Info Source

General Information

Introduction to Info Source

Info Source describes the programs and activities, and the information holdings related to programs and activities, of government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act to facilitate the right of access. It also provides individuals, including current and former employees of the Government of Canada, with relevant information to access personal information about themselves held by government institutions subject to the Privacy Act and to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.

An index of institutions that are subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act is available centrally.

The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act assign overall responsibility to the President of Treasury Board (as the designated Minister) for the government-wide administration of the legislation.

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In most respects, DND is an organization like other departments of government. It was established in 1923 by the National Defence Act, which sets out the Minister's responsibilities, including the Minister's responsibility for the Department and the CAF. Under the Act, the CAF are an entity separate and distinct from the Department.

The Governor General of Canada is the Commander-in-Chief of Canada. DND reports to parliament via the Minister of National Defence. The Deputy Minister of National Defence is the Department's senior civil servant and the CAF are headed by the Chief of the Defence Staff.

On behalf of the people of Canada, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), with the support of the Department of National Defence (DND), stand ready to perform three key roles:

  • Defend Canada – by delivering excellence at home;
  • Defend North America – by being a strong and reliable partner with the United States in the defence of the continent; and
  • Contribute to International Peace and Security – by projecting leadership abroad.

For more information about the Defence Team, please visit "About the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces".

Additional information concerning the Department's priorities and raison d'être can be found in the most recent Departmental Report on Plans and Priorities.


The Defence mission is to defend Canada and Canadian interests and values while contributing to international peace and security.

The Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence have complementary roles to play in providing advice and support to the Minister of National Defence and in implementing the decisions of the Government on the defence of Canada and of Canadian interests at home and abroad. The separate authorities of the Deputy Minister and the Chief of the Defence Staff give rise to different responsibilities.

View the Departmental Organizational Structure here.

Deputy Minister (DM)

The DM has responsibility for policy, resources, interdepartmental coordination and international defence relations.

Associate Deputy Minister (Assoc DM)

The Governor-in-Council may appoint not more than three Associate Deputy Ministers of National Defence, each of whom shall have the rank and status of a deputy head of a department and as such shall, under the Minister and the Deputy Minister, exercise and perform such powers, duties and functions as deputy of the Minister and otherwise as the Minister may specify.

There is currently one Assoc DM in DND.

Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS)

As defined in the National Defence Act, the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) has direct responsibility for the command, control and administration of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). He or she is appointed by the Governor-in-Council, on the advice of the Prime Minister. The CDS implements government decisions that involve the CAF, by issuing orders and instructions.

The Vice Chief of the Defence Staff (VCDS)

On behalf of the DM and CDS, the mission of the VCDS is to coordinate and, when appropriate, direct the activity necessary to ensure departmental Defence policy and strategic objectives are achieved.

The VCDS also performs the function of the Chief of Staff for the CDS and DM, manages security and military police operations, coordinates issues involving other nations, and manages the Reserves and Cadets.

Strategic Joint Staff (SJS)

The SJS is the means through which the CDS exercises strategic command. Accordingly, the SJS mission is to provide military analysis and decision support to the CDS as the principal military advisor to the Government of Canada, and to enable the CDS to effect strategic command.

Chief Military Judge (CMJ)

The Office of the CMJ is an independent, special entity, organization established in 1997 that provides statutory judicial and court-reporting services at courts martial and other judicial hearings such as pre-trial custody reviews.

Judge Advocate General (JAG)

The JAG is the senior legal advisor to the Minister, the Department and the Canadian Forces on matters of military justice. The JAG offers advice to the Government of Canada on military law. The JAG also superintends the administration of military justice in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

Royal Canadian Navy (RCN)

The RCN is a highly adaptable and flexible force. While being Canada's outer line of defence against an armed aggressor, it conducts sovereignty patrols, search and rescue operations, and assists other government departments in everything from disaster relief to law enforcement, such as conducting fishery or drug patrols. The RCN also supports Canadian foreign policy by remaining engaged internationally in everything from humanitarian assistance, to peace support operations, to maritime security operations.

Canadian Army (CA)

The CA - as part of the CAF - is a soldier-centric, professional and integrated force achieving operational excellence at home and abroad. While working alongside Whole-of-Government Colleagues, key allies and partners, the CA will be a scalable, agile, and responsive force that operates among populations to deliver decisive land power in the achievement of Canadian defence objectives.

The Canadian Army will generate combat effective, multi-purpose land forces to meet Canada's defence objectives.

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Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF)

The RCAF protects Canadians, Canadian sovereignty and Canadian interests at home and abroad. The RCAF has the key function of providing security of Canadian and North American airspace through the bi-national North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) agreement. In cooperation with the RCN, CA and other government departments, the RCAF conducts maritime and northern patrols, search and rescue missions, and supports law enforcement agencies. In this manner, the RCAF plays a pivotal role in protecting Canada's sovereignty by guarding against those who would take advantage of its vast size, miles of coastline and border to carry out illegal or harmful activities. The RCAF also airlifts military personnel and supplies at home and abroad, and moves disaster relief supplies to stricken regions. Abroad, the RCAF's combat-ready air forces take an active role in multinational missions, representing Canada's interests and helping maintain global stability.

Chief of Military Personnel (CMP)

The CMP provides functional direction/guidance to the CAF on all military personnel management matters, monitors compliance with CAF personnel management policies, and is accountable for the effective management of the CF Personnel System. CMP is responsible for the development of strategies, policies and programs that foster and maintain the profession of arms as an honourable and desirable career.

The Five Personnel Functions performed by CMP are:

  • Recruit: includes attraction, recruiting and selection of CAF members.
  • Train and Educate: focuses on individual training, education, and career management for CAF members.
  • Prepare: includes medical, dental and spiritual support, all of which are focused on preparing a healthy – medically, dentally and spiritually fit force ensuring individuals are healthy and robust throughout their careers.
  • Support: includes casualty support, family support, fitness, sports, the commissariat, insurance, compensation and benefits, employment equity and diversity, Official Languages, and conflict resolution policy and programs.
  • Honour and Recognize: focuses on honouring and recognizing military personnel and their families and military history and heritage.

To be successful, CMP, in consultation with Senior Officers and Operational Commands, has a responsibility to develop and implement policies and programs that ensure that a "competent, committed and professional" work force is available to accomplish the operational mission.

Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)

Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) anticipates and conducts Canadian Armed Forces operations, and develops, generates and integrates joint force capabilities for operations.

CJOC is responsible for conducting full-spectrum Canadian Armed Forces operations at home, on the continent of North America, and around the world. With its integrated command-and-control structure, CJOC directs these operations from their earliest planning stages through to mission closeout, and ensures that national strategic goals are achieved.

CJOC anticipates operations by understanding the operating environment and preparing for potential operations.

Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM)

The mission of CANSOFCOM is to provide the Government of Canada with agile, high-readiness Special Operations Forces (SOF) capable of conducting special operations across the spectrum of conflict at home and abroad.

The creation of CANSOFCOM in 2006 brought together a number of unique capabilities; CANSOFCOM is comprised of a Command Headquarters, Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2), the Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit (CJIRU), 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron (427 SOAS) and the Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR).

Canadian Forces Intelligence Command (CFINTCOM)

The mission of CFINTCOM is to provide credible, timely and integrated defence intelligence capabilities, products and services to the CAF, DND Government of Canada and allies in support of Canada's national security objectives.

The Commander Canadian Forces Intelligence Command is also the Chief of Defence Intelligence, the chief intelligence advisor to senior DND/CAF leadership and functional authority over other DND/CAF intelligence organizations.

Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance) (ADM(Fin))

The ADM (Fin) is the Chief Financial Officer of the Department of National Defence, and is responsible for ensuring the integrity of financial management and comptrollership at DND/CAF. ADM (Fin) provides comptrollership guidance and the financial authorities framework and advice necessary to support the resource management process.

Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) (ADM(HR-CIV))

The ADM (HR - CIV) develops and implements plans, policies and programs to recruit, develop, and retain people to effectively support the Canadian Armed Forces in operations and meet the Defence Mission.

Assistant Deputy Minister (Data, Innovation, Analytics) (ADM (DIA))

Assistant Deputy Minister (Data, Innovation, Analytics) (ADM(DIA)) provides the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) with the expertise required to make data-driven and evidence-based decisions by providing data integration and analytics support, in addition to serving as an innovation support hub.

Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management) (ADM(IM))

The ADM (IM) leads the institution in the planning, development, delivery and support of innovative IM/IT capabilities that enable successful Canadian Forces Operations and the achievement of Department of National Defence and Government of Canada objectives.

The IM Group ensures that initiatives are aligned to Canadian Forces, Defence, and Government priorities by providing IM/IT strategic planning, management, oversight, and reporting.

The mission is to establish strategic and tactical direction on IM/IT Program transformation for DND/CAF and supports CAF operations, departmental priorities, and government objectives by ensuring seamless and timely access to trusted information, intelligence, and technology in a secure environment.

It is also to strategically plan, design, develop, and deploy technology enabled solutions, capabilities, and changes to the IM/IT capability of DND/CF.

ADM(IM) delivers agile, integrated, and coordinated enterprise applications and IM environments that will enable work automation and inform decision-making across the DND/CAF.

The IM Group also coordinates, supports, and provides the command and control and intelligence capabilities the Canadian Forces and the Department need to do their job.

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Assistant Deputy Minister (Infrastructure & Environment)

The ADM (IE) is the portfolio manager and custodian for Real Property (RP) with a mandate to ensure the stewardship of Defence Infrastructure and Environment programs in support of DND and the CAF. The RP program includes RP management (including fire services; architecture and engineering), Acquisition, (including recapitalization & betterments of real property assets); Maintenance & Operating, and Disposals. ADM(IE) is also the delegated departmental steward for architecture and engineering, protection, nuclear safety and unexploded explosive ordinance (UXO); respiratory protection and ionizing radiation protection. The ADM (IE) is also the delegated departmental steward for Aboriginal consultations within DND/CAF (excluding Aboriginal Procurement and Human Resources) including Duty to consult, treaty obligations and reconciliation. The Canadian Forces Housing Agency is a Special Operating Agency within ADM(IE) and is responsible for Crown-controlled residential housing. Infrastructure and Environment activities are spread across the institutional structure and are linked directly and indirectly to various programs under the control of other DND/CAF organizations.

Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel)

ADM (Mat) or the Materiel Group is the organization within DND that is responsible for the procurement and management of materiel - the supplies needed to keep a functioning military at work, from trucks and tanks to boots and rations.

Assistant Deputy Minister (Policy)

The ADM (Pol) is the principal source of defence policy advice and is responsible for the strategic analysis, planning, formulation, coordination, and management of defence policy. ADM (Pol) analyzes and develops policy options, coordinates defence policy with central agencies and other key government departments, manages international defence relations, and ensures overall policy coherence in support of domestic, continental, and international operations. ADM (Pol) also manages the Military Training and Cooperation Program, the Security and Defence Forum and other non-academic grants, and the Policy Officer Recruitment Program.

Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs)

The ADM (PA) is accountable to the Deputy Minister and Chief of Defence Staff for leading and directing the development and implementation of national DND and CAF Public Affairs programs designed to inform Canadians of DND and CAF policies, programs, services, operations, issues and initiatives.

ADM(PA)'s mission is to deliver excellence in strategic communications advice, guidance, services and products in support of Government of Canada and Defence priorities. ADM(PA) also assists DND with its priorities by communicating on key issues, organizing relevant events and activities, and responding to media requests.

Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services)

The ADM(RS) assists the DM and CDS, as well as senior managers, in meeting their mandates by providing services in the areas of Internal Audit (public and non-public property), Evaluation, and Special Examination and Inquiries. ADM(RS) is also responsible for management of the Defence Ethics Program and is the departmental point of contact for Internal Disclosure of Wrongdoing in the Workplace and for the Office of the Auditor General.

Assistant Deputy Minister (Science and Technology)

The ADM (S&T) is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Defence R&D Canada (DRDC), an Agency within the Department of National Defence. DRDC's mission is to facilitate and enhance the ability of decision makers to make informed decisions on defence policy, force generation, and procurement by providing expert Scientific and Technical (S&T) advice. DRDC contributes to the success of military and government operations by pursuing Research and Development (R&D) activities that provide improved support, knowledge, protection, and response to potential threats, and enhances the preparedness of the Canadian Armed Forces and public safety agencies by assessing technology trends, threats and opportunities, and by exploiting emerging technologies.

DRDC also plays an important role in the formulation and delivery of security S&T through the application of its existing research and development program as well as its leadership of the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Research and Technology Initiative (CRTI), the Canadian Police Research Centre, and its co-leadership of the Public Security Technical Program (PSTP).

DRDC contributes to the creation and maintenance of a Canadian defence S&T capability by contracting-out to industry, by transferring technology to industry and by entering into partnerships in which cost and risk are shared. DRDC also conducts S&T projects with partners external to DND (industry, academia, other government departments, provinces, municipalities, and allied militaries), in order to assist the Agency in developing and maintaining its defence-related technological capabilities and partnerships.

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Chief, Professional Conduct and Culture

The Chief, Professional Conduct and Culture will lead a fundamental transformation in the way systemic misconduct is understood and addressed in the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

The term systemic misconduct includes sexual misconduct, hateful conduct, systemic barriers, harassment, violence, discrimination, employment inequity, unconscious biases, and abuse of power in the workplace.

Corporate Secretary (Corp Sec)

With a mission to facilitate the success of the departmental governance through support to the Executive Cadre, and the provision of key corporate functions, the Corporate Secretary is responsible for the Directorate of Access to Information and Privacy; the publication of DAODs, CFAOs, and QR&Os; providing administrative and professional services to the Minister, the DM, and Parliamentary Secretary; and the coordination of Defence governance/executive meeting planning.

Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC)

The Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC) provides and facilitates access to support services and resources for persons who have been affected by sexual misconduct including currently serving and former members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), current and former Department of National Defence (DND) public service employees and to Cadets, Junior Canadian Rangers and family members of the wider Defence Community, aged 16 and older.

The SMSRC provides expert advice, guidance and recommendations to DND on all matters related to sexual misconduct through the Deputy Minister and to the CAF, primarily through the Chief, Professional Conduct and Culture.

The SMSRC also:

  • monitors the CAF's progress in addressing sexual misconduct
  • provides subject matter expertise, evaluation and validation for DND and CAF training on sexual misconduct, including advising the Respect in the CAF Training Team
  • conducts research on the prevention of sexual misconduct
  • administers the Restorative Engagement program that provides options for members of the CAF-DND Sexual Misconduct Class Action Settlement to share experiences, knowledge and understanding of sexual misconduct in DND and the CAF
  • administers the Community Support for Sexual Misconduct Survivors Grant Program that supports community-based service providers
  • administers the Military Sexual Trauma Peer Support Program which provides options for those affected by sexual misconduct to get support from peers

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Institutional Functions, Programs, Activities

For descriptions of Defence Strategic Outcomes and associated programs, please refer to the Department's 2016-2017 Report on Plans and Priorities – Section II: Analysis of Programs by Strategic Outcome.

Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values

Defence Combat and Support Operations

The Defence Combat and Support Operations Program delivers military power in combat, security, stability and surveillance operations in response to armed threats, or potential armed aggression, for the purpose of protecting Canadian sovereignty, upholding the values of Canadians, and defending the interests of the Government of Canada. Results are achieved through this Program by the application of Defence capabilities in domestic, continental and international domains, either independently or in combination with allies, where the primary focus is to inflict military effects against threats. The term Defence capability is a collective term that refers to the ability of a military force to achieve a desired an effect against a threat during the execution of a Defence operation (or the delivery of a Defence service) by executing tasks according to understood concepts, doctrine and standards. The military forces delivered by Defence are composed of force elements which are organizational entities that are in-turn composed of members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), and in some cases personnel from the Department of National Defence (DND). Force elements integrate people, with specialized information and expertise, materiel (e.g., equipment, platforms, and weapon systems) and in some cases real property.

Domestic and Continental Defence Operations

Domestic and Continental Defence Operations aim to deliver military power within Canada and across the North America in response to armed threats, or the potential for armed aggression, in order to protect Canadian sovereignty, uphold the values of Canadians, and defend the interests of the Government of Canada. Results are achieved through the employment of force elements, either independently or in concert with continental partners, that apply requisite military capabilities in the conduct of routine and contingency operations. Routine operations typically occur on an ongoing basis whereas contingency operations may be planned for but occur only in response to a particular event or upon specific request from the Government of Canada to the MND in response to requests from provincial authorities, or from other federal departments or ministries. Therefore not all of the sub-sub-programs under this Program may contain significant operations every fiscal year. However, regardless of when and if they occur, the operations within this Program typically aim to maintain and/or restore domestic and continental security through the detection and monitoring of threats and, when necessary, the deliver military intervention. This Program conventions and bi-national agreements such as the North American Aerospace Defence agreement that facilitates co-ordination and shared responsibilities for the defence of the North American continent.

North American Aerospace Defence (NORAD)

Description: Correspondence, directives and information pertaining to North American Aerospace Defence (NORAD) including policy, agreements, operational requirements, plans and planning, joint studies, surveillance programs, etc.

Document Types: Reports on missions, records of decision, files on and about NORAD committees/conferences, exercises reports

Record Number: DND NOR 010

Continental Contingency Ops

Description: Operations - Records pertaining to planning, command and control of operations.

Document Types: Orders, plans briefs, reports, etc.

Record Number: DND OPS 010

Domestic Operational Plans

Description: Information pertaining to plans, operations and readiness dealing with domestic emergencies of military or civil nature including guidance for various commands and combined operations.

Document Types: Aid to other federal departments; aid to civil powers, armed assistance, etc; domestic emergency plans; emergency planning; operational studies and mobilization planning.

Record Number: DND MPO 300

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International Combat Operations

International Combat Operations aim to achieve timely strategic effects in support of Canada's national interests and in accordance with Canadian values, as directed by the Government of Canada through the delivery of military power outside of the domestic or continental setting, typically in response to armed aggression or the potential for armed aggression. Results are achieved through the application of Defence capabilities, in concert with national and international partners, within the context of military operations across the globe. Typically the military operations under this program are conducted to enhance global peace and security, counter international terrorism, assist failing states, or defuse intra- and interstate conflicts that may threaten Canada's national security interests. These operations are usually delivered in the context of: a United Nations (UN) resolution; Canada's membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); or other international agreements. Some of the operations conducted under this Program are considered routine while other operations occur on a contingency basis. Routine operations occur on an ongoing basis whereas contingency operations may be planned for but occur only in response to a particular event or upon specific request from the Government of Canada. Therefore not all of the sub-programs under this Program may contain significant operations every fiscal year. This Program is bound by several federal laws, regulations, policies, and international conventions, agreements and laws, like the Law of Armed Conflicts, that pertain to the conduct military forces in armed conflict.


Description: Information on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Document Types: NATO agreements; NATO committees; NATO defence measures and plans; NATO mutual aid; NATO organization and establishment; and NATO defence review; NATO Research and Technology Organization (RTO), NATO Research and Technology Board (RTB).

Record Number: DND PPB 145

International Operations

Description: Records pertaining to planning, command and control of operations,

Document Types: orders, plans, briefs, reports, etc.

Record Number: DND OPS 020

Ongoing Centralized Operations and Operational Enablement Program

The Ongoing Centralized Operations and Operational Enablement Program ensures that programs delivering Defence Combat and Support Operations and delivering Defence Services and Contributions to Government have: clearly aligned operational objectives; a well-defined national command and communications structure; a balanced portfolio of resources and information; and access to the operational support capabilities, so that operations can be accomplished with an acceptable degree of risk. Results are achieved through the application of Defence capabilities that enable the delivery of strategic control, national command, diplomatic support, and provide operational support which includes the delivery of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

Aerospace Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Control

Description: Information on Air Defence as it applies to North America.

Document Types: Movement of aircraft; detection and tracking; and deployment of aircraft.

Record Number: DND ADO 230


Description: Information dealing with Intelligence information for the use of the Department.

Document Types: Intelligence requirements; briefing; production; facilities; studies; and publications, plans, and analyses.

Record Number: DND MIS 080

Mapping and Charting

Description: Information on Mapping and Charting at the Department of National Defence pertaining to maps, mapping and charting including policy, requirements/requests from other countries, various applications available, equipment, technologies, distribution, security, metrication, computer systems, etc.

Document Types: Requirements; formal agreements; operational developments; and requests and issues.

Record Number: DND MEO 310


Description: Information on Over-flights of Canada by aircraft of various nations under various circumstances; also Over-flights of other countries.

Document Types: Policies pertaining to Over-flights, mission reports, plans and readiness records.

Record Number: DND ADO 270

Accidents – Explosives

Description: Information produced by DND/CF on accidents and explosive hazards.

Document Types: Records related to explosives accidents – explosives safety; shipboard magazines-explosive hazards; and accident reports.

Records Number: DND WEE 695

Treaties, Pacts and Agreements

Description: Information on the administration, by the Department of National Defence, of Treaties, Pacts and Agreements.

Document Types: Treaties, pacts, agreements.

Record Number: DND JAG 030

Policy Planning with External Agencies (Canadian and Foreign)

Description: Information on the integration of all external (international) operations conducted by government, and liaison with foreign agencies regarding UN operations.
Document Types: Integration of government external operations; United Nations; policy; peacekeeping; and International Peace Academy.
Record Number: DND PPB 140

Security Policy and International Defence Relations

Description: Information on policy support to domestic and continental operations, bilateral and multilateral defence and international security relations (including representation of Canada at the UN, NATO and other forums)

Document Types: Defence policy related to domestic and continental operations, arms (including nuclear) and proliferation control, NATO and NATO operations, peacekeeping and all other types of international engagements, the Asia-Pacific region, Canada-US relations and the western hemisphere, international organizations (agreements, meetings, decisions).

Record Number: DND MIS 086

Air Doctrine - Operations

Description: Information on various modes of employment of air vehicles in both the combat and support role.

Document Types: Aerial, tactical and reconnaissance operations; flying rates; ejection; bailout and parachuting procedures; and doctrine development.

Record Number: DND ADO 235


Description: Information on all aspects of Meteorology in the Canadian Forces, mainly from an organizational and administrative point of view. Including daily production of briefings, forecasts, and warnings.

Document Types: Communications; publications; secondment of personnel; forecasting; and observing., MOUs with other government departments.

Record Number: DND ADO 260

Food Services (Mission Support)

Description: Information on the provision of Food Services in support of CF missions domestic, international and/or expeditionary.

Document Types: Plans; staff assistance visits; unit returns, menu options, food acquisition, distribution and storage policies and requirements, nutrition information, and consumption stats.

Record Number: DND MSP 005

Construction Engineering (Mission Support)

Description: Information regarding the provision of general engineer support services to CF operations, including the coordination of organizations required to plan, design and construct infrastructure to sustain and protect forces, and to allow for their freedom of movement.

Document Types: Accommodation; airfields; construction and maintenance; fire prevention; grounds maintenance; heating systems; janitorial services; natural resources management; real property management; acquisition of works and buildings; lettings; disposal; research and development; sanitation services; and utilities.

Record Number: DND MSP 025

Military Policing (Mission Support)

Description: Information relating to military police support to deployed forces by conducting police, security, and specialist operational tasks.

Document Types: Law enforcement, criminal intelligence gathering, civilian police force training, personnel and materiel security, and detention operations.

Record Number: DND MSP 045

Communications and Information Systems (Mission Support)

Description: Information dealing with the management and servicing of communications and information technology for voice, text and data systems required to support CF operations worldwide.

Document Types: Equipment specifications and capabilities, digital radios, ground telecommunications systems, radar systems, portable satellite terminals, fibre optics, cryptographic equipment and computers.

Record Number: DND MSP 020

Land Equipment Maintenance Services (Mission Support)

Description: Information relating to the preparation for delivery, repair and maintenance of weapon systems, fighting vehicles, transport vehicles and general land equipment required to support CF mission.

Document Types: Life-cycle management directives for land equipment, repair manuals, maintenance logs, design and engineering changes; drawings and specifications; maintenance techniques; modifications and alterations.

Record Number: DND MSP 010

Logistics Operations (Mission Support)

Description: Information on logistic contingency plans and procedures and coordination of logistics aspects in support of theatre activation, and for the sustainment and termination of CF missions.

Document Types: Logistics Operations - national and international, logistic policy and doctrine, logistic systems evaluation, plans/briefing notes regarding movement control, transport, postal services, supply and delivery of equipment, ammunition, food and shelter.

Record Number: DND MSP 015

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Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program

The Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program aims to support the delivery of Canadian Government safety and security initiatives and encourage recognition and pride in Canada and the Canadian military. This is accomplished through the provision of unique Defence services in support of other elements of Government or the Canadian public. To encourage and share pride and awareness of Canada's military heritage, contributions, and leadership, Defence provides unique services and opportunities for outreach, awareness, preservation and development. Defence unique services also include operations conducted to ensure or enhance the security, safety, stability and/or well-being of Canadians, or international populations in peril, in accordance with Canadian values and the interests of the Canadian Government, in situations where there may be a need to defend against armed threats but where this is not the primary focus. The operations are delivered through the employment of force elements to achieve a desired effect within specific contexts through execution of tasks according to understood concepts, doctrine and standards. The force elements delivered by Defence are organizational entities which are composed of members of the Canadian Armed Forces and in some cases personnel from the Department of National Defence. Force elements have different sizes and compositions according to the capabilities they must apply during an operation. Defence remains consistently ready to employ force elements under this Program however significant operations do not always occur every fiscal year.

Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Operations

Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Operations aim to assist populations in distress in order to establish, re-establish or enhance the human safety and well-being through the use of military operations. Results are achieved through this Program by the employment of force elements with the requisite capabilities to minimize suffering, assist in recovery operations, facilitate synergies with other responding bodies, and conduct related support functions during natural disaster events, non-combat evacuation events, humanitarian emergencies, and other perilous situations as directed by the Government of Canada. Operations in this Program are bound by a number of federal and provincial laws, regulations, orders-in-council, federal policies, and international agreements.

Defence Services for Canadian Safety and Security

Defence Services for Canadian Safety and Security seeks to support Canadian Safety and Security initiatives across Canada through the delivery of force elements with the requisite capabilities to conduct military operations. Results are achieved by responding to a wide variety of threats to the safety and security of Canadians as part of a larger government-wide effort or a focused intervention. Examples of responses include providing, support to major Canadian events, anti-terrorism and terrorism event response, Search and Rescue operations, operations performed in direct support of other Government Departments and Agencies, as well as, related partnership programs such as the National Search and Rescue Program Coordination and the Canadian Safety and Security Program. Significant operations may not occur in all subordinate program areas every fiscal year as Defence only performs support operations when tasked by the Government of Canada.

Canadian Safety and Security Program

Description: The Canadian Safety and Security Program (CSSP) is the public safety and security component of DRDC's S&T Program. The program provides funding to multi-year S&T projects designed to inform, enable and respond to Canada's public safety and security priorities. This Program addresses multiple focus areas such as: Threats and Hazards (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE); natural disasters; serious accidents); Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies (physical and cyber); Border and Transportation Security; Emergency Management Systems & Interoperability; Scientific and Technical Support to Operations & Operations Analytics; S&T Transition Innovation; Emergency Responder Safety and Operational Effectiveness.

Document Types: Strategic guidance; program plans; assessments; security capability investment options; analysis for investment and operational decision making; technology and systems assessments and development.

Record Number: DND RDB 726

Search and Rescue

Description: Information on all aspects of Search and Rescue as it pertains to the Department of National Defence and collaboration of federal departments, provincial/territorial governments and volunteer organizations working collectively to enhance Search and Rescue in Canada.

Document Types: Employment of SAR Helicopters; operational readiness; and records of missions. Aircraft; marine; missing persons; and mercy flights. Strategic directions, annual priorities and program plans. Policies, guidelines, standards, statistical information and trend analysis, reports. Memorandum of Understanding and Agreements between partners for funding programs, prevention, knowledge management and lessons learned

Record Number: DND ADO 275

Search and Rescue

Description: Search and Rescue (SAR) refers to operations mounted by SAR personnel to find a lost, injured, or otherwise distressed person, or to recover victims from a disaster. In Canada, SAR responsibilities are shared by all levels of government and supported by both the private sector and volunteers. Responsibility for Canada's National Search and Rescue Program (NSP) resides with Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada. DND/CAF's primary responsibility is to provide SAR support from the air. The CAF also coordinates Canada's national response for air and maritime SAR. This work is led by the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF).

In the conduct of SAR operations DND/CAF may collect and use personal information provided to the regional Joint Rescue Coordination Centre by NavCanada and/or by friends and family of the missing person. Personal information collected for SAR operations will vary on a case-by-case basis. To help locate a missing person, DND/CAF may also collect mobile device information from network service providers. This information is generally limited to a device's International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) number. Using the IMSI number, a DND/CAF SAR operator can determine (and may collect and use) an individual's geo-location.

In addition to the above, DND/CAF may collect and use other information obtained from various sources as concerning incidents that have occurred within Canada's SAR area of responsibility since 1983 (whether air, marine and ground search and rescue incidents, and medical evacuations and civil aid requests). This includes information and conclusions drawn from the investigation of incidents, and certain operational information relating to SAR incidents, as stored in DND/CAF's NSP Management Information System (NSP MIS).

Class of Individuals: Information described in this bank applies to individuals who were the objects of a search and/or rescue and those who provide information in support of a SAR operation. It may also include information about individuals involved in a SAR incident.

Purpose: Information described in this bank is used to help locate and rescue lost, injured, or otherwise distressed person, or to recover victims from a disaster. Information stored in the NSP MIS is used for reporting purposes, and for the management of the NSP.

Consistent Uses: Information collected by DND/CAF in for SAR operations may be shared with approved SAR partners. This includes federal, provincial, and municipal government agencies, private sector partners, and SAR volunteers.

Data contained in the NSP MIS may be linked to other databases such as the DOT vessel and the aircraft registration data banks for data analysis. Data is used for administrative and statistical purposes. Identified sources of information include the: SARSTATS (1983-1987 DND), Aviation Safety Information System (ASIS 1988-91, Transportation Safety Board), Marine Casualty Information System (MCIS 1988-91, Transportation Safety Board), Occurrence Tracking Information System (OTIS Parks Canada, Canadian Heritage), Police Information Retrieval System (PIRS Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Solicitor General), Search and Rescue Information System (SARIS 1988-91, National Search and Rescue Secretariat), Ground Search and rescue Information System (SARIS GSARIS 1999, National Search and Rescue Secretariat), Search and Rescue Information System (SISAR Canadian Coast Guard, 1992-1997 Department of Fisheries and Oceans).

Retention and Disposal Standards: IMSI numbers collected by DND/CAF are destroyed immediately following the completion of a search and rescue operation, in keeping with data sharing arrangements with network service providers and with the individual's implied consent. All other personal information is retained for a minimum of two years. SAR data of enduring value may be retained indefinitely.

RDA Number: 98/001.

Related Record Number: DND ADO 275

TBS Registration: 003886

Bank Number: DND PPU 050

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Military Heritage and Outreach Program

The Military Heritage and Outreach Program aims to instil in the Canadian public a sense of pride by sharing Canada's military history and traditions, showcasing Canadian military expertise and values, and developing leadership and good citizenship in Canada's youth. Results are accomplished through the delivery of military awareness events, historical preservation and communication services, and youth training opportunities. This Program also contributes to a cohesive culture within the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence and helps to build and promote the Canadian identity. The Military Heritage and Outreach Program is directed to the Canadian Armed Forces, the Canadian public and the international community.

Battle Honours

Description: Information dealing with Battle Honours.

Document Types: Battle Honours presented to military units.

Record Number: DND DOC 415

Historical Matters

Description: Specific official and unit histories, access to documents, bilingualism, instructions to historians, printing and distribution, information on annual historical reports and diaries, and the production of official histories.

Document Types: Land environment; air environment; and sea environment.

Record Number: DND DMH 070

Military History Document Collections

Description: Information on almost all activities of the Canadian Forces from the early twentieth century to recent times. Beginning dates vary from the turn of the century to the Second World War.

Document Types: Military historical documentation. Note: Files arranged by subject and accession number, source, author, or title.

Record Number: DND DMH 075

Badges and Insignia

Description: Information dealing with the Badges and Insignia of the Canadian Forces.

Document Types: Badges and Insignia for Canadian Forces; commands; units; branches; ranks; and qualification.

Record Number: DND DOC 410

Colours, Flags

Description: Information dealing with colours and flags.

Document Types: Flags; pennants; colours; devices; and accessories.

Record Number: DND DOC 425

Ceremonies, Celebrations

Description: Information dealing with participation, by the Department of National Defence, in ceremonies and celebrations.

Document Types: Ceremonies and celebrations; centennials; and observance of special days.

Record Number: DND DOC 420

History, Heritage and Honours

Description: This bank contains: listings of personnel who have received military honours and awards, and certain limited military ceremonies concerning: buildings, freedom of cities, Governor General, royalty, ships and related activities such as unit commemorative events.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to members of the CF and civilian employees of DND.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to establish and maintain a record of: certain limited DND ceremonial activities, primarily of a military nature, and honours and awards accorded to members of the CF.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for five calendar years and then transferred to Library and Archives Canada.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND DOC 420, DND DOC 445

TBS Registration: 000192

Bank Number: DND PPE 823

Dress Instructions

Description: Information on dress regulations and clothing requirements in the Canadian Forces.

Document Types: Ceremonial; environmental; women personnel; design; officers; other ranks; and special purpose.

Record Number: DND DOC 440

Honours and Awards

Description: Information on Honours and Awards.

Document Types: Honours; awards; citations; commendations; medals; and decorations.

Record Number: DND DOC 445


Description: Information dealing with Bands of the Canadian Forces.

Document Types: Policy; music and songs; regimental marches and calls; organization; and participation in ceremonies.

Record Number: DND DOC 435

Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers

Description: Information on the organization, administration, establishment of Cadet Corps and Squadrons and Junior Canadian Ranger Patrols. Information on Cadet training, exchanges, Regional / National Directed Activities; Mandatory; optional and complimentary training.

Document Types: Memorandums of Understanding; ministerial directives; briefing notes; Cadet Administration and Training Orders; Junior Canadian Rangers Administration and Training Orders; Letters; Records of Decisions; QR (Cadets); Military Personnel Instructions; Standard Operating Procedures; Qualification Standards and Plans; Instructional Guides; Promotional Materials; Directives; Significant Incident Reports; Statistical Reports; Program Evaluation and Validation Reports

Record Number: DND RCD 340

Information on Cadets (Air, Army, Sea) and Junior Canadian Rangers

Description: This bank describes information about applicants and members of the Cadet Corps (Sea, Army, Air) and Junior Canadian Rangers. Personal information may include: name, signature, consent, and contact information of individual and parent(s) or guardian(s), biographical information, date of birth, educational information, medical information, language, physical attributes, cadet unique identifier (CUID), pay, training, service, and assessment information, Social Insurance Number (SIN), and financial institution information.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to Applicants and members of the Cadets Corps (Sea, Army, Air) and Junior Canadian Rangers as defined in Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Cadet Organizations (QR (Cadets)) and their parent(s) or guardian(s).

Purpose: Information is collected for the administration of the Cadet Corps (Sea, Army, Air) and Junior Canadian Rangers. The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is collected for income tax purposes.

Consistent Uses: The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is shared with Canada Revenue Agency for income tax purposes. Information may be used for audit, evaluation, research and/or statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Original copies of records are provided to the individual upon their termination of membership. Photocopies of original records are retained until the individual reaches the age of 25 and are then destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND RCD 340

TBS Registration: 000207

Bank Number: DND PPU 839

Instructional Material

Description: Instructional pamphlets, books, manuals, etc. resulting from the development of land doctrine.

Document Types: Publications

Record Number: DND LDO 210

Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values

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Defence Ready Force Element Production Program

The Defence Ready Force Element Production Program produces and renews force elements on a continual basis for use in Defence Combat and Support Operations, as well as for the delivery of Defence Services and Contributions to Government, in order to increase the likelihood of success and decrease risk of failure in the defence of Canada and promotion of Canadian interests. Results are delivered by assembling force elements from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property), and integrating them through various training and certification programs so that they have the requisite amount of readiness in order to fulfill predefined roles within the operations for which they are destined. The term readiness refers to the volume, endurance, responsiveness and capability attributes of force elements that are not employed. These attributes are used to determine the degree of risk that would be associated with assigning them to fulfill perspective role(s) within on-going or contingency operations. The force elements produced by the Defence Ready Force Elements Production Program are organized into portfolios according to the land, aerospace, and maritime environments in which they operate. There are also portfolios for force elements that operate jointly across these domains and force elements that provide common support functions. Across these portfolios, force elements are produced to meet readiness targets. These readiness targets ensure that production can be sustained over short- and medium-term time horizons and that the number of force elements available for employment in on-going and contingency operations is in accordance with acceptable levels of operational risk.

Force Elements Readiness Sustainment Program

The Force Elements Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the readiness state of force elements that have been assigned to roles that require them to be ready for operations. The force elements produced by the Canadian Armed Forces are organized into portfolios according to the land, aerospace, and maritime environments in which they operate. There are also portfolios for force elements that operate jointly across these domains and force elements that provide common support functions. In each portfolio there are subsets of force elements that are in one of three states: assigned to roles that required them to be ready to respond to contingency operations; delivering Defence operations and services; or in a reduced state of readiness. This Program focuses on force elements in the first of these states. In some cases the existence of ready force elements can act as a deterrent against threats. Results are achieved through the provision of periodic training, exercises, validation activities, and related production services which ensure that force elements capabilities that have been assigned to roles in contingency operations do not degrade and that these force elements remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program. Force elements participating in this program may be returned to Force Elements Integration Training Program for short periods. They may also be moved to the Force Elements Production Program once they have exceeded the amount of time for which they have been assigned to a contingency role.

Land Operations

Description: Information pertaining to land operations including land tactical doctrine, reports and plans as well as Low Level Air Defence operations including policy, automatic data processing system, structures and management control systems, drawings, specifications, research and development, simulation, technical information, test and trials, and committees, etc.

Document Type: Land tactical doctrine, reports, plans, policy, data, drawings, specifications, research, simulation, and technical information.

Record Number: DND OPS 030

Maritime Operations

Description: Information pertaining to maritime operations including employment in the maritime forces, fisheries, research and development, movement of ships and vessels, emergency and operational readiness, etc.

Document Types: Employment of maritime forces; ships' movement reporting system; naval gunfire support; operational readiness; and International Commission on North Atlantic Fisheries - fisheries patrols.

Record Number: DND MDO 190

Maritime Operations - Contingency

Description: Correspondence on maritime contingency operations.

Document Types: Civil direction of shipping; naval control of shipping; naval officer-in-charge organization; and fisheries emergency control organization.

Record Number: DND MDO 195

Maritime Defence

Description: Information pertaining to maritime defence including emergencies, deployment, planning, security, international waters, Royal Canadian Navy and Control System, etc.

Document Types: Defence of ships; utilization of government-owned vessels during emergency or war; torpedo counter-measures; maritime forces deployment; Maritime Defence in the Arctic; security of Canadian ports, internal waters, and shipping.

Record Number: DND MDO 185

Warfare - Anti-submarine

Description: Information on systems and techniques employed in anti-submarine warfare.

Document Types: Detection systems; and sound surveillance.

Record Number: DND ADO 280

Auxiliary Fleet Administration

Description: Correspondence on the administration of the auxiliary fleet.

Document Types: General administration; docking and undocking reports; finance and accounting; replacement program; equipment; and personnel.

Record Number: DND MDO 170

Air Regulations and Orders

Description: Information on air worthiness.

Document Types: Aircraft infraction reports, investigations, policies and procedures, air worthiness requirements, air regulation orders.

Record Number: DND ADO 240

Air Traffic Control

Description: Information on matters related to Air Traffic Control, mainly on a day-to-day basis in a peacetime environment.

Document Types: Reference material on policies and procedures; DND/TC use of airspace, MOU, LOAs and waivers, and program standards.

Record Number: DND ADO 245

Air Weapons Safety

Description: Information on Air Weapons Safety in general.

Document Types: Reference material on policies and procedures, surveys and reports.

Record Number: DND ADO 250

Canadian Forces Mobile Support Equipment Safety Program

Description: Information on the administration of the Canadian Forces Mobile Support Equipment Safety Program.

Document Types: Reports, returns and statistics; and competitions and awards.

Record Number: DND TRD 690

Aircraft Accidents

Description: Correspondence relating to general policy concerning Aircraft Accidents, investigations, and summaries of accidents in the Canadian Forces and other countries, replies to requests by the public for information, and aircraft salvage and wreckage recovery. Files on each aircraft in the Canadian Forces inventory contain reports of accidents and incidents to that aircraft.

Document Types: Aircraft Accidents - general; returns and summaries; aircraft of other countries; investigations; Canadian Forces and Transport Canada coordination; and salvage and wreckage recovery.

Record Number: DND FSD 090

Aircraft Flight Safety

Description: Correspondence dealing with general policy, guidelines, bulletins, posters, publications, awards, operational hazards and foreign object damage associated with flight safety.

Document Types: Statistics; industrial flight safety surveys; and bird hazards

Record Number: DND FSD 095

Maritime Collisions

Description: Correspondence and reports on collisions at sea.

Document Types: Groundings; berthing incidents; and mishaps.

Record Number: DND MDO 175

Flight Information

Description: Notices to airmen and women, instrument letdown procedures.

Document Types: publications; and aeronautical charts, flying regulations, orders and instructions.

Record Number: DND ADO 255


Description: Records created during the development, generation, employment and sustainment of Special Operations Forces.

Document Types: Command briefings, facilities, intelligence, studies, publications, plans, and analyses.

Record Number: DND MDO 200

Food Services

Description: Information on the provision of Food Services in the Canadian Forces.

Document Types: General; staff visits; and unit returns.

Record Number: DND SUB 675

Postal Services

Description: Information on the Canadian Forces postal service.

Document Types: Handling of mail; regulations; postal inspections; special arrangements; and financial operations.

Record Number: DND TRD 685

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Force Elements Integration Training Program

The Force Elements Integration Training Program produces force elements with enhanced levels of interoperability with other force elements so that they can operate together, to achieve the collective objectives of a larger formation. The force elements received by this Program are organized into portfolios according to the land, aerospace and maritime environments in which they operate. There are also portfolios for force elements that operate jointly across these domains and force elements that provide common support functions. Results are achieved through the execution of training events in which force elements within the same portfolio exercise together for the explicit purpose of enhancing interoperability. Results are also achieved through training events where the explicit focus is interoperability between force elements in different portfolios. These are considered joint training events. International (combined) training events focus on the interoperability of force elements produced in Canada with those of allied nations. After partaking in this Program, force elements typically attain new or improved abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects during a defence operation and therefore this Program enables them to enhance their state of readiness. If the level of readiness attained through this Program is sufficient, then individual force elements may be assigned to fulfill a contingency role or they may be employed to deliver Defence operations or Defence services already in progress. They may also be delivered back to the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program.

International Military Training and Cooperation

Description: Information pertaining to foreign military training including courses available, locations, policies and procedures, personnel, etc.

Document Types: Cooperation/agreement documentation with member countries, admission/participation of member countries, performance and risk reporting, projects sponsored by GAC, country rating profiles, communication with Canadian Defence Attachés, trip reports, special project approval documents and ministerial submissions.

Record Number: DND RDP 759

Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence

Description: Information on the Canadian Forces defence to Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear threats as it relates to training and equipping the Canadian Forces.

Document Types: Equipment; and nuclear, biological and chemical training.

Record Number: DND MPO 295

Force Elements Production Program

The Force Elements Production Program aims to produce individual force elements with the ability to operate effectively as a cohesive unit, as per their design specification. The force elements produced by the Canadian Armed Forces are organized into portfolios according to the land, aerospace and maritime environments in which they operate. There are also portfolios for force elements that operate jointly across these environments and force elements that provide common support functions. This Program delivers results by assembling force elements from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property) and integrating them through various training and certification programs. Within this Program individual force elements attain a certain degree of readiness. If a sufficient level of readiness is attained, then individual force elements may be assigned to fulfill a contingency role or they may be directly employed to deliver Defence operations or Defence services that are already in progress. However, this program does not necessarily provide individual force elements with the ability to operate effectively as part of a larger integrated formation. If the force elements produced by this Program require advanced levels of interoperability, then they may be assigned to take part in the Force Element Integration Training Program.

Air Training

Description: Information pertaining to air training including training in various modes of air travel, flight simulator, flight safety, parachuting, aircrew procedures, systems and technical training, etc.

Document Types: Training flights; flying boats; parachuting; aircrew; packer rigger; weapons instructor; and meteorology, air operational, search and rescue staff studies, aircrew training, proficiency flying & examinations, aerospace systems courses, tactical airlift training, familiarization flight, and flying supervisor's course.

Record Number: DND ADO 290

Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Command and Control Program

The Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to deliver the command and control structures that support the readiness and balance of Maritime, Land, Aerospace, Special Operations, and Joint and Common force elements. This is accomplished through the development of plans, distribution of resources, coordination of activities, and exercise of overarching control. This supports the programs that provide individual force elements and integrated Forces that are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services.

Command and Control – Land

Description: Information on development and user input to command and control system, development of operational concepts and organization for the land forces, and combat development in Canada.

Document Types: Command briefings, productions, facilities, intelligence, studies, publications, plans, and analyses.

Record Number: DND LDO 205

Command and Control – Sea

Description: Correspondence on the various maritime systems, generically called command and control systems, which are concerned with the collection, evaluation, display, and dissemination of tactical information to permit effective command of a force at sea.

Document Types: Command briefing, productions, facilities, intelligence, studies, and publications, plans, and analyses.

Record Number: DND MDO 180

Command and Control – Air

Description: Correspondence on the various air systems, generically called command and control systems, which are concerned with the collection, evaluation, display, and dissemination of tactical information to permit effective command of air forces.

Document Types: Command briefing, productions, facilities, intelligence, studies, and publications, plans, and analyses.

Record Number: DND ADO 180

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Defence Capability Elements Production Program

The Defence Capability Elements Production Program aims to sustain Defence by producing and maintaining portfolios of the fundamental Defence capability elements so that they are continuously available in the appropriate quantity, combination and condition to sustain the chain of programs delivered by Defence, from the Defence Capability Development and Research Program through to the Defence Ready Force Elements Production Program, which collectively give Defence the ability to conduct Defence Combat and Support Operations as well as deliver Defence Services and Contributions to Government. The primary elements of Defence capability are military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and real property. A fundamental focus of the Defence Capability Elements Production Program is to provide an adequate and sustained supply of individual military personnel and materiel in the near-term and over long-term time horizons so that they can be integrated to produce force elements within the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program. Results are achieved through military personnel and organization; materiel; real property; or information systems. A lifecycle approach is used to manage each portfolio. The essential aspects of the lifecycle approach are sub-sub-programs that provide the principle lifecycle functions: introduction into service; maintenance, upgrade and supply; release from service; portfolio management; and overarching co-ordination and control. The character of activity that occurs within each of these primary functions depends on the portfolio of entities being produced and therefore the desegregation of the lifecycle functions into sub-sub-programs is unique to each portfolio. The authority for this program is derived from the National Defence Act.

The Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle

Program seeks to enable the production of ready force elements and fulfill obligations of Defence Combat and Support Operations, Defence Services and Contributions to Government, and Defence Capability Development and Research through the provision of the military establishment, personnel, and personnel services. The Program also honours and recognizes the service and unique sacrifices of our military personnel, provides for a safe and secure workplace, and ensures the appropriate conduct of Defence military personnel. It ensures that personnel are available in the quantity, mix of occupations and with the requisite occupational skills that provides for an optimized military establishment that enables the readiness and employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces and other Defence services. The Program oversees the availability of Regular and Reserve Force personnel to fulfill the military establishment, and the delivery of services provided to the personnel, including recruitment services; transition and release services; professional development services, occupation training services; morale and well being services; health care services; compensation and benefits services, honours and recognition services, security, protection, justice and safety services, and the planning and governance of the Program. The Program coordinates the execution of subordinate programs responsible for promoting a unified Defence culture and a safe and secure workplace and the planning and governance of the Program. The authority for this Program is derived from the National Defence Act.

Canadian Forces Physical Education and Recreation

Description: Information on the Canadian Forces Physical Education and Recreation programs.

Document Types: Policy; physical education and recreation - sports; and sports competitions and championships - national and international.

Record Number: DND PSB 395

Officer Development

Description: Information on Officer Development, education, training, and commissioning requirements.

Document Types: Officer professional development program; the granting of degrees; post commissioning - general; entry and initial training; staff courses - general; and staff college training requirements.

Record Number: DND PDB 365

Occupation Evaluation and Structure

Description: Information on military occupation evaluation structure and specifications.

Document Types: Policy on military occupation.

Record Number: DND MUD 585


Description: Information on the Employment of personnel in the Canadian Forces.

Document Types: Military employment of personnel resources and military reserves employment.

Record Number: DND MUD 565

Cadet Instructors Cadre Personal Information Bank

Description: The bank consists of individual personnel documents and files, which contain personal information on officers of the Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC). Contents include enrolment documentation, letters of reference, educational documentation, route letters, course reports, CIC Career Transaction Forms, pay authorization documents, Performance Evaluation Reports, medical and dental plan information, employment information and personal information documents containing service number, rank, surname, given names, addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, marital status, next of kin, military service, honours and awards, language capabilities, etc.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to officers of the Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC).

Purpose: These personnel documents and files are maintained for the purpose of preserving administrative details of a CIC officer's career.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Following the release of the CIC officer the unit holding the personnel documents and files will retain them for a period of three years at which time they are then forwarded to Library and Archives Canada.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND MUD 565

TBS Registration: 004440

Bank Number: DND PPE 822

Canadian Forces Employment Equity Program

Description: The bank contains personal information (Protected B) on members which is collected by means of a self-identification survey. Respondents are asked on a voluntary basis to identify whether or not they are a member of a designated group (Aboriginal person, visible minority, woman, or person with disability).

