Activities – International

  • Canada is proud of the contribution our women and men in uniform are making to UN peacekeeping missions across the globe.
  • In 2018-2019, Canada delivered on its first “Smart Pledge” by providing aeromedical evacuations and air transport in support of UN forces in Mali.
  • We also assisted Romania, who replaced us in the provision of this capacity, with the deployment of their personnel and equipment to Mali.
  • Smart Pledges allow countries to work with the UN to identify opportunities where unique military capabilities can provide the most value in a reliable and predictable way.
  • Canada is currently delivering on another “Smart Pledge” by transporting personnel, equipment, and supplies from Entebbe, Uganda to UN operations in the region.

Key Facts

  • Canada committed to deliver “Smart Pledges” to provide specialized military capabilities to UN peacekeeping, including:
    • an Aviation Task Force of medium utility and armed helicopters;
    • tactical airlift support to transport troops, equipment, and supplies to UN missions; and
    • a Quick Reaction Force, comprised of a reinforced company with corresponding equipment. 


UN Peacekeeping and Smart Pledges

  • Canada is committed to supporting UN peacekeeping by providing high-value military capabilities to address capability gaps in UN peacekeeping operations, in partnership with other contributing countries.
  • On November 14-15, 2017, Canada hosted the 2017 UN Peacekeeping Defence Ministerial in Vancouver, where Canada committed to deliver a number of “Smart Pledges” to provide specialized military capabilities to UN peace support operations. These include:
    • an Aviation Task Force of medium utility and armed helicopters;
    • tactical airlift support to transport troops, equipment, and supplies to UN missions; and
    • a Quick Reaction Force, comprised of a reinforced company with corresponding equipment.
  • In addition, Canada committed to develop and implement innovative peace support operations training, including through a Canadian Training and Advisory Team that will work with the Ghanaian Armed Forces before and during their UN deployment as part of the Elsie Initiative for Women in Peace Operations, as well as contributions to mobile training teams and activities to meet UN needs in various training centres and schools.
  • From August 2018 to August 2019, Canada delivered on its first “Smart Pledge” by providing two Chinook and four Griffon helicopters, as well as 250 personnel, to conduct aeromedical evacuations and tactical airlift in support of UN forces in Mali. During this period, Canada delivered approximately 2 million pounds of cargo, and transported 3,700 passengers. Canada assisted Romania in the takeover of this mission in August 2019, by providing intra-theatre airlift to deploy its personnel into theatre and a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) transition team to assist them in their operational preparations.
  • The CAF is currently delivering on another pledge by providing a Hercules aircraft that is conducting tactical airlift out of Entebbe, Uganda, to help sustain UN operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan. This is currently an episodic mission of up to 30 hours per month.

Version 5; 2020-02-26 – Source: QP Note on Peacekeeping and Smart Pledges

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Operation IMPACT

  • Canada’s contribution to Operation IMPACT has been essential to countering Daesh, and fostering safety, security, and stability in the Middle East.
  • NATO Mission Iraq and some coalition activities are temporarily on pause given the current situation in the region.
  • Canada fully respects the sovereignty of Iraq and remains in constant communication with Iraqi officials to listen to and address any of the Iraqi government’s concerns.
  • Canada remains committed to providing valuable training to help foster and strengthen Iraq’s security, and stands ready to resume the activities when the conditions are right.

If pressed on the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command’s mission in Iraq:

  • Canada’s Special Operations Forces train, advise, and assist Iraqi Security Forces in their fight against Daesh in Northern Iraq.
  • Our Special Operations Forces provide:
  • Training in fundamental and specialized military skills;
  • Advice on the planning of operations; and
  • Assistance and guidance while partner forces conduct operations.
  • These activities help partner forces apply new military skills on operations and deliver tangible impact on the ground.

If pressed on the expanded NATO role in Iraq:

  • The NATO training mission in Iraq plays an important role in setting up the conditions for the long-term stability of the region.
  • We welcome the Government of Iraq’s confirmation to allow a continuation of the NATO training mission.
  • Canada will continue to work closely with its allies and partners to determine a way forward with regard to the NATO training mission in Iraq.

