Such exchanges also cement the reputations of Canada and France as partners engaged in a long-term common enterprise.
RMC academic exchanges also take place with other military academies in France, Germany, Austria, at the US Military Academy, US Air Force Academy, and US Naval Academy, and other allied countries.
"These personal and professional friendships are factors from which both countries can benefit as the careers of these new officers progress, and at minimal cost."
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