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to members of the Regular Force and Primary Reserves.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to provide documentation for the implementation of employment equity in the CF falling under the Employment Equity Act, Part 1, Section 9. Data are collected to provide a comprehensive picture of members by designated group status.

Consistent Uses: The CF may collect data for statistical purposes. The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes in the CF Employment Equity program to: identify and eliminate employment barriers against persons in designated groups, and introduce temporary special measures to ensure that designated groups participate in and are equitably represented in the CF, for policy and planning purposes related to employment equity. This information may only be disclosed in aggregate statistical form. However, if it is possible to identify an individual or individuals as a consequence of small numbers affected, those statistics shall not be disclosed. This information is used to compile a personnel profile of members; and compare the situation of designated group members with non-designated group members within the CF.

Retention and Disposal Standards: The data collected is maintained in perpetuity, in accordance with the Employment Equity Act. The actual forms are retained for five years and are then destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND MUD 565

TBS Registration: 003342

Bank Number: DND PPE 816

Enrolment and Recruiting

Description: Information dealing with Enrolment and Recruiting within the Canadian Forces.

Document Types: Recruiting advertising; enrolment enquiries for Canadians, aliens, and officer applicants, and for regular officer training plan; enrolment applications for officer candidate training plan and for females.

Record Number: DND RET 375


Description: The Enrolment Program is designed to facilitate the entry of new members into the CAF. It encompasses a range of processes and activities to recruit, screen, and onboard individuals who meet the qualifications and demonstrate the commitment required to serve in the Canadian military. The Program operates under the authority of Section 4 of the National Defence Act, which provides the Minister of National Defence with the power and a duty to manage and direct the Canadian Forces on all matters relating to national defence, including the enrolment of applicants who are suitable for service.

Personal Information:

Personal information collected in relation to Enrolment programming and activities may include:

  • Name
  • Contact information (mailing address, email address, telephone numbers
  • Place and date of birth
  • Language preference
  • Citizenship
  • Residency status and Permanent Resident number (for Permanent Residents only)
  • Criminal offences
  • Employment history and interests
  • Previous service with the CAF
  • Foreign military service
  • Education history and qualifications
  • Volunteer work
  • Physical fitness and sport activities
  • Medical information
  • Extracurricular activities and interests
  • Leadership experience
  • Employment equity information
  • Information required for security screening

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to applicants for enrolment in the CAF.

Purpose: Personal information described in this bank is used to: determine applicants' suitability for enrolment in the CAF; to determine whether or not suitable applicants will be offered enrolment; to establish terms of service that will be offered on enrolment to selected applicants; and to formulate enrolment offers for selected applicants Consistent Uses: Personal information described in this bank may also be used for recruitment and outreach (e.g., engaging potential candidates through campaigns and partnerships to promote CAF career opportunities); for eligibility assessment (e.g., screening applicants for qualifications, physical and mental health standards, and security clearances); administering the enrolment process (e.g., administering the application, interview, and selection stages, ensuring alignment with CAF needs and diversity goals); and initial training (e.g., preparing recruits with foundational military skills and knowledge through Basic Training programs). Personal information may also be used in aggregate, or once de-identified for program reporting and evaluation, research and statistics, and for audit purposes.

For Permanent Resident (PR) applicants, the CAF may collect and use personal information related to their PR application from Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The sharing of personal information with IRCC requires the PR’s express written consent and subject to a formal Information Sharing Arrangement between the CAF and IRCC. PR information will only be used for enrolment and security screening purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Personal information about applicants is retained for a minimum of 2 years and for up to 5 years following a successful applicant’s departure from the CAF. Enrolment information relating to unsuccessful applicants is destroyed after 3 years.

Privacy Impact Assessment: A privacy impact assessment (PIA) was completed in relation to the CAF’s Information Sharing Arrangement with IRCC Facilitating the Recruitment of Permanent Residents in the CAF in December 2024

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND RET 375

TBS Registration: 000166

Bank Number: DND PPU 025

Establishment and Official Position List

Description: Policy guidance, procedures, and correspondence files dealing with Canadian Forces establishments and the civilian official position list.

Document Types: Canadian Forces establishments (monthly and quarterly establishment recapitulations); civilian official position list; on-site manpower evaluation reports.

Record Number: DND OMD 160


Description: Information on departmental Organization structure and Canadian Forces Organization Orders.

Document Types: Organization policy and procedures; Canadian Forces Organization Orders; and unit identification codes.

Record Number: DND OMD 155

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Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC)

Description: Records contain information regarding all aspects of SMSRC services provided in order to support CAF members and members of the public (DND employees, veterans, family and friends of CAF members, and Staff of Non-Public Funds) affected by sexual misconduct. The function of the SMSRC includes collaboration in the development, delivery, management, and evaluation of victim support in the DND/CAF; promotion of seamless and victim-centred support services; support to the chain of command in responding to sexual misconduct through the provision of advice, information and expertise; advising the DND/CAF on the nature of sexual misconduct and its impact on CAF members and members of the public; promotion of the role, mandate, and services of the Centre; evolving the Centre's program delivery model and services; and establishing SMSRC as a Centre of Excellence in victim support and response.

Document Types: Contact forms, promotional material, training material, policies, guidelines, procedures, training manuals, educational material, statistical and evaluation reports (including annual reports), written correspondence, case files, requests for information, request forms, letters, estimates, working notes, news clippings, summaries of analyses, response packages, requests to correct personal information, copies of relevant legislation, regulations and related policy instruments, internal policies, guidelines, directives and procedures, legal opinions, copies of audits and/or investigations, delegation of authority, staff schedules, file lists, indices or finding aids, reports, memoranda and correspondence files.

Record Number: DND SMR 100

Sexual Misconduct

Description: This bank describes personal information related to allegations of sexual misconduct that are disclosed to the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC), and the support, information and resource options provided to members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Personal information may include name of complainant, type of assistance requested, reason for contact, contact information, personal identification number, biographical information, details about the incident, employment information, and the type of services, information and\or resources provided by the SMSRC.

Class of individuals: CAF members and members of the public (DND employees, veterans, family and friends of CAF members, and Staff of Non-Public Funds).

Purpose: Information is used to provide support, information and options to members of the CAF who have experienced or been affected by sexual misconduct. Personal information is collected under the authority of s. 3 and 4 of National Defence Act. Depersonalized and aggregate data is also used to advise CAF and the Department of National Defence on the issue of sexual misconduct in the CAF as a means of facilitating the development of education, training, policy development and service support.

Consistent Uses: With consent, limited information may be disclosed to third party service providers (ex: health care providers, chaplain).

Retention and Disposition Standards: 5 years after last action on the case

RDA Number: 2000/014

Related Record Number: DND SMR 100

TBS Registration: 20210077

Bank Number: DND PPU 880

Restorative Engagement Records

Description: Records contain information regarding the administration and facilitation of the Restorative Engagement Program by the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC).

Document Types: Claim Form information, contact/intake forms, promotional material consent forms, confidentiality agreements, defence representative nomination forms, case files, submissions by Class Members detailing sexual misconduct experiences, written correspondence, letters, working notes, audio/video recordings, summaries of analyses, response packages, training material and manuals, educational material, statistical and evaluation reports (including annual reports), requests to correct personal information, copies of relevant legislation, regulations and related policy instruments, internal policies, guidelines, directives and procedures, legal opinions, copies of audits and/or investigations, delegation of authority, staff schedules, file lists, reports, memoranda, and correspondence files.

Format: Use of non-standard formats include audio recordings and audio/video recordings

Record Number: DND SMR 101

Restorative Engagement Program

Description: This bank describes personal information related to individuals who volunteer to participate in the Restorative Engagement Program; a program that CAF-DND agreed to establish (as part of the CAF-DND Sexual Misconduct Final Settlement Agreement; also called the Heyder-Beattie FSA) to allow interested Class Members to communicate their experiences of sexual misconduct in the military workplace to senior representatives of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), Department of National Defence (DND), and the Staff of the Non-Public Funds, Canadian Forces (SNPF).

Personal information may include biographical information, contact information, criminal checks/history, date of birth, employee identification number, employment equity information, financial information, sex, language, medical information, name, opinions or views of, or about, individuals, psycho-social information, signature, compensation information (from the individual's FSA claim form), and details of an individual's experiences with sexual misconduct in the military workplace and its effect on their lives.

Note: FSA Claim Forms were submitted by Class Members to a court appointed Administrator, Epiq, and subsequently disclosed by Epiq to CAF-DND to assist in the claim and compensation process. Furthermore, on the Claim Form, if the Class Member elected to be contacted and receive more information on restorative engagement, personal information from the Claim Form was also transmitted to, and collected by, the Restorative Engagement Program.

Note: The Restorative Engagement Program is administered by the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC).

Class of individuals: Current and former members and employees of the CAF, DND, and SNPF who are Class Members of the Heyder-Beattie Class Action Final Settlement Agreement. Also, current members and employees of the CAF, DND, and SNPF who are Defence Representatives – a role within the Restorative Engagement Program assigned with the responsibility to listen, acknowledge, and respond to the information and experiences expressed by Class Members. Also, support persons who provide assistance to Class Members and Defence Representatives.

Purpose: Information is used to contact Class Members to determine their interest in program participation and, if they choose to participate, to facilitate an engagement between Class Members and Defence Representatives so that the Class Member can communicate their experiences of sexual misconduct in the military workplace. Personal information is collected under the authority of s. 4 of National Defence Act which authorizes the services of the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre, as well as in accordance with Section 5.01 of the CAF-DND Sexual Misconduct Final Settlement Agreement (Court File no. T-2111016 and Court File No. T-460-17; commonly called the Heyder-Beattie FSA).

Consistent Uses: Personal information submitted by Class Members is collected by the Restorative Engagement Program to contact Class Members and facilitate the restorative engagement process. The personal information of Defence Representatives is disclosed to Class Members, and Class Members may choose to disclose their personal information to Defence Representatives and restorative engagement practitioners of the SMSRC.

Personal information will be used to compile the communicated experiences to senior leadership as a tool to assist in building an inclusive and respectful institutional culture.

Class Members and Defence Representatives may consent to have a support person provide assistance to them during the restorative engagement process. The amount of personal information disclosed to support persons is based on the parameters of the individual's (Class Member or Defence Representative) consent.

Personal information may be used internally for research and statistical purposes, for program policy and evaluation, and for internal audit. Aggregate and de-identified data may be shared with private sector companies, Statistics Canada, and other government institutions for research and evaluation, program planning and statistics.

Depersonalized and aggregate data is also used to advise CAF and the DND on the issue of sexual misconduct as a means of facilitating the development of education, training, policy development, and service support.

Personal information may be shared with health care providers, therapists or other similar medical or mental health providers to provide services to the Class Member.

Personal information may be disclosed to law enforcement, child protection services, or other local officials if, there are reasonable grounds that a disclosure is necessary to eliminate or significantly reduce imminent risk of serious harm (physical and psychological) to Class Member, Defence Representative, or another person.

Privacy Impact Assessment: A privacy impact assessment (PIA) in relation to the Restorative Engagement Program was last performed in December 2023. A summary of the PIA is available online.

Retention and Disposition Standards: 5 years after last action on the case and then destroyed.

RDA Number 2000/014

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520, DND SMR 100

TBS Registration: 20240018

Bank Number: DND PPU 882

Independent Legal Assistance Records

Description: Records contain information regarding the administration and facilitation of the Independent Legal Assistance Program by the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC).

Document Types: ILAP application and attestation form, contact/intake forms, case tracking and payment tracking spreadsheets, lawyer invoices, direct deposit forms, financial reconciliation reports, written correspondence/messages, working notes, eligibility and reimbursement amount decisions, requests to correct personal information, copies of relevant legislation, regulations and related policy instruments, internal policies, guidelines, directives and procedures, legal opinions, copies of audits and/or investigations, delegation of authority, staff schedules, file lists, reports, memoranda, and correspondence files.

Record Number: DND SMR 102

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Independent Legal Assistance Program

Description: This bank describes personal information related to individuals who apply for services with the Independent Legal Assistance Program. Personal information collected may include contact information, employee personnel information, financial information, gender/gender identity, language, name, other unique identifiers, signature, and information required for financial reimbursement (legal invoice and proof of payment).

Note: The Independent Legal Assistance Program is administered by the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC); formerly called the Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC).

Class of individuals: Current members of the CAF who have experienced military sexual misconduct and have incurred related costs for legal representation. Also, all individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct by a perpetrator who is, or was, a member of the CAF and have incurred related costs for legal representation.

Purpose: Personal information is used to determine an individual's eligibility for reimbursement of legal costs related to the individual's sexual misconduct victimization. Personal information is collected under the authority of s. 4 of National Defence Act which authorizes the services of the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre. For those individuals found to be eligible, personal information is used to make payment for the approved reimbursement amounts.

Consistent Uses: To provide reimbursement to eligible applicants, personal information, including name and direct deposit information, is disclosed to a third-party trustee who disburses program funds.

To securely communicate with program applicants, the Independent Legal Assistance Program uses a secure file sharing and messaging service offered by the Canada Post Corporation called Connect. The messages and documents shared between the program and applicants are stored on a dedicated Connect server managed by the Canada Post Corporation. After a claim is processed by the Independent Legal Assistance Program, all information on the Canada Post Corporation Connect server is securely purged. Prior to being securely purged, all messages and documents shared through Connect are securely stored in a system managed solely by the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre.

Personal information will be used for program administration and may be used for program development, program evaluation, reporting, audit, research, and statistical analysis.

The Independent Legal Assistance Program, and the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre, will not use the information collected, including contact information, for any purposes other than those described in the privacy notice statement without first obtaining explicit consent, except when otherwise required by law, which includes the circumstances listed under ss. 8(2) of the Privacy Act.

Retention and Disposition Standards: Information is retained for six fiscal years and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 2000/014

Related Record Number: DND SMR 100, DND SMR 102

TBS Registration: 20230046

Bank Number: DND PPU 883

Health Care Programs and Services

Description: Includes records related to the administration of Canada's military health system. These records help to manage and deliver the institution's medical, dental, psychosocial programs and services, public health, occupational health, educational, regulatory, research, administrative, and advisory functions.

Document Types: Corporate documents, including Executive Direction, Chain of Command, Professional-Technical Network, Senior Review Board/Project Management Board Inputs, and Executive Meeting Records. Documents regarding Spectrum of Care, entitlements to CF Health programs, services and treatment, health assessments and recruitment health. Pharmaceuticals, drugs and health products records. Performance Measurement, Workload Measurement, including monitoring and evaluating outcomes, Quality Assurance and Quality improvement Reports (Internal Audit), Action Plans and Lessons Learned. Force Health Protection including strategies to enhance health promotion, illness prevention and risk mitigation, and indicators of health. Medical operations including health science, research and development, reports, surveillance, tracking and statistics, health studies, surveys, publications, service contract administration records and accreditation records

Record Number: DND SGB 495

Health Professional Standards Register

Description: This bank describes information related to concerns raised regarding the professional competence and/or behavior of Canadian Forces Health Services (CFHS) personnel. Personal information collected may include the following: name, biographical information, contact information, criminal checks/history, date of birth, employee identification numbers, employee personnel information, gender, service number, language, medical information, other identification numbers, signature, dental information, psychosocial information, and opinions or views of, or about, individuals.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to health professionals and individuals who raise concerns regarding health services.

Purpose: Personal information is used to assess, investigate, report, and resolve complaints and concerns about the professional competence and/or behavior of Canadian Forces Health Services (CFHS) personnel. Personal information is collected pursuant to the National Defence Act and Chapter 34 and 35 of the Queen's Regulations and Orders.

Consistent Uses: Personal information may be disclosed to the CF Health Services Group, professional-technical bodies, committees and investigators that review and investigate health professionals' credentials, licences, and experience, as well and complaints and issues about those health professionals.

Personal Information on investigation outcomes may be disclosed to provincial regulatory bodies and professional colleges which regulate the practice of health care providers in provinces.

Retention and Disposal Standards: The information will be retained for 5 years after the health professional separates from the Department and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 2000/014

Related Record Number: DND SGB 495

TBS Registration: 003960

Bank Number: DND PPU 898

Dental Records

Description: This bank describes information related to individuals who receive dental care from, or on behalf of, Canadian Armed Forces. Personal information collected may include the following: name, date of birth, date of death, place of death, gender, service number, social insurance number, other identification numbers, physical attributes, biographical information, contact information, language, signature, medical information, dental information, and opinions or views of, or about, individuals.

Note: Historically, the social insurance number was used as an identifier with the Canadian Armed Forces (1960-1990). The use of the SIN as an identifier ceased in 1990 with the introduction of the service number; however, social insurance numbers may remain in the medical records under the control of the CAF in keeping with the retention standards below.

Class of Individuals: Serving members of the CAF, their dependents, and other individuals entitled to receive CAF dental care.

Purpose: The personal information described in this bank is collected to assess an individual's fitness to perform duties as a serving member of the CAF, for forensic identification during and following service in the CAF, and to provide individuals with dental care services, as well as document the facilitation of the care, treatment, and/or therapy provided. Personal information is collected pursuant to the National Defence Act and Chapter 34 of the Queen's Regulations and Orders.

Consistent Uses: The personal information serves as a reference source for health care treatment and career health and administrative decisions, and as a data source, for occupational and population health activities.

To the extent that a CAF member’s personal information forms part of a career administrative appeal or review decision (administrative review) relevant, proportionate and necessary information may be shared with representatives of the Director Military Careers Administration (DMCA) to facilitate a timely response in accordance with subsection 7(a) of the Privacy Act and as outlined in the DAOD 5019-2, Administrative Review.

In fulfillment of the necessary review of occupational and population health functions, personal information may be shared with members of the Surgeon General Professional Technical network for the purpose of reviewing the health status of or care provided to an individual or specified group (DND PPU 898, Health Professional Standards Register).

Personal information may be used to conduct training/educational programs for health practitioners.

Personal information related to an accident or hazardous occurrence may be shared to support a Summary Investigation or disclosed to a Board of Inquiry (DND PPU 832, Boards of Inquiry/Summary Investigations).

Personal information may be disclosed to Veterans Affairs Canada for the purpose of determining eligibility, entitlement, and assessment for Disability Pensions, under the Pension Act and the Veterans Well-being Act (VAC PPU 601, Disability Pensions).

Personal information may be disclosed to Veterans Affairs Canada for the purpose of determining eligibility, entitlement, and assessment for Pain and Suffering Compensation, under the Veterans Well-being Act (VAC PPU 717, Pain and Suffering Compensation).

Personal information may be disclosed to Veterans Affairs Canada for the purpose of determining eligibility and entitlement for the Critical Injury Benefit, under the Veterans Well-being Act (VAC PPU 700, Critical Injury Benefit).

Information may be disclosed to appropriate authorities in accordance with Standard PIB PSU 933 (Canadian Human Rights Act Complaints).

Information may be disclosed to law enforcement to support child abuse reporting and investigation.

Information may be disclosed to provincial and territorial authorities in accordance with provincial and territorial legislation.

Information may be shared with health professionals within foreign governments to provide continuity of care in countries where CAF health services are provided in parallel to services provided by the foreign government partner or CAF health services are unavailable.

Personal information may be shared with domestic and foreign officials to support forensic identification.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Information on members is retained for five years and then archived. Information on non-member adults (18 years or older) is retained for 28 years from the last entry or documented decision and then destroyed. Information on non-member minors (under 18 years old) is retained for 28 years after the individual's 18th birthday and then destroyed.

Note: While the RDA states dental records are destroyed, Library and Archives Canada is reviewing the archival value of dental records due to their use as forensic identification. Until that review is completed, no dental records supporting forensic identification are being destroyed.

RDA Number: 2018/009 (members); 2000/014 (non-members)

Related Record Number: DND SGB 495

TBS Registration: 004317

Bank Number: DND PPE 811

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Medical Records

Description: This bank describes information related to individuals who receive medical care from, or on behalf of, Canadian Armed Forces. Personal information collected may include the following: name, date of birth, date of death, gender, service number, social insurance number, other identification numbers, physical attributes, biographical information, contact information, language, signature, medical information, and opinions or views of, or about, individuals.

Note: Historically, the social insurance number (SIN) was used as an identifier with the Canadian Armed Forces (1960-1990). The use of the SIN as an identifier ceased in 1990 with the introduction of the service number; however, social insurance numbers may remain in the medical records under the control of the CAF in keeping with the retention standards below.

Class of Individuals: Serving members of the CAF and their dependents, applicants for enrolment to the CAF, and other individuals entitled to receive CAF medical care.

Purpose: The personal information described in this bank is collected to assess an individual's fitness to perform duties as a serving member of the CAF and to provide individuals with health care services, as well as document the facilitation of the care, treatment, and/or therapy provided. Personal information is collected pursuant to the National Defence Act and Chapter 34 of the Queen's Regulations and Orders.

Consistent Uses: The personal information serves as a reference source for health care treatment and career health and administrative decisions, and as a data source, for occupational and population health activities.

To the extent that a CAF member’s personal information forms part of a career administrative appeal or review decision (administrative review) relevant, proportionate and necessary information may be shared with representatives of the Director Military Careers Administration (DMCA) to facilitate a timely response in accordance with subsection 7(a) of the Privacy Act and as outlined in the DAOD 5019-2, Administrative Review.

In fulfillment of the necessary review of occupational and population health functions, personal information may be shared with members of the Surgeon General Professional Technical network for the purpose of reviewing the health status of or care provided to an individual or specified group (DND PPU 898, Health Professional Standards Register).

Personal information may be used to conduct training/educational programs for health practitioners.

Personal information related to an accident or hazardous occurrence may be shared to support a Summary Investigation or disclosed to a Board of Inquiry (DND PPU 832, Boards of Inquiry/Summary Investigations).

Personal information may be disclosed to Veterans Affairs Canada for the purpose of determining eligibility, entitlement, and assessment for Disability Pensions, under the Pension Act and the Veterans Well-being Act (VAC PPU 601, Disability Pensions).

Personal information may be disclosed to Veterans Affairs Canada for the purpose of determining eligibility, entitlement, and assessment for Pain and Suffering Compensation, under the Veterans Well-being Act (VAC PPU 717, Pain and Suffering Compensation).

Personal information may be disclosed to Veterans Affairs Canada for the purpose of determining eligibility and entitlement for the Death Benefit, under the Veterans Well-being Act (VAC PPU 718, Death Benefit).

Personal information may be disclosed to Veterans Affairs Canada for the purpose of determining eligibility and entitlement for the Critical Injury Benefit, under the Veterans Well-being Act (VAC PPU 700, Critical Injury Benefit).

Personal information may be disclosed to Veterans Affairs Canada for the purpose of determining eligibility and entitlement for the Exceptional Incapacity Allowance Program (VAC PPU 602, Exceptional Incapacity Allowances) as well as other allowances and compensation (VAC PPU 604, Other Allowances).

Information may be disclosed to appropriate authorities in accordance with Standard PIB PSU 933 (Canadian Human Rights Act Complaints).

Information may be disclosed to law enforcement to support child abuse reporting and investigation.

Information may be disclosed to provincial and territorial authorities in accordance with provincial and territorial legislation.

Information may be shared with health professionals within foreign governments to provide continuity of care in countries where CAF health services are provided in parallel to services provided by the foreign government partner or CAF health services are unavailable.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Information on members is retained for five years and then archived. Information on non-member adults (18 years or older) is retained for 28 years from the last entry or documented decision and then destroyed. Information on non-member minors (under 18 years old) is retained for 28 years after the individual's 18th birthday and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 2018/009 (members); 2000/014 (non-members)

Related Record Number: DND SGB 495

TBS Registration: 004316

Bank Number: DND PPE 810

Psychosocial Services

Description: This bank describes information related to individuals who receive psychosocial services from, or on behalf of, Canadian Armed Forces. Personal information collected may include the following: name, date of birth, place of birth, gender, service number, social insurance number, other identification numbers, biographical information, contact information, language, signature, medical information, psychosocial information, and opinions or views of, or about, individuals.

Note: Historically, the social insurance number was used as an identifier with the Canadian Armed Forces (1960-1990). The use of the SIN as an identifier ceased in 1990 with the introduction of the service number; however, social insurance numbers may remain in the medical records under the control of the CAF in keeping with the retention standards below.

Class of Individuals: Serving members of the CAF, their dependents, and other individuals entitled to receive CAF psychosocial services.

Purpose: The personal information described in this bank is collected to assess an individual's fitness to perform duties as a serving member of the CAF and to provide individuals with psychosocial services, as well as document the facilitation of the care, treatment, and/or therapy provided. Personal information is collected pursuant to the National Defence Act and Chapter 34 of the Queen's Regulations and Orders.

Consistent Uses: The personal information serves as a reference source for health care treatment and career health and administrative decisions, and as a data source, for occupational and population health activities.

To the extent that a CAF member’s personal information forms part of a career administrative appeal or review decision (administrative review) relevant, proportionate and necessary information may be shared with representatives of the Director Military Careers Administration (DMCA) to facilitate a timely response in accordance with subsection 7(a) of the Privacy Act and as outlined in the DAOD 5019-2, Administrative Review.