Key Facts

  • Personnel Deployed: up to 850
  • Mission critical activities, including air sustainment operations in support of Joint Task Force IMPACT, and limited train, advise, and assist activities with Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) have re-commenced.
  • Building partner capacity efforts in Jordan and Lebanon are ongoing.


  • NATO Mission Iraq (NMI) and some Coalition activities are temporarily on pause given the current situation in the region. The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) remain ready to return to their NMI and Coalition activities when Joint Task Force-IMPACT determine the conditions are right to do so.
  • Some mission critical activities such as air sustainment operations in support of Joint Task Force IMPACT, and limited train, advise, and assist activities within Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) have re-commenced. Building partner capacity efforts in Jordan and Lebanon are ongoing.
  • The Iraqi Government have confirmed they will allow the continuation NATO presence in Iraq. NATO allies and Iraqi authorities are currently working together to determine a way forward with regard to the NATO training and advising activities.

Operation IMPACT Overview

  • Canada works with partners in the region to set the conditions for stability and security in Iraq. The CAF supports the Global Coalition to degrade and ultimately defeat Daesh, as well as NMI.
  • In support of these activities, up to 850 CAF members are deployed at one time in numerous command, support, training, advisory, and assistance roles.

Canada’s Support to the Global Coalition

  • The CAF in Iraq contribute to US-led Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) through embedded personnel in the headquarters, support to Coalition air operations, including deployment of tactical airlift (Hercules), and tactical training to the ISF. Infantry teams and combat engineers provide training to the ISF in training facilities and ranges.
  • Additionally, Canadian Special Operations Forces Command personnel train, advise, and assist the ISF in their mission to defeat Daesh.

NATO Training Mission in Iraq

  • As part of NMI, CAF members are deployed to Baghdad and the surrounding area.
  • Canada contributes the command team, a force protection company, advisors and trainers, mission headquarters staff, and a helicopter detachment to NMI.
  • On June 26, 2019, Canada announced the extension of its command of NMI until November 30, 2020. Following completion of its command, the CAF will continue contributing military assets to the NATO training mission in Iraq until March 31, 2021.

Bilateral Military Activities

  • Canada continues to deploy Training and Assistance Teams to Jordan and Lebanon to build the capacity of our regional partners through training, infrastructure, and equipment.

Version 5; 2020-02-25 – Source: QP Note on Operation IMPACT

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Operation UNIFIER

  • Canada’s support to Ukraine remains unwavering.
  • Since 2015, when Canada launched its military training mission in Ukraine, approximately 200 Canadian Armed Forces members have been deployed on a rotational basis.
  • The Canadian Armed Forces provide Ukrainian security forces with specialized military training to help them maintain stability and security, including:
  • military engineering;
  • military police training; and
  • combat medical training.
  • The Canadian Armed Forces have trained 16,446 Ukrainian security forces to date, and we are proud of this achievement.

If pressed on possible UN peacekeeping mission:

  • We remain focused on the important work of our training mission to help foster peace and security in Ukraine.

If pressed on the provision of lethal aid:

  • Canada remains committed to supplying Ukraine with important non-lethal military gear.
  • This includes vital equipment such as:
    • communications systems for field operations;
    • explosive disposal equipment;
    • medical kits for military field operations; and
    • night vision goggles.

Key Facts

  • On March 18, 2019, Canada announced the renewal of Operation UNIFIER until March 31, 2022.
  • Achievement: 16,446 Ukrainian Security Forces trained through over 380 courses, since 2015.


  • In 2015, Canada launched Operation UNIFIER in response to requests from the Government of Ukraine. The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) provide Ukrainian Security Forces with specialized training to help improve their capability and capacity.
  • The CAF continues to work alongside the United States, the United Kingdom, Lithuania, Poland, Denmark, and Sweden, to coordinate training, equipping, and capacity building efforts.

