3rd Canadian Division completes historic eight-month run of domestic operations

July 23, 2021 - Defence Stories


Canadian Armed Forces personnel deployed to Shamattawa First Nation in Manitoba to support community and partner agencies during Operation LASER on Dec. 12, 2020. Tasks included support to COVID-19 isolation measures, screening, medical assistance and general duties.

Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members across Western Canada have been busy for the better part of the past year doing their part to combat the COVID‑19 pandemic and support Canadians at home.

In fact, this is the first time in recent CAF history that an Army Division completed eight months of continuous domestic operations.

Spread across three operations – Operation (Op) LASER, the CAF response to the global pandemic; Op VECTOR, assisting provincial health authorities with vaccinating vulnerable and isolated communities; and Op LENTUS, the CAF response to forest fires, floods, and natural disasters – hundreds of military personnel did their part under the leadership of Joint Task Force West (JTFW), the name adopted by 3rd Canadian Division for conducting domestic operations.

“We take tremendous pride in working alongside community leaders and local authorities, and with our federal and provincial partners,” said Brigadier-General Bill Fletcher, Commander JTFW. “I am tremendously proud of the CAF members who so ably and professionally responded to Canadians in their time of need. Now and always, we will be ready to respond when called upon.”

Starting in November 2020, CAF personnel deployed to First Nations in Western Canada in support of Op LASER. In some cases this meant supporting local medical teams, while in others it included delivering food and other necessities to community members who were self-isolating.

The personnel tasked to serve on Op LASER were sourced from both the Regular Force and the Primary Reserve, including 1st and 4th Canadian Ranger Patrol Groups (1 and CRPG). Members of 1 and 4 CRPG proved to be invaluable thanks to their connections in remote communities.

From December 2020 through to the end of May 2021, Rangers and personnel from 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery (1 RCHA), were in such communities as Fond-du-Lac Denesuline First Nation (FN), Sask.; Fort Nelson FN, B.C.; Hatchet Lake Denesuline FN, Sask.; and Shamattawa FN, Man., as well as many others. While in and around those communities, and many others across the region, CAF personnel performed such tasks as conducting wellness checks and delivering food, water, firewood and care packages, as well as transporting equipment to and from affected areas.

Beyond providing supplies and directly assisting those in need, 4 CRPG stationed liaison officers (LOs) in most of the 47 communities in which it has patrols. These LOs helped establish communication channels to relay information between community, provincial and federal organizations. They also served as a conduit between local officials and their chains of command in case the situation on the ground changed and more intensive assistance was necessary.

“Canadian Rangers are able to assist CAF domestic deployments by providing local resources, such as vehicles and access to buildings,” explained 4 CRPG Manitoba Company Canadian Ranger Instructor Sergeant Dustin Van Berkel.

Sgt Van Berkel added that with some Rangers involved in their communities in leadership roles in their personal lives, there is an enhanced sense of trust.

“One of the Rangers who participated in a domestic deployment is also a town councillor and was an important link to the Chief and Council,” he said. “For the community, I believe it also helps to see people they are familiar with wearing a military uniform and interacting with the CAF team. This helps to build trust between the community and the CAF.”

Canadian Rangers were also involved in Op LENTUS. In May 2021, 1 CRPG and local, territorial and federal authorities provided support to several communities along the Mackenzie River in the Northwest Territories to cope with flooding during the spring ice-breakup.

In Ontario, in the fall of 2020, Task Force (TF) LAKEHEAD was activated to assist with Op LASER west of Thunder Bay. TF LAKEHEAD was composed of members from the Naval Reserve, the Canadian Rangers and four units from JTFW’s 38 Canadian Brigade Group: 116 Independent Field Battery, 38 Signal Regiment, The Lake Superior Scottish Regiment and 38 Service Battalion.

While in Thunder Bay, the soldiers and sailors provided ground transportation and sustainment support to local citizens. This minimized the potential spread of coronavirus within the task force’s staging area and helped maintain the integrity of 3 CRPG teams deploying to northwestern Ontario in the fight against COVID‑19.

Op LASER was employed broadly, and through the months of February and March 2021 CAF personnel were assigned to support the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) at two land ports of entry in Western Canada. At PHAC’s request, 3rd Canadian Division personnel assisted with the initial set-up of the sites and provided general duty support. CAF members were not involved in testing, or providing quarantine or law enforcement activities.