In fulfillment of the necessary review of occupational and population health functions, personal information may be disclosed to members of the Surgeon General Professional Technical network for the purpose of reviewing the health status of or care provided to an individual or specified group (DND PPU 898, Health Professional Standards Register).

Personal information may be used to conduct training/educational programs for health practitioners.

Personal information related to an accident or hazardous occurrence may be shared to support a Summary Investigation or disclosed to a Board of Inquiry (DND PPU 832, Boards of Inquiry/Summary Investigations).

Personal information may be disclosed to Veterans Affairs Canada for the purpose of determining eligibility, entitlement, and assessment for Disability Pensions, under the Pension Act and the Veterans Well-beingAct (VAC PPU 601, Disability Pensions).

Personal information may be disclosed to Veterans Affairs Canada for the purpose of determining eligibility, entitlement, and assessment for Pain and Suffering Compensation, under the Veterans Well-beingAct (VAC PPU 717, Pain and Suffering Compensation).

Personal information may be disclosed to Veterans Affairs Canada for the purpose of determining eligibility and entitlement for the Critical Injury Benefit, under the Veterans Well-beingAct (VAC PPU 700, Critical Injury Benefit).

Information may be disclosed to appropriate authorities in accordance with Standard PIB PSU 933 (Canadian Human Rights Act Complaints).

Information may be disclosed to law enforcement to support child abuse reporting and investigation.

Information may be disclosed to provincial and territorial authorities in accordance with provincial and territorial legislation.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Information on members is retained for five years and then archived. Information on non-member adults (18 years or older) is retained for 28 years from the last entry or documented decision and then destroyed. Information on non-member minors (under 18 years old) is retained for 28 years after the individual's 18th birthday and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 2018/009 (members); 2000/014 (non-members)

Related Record Number: DND SGB 495

TBS Registration: 000181

Bank Number: DND PPE 812

Health and Benefit Claims Processing

Description: Information relating to the Federal Health Claims Processing Service (FHCPS), which is administered by a third-party claims processor on behalf of DND/CAF. The FHCPS provides benefit administration for health and benefit claims and reimbursements to eligible claimants health care providers on claimant’s behalf. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; program design and analysis; statistics; and program and service contract administration.

Document Types: Agreements, briefings notes, contracts, correspondence, decision records, evaluations, legal opinions, memoranda of understanding, presentations and reports.

Record Number: DND SGB 496

Federal Health Claims Processing Service

Description: This bank describes personal information collected, used, disclosed, or retained by the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) in relation to the administration of health and benefit claims. Under Canada’s Constitution, and in keeping with the division of federal and provincial powers, the CAF is responsible for providing health care for its members. Pursuant to Queen’s Orders and Regulations, members receive non-emergency outpatient health services through the Canadian Forces Health Services (CFHS) group. After-hours and specialized health services however may be provided by civilian health care providers. Civilian health care providers, in turn, submit claims for services provided to CAF members to a third-party claims processor (under contract), which settles those claims and is reimbursed for eligible claims by DND/CAF.

Personal information collected by DND/CAF in the management and administration of federal health benefits and service may include a member or dependent’s name, rank, contact information, gender, date of birth, date of death, military service number or other identifier, language preference, financial information, medical and treatment information, and health-related travel information. DND/CAF also collects limited work information about health service providers. 

Class of Individuals: Information described in this bank relates to eligible members, including Regular Forces personnel, Reservists, and Cadets, and their dependents.

Purpose: Personal information used in support of the processing and administration of claims for health benefits and services is collected pursuant to the National Defence Act and Queen’s Orders and Regulations 34.07 (Entitlement to Medical Care) and 35.04 (Entitlement to Dental Treatment).  Although program benefits are administered by a third-party claims processor, DND/CAF is responsible for overseeing benefit programming, and for general program management. The claims processor is responsible for confirming a beneficiary’s eligibility with CFHS when requested by a health-care provider, for supporting health-care providers who are seeking financial reimbursement, for verifying invoices and processing claims, and for responding to claims-related inquiries from beneficiaries and health care providers.

Consistent Uses: To ensure that health benefits are properly administered, and that only entitled individuals are receiving benefit coverage, DND/CAF and the claims processor must share information about claimants. Information be used and disclosed for program management, including but not limited to benefits eligibility determination and claims processing. Personal information may be shared with third party health service providers or contractors who provide healthcare services to claimants and their dependents. Eligibility information may also be used for claims adjudication, to administer payments on behalf of DND/CAF, and for audit purposes.

Personal information of claimants be shared with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) with a view to assisting in the administration health benefits for members transitioning from DND/CAF to VAC (see VAC MVA 690 and VAC PPI 295).

Personal information may be used in aggregate for research and statistics, program planning and evaluation, and policy, and for financial control, evaluation, and audit purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Personal information collected or created by DND/CAF in support of claims for health benefits and services is retained for a period of 7 years following the last administrative action, following which the information is securely destroyed. DND/CAF’s retention period is consistent with that of the claims processor, which is contractually bound to retain and securely store claims records (including source documentation) for 7 years following a claim.

Notes: Personal information collected in relation to claims for health benefits and services is processed through a Federal Health Claims Processing system, administered by the claims processor. Claims information may also be stored in DND/CAF’s Health Eligibility Management System (HEMS).

Privacy Impact Assessment:  A privacy impact assessment (PIA) in relation to the Federal Health Claims Processing Service (FHCPS) was completed in February 2024.  A summary of the PIA is available on-line.

RDA Number: 2008/004

Related Record Numbers: DND SGB 496

TBS Registration: 20240015

Bank Number: DND PPU 819

1974 Valcartier Grenade Incident Program (VGIP)

Description: The 1974 Valcartier Grenade Incident Program (VGIP) provides financial recognition and health care support for the victims of a live grenade explosion in 1974 at a summer camp for army cadets. The Program is available to all former cadets present when the incident occurred, and to non-professional first responders who assisted in the immediate aftermath of the incident. Financial compensation is also provided to the estates of cadets who perished in the incident, and to the estates of cadets and first responders who have since passed away.

Personal Information: In order to support the adjudication of health and financial claims under the Program, DND may collect, use and share personal information about Program applicants. Personal information is collected under the authority of the National Defence Act and following Order in Council 2016-0647. Personal information collected, used, disclosed, or retained may include:

  • Applicant name
  • Biographical information
  • Contact information
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Date of birth
  • Date of death
  • Health information relevant to a claim
  • History of health services and benefits
  • Financial information for claims processing and adjudication
  • Identification number
  • Military service information
  • Preferred Language
  • Signature

Class of Individuals: Information described in this bank relates to eligible applicants. This includes eligible cadets, non-professional first responders, and individuals representing the estates of those deceased.

Purpose: Information described in this bank is used to determine an individual's eligibility for the Program, and to support the adjudication of claims made under the Program. Personal information may also be used more generally to support Program administration and management.

Consistent Uses: Personal information collected by DND under the Program is not shared except with the express consent of the individual to whom the information belongs, or as provided in subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act.

Information may be shared internally between the Program's health care support and coordination teams for the purpose for the provision of health care services and financial recognition. It may also be shared internally with the National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group for program management, financial administration, and program reporting purposes.

Information may be shared with other provincial healthcare institutions for the provision of health care services. It may also be shared with other federal institutions, including Veterans Affairs Canada, the Canada Revenue Agency, and Public Service and Procurement Canada.

Information may be shared with private sector partners, including DND's contracted health care service administrator (currently Medavie Blue Cross), healthcare providers, third-party medical assessors, and third-party adjudicators.

Information about eligible applicants may also be used or disclosed for program management purposes, and for purposes of program planning, evaluation, research, and statistics. The information may also be used for policy purposes and internal audits. Anonymous or aggregate information may be disclosed in keeping with the Government of Canada's Directive on Open Government.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Personal information described in this bank is retained for a minimum of two years, in accordance with the Privacy Act (except with an individual's express consent to destroy the information earlier). Financial records related to health care claims are retained for 7 years following the last administrative action on file. Medical records related to health care claims are retained for 28 years following the last action on a file. Information on financial benevolent payments are retained for 7 years following payment. Following these periods, records are destroyed.

Notes: Personal health information collected by DND under the Program is stored in the Canadian Forces Health Information System (CFHIS). Personal financial information is retained in various systems in accordance with DND's multi-disciplinary authority for the Department's comptrollership function and other corporate records. Members requesting information described in this bank must provide their full name and Program identification number.

Privacy Impact Assessment: A privacy impact assessment (PIA) in relation to the Program was last updated in May 2021. A summary of the PIA is available on-line.

RDA Number: RDA 99/004 and RDA 2000/014

Related Record Number: PRN 914, PRN 938, DND SGB 495

TBS Registration: 20220114

Bank Number: DND PPU 881

Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group (CAF TG)

Description: CAF TG was established in 2018 following the execution of Canadian Forces Organization Order 9526. It follows Ministerial Organization Order 2018044 (made pursuant to subsection 17(1) of the National Defence Act and subparagraph 2.08(1)(b) of the Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Armed Forces).

Once fully operational, CAF TG will lead, integrate, and synchronize all transition functions provided by the CAF, offering a variety of programs and services to support CAF members as they prepare to leave or to transition within the military. In addition to its programs and services for professional transitions, TG provides casualty support and specialized attention to ill and injured personnel, their families, and the families of the deceased. Services currently offered through CAF TG include benefit administration, service benefits for ill and injured members, career seminars and information workshops, vocational rehabilitation for serving members, sports and physical rehabilitation, stress injury and social support, bereavement support, and the management of national military cemetery services, to name a few.

Core programs currently under the responsibility of CAF TG include: Vocational Rehabilitation Program for Serving Members (VRPSM), Return to Duty (RTD), Soldier On, Operational Stress Injury Social Support (OSISS), Helping Others by Providing Empathy (HOPE), and the National Military Cemetery (NMC).

Personal Information: In fulfilment of its mandate, CAF TG collects, uses, discloses, and retains personal information. Personal information may be collected from members, members' families, volunteers, and from by persons acting in a business, professional, or other official capacity (such as a health care provider) on behalf of a member.

Although personal information collected from members will vary from case to case (as per the transition service or program provided and the specific needs and interests of each individual), personal information collected and used by CAF TG is generally comprised of the following categories:

  • Tombstone information (e.g., first and last name, date of birth)
  • Contact information (e.g., address, e-mail, telephone number)
  • Service information (e.g., service number, rank, trade, unit)
  • Service and program needs (e.g., information about transition needs and interests)
  • Account information (e.g., network or application credentials and password)
  • Benefit information (e.g., pension, insurance, health, educational needs, and coverage)
  • Health and wellness information (e.g., information concerning physical and mental health)
  • Information about family members (e.g., contact information, program needs and interests)

Note: not all the above information is required for each transition service or program, and not all the above information is collected from each transitioning member.

Class of Individuals: All military personnel are expected to use the services of CAF TG. While every member of the CAF will experience transition differently, all members will undergo transition at some point. Information described in this bank relates primarily to members who avail themselves of transition services. Transition services offered to all CAF members include: transition and long-term planning seminars; transition counselling; career transition workshops; interest inventory; and military to civilian job translation and support.

CAF TG also makes sure that retired members are aware of and/or enrolled in professional career transition programs offered by the Defence team, Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), and third-party service providers. CAF TG also offers specialized casualty support, including the implementation of ill, wounded, injured, and transition policies for the CAF. Support offered uniquely to medically releasing members includes: physical rehabilitation, mental health, and peer support programs; case management by a CAF nurse; financial planning and financial counselling; transition planning and referral services; advocacy services to identify support and benefits entitlements; and vocational rehabilitation program for serving members.

Purpose: CAF TG's role is to provide information, education, and programming to ensure that CAF members begin to think about transition early in their careers. Preparing for transition early improves transition readiness and results, and the general well-being of Veterans and their families. It also allows members to maximize their personal and work potential, and to lead full and meaningful lives post-retirement.

Information described in this bank is used to deliver personalized, professional, and standardized casualty support and transition services to CAF members and their families. It is also used to enable a seamless transition for members in transition and to enhance their well-being. Specialized services are provided to ill and injured personnel, their families and the families of the deceased.

Personal information collected in the course of transition programming may be used more generally to support program administration, evaluation, research, and management.

Consistent Uses: Personal information of members and their families is not shared except with the express consent of the individual to whom the information belongs, or as provided in subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act.

Information may be shared internally within DND/CAF for program management and service delivery, general administration, and program reporting purposes.
Several transition services and programs are led by partner organization. Many partner organizations are co-located in CAF Transition Centres (TCs), providing members and their families with one-stop shop for key needs and requirements. CAF TC personnel work collaboratively with these partners and share information accordingly. Key partners associated with a CAF TC include: VAC, Canadian Forces Health Services (CFHS), Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services (CFMWS), and CAF Long Term Disability. Most Transition Units also have a Family Liaison Officer or social worker from the Director Military Family Services (DMFS). Other key transition partners include: the Vocational Rehabilitation Program (VRP), the Director General Compensation and Benefits (DGCB), and Case Managers within Health Services (Directorate of Medical Policy).

Some service partners supporting CAF TG and transition services are not located in CAF TCs. Their presence varies by region and centre. These partners include Nurse Case Managers from CFHS, Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellors from VRPSM, Personnel Support Workers, who provide personnel development and assistance, and Personnel Selection Officers and Chaplains (among others) from operational Bases and Wings. Personal information may be shared with these service partners, and with private sector or arm's length service providers for vocational rehabilitation, individual career counselling, job search placement, and financial literacy.

Personal information of members who avail themselves of transition services may be used in aggregate or once de-identified for program management purposes, and for purposes of program planning, evaluation, research, and statistics. The information may also be used for policy purposes and internal audits. Anonymous or aggregate information may be disclosed in keeping with the Government of Canada's Directive on Open Government or pursuant to the Access to Information Act.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Personal information described in this bank is retained for a minimum of two years, in accordance with the Privacy Act (except with an individual's express consent to destroy the information earlier). At the time of publishing this personal information, limits on the retention of personal information from Program participants were still under review. Most files are destroyed five years after their last administrative use by CAF TG. For information about the length of time that specific types of personal information are maintained by DND pursuant to the Program, including the final disposition of those records, please contact DND's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

Privacy Impact Assessment: A privacy impact assessment (PIA) in relation to Transition Services was last performed in June 2022. A summary of the PIA is available on-line.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND PSB 405

TBS Registration: 20230018

Bank Number: DND PPU 870

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Casualty Identification Program (CasID)

Description: The Casualty Identification Program (CasID) works to identify newly found skeletal remains and pre-existing unknown graves of Canadian service members from the First World War, the Second World War, and the United Nations Operations in Korea (Korean Conflict). When skeletal remains are discovered, the Program attempts to identify the Canadian service members and to provide them with a proper military burial. When historical research suggests a Canadian occupant of an unidentified war grave, the Program attempts to confirm the identification and, if successful, requests a new headstone with the service member's name.

Personal Information: To identify the remains of a deceased Canadian service member, DND/CAF may collect, use, share, and retain personal information about the relatives of Canadian service members. Individuals with missing relatives from designated wars may register with CasID and provide their contact information. The Program also seeks out and solicits information about the service member from family contacts. Family members of a deceased may be contacted with a request for additional information, including a biological sample (buccal swab) for DNA testing.

The following personal information may be collected from Program participants (as identified through genealogy research or through Program registration): Title (optional), First and last name (middle name is optional), Relationship to war dead, Mailing, including street, city, province, postal code, and country (optional), Home phone number (optional), Mobile phone number (optional), Work phone number (optional), E-mail address, Additional information or comments a participant wishes to share, including family trees, photos or other family or genealogical information (optional), Information about the war dead to whom the Participant is said to be related (name and service number mandatory, all other information is optional), Consent to provide DNA, if requested, Biological sample and related DNA profile (optional), Consent to use personal information in accordance with the Program Privacy Statement.

The following personal information may be collected from viable donors: Publicly available information, including first and last name, and contact information, Relationship to war dead, Mailing, including street, city, province, postal code, and country (mandatory when the individual elects to provide a biological sample, for purposes of shipping the test kit), Telephone number, E-mail address, Additional information or comments the participant wishes to share, including family trees, photos or other family or genealogical information, Information about the war dead to whom the participant is said to be related (for example, name and service number mandatory), Consent to provide DNA, if requested, Biological sample and related DNA profile, if requested, Consent to use personal information in accordance with the Program Privacy Statement.

The following personal information may be collected about an unaccounted-for military fatality or war dead: First and last name (middle name is optional), Rank, Service Number, Height, Place of Birth, Date of Birth, Date of Death, Last known location, Military unit (i.e., regiment, squadron, ship, relevant transfers), Commemorations.

Through historical and scientific research, DND may also collect, record, or create the following identifiable information about a war dead: Date of discovery of human remains, Age estimation at death, Estimated stature (height), Non-metric biological affinity (skull and femur characteristics), Sex estimation (based on morphological traits), Detailed skeletal inventory and state of preservation of the skeletal assemblage, Dental information, Pathology (evidence of disease), Information about or associated artefacts, including personal belongings, Photography or video of human remains, Biological sample for DNA extraction, Results of DNA testing or DNA profile, Results of historical research, Location of remains and interment.

Class of Individuals: Information described in this bank relates to Program participants, that is an individual with a missing relative from a designated war, who registers with CasID and provides their contact information, or an individual (generally a family contact) identified by the Program who may have more information about the deceased, and/or who wishes to provide a biological sample for DNA testing. Information described in this bank may also relate to an unaccounted-for Canadian military fatality or war dead.

Purpose: Information described in this bank is used to determine the identity of newly found skeletal remains and pre-existing unknown graves of Canadian service members from the First World War, the Second World War, and the United Nations Operations in Korea (Korean Conflict). Personal information is also used to fulfill Canada's commitments under national and international laws, agreements, and protocols, in particular those of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Personal information may also be used more generally to support Program research, administration, evaluation, and management.

Consistent Uses: Personal information of Program participants is not shared except with the express consent of the individual to whom the information belongs, or as provided in subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act.

Information may be shared internally … for program management, financial administration, and program reporting purposes.

Information may be shared with other provincial healthcare institutions for the provision of health care services. It may also be shared with other federal institutions, including Veterans Affairs Canada, the Canada Revenue Agency, and Public Service and Procurement Canada.

Information may be shared with private sector partners, including DND's contracted health care service administrator (currently Medavie Blue Cross), healthcare providers, third-party medical assessors, and third-party adjudicators.

Information about an unaccounted-for Canadian military fatality or war dead may be used or disclosed for ceremonial purposes, including to provide them with a proper military burial. When historical research suggests a Canadian occupant of an unidentified war grave, the Program attempts to confirm the identification and, if successful, requests a new headstone with the service member's name.

Personal information may be used in aggregate or once de-identified for program management purposes, and for purposes of program planning, evaluation, research, and statistics. The information may also be used for policy purposes and internal audits. Anonymous or aggregate information may be disclosed in keeping with the Government of Canada's Directive on Open Government or pursuant to the Access to Information Act.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Personal information described in this bank is retained for a minimum of two years, in accordance with the Privacy Act (except with an individual's express consent to destroy the information earlier). At the time of publishing this personal information, limits on the retention of personal information from Program participants were still under review. For information about the length of time that specific types of personal information are maintained by DND pursuant to the Program, including the final disposition of those records, please contact DND's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

Notes: Under the Program, DND/CAF only solicits and collects a DNA donation in relation to an active case file or search, and where DNA analysis is needed to confirm the identity of a discovered war dead. In cases where DNA analysis is needed, CasID will contact the participant using information provided in the Program registration form if they are a viable DNA donor. Viable DNA donors who are not participants may be contacted using open source or publicly available information. The provision of a DNA sample is completely voluntary, and donors can change their mind in relation to a DNA donation at any point in the casualty identification process.

Privacy Impact Assessment: A privacy impact assessment (PIA) in relation to the Program was last performed in June 2022. A summary of the PIA is available on-line.

RDA Number: 98/005
Related Record Number: DND DOC 420, DND DOC 445
TBS Registration: 20230011
Bank Number: DND PPE 872

Litigation Claims Processing

Description: Includes records related to the lawsuit, settlement agreements, and claim forms submitted to Courts or court-appointed administrators and/or assessors to determine compensation and recognition. May include information related to employment/service, position and promotions, unfair labour practices, discipline, demotion and termination, mistreatment, misconduct/criminal offences, and medical information and diagnosis.

Document Types: lawsuits, settlement documentation, claim forms, grievance and conflict records, investigation reports, witness statements, sanctions/discipline, dispute resolution evaluation reports, medical information reports, personnel file information, administrative and security reports, policy reports, investigation reports, ceremony arrangements, citations, and awards.

Record Number: DND DLO 101

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Litigation Claims Processing Program

Description: This bank describes personal information related to litigation claims administration support by the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces' (DND/CAF) Litigation Implementation Team (LIT). As directed by a court, once a claims period begins, class members associated with a claim or final settlement agreement (FSA) may be entitled to submit a claim for financial and other compensation. Claims are filed with an external court-appointed Administrator, but DND/CAF is often required to support the claims administration process by validating employment, service, previous compensation, and residency details of claimants in support of the Administrator's work.

Personal information collected by Administrators and shared with DND/CAF for the purpose of providing litigation claims administration support may include: name and contact information, biographical information, date of birth, date of death, employee identification number or social insurance number, health or medical information, employment equity and self-identification information, personal views or opinions, information about offences and resulting injuries or harms suffered by a claimant, and signature. Claim forms will vary from case to case. Not all claim forms will include all the information above, or the same types of information. Information collected by DND/CAF will vary on a case-by-case basis, bearing in mind information provided by the class member, the direction of the court and Administrator, and the nature of the incident and settlement agreement.

Class of Individuals: Current and former employees of DND, current and former members of the CAF, and current and former employees of Non-Public Funds.

Purpose: To comply with court decisions, judgements, and settlement agreements, LIT receives and must process personal information about claimants from the court-appointed Administrator. Personal information may be used to verify an individual's claim and to support their participation in any restorative engagement process. When directed by a court, LIT is responsible for validating a claimant's employment or service, and for reviewing selected claims and providing copies of relevant claimant records to the Administrator. The Administrator in turn assists the Assessor in rendering a decision on a claimant's eligibility and compensation. LIT reviewers verify previous compensation for claims, request relevant and supporting service records (internal and external). LIT also supports and oversees the fulfillment of claims related remedial measures (often referred to as 'Individual Reconciliation Measures' or IRMs). IRMs may include citations, letters of apology, notes to the personnel files of claimants, and the provision of access to military and other records relating to a claim.

Consistent Uses: In the conduct of its work, and in accordance with a court's direction, LIT may share, exchange, or disclose limited sets of personal information with internal and external partners. This includes private sector parties such as the Administrator, other federal departments and agencies such as Library and Archives Canada (LAC) and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS), internal offices of primary interest (OPIs), and Defence organizations such as Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services (CFMWS). All information generated, used, and disclosed to support claims processing is governed by formal information sharing arrangements and written service agreements, and is subject to federal and DND/CAF disclosure policies and regulations.
Note: The specific parameters surrounding the collection, use, disclosure, and retention of personal information may be established by settlement agreements, subpoenas or other orders made by a court, person, or body with such authority. These terms may further be authorized under paragraphs 8(2)(c), 8(2)(d) or 8(2)(f) of the Privacy Act. In some cases, the use and disclosure of personal information relies on the consent of the affected individuals.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Claims and related personal information collected by DND/CAF in relation to litigation claims administration support is retained for a minimum of two years, in compliance with federal Privacy Regulations, and for up to ten years following the completion of a claim and the disbursement of compensation and following all requests for reconsideration or appeal. Notwithstanding the general data retention periods prescribed above, a court may impose different, supplemental, or extended data retention requirements on DND/CAF or Administrators.

Notes: Modification pending TBS approval.

Privacy Impact Assessment: A privacy impact assessment (PIA) in relation to litigation claims administration support was last performed in August 2023. A summary of the PIA is available on-line.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 902, DND JAG 015 and DND DLO 101

TBS Registration: TBD

Bank Number: DND PPU 873


Description: Information dealing with the Canadian Forces Welfare Program and Services.

Document Types: Financial counselling, and social work services.

Record Number: DND PSB 405

Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs Canada Centre for the Support of Injured and Retired Members and their Families

Description: This information bank, situated within National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa, contains records of information about clients and services provided to them. Clients are members and former members of the Canadian Forces and their families who have contacted the Centre for assistance. The Centre is operated by the Department of National Defence, but also includes staff from Veterans Affairs Canada. Personal information is obtained directly from clients and from other government and private sector sources at the clients' request. Records may be received and retained on paper or other electronic media. The information is used to coordinate assistance to clients by answering their questions, referring them to other agencies, and in some cases providing services funded by the Centre. In some instances the Centre initiates contact with potential clients based on information collected in the Canadian Forces Casualty Data Base, which is also operated by the Centre.

Class of Individuals: Members and former members of the Canadian Forces and their families.