Standing Committee on National Defence (NDDN) Reports

  • During the 42nd Parliament, NDDN tabled two reports related to Ukraine.
  • Canada’s Support to Ukraine in Crisis and Armed Conflict: In December 2017, after a visit to Ukraine, NDDN tabled its study on Ukraine, in which the committee advocated for a UN peacekeeping mission in Ukraine. The Government Response to the report noted that many of the Committee’s recommendations are consistent with Canada’s current approach to supporting Ukraine.
  • Responding to Russian Aggression Against Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia in the Black Sea Region: In December 2018, NDDN tabled its study on Russian aggression. While the majority of recommendations relate to Global Affairs Canada, NDDN recommended expanding the type of training provided through Op UNIFIER. The Government Response was tabled on April 9, 2019. It underlines Canada’s commitment to continue working with Ukraine to best support the training needs of the Ukrainian security forces.

Version 5; 2020-02-24 – Source: QP Note on Proposed Peacekeeping Mission in Ukraine

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Operation NEON

  • Canada supports the coordinated multinational effort to enforce UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea.
  • This is why we have contributed military ships, aircraft, and personnel to conduct surveillance operations in North East Asia.
  • Alongside our allies, and through Operation NEON, Canada has helped identify and monitor North Korea for suspected maritime sanctions evasion activities.
  • On April 28, 2019, Canada announced the renewal of Operation NEON for a two year timeframe.
  • Canada will continue to work with allies and partners to help achieve security in the region.

Key Facts

  • December 18, 2019: HMCS OTTAWA returned from the Asia-Pacific region following a four-and-a-half-month deployment, including in support of Operation NEON.


  • Operation NEON is Canada’s contribution to a coordinated multinational effort to support the implementation of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions imposed against North Korea.
  • The series of UN sanctions, imposed between 2006 and 2017, aim to pressure North Korea to abandon its weapons of mass destruction programs, and respond to North Korean nuclear weapon tests and ballistic missile launches.
  • During 2019, 2020, and into 2021, Canada will periodically deploy military ships, aircraft, and personnel to conduct surveillance operations to identify suspected maritime sanctions evasion activities, in particular ship-to-ship transfers of fuel, coal, and other commodities limited by the UNSC resolutions.
  • Canadian Armed Forces members participate in this effort alongside our allies and partners.

Multinational Effort

  • During the January 2018 Vancouver Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on Security and Stability on the Korean Peninsula, Canada and other partners committed to:
    • work collectively, with partners in the region and globally, to ensure effective implementation of UNSC sanctions on North Korea;
    • share information with partners and with the UN Panel of Experts responsible for sanctions related to North Korea, in order to combat sanctions evasion; and
    • counter North Korea’s maritime smuggling in accordance with relevant UNSC resolutions.

Version 5; 2020-02-24 – Source: QP Note on Contribution to Implementation of UN Sanctions Against North Korea (Operation NEON)

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Operation REASSURANCE (Latvia and Europe)

[Line item information can be found at Tab 13.]

  • Canada recognizes the important link between European and North American security.
  • Our leadership in support of NATO’s collective defence through Operation REASSURANCE is another example of Canada’s unwavering commitment to the Alliance and the transatlantic bond.
  • On the ground, at sea, and over the skies of Central and Eastern Europe, Canada is working alongside our Allies to increase security and stability. We are proudly:
    • Leading a multinational NATO Battle Group in Latvia until 2023;
    • Contributing to the Standing NATO Maritime Group Two in the Mediterranean; and
    • Deploying an Air Task Force on a rotational basis in support of NATO’s enhanced Air Policing activities.
  • Canada will continue to work with our NATO Allies to enhance our collective security and promote peace and stability around the world.