When the first vaccine became available, followed by several other versions, it in effect jump-started the next step in the CAF’s response to the pandemic: Op VECTOR. Since launching nationally in December 2020, Op VECTOR has helped to immunize thousands of Canadians who otherwise would have been vaccinated at a much later date.

Under TF LAKEHEAD, 3 CRPG also served on Op VECTOR, in support of TF ORNGE (Ornge is Ontario’s provider of air ambulance and critical care transport services). The Rangers helped deliver doses of the COVID‑19 vaccine to remote communities in Nishnawbe Aski Nation in a mission designated Op REMOTE IMMUNITY.

However, the largest troop deployment to an Op VECTOR task took place in northern Manitoba from March to May 2021. Designated TF AURORA, CAF personnel mobilized at the request of Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) to assist in a vaccine rollout program in multiple isolated communities.

Based out of a tactical hub in Thompson, Man., TF AURORA featured a mix of on-the-ground medical and support staff (primarily from Canadian Forces Health Services Group and 1 RCHA), and RCAF personnel. While the majority of the personnel were assigned to support roles, it was the medical teams who were most important.

“The medical teams are the centrepiece,” explained Lieutenant-Colonel David Brassard, 1 RCHA Commanding Officer and Commander TF AURORA.

In a prime example of how good things can come in small packages, only 23 people in total made up the medical teams.

“Those are small teams, but the throughput is significant,” LCol Brassard said.

For approximately two months, CAF medical specialists assisted ISC and FNIHB at vaccination clinics in 11 First Nations. The immunization program included both first and second doses.

As vaccines continued to be administered across the country, it still remained necessary to care for those who developed COVID‑19 symptoms and protect those who had not yet been vaccinated.

In Winnipeg, between May 28 and June 28, 2021, Op LASER continued in the form of TF BISON. Working with public health officials in the city, CAF personnel helped process COVID‑19 tests, assisted at isolation accommodations and provided aeromedical transport to patients requiring care out-of-province.

Although only three CAF lab technicians were tasked with helping process COVID‑19 tests, their assistance proved invaluable by increasing the throughput of the labs to meet increased demands across the province.

TF BISON personnel provided support to Shared Health Manitoba at several Alternative Isolation Accommodation sites in Winnipeg, performing such duties as wellness and vital signs checks. The sites were intended for people who may not have had a means to self-isolate safely, and offer medical care should an occupant develop symptoms or see their symptoms worsen.

“I commend the work of every member of Task Force BISON,” said Major Ian Van Dyke, Commander TF BISON. “The assistance our medical and support personnel provided to Shared Health Manitoba shows the Canadian Armed Forces’ commitment to domestic operations. I know that everyone in the Task Force was enthusiastic to help their fellow Canadians and they gained valuable experience they would not have otherwise acquired in the course of their normal CAF duties.

BGen Fletcher expanded on those sentiments.

“Our support to the province of Manitoba under Operation LASER, to combat the spread of COVID‑19 in Winnipeg and northern communities, was just one of the many ways JTFW continues to help Canadians in their time of need,” said BGen Fletcher. “The CAF was proud to further support a number of Manitoba communities in the accelerated distribution of COVID‑19 vaccines under Op VECTOR.”

During an extremely difficult time, 3rd Canadian Division – the Army of the West – completed eight months of continuous domestic operations between November 2020 and June 2021. This work saved lives and helped keep Canadians healthy. The Army of the West continues to be ready to help Canadians in need. In fact, in early July, 3rd Canadian Division soldiers deployed from Edmonton to Yukon to help territorial authorities and residents overcome the effects of serious flooding.

Photo Gallery

  • Photo by MCpl Alex Paquin, 3rd Canadian Division Headquarters
  • Photo courtesy of 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry
  • Photo by Maj James Cressall, 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry
  • Photo courtesy of 4th Canadian Ranger Patrol Group
  • Photo courtesy of HMCS GRIFFON
  • Photo by Cpl Matthieu Racette, Canadian Forces Combat Camera
  • Photo by Cpl Matthieu Racette, Canadian Forces Combat Camera
  • Photo courtesy of 1st Canadian Rangers Patrol Group
  • Photo by MCpl Genevieve Lapointe, Canadian Forces Combat Camera
  • Photo by Cpl Eric Greico
  • Photo by 2Lt Miguel Moldez
  • Photo by 2Lt Miguel Moldez

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