Purpose: Information in the bank is used by staff to identify programs and services to which clients may be referred for assistance, and for case management and documentation of assistance provided. In providing assistance, personal information is disclosed to other components of the Department of National Defence, Veterans Affairs Canada and other government and private sector agencies only with the client's knowledge and consent. Information may be disclosed to appropriate personnel with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the purpose of administering benefits under the Pension Act or the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.

Consistent Uses: Information of an anecdotal nature, that does not identify individual clients, may be shared with senior management of the Department of National Defence or Veterans Affairs Canada for the purpose of problem identification and program evaluation. In accordance with applicable laws information is also shared with VAC's Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance (VAC PPU 300) for the purpose of delivering Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance to eligible DND participants. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Disability Awards, Death Benefits and Detention Benefits Program (VAC PPU 560). In accordance with applicable laws the information may also be provided to qualified medical practitioners, health professionals, social agencies (established or accredited by federal or provincial law) and program administrators so that they may adequately provide a social or health service. Information may be shared with private sector organisations in a manner that does not identify individual clients, to assist in the development and operation of their programs and services for members and former members of the Canadian Forces. No other use is made of personal information unless authorized pursuant to the Privacy Act.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Files are destroyed five years after their last administrative use by the Centre.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND PSB 405

TBS Registration: 005370

Bank Number: DND PPU 824

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Canadian Forces Casualty Database

Description: This information bank, situated within National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa, contains records of serious injuries, illnesses and deaths of Canadian Forces members. This information is provided by individual Canadian Forces units for storage in a central database administered by the Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs Canada Centre for Support of Injured and Retired Members and their Families. It is solely maintained by staff of the Department of National Defence.

Class of Individuals: Members of the Canadian Forces.

Purpose: Information in this bank is used by DND staff to ensure that seriously injured and ill members and their families are referred for assistance to any programs and services, which may help them. In the case of death, the information is used to coordinate the provision of benefits to surviving family members, as well as to facilitate the tracking of gravesites of deceased CF members. In providing assistance, personal information will be disclosed to other components of the Department of National Defence, Veterans Affairs Canada and other government and private sector agencies only with the client's knowledge and consent. Information may be disclosed to appropriate personnel with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the purpose of administering benefits under the Pension Act or the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.

Consistent Uses: Information of an anecdotal nature, that does not identify individual clients, may be shared with senior management of the Department of National Defence and leadership of the Canadian Forces for the purpose of problem identification. In accordance with applicable laws information is also shared with VAC's Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance (VAC PPU 300) for the purpose of delivering Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance to eligible DND participants. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Disability Awards, Death Benefits and Detention Benefits Program (VAC PPU 560). In accordance with applicable laws the information may also be provided to qualified medical practitioners, health professionals, social agencies (established or accredited by federal or provincial law) and program administrators so that they may adequately provide a social or health service.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Files are not destroyed, but are transferred to the Library and Archives Canada Personnel Record Centre one year after their last administrative use.

RDA Number: 2000/014

Related Record Number: DND PSB 405

TBS Registration: 005369

Bank Number: DND PPE 817

Personnel Insurance

Description: Information on policies and procedures for hospital and medical benefits to dependants of military personnel.

Document Types: Hospital and medical; Medicare; service income security insurance plan; etc.

Record Number: DND CBD 450

Designation of Additional Dependants Remuneration Supplement Claims and Hospital/Medical Claims Outside of Canada

Description: This bank contains information on personal characteristics of the person for whom application is being made. Dependant records are identified by the dependant's name, date of birth, name of serving member, relationship to the serving member, and the serving member's full name, service number, rank and Military Occupation Code.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: members of the CF, and dependants of members.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain a record of designation of additional CF dependants outside of Canada for hospital and medical coverage.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are destroyed after two calendar years.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CBD 450

TBS Registration: 000178

Bank Number: DND PPU 809

Education of Children of Members of the Canadian Forces

Description: Information on the provision of education and facilities at the elementary and secondary levels within Canada and abroad.

Document Types: Overseas (schools); teachers' recruitment and nomination (overseas schools); financial; reports and statistics; non-resident school fees (Canada); and teachers' salaries (in Canada).

Record Number: DND DEP 465

Dependant Education Allowances

Description: This bank consists of one database containing information concerning education and related care benefits for the dependants of DND personnel serving inside/outside Canada. This information may includes the: authorized benefits, name(s) and date(s) of birth of dependants, pertinent school years of benefit, posting location, and service number and name of DND personnel/CF members.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: members of the CF, civilians employed by DND outside Canada, and teachers on loan of service from municipal school boards in Canada who are recipients of benefits.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to track requests for and approval of education and related care benefits for the dependants of DND personnel serving inside/outside Canada.

Consistent Uses: There are no consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for 10 years and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND DEP 465

TBS Registration: 003267

Bank Number: DND PPU 876


Description: Information dealing with career matters of Canadian Forces personnel including promotions, postings, engagement and re-engagement, qualifications and Remustering of tradesmen.

Document Types: Policies on careers, career development program, postings, engagement, re-mustering and promotions; posting orders and instructions; and postings - temporary duty to courses; extension of service, vested rights, and liability to serve; qualification requirements

Record Number: DND CSA 520

Administrative Review Case Files

Description: This bank contains personal information on individuals who have been the subjects of administrative reviews related to Conduct, Misuse of Alcohol, Illicit Use of Drugs, Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, Family Violence and Abuse, and Racist Conduct, as well as information on administrative reviews related to Medical Employment Limitations. It includes documentation directly related to the individual's case from the initial incident report to the final decision, which formed the case file submitted to the Approving Authority. That same documentation was disclosed to the individual under procedural fairness at the time the administrative review was conducted. Documentation may contain duly vetted Military Police Investigation reports. Persons are identified by service number, name and initials. Information in this bank may be maintained on paper documents, as well as on microfilm and in automated form.

Class of Individuals: Members of the Canadian Forces.

Purpose: This information may be used by departmental authorities in answering applications for redress of grievances, appeals, and in determining eligibility for pensions. It is also used for research, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes. Information may be disclosed to appropriate personnel with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the purpose of administering benefits under the Pension Act or the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.

Consistent Uses: In the case of administrative reviews in response to complaints of sexual misconduct, both the complainant and the respondent will be provided with the conclusion and outcome of the review in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness; and in cases where the complaint is well found, the complainant may be informed as to whether any corrective action or disciplinary measures have been or will be taken, and the substance of those actions/measure if it is deemed appropriate to do so. Information about such actions/measure that include highly sensitive personal information such as medical or psycho-social assessments or treatments will be severed from any such disclosure. In accordance with applicable laws information is also shared with VAC's Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance (VAC PPU 300) for the purpose of delivering Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance to eligible DND participants. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Disability Awards, Death Benefits and Detention Benefits Program (VAC PPU 560). In accordance with applicable laws the information may also be provided to qualified medical practitioners, health professionals, social agencies (established or accredited by federal or provincial law) and program administrators so that they may adequately provide a social or health service.

Retention and Disposal Standards: The records in this bank are kept at NDHQ for a minimum period of two years and are then transferred to Library and Archives Canada where they will be kept indefinitely.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520

TBS Registration: 000183

Bank Number: DND PPE 814

Declaration of Victims Rights (DVR) Complaint Review Mechanism


This bank describes personal information related to receipt, processing, and investigation of complaints under the Declaration of Victims Rights (DVR). It establishes new rights under the Code of Service Discipline for victims of service offences, including rights to information, protection, participation, and restitution. The DVR also affords victims with the right to file a complaint. In any case where a victim of a service offence is of the opinion that their rights under the DVR have been infringed or denied, the victim has a right to file a complaint in accordance with the Code of Conduct’s supporting regulations. Where a victim’s concerns cannot be resolved through the chain of command, the victim may file a formal complaint with DND’s Director External Review (DER) for review.

Personal information collected by DER for the purpose of investigating and resolving a DVR complaint may include: Service Number (SN) or Personal Record Identifier (PRI), Rank, Surname, Given name(s), DOB (yyyy-mm-dd), Title, Unit (if applicable), Address (street, city, province or territory, country, postal code), Telephone (work and home), Preferred means of communication, Preferred language of communication, Email address, Name and rank of victim liaison officer (if applicable), Whether there are any ongoing legal or administrative proceedings related to this complaint, Complaint Information (including which right(s) are alleged to have been infringed or denied by an authority within the Military Justice System), Details of complaint, Remedy sought through the complaint, Signature and date of complaint.

Class of Individuals

Current and former employees of DND, and current and former members of the CAF.


Personal information in relation to DVR complaints is collected pursuant to Part III, Division 1.1 of the National Defence Act. Subsection 71.22(1) of Division 1.1 provides that every victim has the right to file a complaint for an infringement or denial of any of their rights.

To be able to file a complaint under the DVR, an individual must be a victim in the context of a service offence within the military justice system. A service offence is any offence under the National Defence Act, the Criminal Code, or any other Act of Parliament, committed by a person while subject to the Code of Service Discipline at DND/CAF.

For a DVR complaint to be heard, a victim must file a complaint in writing with the DER. Complaints require that alleged victims or complainants provide limited personal information. The DER will use that information to register the complaint and, following a preliminary review of the matter, to triage the complaint for investigation. The delegated reviewing body will determine if the complaint is bona fide or not and render a decision on the merits of the complaint. Where a complaint is deemed to be well founded, the reviewing body will make a recommendation to remedy the noted DVR infringement and the DER will notify the victim of the results of its investigation and proposed recommendation in writing.

Consistent Uses

Personal information collected, used, and disclosed in support of the DVR complaint process is subject to the authorities set out in the DVR complaints mechanism under the National Defence Act. Those personal information handling practices are generally consistent with the practices and procedures for the receipt, handling, and processing of human rights and other complaints handled by the DER. In all such cases, the investigation of complaints is conducted in private. As with other complaints handled by the DER, general information about DVR complaints may be used for program planning and evaluation purposes, in aggregate or once de-identified.

Retention and Disposal Standards

Personal information collected for complaint investigation and resolution will be retained for a minimum of 2 years in accordance with the Privacy Act, and for up to 5 years following the exhaustion of all appeals (except with the complainant’s consent).

Privacy Impact Assessment

A privacy impact assessment (PIA) in relation to the Declaration of Victims Rights Complaint Review Mechanism was completed in December 2023. A summary of the PIA is available on-line.

RDA Number: 98/005
Related Record Number: DND CSA 520
TBS Registration: 20240009
Bank Number: DND PPU 874

Canadian Forces Command and Staff College - Boards/Selection Processes

Description: This bank contains results of Boards convened and Selection Processes undertaken to consider the selection of officers to attend a staff college. Board reports may include lists of officers selected and alternates plus proceedings, observations and findings.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to CF officers.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record the results of the Command and Staff College Selection process to determine suitable officers to attend Command and Staff Colleges.

Consistent Uses: To select officers to attend staff college.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for two years for statistical purposes, and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520

TBS Registration: 000190

Bank Number: DND PPE 821

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Canadian Forces Member Personal Information File

Description: This bank contains documents obtained upon enrolment/transfer to the Regular Forces and correspondence and documents relating to an individual's career, such as the: post-enrolment/transfer date information such as change of name, proof of change of name, citizenship, date and province of birth, marital status on enrolment, dependants' language of instruction preference, sex and year of birth of dependent children, enrolment medical profile, Change of Medical Category form CF 2088, career résumé, change of Reserve Service, Civil Convictions (except those for which pardons have been granted), consent to serve forms, course joining instructions, course reports, letters of commendation and awards, current statements of service, documentation regarding security/Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) clearance, previous service, Regional Social Work Officer reports, requests for compassionate posting, requests for special consideration, results of court marital, retirement option, regimental re-badging, Screenings for Overseas duty and/or Instructional/Recruiting duty, Statements of Understanding, uniform selection, educational certificates/reports of academic achievements, enrolment documents, release instructions and personal enquiries, re-muster, leave preference at compulsory retirement age, letters of reference, notice of intended release, Personnel Selection Officer reports, messages, posting/temporary duty promotion; re-engagement (and career development plans), Administrative Review decisions and recommendations, Delegated Authority, Documentation related to removal of acting provisions status on re-enrolment, applications for programs, promotion recommendations and approvals and records of flying time. This bank may also contain casualty documents.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to members of the Regular component of the CF.

Purpose: The purpose of the electronic file is to maintain a record of significant information regarding service members necessary to provide a support service to those engaged in personnel management or personnel administration of CF Regular Force personnel from enrolment to retirement. Information may be disclosed to appropriate personnel with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the purpose of administering benefits under the Pension Act or the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.

Consistent Uses: To support decisions regarding promotions, transfers, demotion, employee assistance, discipline and termination of employment. In accordance with applicable laws information is also shared with VAC's Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance (VAC PPU 300) for the purpose of delivering Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance to eligible DND participants. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Disability Awards, Death Benefits and Detention Benefits Program (VAC PPU 560). In accordance with applicable laws the information may also be provided to qualified medical practitioners, health professionals, social agencies (established or accredited by federal or provincial law) and program administrators so that they may adequately provide a social or health service. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Career Transition Services (VAC PPU 530) for the purpose of delivering individual career counselling and job finding assistance to Veterans.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for five years after release from the CF and then transferred to Library and Archives Canada.

RDA Number: 98/005 and 2000/019

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520

TBS Registration: 004249

Bank Number: DND PPE 818

Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code - Military

Description: This bank contains Conflict of Interest Certification Documents; Confidential Reports of assets, liabilities, and participation in outside activities in accordance with DAOD 7021-1, Conflict of Interest; assessments, analyses and correspondence about actual potential and apparent conflicts between a member's private interests or and his or her official duties and responsibilities; reports and correspondence about actual and potential offers of post-employment. This impacts on a current CF member's or DND employee's ability to deal with a former senior member.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to members of the: CF regular, and Reserves on full-time paid service.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to: enable designated officials to determine whether a CF member is in compliance with the conflict of interest compliance measures and whether a senior member or former senior member (as defined in DAOD 7021-2, Post Employment) is in compliance with the post-employment compliance measures; maintain information required to implement the DAOD 7021 series; record actual, potential and apparent conflicts of interest and their resolution and/or any post-employment compliance action, and support decisions on administrative or disciplinary action if a conflict of interest exists.

Consistent Uses: There are no consistent uses associated with the personal information.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained by this department for the duration of employment plus two years, after which the records are destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520, DND RCD 345

TBS Registration: 001966

Bank Number: DND PPE 864

Military Personnel - Grievance File

Description: This bank constitutes a record of applications for: redress of grievances submitted, and the decisions made in respect of those grievances.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to members of the CF.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record: applications for redress of grievances submitted in accordance with Regulations and Orders made pursuant to the National Defence Act, and the decision made in respect of those grievances.

Consistent Uses: This information is used in investigation, by the CF, of complaints made, in accordance with the Canadian Human Rights Act, by the same person who submitted the grievance, and relating to the same subject.

Retention and Disposal Standards: The files are destroyed five years after last administrative action.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520

TBS Registration: 000200

Bank Number: DND PPE 831

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Officer Boards for Academic Enhancement and Specialist Training Plans

Description: This bank contains the annual boards for Post Graduate Training and for: University Training Plan (Officers); Initial Baccalaureate Degree Programme (IBDP); and Military Medical, Legal, Dental, Pharmacy and Chaplain Training Plans (MPLANS). Each board may contain: any resulting postings, lists of the officers selected, letters of disposition to each applicant, Post Graduate Training Board lists for those found suitable, alternates and those not selected, proceedings, and findings, and selection criteria.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to officers of the CF who have made application for the training plans listed.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record the findings of the annual boards convened to determine suitable officers from those who have applied for each of the training plan.

Consistent Uses: Used to select from officers found suitable for training and to assign them to training under a given plan.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for statistical purposes for three calendar years and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520

TBS Registration: 002273

Bank Number: DND PPE 848

Personnel Security Investigation File

Description: This bank contains personal data, such as: name, date of birth, place of birth, biographical information, contact information, employee identification number, employee personnel information, gender, language, medical information, signature, physical attributes, credit check reports, criminal records, investigative reports, notations of the level of security clearance, Polygraph testing (including audio recording, video recording, and the results of polygraph examination), related correspondence, reliability status granted, Security Clearance Review Board documentation, Security Intelligence Review committee appeals, and security/reliability analyses, as well as opinions or views of, or about, the individual. Details of CSIS investigations are maintained in a CSIS bank. This bank contains personal information about the individual: his or her immediate family, the names and comments of: past employers, and character references, possibly the names and activities of associates with whom the individual would have contact.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: Perspective, current and former members of the CF, civilian employees of DND, or personnel who are on a personal services contract with DND. By virtue of the clearance and reliability check process, personal information may be held on individuals who are not themselves the subject of the security assessment or reliability check.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank, in accordance with the Policy on Government Security, is to maintain personal information held on individuals who are or have been the subject of security screening procedures in relation to pre-employment/employment with the CF/DND. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 7 of the Financial Administration Act and subsection 12(2) of the National Defence Act. For those individuals who necessitate a security clearance, information has been obtained to support decisions taken to assess an individual's loyalty and reliability as it pertains to loyalty to Canada. Additionally, for those individuals who were reliability screened, information in support of these assessments is held on file. A reliability check is required as a condition of employment in the CF/DND and is required to assess the honesty, trustworthiness and discretion of an individual when given access to: sensitive information or government assets, access to valuables, drugs, hazardous or dangerous material; or responsibility for the well-being of persons or control of personnel. In making decisions on levels of clearance, institutions may refer only to the information contained in this bank and not to investigative information contained in the CSIS band.

Consistent Uses: Information may also be used in other lawful investigations. Personnel security screening information may be requested from or transferred to other Government agencies/departments upon request from respective Departmental Security Offices for employment purposes. Information may be disclosed to other federal institutions who perform checks or examinations upon request from DND/CAF, such as polygraph examinations. Information related to an individual’s criminal conduct or associations may be used by DND/CAF for internal investigation purposes, and/or may be disclosed to the federal, provincial, and/or municipal government organizations for investigation purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: All security clearance records of personnel are retained for a minimum period of ten years from the time administrative action is taken on the file. All reliability-screening records for enrolled or employed personnel are retained for a minimum period of ten years from the time administrative action is taken on the file. All reliability-screening records for personnel only processed for a reliability screening and were not employed are retained for a minimum period of two years and are then destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520, DND MIS 085

TBS Registration: 004010

Bank Number: DND PPU 834

Personnel Selection Officer (PSO) Training Files

Description: This bank contains academic qualifications, biographical data, letters of appreciation, posting and promotion messages, records of special employment or experience and reports on: courses, in-and out-service specialty training, on-job-training, post-graduate courses, professional development courses.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to Personnel Selection Officers of the Regular and Reserve Forces.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to select individuals for appropriate training and professional development as well as selecting qualified individuals to be employed as instructors or supervisors.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Information is retained until the individual reaches compulsory retirement age or the rank of Colonel at which time the records are destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520, DND RCD 345

TBS Registration: 003268

Bank Number: DND PPE 877

Selection Boards for the In-Service Commissioning Plans

Description: This bank contains the selection boards for the following officer production as administered by Director General Military Careers (DGMC): Commissioning From the Ranks Plan (CFRP) and the Special Requirements Commissioning Plan (SRCP) starting in 1986. The following plans are administered by Canadian Forces Recruiting Group Headquarters; Officer Candidate Training Plan Military (OCTPM); Special Commissioning Plan (SCP) and University Training Plan Non-Commissioned Members (UTPNCM). Each contains copies of the Board's proceedings, findings and notifications to candidates for the preceding year.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to Non-Commissioned Members of the CF who: have applied for UTPNCM, SCP or OCTPM; have been nominated for CFRP, or have been selected for SRCP.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record the results of the boards convened to select Non-Commissioned Members to be commissioned under the listed plans.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Board reports are retained for 20 years for statistical purposes, and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520

TBS Registration: 002272

Bank Number: DND PPE 847

Unit Military Personnel Bank

Description: This bank contains: birth certificates, course reports, conduct sheets, divorce orders (nisi and absolute), proof of change of name, citizenship, dependants birth certificates, dependants' language of instruction preference, change of medical category form CF2088, civil convictions (except those for which pardons have been granted), consent to serve forms, enrolment documents, general employment information, marriage certificates, Physical Fitness Evaluation Envelopes, separation agreements, Statements of Ordinary Residence, document regarding security, previous service, request for compassionate posting, requests for special consideration, results of court martial, screening for overseas duty, statement of understanding, uniform selection, educational certificates/reports of academic achievements, personnel selection officer reports, messages posting/temporary duty course reports, letter of commendation and award, promotion, re-engagement, administrative review decisions and recommendations. It may contain: documentation concerning compulsory payments, Personnel Evaluation and Reports on Reservists. Records which have not been superseded and which have been relevant to personnel management are retained for the duration of the member's career. Other records are purged.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: serving members of the CF; and serving members of the Reserve Force and dependents, etc.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain a travelling copy of personnel records for all personnel on strength from enrolment to release. Information for this bank is used to compile nominal rolls of personnel on strength at Units. Information may be disclosed to appropriate personnel with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the purpose of administering benefits under the Pension Act or the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.

Consistent Uses: Pursuant to the Canada Elections Act, lists of CF electors and their dependant electors (including their social insurance numbers) are compiled from the Statement of Ordinary Residence form. The Act requires that the lists be sent to the Chief Electoral Officer following the issue of the writs ordering a general election. Nominal rolls are produced from information held in this Bank at each Unit. In accordance with applicable laws information is also shared with VAC's Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance (VAC PPU 300) for the purpose of delivering Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance to eligible DND participants. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Disability Awards, Death Benefits and Detention Benefits Program (VAC PPU 560). In accordance with applicable laws the information may also be provided to qualified medical practitioners, health professionals, social agencies (established or accredited by federal or provincial law) and program administrators so that they may adequately provide a social or health service. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Career Transition Services (VAC PPU 530) for the purpose of delivering individual career counselling and job finding assistance to Veterans.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Once a member is released from the Regular Force, this bank is amalgamated in electronic format into the "CF Member Personal Information Files" (Info Bank DND PPE 818). Records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada for members of the CF - Regular Force five years after release and for the CF - Reserve Force three years after release. Records are then placed in data bank NA PPE 716.

RDA Number: 98/005 and 2000/019

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520

TBS Registration: 000204

Bank Number: DND PPE 836

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Selection Board and Supplementary Selection Board Results

Description: There are three sources of information in this bank: Selection Board Reports, Selection Listings for Promotion and Terms of Service (TOS), and Supplementary Selection Board Results. Selection Board Report: includes information in the form of: findings and recommendations, and scoring criteria for promotion and terms of service. Selection Listing for promotion and TOS includes information on each eligible individual: TOS Selection List includes: Service number, surname and initials, UIC URS, element TOS score/standing, MOC. Promotion Selection List includes: promotion position, rank, service number, surname, and initials, MOC, Second Official Language Profile and UIC. Supplementary Selection Board: includes: comparison scoring between randomly selected files, information in the form of scoring criteria duplicated from the applicable original Selection Board, and that of member(s) eligible for Supplementary Board review. Information on the President and Members of a given Selection Board such as: approving authority signature, date the Personnel Board Report was prepared and signed by convening members, service numbers, surnames, and initials. Annexes to this source include personal information regarding: selection list reduction report if applicable, non-promo-ability, non-suitability for terms of service, and Personnel Evaluation Report discrepancies. Findings are in the form of promo-ability, and suitability for terms of service.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to members of the CF (Regular Forces Personnel).

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to: record Selection Listings, and information contained within the Personnel Board Report resulting from the deliberations of a convened Selection Board. The Selection Boards are convened to establish a Promotion Listing and a Terms of Service Listing. Supplementary Boards are ordered to ascertain promo-ability and suitability for Terms of Service in specific cases. Information resulting from the convened Selection Boards/Supplementary Boards is used for: attendance on courses, and to determine suitability for employment, conversion of terms of service, and promotion selection.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for a period of 10 years. These and future records will be retained for a period of 10 years in microfiche, hard copy, or electronic format for statistical and promotional purposes and will then be destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520

TBS Registration: 004049

Bank Number: DND PPE 899

CAF Harassment

Description: This bank may contain information related to Harassment complaints, to the resolution of Harassment issues including mediation and investigations. The records include the letters of complaint regarding allegations of Harassment and responses; records of interviews both with complainants and respondents; records of interviews with witnesses to incidents; reports of investigations and analyses of events and findings, and records of decisions taken about particular incidents or Harassment complaints. When mediation is used, profiles and evaluations of the mediators, mediation and settlement agreements, and notes and opinions of the mediators may be included in the file. Such information must be retained as a separate record and not placed on the complainant's Employee Personnel Record. When a disciplinary action results from an investigation, information may be transferred to the Discipline Bank.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: CF members, employees of DND and other persons who work in the DND/CF workplace.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to: record information necessary for dealing with complaints of Harassment at the workplace; make decisions in specific instances on whether or not Harassment is occurring, and when this is the case, to determine the appropriate action, including disciplinary actions, to be taken to address and resolve a Harassment situation; support any subsequent administrative and/or disciplinary action taken with respect to the situation and the members, employees and other persons involved.

