Holiday health: Tips and tools for staying socially connected this holiday season

December 14, 2021 - Defence Stories

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For many, the holiday season is an opportunity to see family and friends at get-togethers, and for others, it can amplify feelings of loneliness or social isolation. 

During this time, highlighting the importance of meaningful social connections – the experience of feeling close to others such as friends, family, or colleagues - is especially important as this time of year can be experienced differently by all of us.

Social connections have an important impact on both our physical and psychological health, and are crucial for our well-being and development. One study (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website) suggests that “feelings of social connection can strengthen our immune system, lengthen our life, and lower rates of anxiety and depression”.

Wellness Works Canada (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website) provides a few tips to promote a culture that values connection at home and in the workplace, including:

The National Institute on Aging (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website) suggests a variety of practical actions you can do to increase the quality and frequency of your social connections, such as:

You can also check out LifeSpeak for information on the importance of social support, what social support looks like, and how to manage and mitigate social isolation.

If you’d like to learn more about the topic, the latest webinar hosted by the Organizational Well-being Team, Social Connection: The missing link for health, well-being and performance can be viewed on the  ADM(HR-Civ) YouTube channel (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website).

Defence Team members are encouraged to nurture social connections with their family, friends, and colleagues this holiday season – coming together to support one another.

Supports and services for Defence Team members and their families

Supports and services for public service employees and CAF personnel, families, and veterans are available to help cope with professional or personal challenges that may impact their health and well-being.

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