The Canadian Armed Forces modernizes military ranks in French
February 3, 2022 - Defence Stories

The Canadian Armed Forces modernized military ranks in French.
Masculine Ranks and Feminine Ranks
Sergente, Majore, Lieutenante: these words will soon become common-place in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) French vocabulary. Beginning this month, members can be addressed by the French version of the rank that they feel best represents their gender identity.
The change towards inclusive ranks in French is a long-awaited move that will further demonstrate the CAF’s commitment to inclusivity and gender diversity.
For example, in April 2021, the CAF announced the creation of the new position of Chief Professional Conduct and Culture, but at that time, in French, the head of the organization, “le lieutenant-général Jennie Carignan,” could only be addressed by the masculine rank.
Now, a new list of inclusive military ranks will become available to Canadians, and will be officially recognized for administrative use by the CAF beginning this month.
The beginnings of feminisation for official Francophone titles in Canada date back to the 1960s.
At the Canadian political level, the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson (1999-2005) was the first Governor General to be addressed with a feminine designation. But inclusive ranks in French have not been implemented in the Canadian military until now, and all members have only been addressed by masculine ranks.
“The modernization of military ranks ensures that CAF members have options, and can be addressed in a way that reflects who they are.” said MGen Lise Bourgon, Acting Chief of Military Personnel. “Having inclusive ranks reflects our commitment to the military ethos, ‘Respect for the dignity of all persons.’”
The option to feminize your rank in French, as well as apply changes such as modifying the article or adjective, will be available to all CAF members, ensuring each has the opportunity to choose the version that they feel best represents who they are and how they are recognized.
Modernizing the ranks in French is one of a number of initiatives being undertaken by the Defence Team in order to help us achieve an environment in which all members see and experience the respect they deserve.
New ranks
Members who wear the Army or Air Force uniform
Ranks, masculine (in French) |
Ranks, feminine (in French) |
Abbreviations (no change) |
le général | la générale | gén |
le lieutenant-général | la lieutenante-générale | lgén |
le major-général | la majore-générale | mgén |
le brigadier-général | la brigadière-générale | bgén |
le colonel | la colonelle | col |
le lieutenant-colonel | la lieutenante-colonelle | lcol |
le major | la majore | maj |
le capitaine | la capitaine | capt |
le lieutenant | la lieutenante | lt |
le sous-lieutenant | la sous-lieutenante | slt |
l’élève-officier | l’élève-officière | élof |
l’adjudant-chef | l’adjudante-chef | adjuc |
l’adjudant-maître | l’adjudante-maître | adjum |
l’adjudant | l’adjudante | adj |
le sergent | la sergente | sgt |
le caporal | la caporale | cpl |
le soldat | la soldate | sdt |
l’aviateur | l’aviatrice | avr |
le bombardier | la bombardière | bdr |
le cavalier | la cavalière | cvr |
l’artilleur | l’artilleuse | artil |
le sapeur | la sapeuse | sap |
le signaleur | la signaleuse | sig |
le garde | la garde | gd |
le fusilier | la fusilière | fus |
le carabinier | la carabinière | car |
le voltigeur | la voltigeuse | volt |
l’artisan | l’artisane | art |
le musicien | la musicienne | mus |
le cornemuseur | la cornemuseuse | cornmsr |
le batteur | la batteuse | btr |
le ranger | la ranger | rgr |
Members who wear the Navy uniform
Ranks, masculine (in French) |
Ranks, feminine (in French) |
Abbreviations (no change) |
l’amiral | l’amirale | am |
le vice-amiral | la vice-amirale | vam |
le contre-amiral | la contre-amirale | cam |
le commodore | la commodore | cmdre |
le capitaine de vaisseau | la capitaine de vaisseau | capv |
le capitaine de frégate | la capitaine de frégate | capf |
le capitaine de corvette | la capitaine de corvette | capc |
le lieutenant de vaisseau | la lieutenante de vaisseau | ltv |
l’enseigne de vaisseau de première classe | l’enseigne de vaisseau de première classe | ens 1 |
l’enseigne de vaisseau de deuxième classe | l’enseigne de vaisseau de deuxième classe | ens 2 |
l’aspirant de marine | l’aspirante de marine | aspm |
le premier maître de première classe | la première maître de première classe | pm 1 |
le premier maître de deuxième classe | la première maître de deuxième classe | pm 2 |
le maître de première classe | la maître de première classe | m 1 |
le maître de deuxième classe | la maître de deuxième classe | m 2 |
le matelot de première classe | la matelot de première classe | mat 1 |
le matelot de deuxième classe | la matelot de deuxième classe | mat 2 |
le matelot de troisième classe | la matelot de troisième classe | mat 3 |
Ranks, masculine (in French) |
Ranks, feminine (in French) |
Abbreviations (no change) |
un officier | une officière | off |
un sous-officier | une sous-officière | s-off |
le caporal-chef | la caporale-chef | cplc |
le matelot-chef | la matelot-chef | matc |
le soldat recrue | la soldate recrue | sdt (recrue) |
l’aviateur recrue | l’aviatrice recrue | avr (recrue) |
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