Consistent Uses: In support of the departmental goal of zero incidence of Harassment, the findings and recommendations of any investigation of Harassment may be disclosed to the complainant and the respondent. Any disciplinary and administrative action taken against the individual as a result of the findings may also be disclosed to the complainant if it is deemed appropriate to do so. Such information must be retained as a separate record and not placed on the complainant's personnel record. When a disciplinary action results from an investigation, information may be transferred to the Conduct sheet for Military personnel and to the Discipline Bank for DND Civilian employees. If a respondent is a CF Reserve Member and DND employee, relevant information may be shared to facilitate parallel reviews/investigations of an allegation of sexual misconduct. The information in this bank may be used relatively to a grievance, Canadian Human Rights Act complaint, complaint to the Public Service Commission of Canada, or any other form of complaint, inquiry, or legal proceeding where applicable. The information may be used in the compilation of statistical data. Investigation findings concerning respondent, in cases of founded complaints, and complainants, in cases of bad faith complaints, may be used for personnel selection purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for five years after the last administrative action, archived for three additional years and then destroyed with the consent of the Librarian and Archivist of Canada.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520

TBS Registration: 003005

Bank Number: DND PPU 875

Alert Manning Personnel System (AMPS)

Description: The AMPS contains personal information relating to the selection of Communication Research (CommRsch291) personnel to be attach-posted to CF Station Alert. Specifically, it contains the: gender, rank, Individual attach posting history, security clearance, member's present unit, service number, Military Occupation Codes and special qualifications.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to Communication Research (CommRsch291) and other commissioned and non-commissioned members of the CF.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to: ensure the military personnel are treated fairly and equally if required to be posted to CF Station Alert on a rotational basis, and use this information when posting military personnel to CFS Alert.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: All information is retained until such time as CFS Alert closes.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520

TBS Registration: 002856

Bank Number: DND PPE 871

Boards of Inquiry/Summary Investigations

Description: This bank describes the personal information collected by investigators in performing administrative investigations called Boards of Inquiries and Summary Investigations which collect evidence culminate in findings and recommendations. Personal information collected to support these administrative investigations include the following: biographical information, contact information, criminal checks/history, date and place of birth, date and place of death, employee identification number, employee personnel information, gender/sex, language, medical information, name, opinion or view of, or about individuals, photos, physical attributes, and signature. In performing these investigations, CAF investigators may collect personal information.

Note: Information to support Boards of Inquiry and Summary Investigation may collect information indirectly from the member's personnel or medical file, as well as outside sources such as civilian police, coroner's office, or other to obtain relevant information such as police reports, toxicology reports, and autopsy records.

Note: Records are accessible by providing the Military Occupation Code, name, rank, service number, location and type and year of incident.

Class of Individuals: The information describe in this bank relates to CAF members who are the subject of investigations, as well as next of kin and witnesses.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record investigations convened or ordered by authorities appointed by Regulations and Orders. Investigations may be convened or ordered to investigate: administration or functions of the CF, or any command, formation, base or other unit or element thereof, any matter connected with the government, discipline, or of any matter affecting any member of the CAF. The content of the bank is used to establish cause and liability/responsibility and as a basis upon which appropriate remedial action may be taken.

Consistent Uses: Summary Investigations or Boards of Inquiry into injuries or death may be accessed for purposes of making applications for disability pension under the Pension Act. Investigations into death of a CAF member may be released to a legally designated family member who is in charge of the estate of the deceased member.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Case files are retained for 10 years and then transferred to Library and Archives Canada. General information not considered case file information is retained for two years and then transferred to Library and Archives Canada.

Privacy Impact Assessment: A privacy impact assessment (PIA) in relation to summary investigations and board of inquiries was last performed in September 2023. A summary of the PIA is available on-line.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520

TBS Registration: 000201

Bank Number: DND PPE 832

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Canadian Forces Drug Testing Program

Description: This bank contains: results of laboratory tests conducted on urine specimens in support of the CF Mandatory Drug Testing Program, administrative details of all specimen collections, and career action on members who produced validated positive test results.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to members of the CF Regular and Reserves.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain test results (of the CF Drug Testing Program) for statistical purposes and for use as a basis to initiate: enforcement, and other administrative measures as prescribed in CFAO 19-21, preventative education, rehabilitation, and/or treatment.

Consistent Uses: Information on positive urine test results is retained by the Drug Testing Administration Cell for statistical purposes. It is shared in-house only with: career managers, medical/social councillors, military police, and the member's Commanding Officer (CO). It is the basis on which the CO institutes administrative career action in accordance with CFAO 19-21.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Urine specimens are held at the testing laboratory for one year and all documentation is held for two years, unless otherwise directed by NDHQ, and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520

TBS Registration: 003172

Bank Number: DND PPE 890


Description: Information pertaining to the appointment of persons/personnel to Colonels/Captains(N) and CWOs employed in Senior Appointments, the assignment of Generals and Flag officers and administering the requirements for Honorary Appointments and Branch Advisors.

Document Types: Senior Appointments; aides-de-camp commanders; colonel commandants; colonel of the regiment; and honorary.

Record Number: DND DOC 430


Description: Information on Retirement of Canadian Forces personnel.

Document Types: Policy; premature Retirement; and compulsory Retirement.

Record Number: DND CSA 550


Description: Information on Releases of Canadian Forces personnel.

Document Types: Policy; officers; and other ranks.

Record Number: DND CSA 540

Chaplain Services

Description: Information on church and religious activities conducted for, or on behalf of, Canadian Forces personnel and their dependants.

Document Types: Chancery activities, religious services, religious training, parish organization and administration, pastoral activities, liturgy, religious education, vocations, moral issues, schools, chapels, ecclesiastical equipment, pilgrimages, ecclesiastical terms of reference command, base and officiating chaplains, ecclesiastical monthly reports, and ecumenism.

Record Number: DND CRC 485

Chaplain Service

Description: This bank contains the records of Chaplains in the CF as well as correspondence on subjects of interest and concern to them.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to chaplains in the CF.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to be used as a guide to actions affecting chaplains and their work.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are destroyed after three years.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CRC 485

TBS Registration: 000176

Bank Number: DND PPE 807

Courts Martial

Description: Information on the administration of Canadian Armed Forces Courts Martial.

Document Types: Court Proceeding documents that may include convening orders, letters of advisement to the accused's chain of command of court martial notification and logistical requirements, list of eligible military members for panel selection and appointment, notification to accused of eligibility to elect the type of courts martial he/she wishes to be tried by pursuant to section 165.193 of the National Defence Act, Minutes of Proceedings, Court decisions, Business Plan, Budget, Acquisition Purchases and Military Travel Expense Claims.

Record Number: DND JAG 035

Minutes of Proceedings of Courts Martial

Description: The minutes of proceedings of a court martial reflect a record of all: decisions, findings, pleadings, sentence of a court martial, including all exhibits in the form of documents, and testimonies.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: members of the CF, and other persons who are subject to the code of service discipline by virtue of section 60 of the National Defence Act.

Purpose: These records are kept for purposes of research, administration and appeals to the Court Martial Appeal Court, and to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Consistent Uses: Information about a court martial and its status may be used for case management and tracking, performance reporting, program and process improvement, audit, and policy purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Documents created after 1 September 1999 are held by CMJ/CMA. Documents created earlier are retained by JAG/DMP. Records retained indefinitely.

Notes: Personal information collected in relation to proceedings of courts martial may be retained in various systems, including the Justice Administration and Information Management System (JAIMS). Individuals requesting information described in this bank must provide their full name, along with information about the proceeding in question.

Privacy Impact Assessment: A privacy impact assessment (PIA) in relation to JAIMS was performed in 2021-2022. A summary of the PIA is available on-line.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND JAG 035

TBS Registration: 000199

Bank Number: DND PPE 830

CAF Legal Matters

Description: Information on settlements pertaining to Legal Matters.

Document Types: General; lease termination liability; citizenship; Department of National Defence personnel testifying as witnesses; military courts; civil courts; Broadcast Musical Industries Canada Ltd. performing right fees; liability for loss and damage; non-military use of Canadian Forces trademarks, designs, titles, names, uniforms; application for incorporation; employment of civilian counsel - drivers of Department vehicles outside Canada; attendance at judicial proceedings; affidavits and statutory declarations; federal role in law enforcement in Canada; research projects, law, Judge Advocate General; and legal opinions, Judge Advocate General.

Record Number: DND JAG 015

Judge Advocate General's Files/Service Estates

Description: This file contains: correspondence reflecting the names of estate beneficiaries, executors, court appointed administrators and legal counsel retained for estate administration purposes, financial records detailing monetary entitlements forming part of the military Service Estate; information pertaining to the disbursement of such monetary entitlements and personal effects, also forming part of the military Service Estate; subsequent correspondence between the Director of Estates and military units in relation to the collection, safeguarding and authorized shipment of the deceased's personal effects; correspondence between the Director of Estates and estate beneficiaries, executors, court appointed administrators and retained legal counsel reflecting the administrative process involved in distributing military Service Estates.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to deceased members of the Regular Force and Reserve Force, Class "B" or "C" on active service at the time of death.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to document Service Estate administration in relation to members of the CF who were on active service at the time of death.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: The files are held until all necessary action has been taken by the Director of Estates and are then transferred to Library and Archives Canada.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND JAG 015

TBS Registration: 000220

Bank Number: DND PPE 856

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Provision of Legal Aid to Members of the Canadian Forces

Description: The file normally contains an outline of the legal problem involved and the advice given or action taken with respect to the problem. For the most part, the records in this file are limited to cases where an interview has been conducted with the persons seeking legal advice.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: members of the CF, members of other armed forces attached or seconded to the CF, dependants of CF members serving outside Canada, and members of the civilian component of the CF and their dependants serving outside Canada.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to document the provision of personal legal advice by legal officers of the CF to individuals identified in the application block.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: The files are destroyed after two years.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND JAG 015

TBS Registration: 000221

Bank Number: DND PPE 857

Provision of Legal Counsel at Public Expense

Description: This bank contains information concerning applications by military personnel and civilian employees of DND who apply for the Provision of Legal Counsel at Public Expense under the Treasury Board Policy on the Indemnification of and Legal Assistance to Crown Servants.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: CF members, and civilian employees of DND.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to document applications for the Provision of Legal Counsel at Public Expense for servants who have acted within the scope of their duties and have met reasonable departmental expectations.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for six calendar years from when the file is closed. Files are then transferred to Library and Archives Canada.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND JAG 015

TBS Registration: 003982

Bank Number: DND PPE 897

CAF Security and Investigations

Description: Information on Security, education, and information within the Canadian Forces including that which pertains to security of operations such as security of personnel, physical and protection of facilities and installations, control and issuance of instructions concerning the safekeeping of classified information and the system for classification and declassification, technical security inspection teams, etc.

Document Types: Security in an emergency; internal Security operations; Security education (policy, bulletins, posters); briefings (by country); Security information systems (research and development); physical safeguards; release of information (by country); technical Security inspections; Security of installations (bases/units); Security of personnel training; and counter-intelligence.

Record Number: DND MIS 085

Complaints/Investigations against or by Military Police or its Members

Description: This bank describes information concerning complaints and investigations initiated against or initiated by the Military police. Personal information may include: name, contact information, date of birth, Canadian Forces or other identification number, opinions and views, criminal record information, work history/past duty, signature, and details of the complaint and investigation.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: Members of the Canadian Forces, Military Police, federal government employees, and the general public.

Purpose: Information is used to investigate complaints.

Consistent Uses: Information is shared with the Military Police Complaints Commission (MPCC PPU 050 and MPCC PPU 055). Information may be used to make recommendations regarding Military Police standards and conduct and for "lessons learned" instructions for Military Policy members. Information may also be used for audit, evaluation, research, and/or statistical purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: The records are retained for 5 years, after investigation is completed and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 2000/014

Related Record Number: DND MIS 085

TBS Registration: 004176

Bank Number: DND PPU 070

Identification and Access Control Cards

Description: This bank contains: photographs, signatures, Service Number (SN) (military) / Personal Record Identifier (PRI)(civilian), surname and given names date of birth, Region and blood group (for CF members). The bank also contains information related to the access and egress of certain facilities in the National Capital Region (NCR) by employees. The information is collected by means of identification forms, correspondence and digital camera or scanned still photographs and is stored on an automated database.

Class of Individuals: CF members, civilian employees of National Defence, Allied Forces personnel and their dependants serving in Canada and contracted persons in the NCR.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain information relating to the issuance and cancellation of identification and NCR access control cards. For safety and security reasons, the information is used to control access and egress to certain facilities in the NCR, and to provide for the security of DND employees and property.

Consistent Uses: Issuance of identification and NCR access control cards. Information may be used to produce reports for statistical analysis.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Information related to access and egress of DND facilities in the NCR is collected solely for safety and security reasons and is retained for five years, and is then destroyed. Identification records of deceased individuals are destroyed two years from date of death. Records of Allied Forces personnel are destroyed at termination of their tour of duty in Canada. All other records are retained for five years after release from the Department and are then destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: DND MIS 085

TBS Registration: 003681

Bank Number: DND PPU 896

Military Police Audit Reports Data Bank

Description: This bank contains professional standards audit and program evaluation reports. General compliance audit reports are conducted every three years at all Military Police units and include a comprehensive compliance audit of all policing duties performed at the units. Focused audit reports are conducted on a required basis and normally consist of an examination of a specific policing incident. Program Evaluation Reports consist of a long-term research process involving the provision of a certain policing function. These audit reports include: the unit or policing function audited, identity of individuals interviewed in the conduct of the audit, documentary exhibits, auditor's working notes and recommendations and directions to improve provision of policing duties. These audit reports will be cross-referenced to Military Police Investigation Case files (Security and Military Police Case Information System (SAMPIS)), if applicable.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to members of the CF, civilian employees of DND and the general public.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to document audit activities of the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal.

Consistent Uses: The Canadian Forces Provost Marshal, Deputy Provost Marshal Professional Standards and other senior commanders in the CF may use the information to assess the quality and if necessary make the requisite changes to improve the quality of policing duties within the CF.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Information in this bank is retained for a minimum of 5 years, after its last administrative use. If the record has been designated as having archival or historical value, the record shall be transferred to the control of Library and Archives Canada. If the record has not been designated as having archival or historical value, then the record shall be destroyed.

RDA Number: 2000/014

Related Record Number: DND MIS 085

TBS Registration: 005365

Bank Number: DND PPU 071

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Military Police Credential Review Board Data Bank

Description: This MPCRB bank and corresponding files contain personal information on individuals who have been involved in complaints against or by the Military Police or its members. The data bank records progress made in the sequence of events required for the completion of the MPCRB process. The bank includes the MPCRB Administrator's notes, an overview of allegations; decisions regarding the suspension of Military Police personnel; investigation and court results; unit recommendations; the MPCRB decision or recommendation to CFPM as well as any terms and conditions that may apply. The bank cross-references to the appropriate Professional Standards Investigation and Military Police Investigation Case File (Security and Military Police Information System (SAMPIS)) if applicable.

Class of Individuals: The bank applies to Military Police but may include information on others (i.e. military police investigation reports).

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to document the progress of monitored and suspended cases as well as maintaining a historical database for concluded files.

Consistent Uses: The Deputy Provost Marshal Professional Standards reviews the contents monthly to observe progress on monitored and suspended files. It may also be used for research, evaluation and statistical purposes. Collected information is used at Board convening's. Some information is passed to D Mil C 5 for career managing purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Information in this bank is retained for a minimum of 5 years, after its last administrative use, at National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa. If the record has been designated as having archival or historical value, the record shall be transferred to the control of Library and Archives Canada. If the record has not been designated as having archival or historical value, then the record shall be destroyed.

RDA Number: 2000/014

Related Record Number: DND MIS 085

TBS Registration: 005371

Bank Number: DND PPU 833

Military Police Investigation Case Files

Description: This bank contains personal information pertaining to individuals who have been involved in an incident, investigated by the Military Police (or brought to the attention of the Military Police by another police service). Military Police Investigation Case Files may include such personal information as names, addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, citizenship, PRI number, service number, marital status, ethnicity and/or distinct physical markings.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: members of the CF, civilian employees of DND, and members of the public involved in an incident on DND establishments. It also applies to persons subject to the Code of Service Discipline who have been involved in an incident off DND establishments, investigated by a competent investigative authority and where the information has been made known to the Military Police.

Purpose: This information is used to assist in the determination of whether a criminal or service offence has been committed and to provide the results of Military Police investigations to the appropriate departmental (DND) authorities.

Consistent Uses: Information contained in Military Police Investigation Case Files may be used to support: other investigations, both by the Military Police and by other legitimate law enforcement agencies in the detection, prevention and suppression of crime generally, disciplinary measures, appeals, civil actions, pensions, criminal injuries compensation, career review, research, security and reliability screening, and statistical purposes and evaluations. Information about individual cases and their status may be used for case management and tracking, performance reporting, program and process improvement, audit, and policy purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: All incidents designated as Protected B and generated after 2001 on the Security and Military Police Information System (SAMPIS) are retained indefinitely. In addition, significant incidents designated as Protected B and generated after 1994 are also retained indefinitely. Prior to 1994, hard copy records of files that were held at NDHQ that were classified/designated higher than Protected B and deemed to be of significance were transferred to Library and Archives Canada after 5 calendar years. Some records may be retained for a longer period: if judged to be of archival value, or if deemed to be of historical value to DND. Files not deemed to be of significance were held outside NDHQ and were destroyed two years after the last administrative or judicial use.

Notes: Personal information collected in relation to investigation case files may be retained in various systems, including the Justice Administration and Information Management System (JAIMS). Individuals requesting information described in this bank must provide their full name, along with information about the investigation case file in question.

Privacy Impact Assessment: A privacy impact assessment (PIA) in relation to JAIMS was performed in 2021-2022. A summary of the PIA is available on-line.

RDA Number: 2000/014

Related Record Number: DND MIS 085

TBS Registration: 000203

Bank Number: DND PPE 835

National Defence Fingerprint File

Description: The following information is held for identification: fingerprints; service number (SN); civilian PRI number; surname and given names; signature; sex; date and place of: birth, engagement and fingerprinting; occupation or trade; colour of hair and eyes; height; weight; complexion; scars, amputations, birthmarks, deformities and tattoos; previous registration by fingerprints as well as dates of all previous employment with the Canadian Forces, RCMP or Public Service.

Class of Individuals: Members of the Canadian Forces: civilian employees of National Defence and Allied Forces personnel serving in Canada.

Purpose: This information bank is maintained purely for service considerations to provide an infallible means of identifying personnel who may have been victims of a serious injury, amnesia or death during times of war and peace.

Consistent Uses: Used for identification purposes only.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records of members of the CF, and civilian employees of DND are retained by the department for five years from date of release, and then destroyed. Records of deceased individuals are destroyed two years from the date of death. Records of Allied Forces personnel are destroyed at termination of their tour of duty in Canada.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: DND MIS 085

TBS Registration: 000170

Bank Number: DND PPU 801

Defence Intelligence Records

Description: This bank contains information on individuals who come to the attention of CAF/DND intelligence personnel in the course of performing defence intelligence activities to address threats to the security of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), the Department of National Defence, or Canada and its allies, or to support CAF/DND operations within and outside of Canada. The personal information collected may include: Biographical information, Biometric information, Contact information, Citizenship status, Criminal checks / history, Date of birth, Date of death, Employee identification number, Employment equity information, Employee personnel information, Financial information, Gender/Sex, Language, Medical information, Name, Opinion or views of, or about, individuals, Other identification numbers, Photos, Physical attributes, Place of birth, Place of death, Signature, Social Insurance Number (SIN).

Class of Individuals: Individuals suspected of constituting threats to the security of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), the Department of National Defence (DND), or Canada and its allies; CAF members and DND members; general public outside of Canada whose information is used in support the safety and security of CAF/DND or and/or national security; the Canadian general public but only in limited circumstances and in accordance with CAF/DND functional directives limiting the collection and use of Canadian citizen personal information. This bank also contains information on individuals who are being managed as confidential sources of information.

Purpose:  Information is collected to develop, generate and employ defence intelligence capabilities as are required to enable lawful, timely and effective decisions and actions in support of the planning and execution of operations carried out in defence of Canada, North America (in cooperation with the United States of America), and the promotion of international peace and security, as well as the security of DND employees and CAF members, infrastructure, material, information, and systems. Also, information is collected to provide support to external stakeholders seeking lawful intelligence support.

Defence intelligence information is also used to assist senior DND, CAF and Government of Canada decision-makers in achieving ongoing situational awareness of defence intelligence priority issues and in having strategic warning of impending crises in support of policy development regarding national defence, national security and foreign affairs objectives.

Information is collected under the authority of the National Defence Act, which provides the legal authority to conduct defence activities including defence intelligence activities, and other Canadian legislation, international laws and elements of common law, including the Crown prerogative.

Consistent Uses: Information may be disclosed to the United States and other allies in accordance with established agreements, treaties, and international law. Information may also be disclosed to other federal institutions considered part of the security and intelligence community of the Government of Canada, including the Privy Council Office (PCO), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Communications Security Establishment (CSE), the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), and Global Affairs Canada (GAC).

Information may be disclosed internally and to Canadian law enforcement and prosecutorial services for criminal investigation and prosecution purposes.

Information may also be disclosed to the National Security and Intelligence Review Agency (NSIRA) and the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP). Information may be used for research and development, audit, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes, as well as capability development and defence procurement.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Information in this bank is retained in accordance with an approved CAF/DND file plan for defence intelligence records. Based on the type of record the retention period ranges from 10 years to 80 years. Disposition is predominantly transferred to Library and Archives Canada but some records are destroyed after the retention period has expired. Please contact DND's Department of Access to Information and Privacy (DAIP) for more information on the length of retention periods for specific defence intelligence records.

RDA Number: 2000/14

Related Record Number: DND MIS 085

TBS Registration: 20220021

Bank Number: DND PPU 061


Description: This bank contains information on individuals and organizations whose activities may: have been suspected, on reasonable grounds, of constituting a threat to the security of DND/CF personnel, information or property at home or abroad. Such activities include: espionage, sabotage, subversion, terrorism, criminal or organized crime activity; and/or be detrimental to the interests of Canada and may result in a request to DND for assistance in maintaining public welfare or public order emergencies.

The personal information collected may include:

  • Biographical information
  • Contact information
  • Citizenship status
  • Criminal checks / history
  • Date of birth
  • Date of death
  • Employee identification number/Service Number
  • Employee personnel information
  • Financial information
  • Gender/Sex
  • Language
  • Medical information
  • Name
  • Opinion or views of, or about, individuals
  • Other identification numbers
  • Photos
  • Physical attributes
  • Signature

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to individuals suspected of, or involved, in: espionage, sabotage, subversion, and terrorist activities in Canada and abroad that constitute a threat to the security of DND/CF.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to: assess the threat posed to DND/CF security by hostile intelligence organizations or individuals engaged in: espionage, sabotage, subversions, terrorism, or other hostile intelligence collection activities directed at DND/CF personnel, establishments or the conduct of CF operations; brief departmental authorities on situations that may result in a request for assistance in maintaining public welfare or public order emergencies, develop policy and provide advice in relation to provisions of the National Defence Act, Queen's Regulations and Orders, Security of Information Act and the Criminal Code of Canada regarding activities by individuals or groups that constitute a threat to the security of DND personnel, information or property; and formulate plans or other measures to counter, or respond to, threats to the security of this department during periods of peace and war.

Consistent Uses: The information contained in this bank may be disclosed to domestic law enforcement and government investigative or review authorities including, though not limited to, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), Immigration and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the National Security Intelligence Review Agency (NSIRA), in relation to activities constituting threats to the security of Canada or for the investigation or prosecution of an alleged contravention of the law. Information may be disclosed to foreign governments, law enforcement bodies, military forces and other authorities with respect to matters of national defence, national security or international affairs. Personal information concerning human sources and witnesses is used in the administration and management of these individuals. This information may be used by federal departmental security officers for security and reliability screening.

Retention and Disposal Standards: The records in this bank are retained for five years after the last administrative action and then transferred to Library and Archives Canada (LAC).

RDA Number: 2000/14

Related Record Number: DND MIS 085

TBS Registration: 001968

Bank Number: DND PPU 060

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Service Prison and Detention Barrack Records

Description: This bank contains records respecting persons who have been incarcerated in military service prisons and detention barracks. The records are completed and used by custodial staffs for administrative and control purposes during the incarceration of a person serving a sentence. Included among these records are those entries, which concern: admission, discharge, discipline, maintenance of personal property, and sentence remission.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to individuals who are or have been incarcerated in military service prisons and detention barracks.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to: assist in the calculation of, the decision-making process respecting, the number of days remission earned by an inmate, control the administrative and legal documents respecting an individual's incarceration, ensure adherence to policies and procedures respecting the administration of an inmate's incarceration, and record any disciplinary measures taken.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Documents in this information bank are destroyed two years following their last administrative use.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: DND MIS 085

TBS Registration: 001765

Bank Number: DND PPE 863

Communications Training and Employment

Description: Files dealing with the Training and Employment of communications personnel in the Canadian Forces.

Document Types: Communications training, including security; electronic warfare; communications officer Training and Employment; and employment of communications personnel.

Record Number: DND MCE 330

Officer Production

Description: Information on the policies and procedures for the production of officers.

Document Types: Regular officer training plan; officer candidate training plan; and the admission of women to military colleges.

Record Number: DND PDB 350

CAF Training

Description: Information on policy guidelines for coordinating training development activities in the Canadian Forces.

Document Types: Basic training; courses in-service; courses out-service; management training; post-graduate training; and training technology.

Record Number: DND RET 370

Academic Records - Students of the Royal Military College

Description: The bank contains academic results achieved by the subject during each year of attendance. They records are kept by the College Registrar.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to students who are attending, or have attended the Royal Military College (RMC).

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain a record of academic results for students who are attending or have attended the Royal Military College (RMC). Files are used for administrative and statistical purposes and cover approximately 1000 students annually.

Consistent Uses: These results are used to view performance within the "academic pillar" of the College's four-pillar system, for statistical purposes, and to verify past performance should a member apply for PG studies at a later date.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are maintained indefinitely for historical purposes.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND RET 370

TBS Registration: 000212

Bank Number: DND PPE 844

Command and Staff Course Student Files

Description: The bank contains a record of all formal interviews with the student, assessments and grading of written and spoken assignments; assessments of performance during specific tutorial discussions; autobiographies; periodic overall performance assessments, and personal and administrative histories.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: Officers of the CF, DND civilians, and visiting foreign and Allied Officers.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain a temporary file record of the observed performance of CF officers, and visiting foreign, Allied officers who attend courses at the Canadian Forces College. The information is also used to provide transcripts of academic standing on CFC courses to requesting institutions. The bank is used to provide documented justification for the content of each student's formal course assessment.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are destroyed after ten years.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND RET 370

TBS Registration: 000211

Bank Number: DND PPE 843

Military Postgraduate Student Records

Description: This bank contains basic personal and course-related information concerning officers undergoing postgraduate training at the Royal Military College of Canada, such as: Course: course loading authorization (CLA), request reference course start and end dates, course title, date assigned, date thesis received, FMS/WCN numbers (applicable to US military courses), name and location of institution, program type, Member's: military occupation code and description, name and initials, obligatory service completion date, occupation speciality qualification code, posting date and message rank, service number, target position in establishment Financial: estimated total cost file and CLA numbers, financial planning code (GRC) training source category.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to officers of the CF and other students selected for postgraduate training at the Royal Military College of Canada.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to: assist in the assignment of trained personnel to those establishment positions requiring specific postgraduate qualifications, and maintain administrative records of officers and other students undergoing postgraduate training.

Consistent Uses: There are no other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Computer records are retained indefinitely for statistical purposes.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND RET 370

TBS Registration: 003269

Bank Number: DND PPU 878

Personnel Files - Training

Description: The files contain: appearance, personal particulars, records of performance during the course, and records regarding personal behaviour.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to members of the CF.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain files on all personnel undergoing individual training at CF Schools other than Military Colleges and Staff Colleges. Files enable the school to have information regarding the candidate and to collect pertinent information used by the school staff to counsel and prepare the final course reports on the students. Information may be disclosed to appropriate personnel with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the purpose of administering benefits under the Pension Act or the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.

Consistent Uses: Information may be used to substantiate qualifications. In accordance with applicable laws information is also shared with VAC's Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance (VAC PPU 300) for the purpose of delivering Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance to eligible DND participants. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Career Transition Services (VAC PPU 530) for the purpose of delivering individual career counselling and job finding assistance to Veterans.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are destroyed after two years as the information is incorporated into a formal course report, which is retained in the member's performance evaluation report files (DND PPE 838) for the duration of the individual's career. Schools maintain these files for one year and then forward the files to the regional office of Library and Archives Canada where they are held for one year. Exceptions to this are the files of officer candidates at CF Leadership and Recruit School, Saint-Jean, where the files are maintained for eight months and then forwarded to the regional office of Library and Archives Canada.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND RET 370

TBS Registration: 000210

Bank Number: DND PPE 842

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Squadron Personnel File - Officer Cadets

Description: The Squadron Personnel File contains: reports of academic and military training; achievements; awards; counselling sessions; notes from academic advisors; and administrative and disciplinary decisions.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to officer cadets attending the Royal Military College.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain a record of military and academic progress/achievement for officer cadets attending the Royal Military College. Files are used on a daily basis by Squadron Commanders and cover approximately 1000 members on a continuous basis.

Consistent Uses: No other consistent uses.

Retention and Disposal Standards: After graduation, records are maintained at the college for five years and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND RET 370

TBS Registration: 000213

Bank Number: DND PPE 845

Military Engineering Training

Description: Information on Military Engineering Training in the Canadian Forces.

Document Types: General; officers; civilians; field engineers; structures; mechanical; and fire prevention.

Record Number: DND MEO 320


Description: Information on the administration, training, doctrine for employment, operation, structure and development, and equipment acquisition for the Reserves.

Document Types: Reserves general administration; policy; and equipment policy for the reserves.

Record Number: DND RCD 345

Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code - Military

Description: This bank contains Conflict of Interest Certification Documents; Confidential Reports of assets, liabilities, and participation in outside activities in accordance with DAOD 7021-1, Conflict of Interest; assessments, analyses and correspondence about actual potential and apparent conflicts between a member's private interests or and his or her official duties and responsibilities; reports and correspondence about actual and potential offers of post-employment. This impacts on a current CF member's or DND employee's ability to deal with a former senior member.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to members of the: CF regular, and Reserves on full-time paid service.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to: enable designated officials to determine whether a CF member is in compliance with the conflict of interest compliance measures and whether a senior member or former senior member (as defined in DAOD 7021-2, Post Employment) is in compliance with the post-employment compliance measures; maintain information required to implement the DAOD 7021 series; record actual, potential and apparent conflicts of interest and their resolution and/or any post-employment compliance action, and support decisions on administrative or disciplinary action if a conflict of interest exists.

Consistent Uses: There are no consistent uses associated with the personal information.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained by this department for the duration of employment plus two years, after which the records are destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520, DND RCD 345

TBS Registration: 001966

Bank Number: DND PPE 864

Human Resources Management Information System (HRMS)

Description: This bank is a single, integrated human resource (HR) information management system, designed using the PeopleSoft TM HR software that can be used by DND/CF members, employees and managers to support the regular, reserve and civilian components of the Department. The HRMS provides support to the following Military and Civilian HR processes: Assignment and Military Occupation Structure. Civilian Pay (pay & benefits/leave) maintains all data pertaining to the employee (such as address, employment situations, PRI, salary grad and step - Civ only); Priority Management position clearance requests and work force adjusted employees, and Staffing: maintains staffing related data (competition number, process, and candidate information human resources planning); maintains and tracks data pertaining to employment equity target groups; and measures participation in special development programs, data relating to the Civilian Reduction Program (CRP), employment records substitution availability, and Financial benefits and education benefits, Health and Safety, Recruitment, plus time away from home and Statement of Ordinary Residence for military members. Processes applicable to military and civilian maintains leave records as earned and used by employee; Position Management Process: position, section data, and Unit class, co-ordinates pertaining to the position, points, and the classification information such as class; and Personnel Administration: date and place of birth, dependants, duty location, educational level, engagement plan, former members of the Regular Force, marital status, medical category, military occupation, name, occupational qualifications, official languages updates (employee data, and Linguistics position), rank, service history for current, and service number. Serving Regular Force personnel may request individually from a local Enterprise User, a PRR, showing a resume of the data held on them or by viewing a web based system called Employee Member Access Application (EMAA). Records of members released from the CF are not subject to amendments.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: former and current members of the CF (Regular and Reserve), and Civilian employees of DND.

Purpose: The purpose of this transactional data bank is to provide and verify information for those engaged in the management or administration of DND/CF personnel, at all levels of the Department including: APMS, Automated Posting Message System supporting Career Managers, ARCIS, Automated Rank Change Instruction System supports generation of promotion messages, CFSS for Organizational Changes, Output Products Reporting Database, FIS, Financial Information System, Great West Dental, ITMIS - Individual Training Management Information System, MBSS, Merit Board Support System application used to assist the conduct of military merit boards, OL Official Languages Interface OPDP, Officers Professional Development Program tracking system, PASS, Personal Administration Support System, PWGSC, Public Works Government Services Canada, SNAMS, Service Number Access Management System, SUEP, Subsidized University Education Program, SWE - Salary Wage Envelope, Universal Classification System IM Support. Records are accessible by providing: full name, and or service number, PRI or Enterprise Employee ID. Information may be disclosed to appropriate personnel with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the purpose of administering benefits under the Pension Act or the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.

Consistent Uses: The information in this bank is used to: update and confirm the holdings of common data on personnel, maintained by the Central Computation Pay System (CCPS), facilitate decision making on personnel matters, reply to requests for specific personnel data on a controlled basis, support the maintenance of common information such as qualifications, produce reports to managers in order to facilitate their decision making, and update Environmental Command Headquarters and Group Principle sub systems. The SIN is collected in accordance with the: Income Tax Act and Unemployment Insurance Act for the purpose of managing and administering members' pay. The SIN is removed from HRMS after the first pay transaction is sent to CCPS. In accordance with applicable laws information is also shared with VAC's Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance (VAC PPU 300) for the purpose of delivering Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance to eligible DND participants. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Disability Awards, Death Benefits and Detention Benefits Program (VAC PPU 560). In accordance with applicable laws the information may also be provided to qualified medical practitioners, health professionals, social agencies (established or accredited by federal or provincial law) and program administrators so that they may adequately provide a social or health service. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Career Transition Services (VAC PPU 530) for the purpose of delivering individual career counselling and job finding assistance to Veterans. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Financial Benefits Program (VAC PPU 510) for the purpose of calculating and administering benefits to Veterans.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for a period of five years after the last administrative action. Records are then destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520, DND RCD 345

TBS Registration: 004155

Bank Number: DND PPE 805

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Evidence-Based Assessments of Character for Leadership Selections and Promotions

Description: This bank describes personal information collected, used, disclosed, or retained by the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) in relation to the use of psychometric, confirmatory, and other assessments in leadership selections and promotions (hereafter referred to as ‘Evidence-based Assessments of Character’).

Personal information collected by DND/CAF for purposes of Evidence-based Assessments of Character may include a member’s name, contact information, biographical information, signature, personal identification number, self-identification information (optional), personal views or opinions, personnel information, and other information volunteered by a member in a leadership selection or promotion process.

Class of Individuals: Information described in this bank relates to members applying for promotion or participating in selection process and evaluators. This may include Regular Forces personnel or Reservists.

Purpose: To develop more evidence-based assessments of those seeking promotions or appointments to senior military positions, and to assess the character of leadership hopefuls more objectively, the CAF requires that all prospective senior officers and non-commissioned members undergo Evidence-based Assessments of Character. Evidence-based Assessments of Character, when used in conjunction with other evaluation tools, are expected to provide a more accurate and complete measure of a member/candidate's suitability for leadership.

The performance of Evidence-based Assessments of Character is authorized by the Chief of Defence Staff and Deputy Minister (CDS/DM), as set out in CDS/DM Initiating Directive for Professional Conduct and Culture

Consistent Uses: Personal information collected in the conduct of evidence-based character assessments will be used to make decisions regarding a member’s suitability for leadership positions on the Defence Team.

This includes the administration of National Selection Boards and the establishment of merit-based promotion pools. Aggregate and de-identified information may be used for research, reporting, and program evaluation purposes, and to help validate assessment instruments. Personal information will not be disclosed outside the Department, except as authorized by law.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Personal information collected or created for Evidence-based Assessments of Character will be retained for a minimum of 2 years, as required under the Privacy Act. That information may be held for up to 5 years following its last administrative use in a DND/CAF promotion or

appointment process. Assessment results or findings may be destroyed earlier with the consent of the individual, where the results are no longer valid, or when a candidate leaves DND/CAF.

Notes: Pending TBS approval. Personal information relating to Evidence-based Assessments of Character will be stored securely in DND/CAF’s Psychometric 360 Digital Management Tool (PTDMT) system.

Privacy Impact Assessment: A privacy impact assessment (PIA) in relation to Evidence-based Assessments of Character was completed in June 2024. A summary of the PIA is available on-line.

RDA Number: 2008/004
Related Record Numbers: DND CSA 520
TBS Registration: TBD
Bank Number: DND PPE 820

Performance Evaluation Report File

Description: This bank contains: Performance Evaluation Reports.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: members of the Regular Force and members of the Reserve Force on Class C service.

Purpose: The purpose of this electronic bank is to: maintain a record of performance on the job and determine on a continuing basis the relative merit/suitability of members for: other management administrative decisions, promotion, release, retention, and training.

Consistent Uses: To support decisions regarding promotions, transfers, demotion, employee assistance, discipline and termination of employment.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are: retained for five years after the individual's release, and then transferred to Library and Archives Canada where they become integrated into bank LAC PPE 720.

RDA Number: 98/005 and 2000/019

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520, DND RCD 345

TBS Registration: 000206

Bank Number: DND PPE 838

Unit Military Personnel Bank

Description: This bank contains: birth certificates, course reports, conduct sheets, divorce orders (nisi and absolute), proof of change of name, citizenship, dependants birth certificates, dependants' language of instruction preference, change of medical category form CF2088, civil convictions (except those for which pardons have been granted), consent to serve forms, enrolment documents, general employment information, marriage certificates, Physical Fitness Evaluation Envelopes, separation agreements, Statements of Ordinary Residence, document regarding security, previous service, request for compassionate posting, requests for special consideration, results of court martial, screening for overseas duty, statement of understanding, uniform selection, educational certificates/reports of academic achievements, personnel selection officer reports, messages posting/temporary duty course reports, letter of commendation and award, promotion, re-engagement, administrative review decisions and recommendations. It may contain: documentation concerning compulsory payments, Personnel Evaluation and Reports on Reservists. Records which have not been superseded and which have been relevant to personnel management are retained for the duration of the member's career. Other records are purged.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: serving members of the CF; and serving members of the Reserve Force and dependents, etc.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain a travelling copy of personnel records for all personnel on strength from enrolment to release. Information for this bank is used to compile nominal rolls of personnel on strength at Units. Information may be disclosed to appropriate personnel with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the purpose of administering benefits under the Pension Act or the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.

Consistent Uses: Pursuant to the Canada Elections Act, lists of CF electors and their dependant electors (including their social insurance numbers) are compiled from the Statement of Ordinary Residence form. The Act requires that the lists be sent to the Chief Electoral Officer following the issue of the writs ordering a general election. Nominal rolls are produced from information held in this Bank at each Unit. In accordance with applicable laws information is also shared with VAC's Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance (VAC PPU 300) for the purpose of delivering Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance to eligible DND participants. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Disability Awards, Death Benefits and Detention Benefits Program (VAC PPU 560). In accordance with applicable laws the information may also be provided to qualified medical practitioners, health professionals, social agencies (established or accredited by federal or provincial law) and program administrators so that they may adequately provide a social or health service. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Career Transition Services (VAC PPU 530) for the purpose of delivering individual career counselling and job finding assistance to Veterans.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Once a member is released from the Regular Force, this bank is amalgamated in electronic format into the "CF Member Personal Information Files" (Info Bank DND PPE 818). Records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada for members of the CF - Regular Force five years after release and for the CF - Reserve Force three years after release. Records are then placed in data bank NA PPE 716.

RDA Number: 98/005 and 2000/019

Related Record Number: DND CSA 520, DND RCD 345

TBS Registration: 000204

Bank Number: DND PPE 836

Exchanges, Loans and Secondments

Description: Information on the administration of personnel exchanges, loans, and secondments.

Document Types: United Nations; Commonwealth nations; allied nations; and other government departments

Record Number: DND MUD 570

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Materiel Lifecycle Program

The Materiel Lifecycle Program aims to provide the defence materiel products and services required to ready Defence force elements and fulfill obligations of Defence Combat and Support Operations, Defence Services and Contributions to Government, and Defence Capability Development and Research activities. It ensures that defence materiel capability elements are available in the quantity, mix and condition that enables the production of ready force elements, the employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces, and Defence services. The Program oversees and delivers defence materiel, and the lifecycle management services provided to ensure the availability of defence materiel, including acquisition services, equipment upgrade and insertion services; divestment and disposal services; engineering, testing, production and maintenance services; inventory management and distribution services; investigation, assurance and certification services; and the planning and governance of the Program. The authority for this Program is derived from the National Defence Act.

Equipment and Supplies – Research and Development

Description: Information on the management of the life cycle of research and development equipment and supplies including Information technology.

Document Types: Acquisition; contracts; licensing; cataloguing and identification; maintenance; inventory; packing, packaging and preservation; recovery, recuperation and salvaging; replacement program; sales, transfers and free issues; spare parts; storage and warehousing; supply and demand; surplus and excess stores; disposal.

Record Number: DND RDB 730

Equipment and Supplies

Description: Correspondence files on various stages of acquisition, life of, and disposal of Equipment and Supplies.

Document Types: Cataloguing and identification; contract demands; disposal; initial provisioning; issues from and restocking; local purchases; packing, packaging and preservation; recovery, recuperation and salvaging; replacement program; sales, transfers and free issues; scales and tables-Canadian Forces scales; spare parts; stocktaking and inventories; storage and warehousing; supply and demand; and surplus and excess stores.

Record Number: DND SUB 670

Military Clothing and Personal Equipment

Description: Correspondence, reports, scaling, and technical information on Military Clothing and Personal Equipment.

Document Types: Flags and pennants; clothing - individual equipment and underwear - men's, women's; footwear - men's, women's; hosiery insignia; outerwear - men's, women's; clothing, special purpose; and badges and insignia.

Record Number: DND WEE 665

Operational and Non-Operational Clothing and Footwear Program

Description: Military clothing, footwear, and personal equipment supplies are managed and distributed to CAF members by third-party service organizations under contract with DND. This includes a Non-Operational Clothing and Footwear contract and an Operational Clothing and Footwear contract. Under the terms of these two contracts, vendors are responsible for the acquisition, inventory, and distribution of military clothing and footwear. They are also responsible for developing and operating systems for the on-line ordering and direct delivery of military clothing, footwear, and personal equipment to CAF members.

Personal Information: In order to support its managed clothing contract solution, DND collects, uses and shares personal information from CAF members. Personal information is collected pursuant to the National Defence Act. Personal information collected by DND may include a member's:

  • Name
  • Gender (for purposes of determining uniform types)
  • Preferred Language
  • Military Environment/Military Component (Regular, Primary Reserve)
  • Corps, Branch or Regiment
  • Class of Service
  • Military Rank
  • Service Number / PRI Number
  • Trade (MOSID)
  • Unit / UIC
  • Religious Affiliation (for purposes of determining special clothing requirements)

To complete the order and delivery of military clothing, footwear, and personal equipment, vendors under the Non-Operational Clothing and Footwear contract and an Operational Clothing and Footwear contract may collect the following information:

  • System credential (i.e., username, password, security questions and answers)
  • Mailing Address
  • Email Address and other contact information
  • Clothing Size
  • Credit card information (for payment purposes; DND/CAF does not collect or retain credit card information)

Class of Individuals: Information described in this bank relates to CAF members, including: Active Regular Force, Primary Reserve (Class A, B and C), Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) members, Supplementary Reserve (SR) and active members with Honorary Appointments.

Purpose: Information described in this bank is used to determine a member's clothing, footwear, and personal equipment requirements and allowances, and to support the on-line ordering and delivery of those items. Personal information may also be used more generally to support DND's clothing and footwear program, and the management of its supply chain.

Consistent Uses: Personal information collected by DND and/or its managed clothing solution contract vendor(s) is not shared outside of the Department, except with the express consent of the individual to whom the information belongs, or as provided in subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act.

Information collected by DND for the purpose of administering the Department's clothing and footwear program may be shared with the managed clothing solution vendor(s) and by vendor(s) with DND for the same purpose.

Information about individuals and their orders may be used for program management purposes, and for purposes of program planning, evaluation, research and statistics. The information may also be used for policy purposes and internal audits. Anonymous or aggregate information may be disclosed in keeping with the Government of Canada's Directive on Open Government.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Personal information described in this bank is retained for a minimum of two years, in accordance with the Privacy Act, and for up to five years following your departure from the CAF (except with an individual's consent to destroy the information).

Notes: Members requesting information described in this bank must provide their full name and specify the order period relevant to their request.

Privacy Impact Assessment: A privacy impact assessment (PIA) in relation to the Operational and Non-Operational Clothing and Footwear Program was completed in April 2021. A summary of the PIA is available on-line.

RDA Number: 98/001 and 2000/14

Related Record Number: DND WEE 665

TBS Registration: 005349

Bank Number: DND PPE 829

Land Mines

Description: Information on Land Mines and land mine warfare in the Canadian Forces and allied armies.

Document Types: Anti-tank mines; anti-personnel mines; off-route mines; scatterable mine systems; mine countermeasures; mine dispensing equipment; and mine detection.

Record Number: DND MEO 315

Ammunition and Explosives

Description: Information on Ammunition and Explosives of all calibers, land mines, torpedoes, missiles, pyrotechnics, demolition materials, fuses, design, modification, and storage.

Document Types: Design engineering; maintenance; storage; explosive safety; disposal; technical information; and ammunition restrictions.

Record Number: DND WEE 700

Equipment and Supplies - Engineering and Maintenance

Description: Information pertaining to equipment and supplies being considered for acquisition, in the course of acquisition, or in service within the Canadian Forces.

Document Types: Defects and failures; design and engineering changes; drawings and specifications; maintenance techniques; and modifications and alterations.

Record Number: DND WEE 645

Machinery, Vehicles, Engines - Engineering and Maintenance

Description: Correspondence, instructions and technical information on cataloguing and identification, defects, maintenance, repair, and overhaul, and supply and demand.

Document Types: Ship and boat propulsion components; deck machinery; passenger motor vehicles; trucks and truck tractors (wheeled), by type; trailers; combat, assault and tactical vehicles (tracked); engines by type and application; and turbines by type and application. Class of main system and type.

Record Number: DND WEE 655

Weapons and Systems - Engineering and Maintenance

Description: Correspondence, instructions, and technical descriptions on weapon systems and primary equipment platforms of maritime and air elements, and guns, missiles, and launchers for all environments.

Document Types: Guns by type; launchers; fire control systems; aircraft by type; ships by class and name; and guided missiles.

Record Number: DND WEE 650

Operational Equipment Requirements - Air

Description: Information on various air-related equipment requirements including air vehicles, ground support equipment, and some ground installations.

Document Types: Tactical requirement; ground support; and training requirement.

Record Number: DND ADO 285


Description: Information on logistic contingency plans and procedures and coordination of logistics aspects of operation.

Document Types: Logistics Operations - national and international, logistic policy and doctrine, and logistic systems evaluation.

Record Number: DND RSD 745

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Real Property Lifecycle

The Real Property Lifecycle Program provides the real property products and services required to ready Defence force elements and fulfill obligations of Defence Combat and Support Operations, Defence Services and Contributions to Government, and Defence Capability Development and Research activities. It ensures that defence real property capability elements are available in the quantity, mix and condition that enables the production of ready force elements, the employment of multipurpose combat capable forces, and other Defence services. The Program oversees and delivers real property and the lifecycle management services to ensure the availability of real property, including acquisition and new capability construction services, recapitalization and betterment services, divestment and disposal services, operation, maintenance and repair services, navigation and traffic control services, environment and remediation services, and the planning and governance of the Program. The authority for this Program is derived from the National Defence Act.

Real Property Portfolio Planning

Description: Comprehensive, long-term, strategic and investment planning services for future Real Property development and life-cycle management in support of Canadian Armed Forces operational requirements, with the objective of aligning Defence infrastructure with defence capabilities.

Document Types: Portfolio strategies, RP investment plan, decision-making frameworks for prioritization & investment planning, RP management framework, stakeholder requirements, RP facility and building condition assessments, lifecycle costing models,

Record Number: DND 1959 040

Request for use of National Defence Facilities

Description: Information on the civil use of Department of National Defence aerodromes.

Document Types: Requests; authorization; and coordination.

Record Number: DND IPC 120

Real Property Program Management

Description: Program management of real property including investment funding opportunity assessments, analysis services, requirement identification services, inventory data management, and service delivery coordination for defence real property acquisitions, operations, maintenance and repairs, divestments, disposals, environmental, and remediation services. Acquisition results are achieved through purchase, lease, exchange, gift, easement, transfer, expropriation services or other means as required

Document Types: Documents and plans including corporate capital construction investment, master real property development plans, asset management plans. Related reports governing RP strategies, RP management framework, stakeholder requirements, RP facility and building condition assessments, lifecycle costing models, RP lease and letting agreements, land parcels reports and RP heritage asset inventory

Record Number: DND 1959 030

Real Property Divestment and Disposals

Description: Site identification services, property/land assessment services, estimate/appraisal services, solicitation process services, consultation services, negotiation services, and agreement development services to identify opportunities for divestments and demolitions and disposals in accordance to the RP strategy. Demolition projects management through all phases of the demolition project, including: Project Coordination; Feasibility Studies etc.

Document Types: Site plans, master real property development plans, property assessments, transfer agreements, estimates, property appraisal documents, Feasibility Studies, Project Specifications and Tender Documents; Regulatory Approvals; Tender Coordination; Pre-condition Surveys of Surrounding Properties

Record Number: DND 1959 020

Construction Engineering Project Delivery

Description: Full range of project management support to Realty Asset Portfolio Managers Information on the acquisition, disposal, utilization, and management of real property or interest therein; design and construction of works projects; the maintenance of works and buildings; utilities services; and similar functions within the Department of National Defence.

Document Types: Project charters, Construction statement of requirement, risk, environmental assessments, fire prevention incident reports; grounds maintenance contracts; heating/ventilation systems technical documents for the management for acquisition of works and buildings and utilities.

Record Number: DND CPB 710

Architecture and Engineering Services

Description: Developing, implementing and monitoring Departmental policies, standards and guidelines for real infrastructure in areas of Architecture & Engineering (A&E) expertise. A&E support to all phases of construction projects. Delivering advice, guidance and directions to ADM(IE) groups, NDHQ, CF deployed operations, NATO, Commands, Bases/Wings, other government departments (OGD) and inter-department forums, all as related to A&E areas of expertise and responsibilities

Document Types: Documents related construction projects cost estimate, planning and control, construction technical design drawings, technical requirements, building systems, utilities, waste management, zoning analysis including zoning classification, setback requirements, building height restrictions, allowable density, parking requirements, servicing requirements, rights-of-way, airfields zoning, range/explosive safety templates

Record Number: DND 1959 050

Real Property Procurement Strategies

Description: Real property procurement and contracting includes activities in the areas of procurement strategy, requests for proposal, bid evaluations, and tenders in support of acquiring a service or asset.

Document Types: Documents related to general administration, procurement strategy and contract management including performance reports.

Record Number: DND 1959 010

Real Property Operations Service Delivery

Description: RP service delivery and facility management (including building services, maintenance, municipal services, recapitalization, and minor new construction/alterations to operate and maintain DND/CAF Real Property in order to ensure responsive and sustainable support to CAF operations and departmental programs. Repair and operation services such as grounds keeping, HVAC, waste collection, navigation, air traffic and range control, and the provision of other real property related amenities.

Document Types: Project charters, Construction statement of requirement, risk / environmental assessments, fire prevention / incident reports; grounds maintenance contracts; heating systems; janitorial service documents of works and buildings and utilities. Maintenance and Repair investment plans, decision-making frameworks, project prioritization documents, Management frameworks, stakeholder requirements, facility and building condition assessments, lifecycle costing models

Record Number: DND 1959 060

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Base Planning

Description: Information on Base Planning and development.

Document Types: Base closures; base consolidations; and base openings.

Record Number: DND IPC 115

Housing and Accommodations

Description: This bank describes information relating to the Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA)'s administration of housing and accommodations for the Department of National Defence (DND). Personal information may include: name; contact information, date of birth, Canadian Forces or other identification number, financial information, employee personal information such as salary deductions, biographical information, employment equity information, financial institution information, and signature. The Social Insurance Number (SIN) may be collected from contractors.

Class of Individuals: Members of the Canadian Forces, spouses, and dependents, civilians and contractors.

Purpose: Information is used to administer the allocation of housing, and related contracting. The SIN may be collected, where required, under the authority of the Income Tax Act.

Consistent Uses: The information may be used to administer payments to contractors, and for internal financial reporting. The SIN and other information is disclosed to the Canada Revenue Agency (Information Returns (Infodec), Databank, no. CRA PPU 150) and the Province of Quebec for income tax purposes. Information may also be used for audit, evaluation, research and/or statistical purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Under development.

RDA Number: Under development.

Related Record Number: DND IPC 115

TBS Registration: 20090534

Bank Number: DND PPU 885

Environmental Stewardship

Description: Leadership, oversight, promotion and awareness initiatives to incorporate environment activities into direction to Defence operational and functional communities. Environmental assessments, environmental management, horizontal integration, communication, advice and consultation services.

Document Types: Plans, strategies, studies, technical environmental assessment documents, compliance reports, records related to air, solid waste disposal, and toxic hazardous waste disposal pollution control; and environmental assessment and review.

Record Number: DND CPB 715

Environmental Remediation

Description: Environmental remediation aims to ensure that Defence reduces its liability related to real property. The remediation of defence real property capability elements also achieves results through the delivery of contaminates/UXO (unexploded ordnance) site identification, site assessment, site characterizations, and site classification services as well as sampling, testing, risk management and mitigation, and long-term monitoring services

Document Types: Project charters, plans, strategies, studies, technical environmental assessment documents, contaminated site identification documents compliance, sampling, testing reports

Record Number: DND CPB 915

Real Property Strategic Planning, Reporting and Integration

Description: Real Property management and oversight Services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, and allocating resources among services and processes, as well as those activities related to analyzing exposure to risk, planning, corporate governance design, policy development, implementation, coordination, control, performance management, reporting, relationship and stakeholder management, and advice services as they relate to defence real property in order to meet Defence readiness needs and to respond to the Federal Government agenda.

Document Types: Strategies, policy instruments and frameworks, business plans, performance reports, action and implementation plans, committee agendas, decision documents, minutes, terms of reference

Record Number: DND 1959 070

Fire and Nuclear Safety

Description: Information on the develop and implementation of regulatory and compliance regimes based on national and international obligations and the assessed nature and risk of DND/CAF Fire, Nuclear Safety and respiratory protection activities and technologies. Also pertains to the control of activities and material with radioactive materials.

Document Types: Documents related to fire prevention, fire/nuclear accidents and incidents; field activities; safety; storage; transportation, disposal and supplementary arrangements including reports, studies, inventory control documents, member training and qualification documents

Record Number: DND ADO 265

Municipal Taxes and Charges

Description: Information on the administration of Department of National Defence Municipal Taxes and Charges.

Document Types: General correspondence on Municipal Taxes and Charges.

Record Number: DND JAG 040

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Information Systems Lifecycle Program

The Information Systems Lifecycle Program seeks to ensure that the information systems infrastructure and applications are made available to the production ready force elements, capability development and research, and Defence services and to fulfill obligations of Defence Combat and Support Operations, Defence Services and Contributions to Government, and Defence Capability Development and Research activities. It ensures that the defence information systems infrastructure and applications capability elements are available in the quantity, mix and condition that enables the readiness and employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces and other Defence services. The Program oversees and delivers defence information systems infrastructure and applications, and the lifecycle management services provided to ensure the availability information systems and applications, including acquisition services, development and deployment services, system management and user support services, and the planning and governance of the Program. The authority for this Program is derived from the National Defence Act.

Communications and Electronics

Description: Information dealing with Communications and Electronics in the Canadian Forces.

Document Types: Air traffic control systems; air transportable system; automated data processing (ADP) system; electronic warfare; fixed communications; frequencies; fleet communications; navigation aids; and radar.

Record Number: DND MCE 325

Communications - Electronics Systems and Equipment - Engineering and Maintenance

Description: Correspondence, reports, scaling, and technical information on communications - electronics systems.

Document Types: Telephone and telegraph; teletype and facsimile; radio and television; radio navigation; intercommunication and public address; radar; underwater sound equipment; also components and connectors.

Record Number: DND WEE 660

Communications and Information Systems

Description: Correspondence and directives dealing with the procurement and distribution of certain electronics equipment.

Document Types: Communications security equipment and components; and electronic warfare equipment.

Record Number: DND MCE 335

Defence Capability Development and Research Program

The Defence Capability Development and Research Program seeks to provide the analytical bases and knowledge to anticipate foreseeable changes in the threat and security environment and to determine the associated demand for Defence capabilities across near- and long-term time horizons in order to enable evidence-based strategic decisions that align the introduction, modification and divestment of Defence capabilities and guide the application of existing capabilities with an acceptable levels of risk. Results are achieved by: establishing and monitoring the fulfillment of near-term targets for readying force elements and conducting Defence operations; identifying lessons from past operations; assessing defence and security trends; developing and integrating new knowledge and systems/methods for conducting operations; developing approaches and conducting Defence capability analyses at strategic, operational and tactical levels; present to future capability assessments; designing and assessing defence alternatives; providing Defence capability oversight and expertise; and Defence capability use planning for sustainable Defence capabilities in future time horizons. As such, this Program sustains Defence by providing key products and services to the Defence Capability Elements Production Program, the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program and parts of the Defence Combat and Support Operations, and Defence Services and Contributions to Government programs. This Program also directly enables the management and oversight of Defence as a whole.

Capability Design, Development and Integration Program

The Capability Design, Development and Integration Program provides focused expertise to develop and introduce new capabilities, develop new knowledge, integrate knowledge from internal and external sources, develop new concepts, innovate ways to provide competitive advantage to military operations, and enhance the effectiveness of Defence programs. Results from this Program are accomplished by: developing, demonstrating, testing and evaluating advanced systems and technologies and integrating these and other scientific research into Defence programs; identifying lessons from on-going and historical operations; producing new concepts and doctrine; designing and assessing alternative capabilities; providing planning, oversight and expertise for the introduction and divestment of capabilities; and developing analyses to enable evidence-based decisions concerning the selection and effective use of capabilities at strategic, operational and tactical levels. The products and services from this program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Strategic Direction and Planning Support Program. the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, and the programs that deliver Defence Combat and Support Operations as well Services and Contributions to Government.

Applied Research

Description: Information on research, technology development, analysis and experimentation in support of Strategic Decision Support; Navy; Army; Air Force; Personnel; Joint Force Development; and Force Employment capabilities for the CAF.

Document Types: Strategic guidance, program charters, project charters, project management plans, assessments, CAF capability investment options, analysis for investment and operational decision making, technology and systems assessments and development, scientific reports, defence science contracting, Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), Partnership Agreements (PAs), Functional Planning Guidance.

Record Number: DND RDB 725

Inventions and Patents

Description: Information on patent administration and policies for DND/CAF.

Document Types: Inventions and Patents; inventions submitted to the Department; patent filing applications on behalf of DRDC, licence agreements, revenue generation, patent applications referred to the Department; patent opinions, validity and infringement; trade mark matters; copyright matters; design matters; and inventions arising from Department contracts.

Record Number: DND RSD 740

Operational Research and Analysis

Description: Information on the preparation of programs, war game rules and techniques, concepts of operation, and strategic studies including that pertaining to operational research and analysis including review of programs and services, communications, aircraft, computers and other equipment, etc.

Document Types: Operational research - land, maritime, air; and research analysis of logistics, manpower, mathematics, and statistics (social, economic, and strategic).

Record Number: DND ORA 150

Personnel Studies

Description: Studies on military and civilian personnel and human resources management.

Document Types: Various departmental studies on personnel (civilian and military), including in domains such as personnel generation, operational and organizational effectiveness, and military personnel and family support.

Record Number: DND PDB 360

Human Resource Research and Evaluation Information Data Bank

Description: This automated data bank contains: Data on selection tests; Information from applicants to the Canadian Forces on: Education; Applicant plan; Applicant career preferences; Employment equity; Assessment Rating; Assessment Narrative; and Military Potential Score; and Data provided by personnel leaving the Canadian Forces who have completed the Attrition Information Questionnaire.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to: Applicants to the CF and serving and former members of the CF.

Purpose: The purpose of this automated data bank is to provide a database for human resource research and evaluation (i.e. occupational selection and program/policy development and evaluation) and occupational selection.

Consistent Uses: The applicant number, service number or Social Insurance Number may be used to link or match information in this bank with (DND/PPE 805, DND Defence Integrated Human Resource System - (DIHRS) and bank PSE 918 (Employment Equity Program) for purposes consistent with both banks and with the reasons for which the information was collected. Matched information may subsequently be held in either or both banks.

Retention and Disposal Standards: CF 283 Applicant Assessment forms and DND 2158 Non-Commissioned Member Applicant Assessment forms are retained in hard copy until document image is transferred to microfiche or electronic format; and indefinitely on microfiche or electronic format. CF Selection Tests, CF Applicant Surveys and CF Attrition Information Questionnaire are held in hard copy until information is transferred to computer database; and automated data indefinitely. Automated data is retained indefinitely.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: DND PDB 360

TBS Registration: 000184

Bank Number: DND PPU 815

The Technical Co-Operation Program (TTCP)

Description: Information on co-operation in research and development with defence departments in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. It includes applied research, basic research and technology development. Areas of focus are Aerospace Systems; Command, Control, Communications and Information Systems (C3I); Electronic Warfare Systems; Human Resources and Performance; Joint Systems and Analysis; Land Systems; Maritime Systems; Materials and Processes Technology; Sensors; and Conventional Weapons Technology.

Document Types: Publications, symposia, meetings, recommendations for new research and development activities, methods and standards for tests and evaluation of experimental results, TTCP Project Arrangements (PA), agreements.

Record Number: DND RDB 720

Strategic Direction and Planning Support Program

The Strategic Direction and Planning Support Program aims to identify the strategic demand for Defence capabilities and to enable strategic decisions and the development of strategic direction concerning the corresponding use of available resources to: apply and maintain existing capabilities; introduce new or modified capabilities; and divest of surplus capabilities with acceptable levels of risk across near- and long-term time horizons. In the near-term, a quantifiable relationship is established between Government and strategic direction, ongoing and contingency operations requirements and performance, defence roles, and readiness targets in order to align force element production resources. In the long-term, challenge areas that may require changes to the Defence capability and program portfolios are established. Results are achieved through monitoring, threat and security environment analysis, change requirement identification, trend synthesis, portfolio challenge identification, and portfolio alteration approach formulation and assessment. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Defence Ready the Defence Capability Element Production Program, the Defence Capability Development and Research Program, and the management and oversight of Defence as a whole.

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Internal Services

Groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.


Acquisition Services involve activities undertaken to acquire a good or service to fulfil a properly completed request (including a complete and accurate definition of requirements and certification that funds are available) until entering into or amending a contract.

Communications Services

Communications Services involve activities undertaken to ensure that Government of Canada communications are effectively managed, well coordinated and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. The communications management function ensures that the public – internal or external – receives government information, and that the views and concerns of the public are taken into account in the planning, management and evaluation of policies, programs, services and initiatives.

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Financial Management

Financial Management Services involve activities undertaken to ensure the prudent use of public resources, including planning, budgeting, accounting, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advice, and financial systems.

Finance and Accounting

Description: Files on the overall financial administration of the Department.

Document Types: Accounting; allotments; financial arrangements and agreement; costing; administration of pay and allowances; and write-offs.

Record Number: DND FSB 765

Pay Records File

Description: This bank enables the Central Computation Pay System (CCPS) and the Revised Pay System for the Reserves (RPSR) to determine and record pay entitlements and applicable deductions. The bank contains: acquittance roll payments, third party pay allotments, including documentation concerning compulsory payments, CPP and Employment Insurance (EI) contributions, deductions such as Income Tax, hospital and medical plan premiums and pension contributions and records of their pay and allowances entitlements and attendance for the reserves. Records are accessible by providing: full name and service number.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to members of the CF (Regular and Reserve).

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to: record the individual pay records for members of the CF (Regular and Reserve services), administer the recovery of debts owed to the Crown by designated agents of DND, for statistical research information, gather, plan, implement and evaluate government personnel policies relating to pay and allowances. Information may be disclosed to appropriate personnel with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the purpose of administering benefits under the Pension Act or the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.

Consistent Uses: Pursuant to the Income Tax Act, Employment Insurance Act and Canada Pension Plan Act, documentation to support pay and deductions', including the social insurance number, is provided to: the Departments of Public Works and Government Services Canada and National Revenue (Taxation), and designated agents of DND (e.g. collection agencies, Department of Justice). Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Financial Benefits Program (VAC PPU 510) for the purpose of calculating and administering benefits to Veterans.

Retention and Disposal Standards: The Master Pay Records for the regular force member were microfilmed on a regular basis and destroyed after 54 years. Since 1976, the records are kept on computer disk/tape and are computer readable. Printed copies of records prior to 1976 are not available at this time but provisions will be made to permit viewing of records.

RDA Number: 98/005 and 96/024

Related Record Number: DND FSB 765

TBS Registration: 003788

Bank Number: DND PPE 858

Pension File

Description: The bank contains: copies of vital statistics of serving CF members and their dependants, pension election forms, pension observations and correspondence concerning pensions, proof of prior service and payment information, division of pension information and information on deaths of former members and payment information on survivors.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to members of the CF and survivors.

Purpose: The purpose of this file is to: determine superannuation benefits for members of the CF (Regular) upon release, and gather statistical research information for planning, implementing and evaluating government personnel policies relating to pensions and superannuation. Information may be disclosed to appropriate personnel with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the purpose of administering benefits under the Pension Act or the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.

Consistent Uses: Pursuant to the Income Tax Act, documentation supporting pension entitlements, including the social insurance number, is provided to the: Department Public Works and Government Services Canada (DSS PCE 701, Superannuation Annuitant System Database) for the issue of pension cheques, and Department of National Revenue (Taxation) for bank RCT PPU 005 Individual Income Tax Return. Information described in this bank may be shared with VAC's Financial Benefits Program (VAC PPU 510) for the purpose of calculating and administering benefits to Veterans.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained by Director Accounts Processing, Pay and Pensions until the member is released, at which time they are forwarded to Library and Archives Canada where they become integrated into bank LAC PPE 719.

RDA Number: 98/005 and 96/024

Related Record Number: DND FSB 765

TBS Registration: 000223

Bank Number: DND PPE 859

Financial Benefits - Pay and Allowances

Description: Information on policies and programs for military compensation, allowances, and personnel benefits, as related to comparable benefits available to the Public Service.

Document Types: Pension deductions; contributions and deferred pay; pay allotments and remittances; fines; forfeitures and deductions; transportation and travelling expenses; and miscellaneous entitlements and grants.

Record Number: DND CBD 460

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Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management Services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, allocating resources among services and processes, as well as activities relating to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and/or plans.

Staffing Program

Description: This data bank contains records, commencing in 1989, relating to applicants for trades with Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Scott (formerly known as Ship Repair Unit (A)). The bank consists of information taken from PSC 3000 (Application for Employment), and contains: applications, screening information, staffing board results, supporting documents, and trade tests results.

Class of Individuals: This bank applies to applicants for employment with the Public Service in the Ship Repair trades in Halifax.

Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with the Public Service Employment Regulations to provide for the maintenance of an inventory of applicants who applied for employment in the Public Service of Canada in the Fleet Maintenance Facility - Cape Scott, Maritime Forces Atlantic, and Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Consistent Uses: To identify candidates suitable for referral and appointments to positions in the ship repair trades at Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Scott (Formerly known as the Ship Repair Unit (Atlantic)), to maintain an inventory of applicants who have applied for employment with the Public Service of Canada in the ship repair trades on Halifax, and to retrieve statistics related to the inventory and staff competitions.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records have been maintained since 1989 and are destroyed: 1) immediately following requested removal from the inventory, or 2) if file/application is not updated annually.

RDA Number: 98/005

Related Record Number: PRN 920

TBS Registration: 002764

Bank Number: DND PPU 065

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Information Management

Information Management Services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective information management to support program and service delivery; foster informed decision making; facilitate accountability, transparency, and collaboration; and preserve and ensure access to information and records for the benefit of present and future generations.

Information Technology

Information Technology Services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective use of information technology to support government priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity, and to enhance services to the public.

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Service Request Forms

Description: This bank contains: surname, given names and initials, signatures, Service Number (SN) (military) / Personal Record Identifier (PRI) (civilian) / building pass number (contractor/casuals) including expiry date, organization, building / location, office telephone, fax number, SMTP Address, security clearance including expiry date and supervisor's name, signature and telephone number. The bank also contains the type and number of the identification provided to receive the service requested (one or two of: department ID, driver's licence, birth certificate, passport, citizenship card, provincial health card). The information is collected by means of a Service Request Form. Records are accessible by providing: full name, service number or PRI number and place of employment.

Class of Individuals: CF members, civilian employees of National Defence as well as contractors and casual employees requiring PKI services.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain information relating to the PKI services such as issuance, recovery, revocation, deactivation, reactivation, name change, etc. The information is used to provide auditable proof of identity of all PKI users requesting and receiving PKI services.

Consistent Uses: Forms will only be used for the auditing of adherence to system procedures or for the resolution of disputes or legal issues with respect to activities conducted with the PKI.

Retention and Disposal Standards: All records are securely stored in a central repository in Ottawa, and are retained for two years after the individual is released from the Department and are then destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/001

Related Record Number: PRN 931

TBS Registration: 005368

Bank Number: DND PPU 813

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Legal Services

Legal services involve activities undertaken to enable government departments and agencies to pursue policy, program and service delivery priorities and objectives within a legally sound framework.

Management and Oversight Services

Management and Oversight Services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, and allocating resources among services and processes, as well as those activities related to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and/or plans.

Defence Programming

Description: Information on the planning, programming, budgeting, and managing of the defence services program.

Document Types: The control and identification of all defence activities.

Record Number: DND DPB 125

Defence Renewal Program Activities

Description: Information on the governance of the Defence Renewal Program and the resulting Reinvestment Profile.

Document Types: Defence Renewal Program governance documents.

Record Number: DND DPB 135

Policy Coordination

Description: Information on the integration and coordination of DND's responsibilities and activities with the Government's overall policies, programs and priorities

Document Types: Liaison with central agencies and other departments, Question Period notes and other advice and support to the Minister with regard to the functional relationship with Parliament, Cabinet briefing material, speeches for the Minister and other senior officials.

Record Number: DND POL 005

Policy Planning

Description: Information on the development and planning of all areas of defence policy

Document Types: Evaluations of strategic developments, major proposals on the Government's defence policy, options development in all areas of defence policy.

Record Number: DND POL 010

Strategic Assessment

Description: The Department of National Defence Strategic Assessment files dealing with the study of international political, economic, and military events and trends.

Document Types: Defence Policy, NATO policy, Arms Proliferation policy, Peacekeeping policy, Asia Pacific policy, Military Training Assistance policy, Western hemisphere policy.

Record Number: DND PPB 135

Exports and Imports

Description: Information on Department of National Defence export permits.

Document Types: Policy; applications for export; intelligence and security implications; and reports of export permits.

Record Number: DND RDP 750


Description: Information on elections in relation to Canadian Forces electors, public service electors, and dependent electors.

Document Types: General correspondence on electoral processes.

Record Number: DND JAG 025

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Material Services involve activities undertaken to ensure that material can be managed by departments in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that supports the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.

Real Property

Real Property Services involve activities undertaken to ensure real property is managed in a sustainable and financially responsible manner, throughout its life cycle, to support the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.

Travel and Other Administrative Services

Travel and Other Administrative Services include Government of Canada travel services, as well as those other internal services that do not smoothly fit with any of the internal services categories.

Canadian Forces Exchange System (CANEX)

Description: Information on the Canadian Forces Exchange System.

Document Types: Organization and management; accounting and finance; communications; facilities; merchandising; operations; personnel; and public support.

Record Number: DND PSB 385

Transportation - General

Description: Information on the Department's transportation services.

Document Types: Material; personnel; programming and requirements; rates and tariffs; reports and returns; special flights; systems development; and vehicles.

Record Number: DND TRD 680

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Additional Information

For general information about making a request for access to information or personal information, see Make an access to information or personal information request.

To make a request for information online, access the Access to Information and Personal Information Online Request Service.

To make a request for information under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act by mail, mail your letter or completed Access to Information Request Form (Access to Information Act) or Personal Information Request (Privacy Act), along with any necessary documents (such as consent or the $5 application fee for a request under the Access to Information Act), to the following address:

Director Access to Information and Privacy
National Defence Headquarters
Major-general George R. Pearkes Bldg.
101 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2

In accordance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, an area on the premises will be made available to review original materials on site if that is the applicant's preference (and it is practical to do so), or if it is not practical to create copies of the material.

Please note: Each request made to the Department of National Defence (DND) under the Access to Information Act must be accompanied by an application fee of $5. For requests made online, this is paid at the time of application via credit card. For requests made by mail, this should be paid by enclosing cheque or money order made payable to the Receiver General for Canada.

The Government of Canada encourages the release of information through requests outside of the formal request processes. To make an informal request, contact:

National Defence
Shannon Clark Larkin
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
60 Moodie Dr.
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K2
Telephone: 613-901-6720

You may also wish to search summaries of completed access to information requests for which the Department of National Defence has already provided responses, as this information may be more easily obtained. You may also wish to review available open data regarding the Department of National Defence.

The Department of National Defence conducts privacy impact assessments (PIAs) to ensure that privacy implications will be appropriately identified, assessed, and resolved before a new or substantially modified program or activity involving personal information is implemented. Summaries of completed PIAs Privacy Impact Assessment are available.

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