Key Facts

  • On December 4, 2019, Prime Minister Trudeau said that, “in recent years, Canada has strengthened its engagement in NATO, taking on vital leadership roles. Today, Canada is leading NATO missions in Latvia…”
  • Number of currently deployed personnel across land, air, and sea components: approximately 750.
  • Canada leads a multinational Battle Group of 8 other contributing nations in Latvia.
    • Canada recently deployed its new Standard Military Pattern trucks to Latvia.
  • HMCS FREDERICTON is currently deployed to the Mediterranean where Cyclone aircraft are aboard, providing support.
    • Commodore Josée Kurtz was the first woman to command Standing NATO Maritime Group Two.
  • Canada deploys an Air Task Force to participate in NATO enhanced Air Policing each year.
  • The last rotation which returned from Romania in January 2020 included approximately 135 Canadian Armed Forces members and 5 CF-18 Hornets


  • The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) supports assurance and deterrence measures in Central and Eastern Europe through Operation REASSURANCE. The Canadian Armed Forces is contributing to NATO land, maritime, and air measures.

Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Latvia

  • Canada is leading a NATO Battle Group in Latvia with military members from eight other nations, including: Albania, the Czech Republic, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.
  • Approximately 540 members are deployed on an ongoing basis as part of this Battle Group, including headquarters staff, an infantry company with light armoured vehicles, military police, a reconnaissance troop, and logistical and communications support. The Battle Group conducts collective training and exercises, serving to bolster Latvian territorial integrity, defence capabilities, and interoperability between among NATO Allies.
  • In July 2018, the Prime Minister announced that Canada is extending its NATO commitment in Latvia by another four years to March 2023 and would boost the number of troops in the country to 540 (from 455) in a show of ongoing solidarity with the Alliance.

Maritime Task Force

  • Canada contributes one frigate to Standing NATO Maritime Group Two, conducting assurance measures and surveillance in the Mediterranean. Under the command of Commodore Josée Kurtz, Canada led the Standing NATO Maritime Group Two in the Mediterranean from June to December 2019. On January 24, 2020, HMCS Halifax returned from a six month deployment as the flag ship for Standing NATO Maritime Group Two.
  • HMCS Fredericton will support Standing NATO Maritime Group Two until May 2020, in the Eastern Mediterranean. HMCS Fredericton will then support Standing NATO Maritime Group One, and participate in Western Mediterranean and Atlantic exercises until being relieved by HMCS Toronto in July 2020.

Air Task Force

  • Canada is contributing to a peacetime collective air policing mission to safeguard the integrity of NATO airspace.
  • On January 3, 2020, Air Task Force Romania completed a four-month enhanced Air Policing mission in Romania.
  • Canada’s Air Task Force consisted of five CF-188 Hornets and approximately 135 Royal Canadian Air Force personnel.

Version 5; 2020-02-26 – Source: QP Note on Leadership of NATO Battle Group in Latvia and Other Activities in Eastern Europe (Operation REASSURANCE)

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  • The Canadian Armed Forces works hand-in-hand with allies and partners to support peace and security around the world.
  • Under Operation PROJECTION, the Canadian Armed Forces supports diplomatic efforts by deploying vessels to participate in multilateral training exercises and activities with foreign navies.
  • Through these activities, military members help enhance Canada’s international relationships and collaboration with foreign militaries.
  • HMCS GLACE BAY and HMCS SHAWINIGAN are currently deployed to work with African nations to build partner capacity, promote maritime security, and foster relationships in the region.
  • HMCS OTTAWA recently returned to Canada from the Indo-Asia-Pacific region, where it made 6 port visits to promote cooperation and friendship with civilians and local counterparts.
  • Canada will continue to engage with partners and allies to support international peace and security.

Key Facts

  • Two Kingston-class Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels are currently deployed on Op PROJECTION Africa.
  • Between January and April 2020, the vessels will visit six countries (Cape Verde, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Morocco, and Tunisia) to conduct naval forward presence operations and strategic engagements with regional partners.


  • The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) deploy ships, submarines, aircraft, and personnel to increase interoperability, and support naval presence operations and engagements with foreign partners.
  • The CAF conducts port visits in coordination with Global Affairs Canada and Canadian Embassies. Onshore activities include community engagement and assistance efforts such as school visits, donations, and repairs, as well as participation in special events. These visits support Canada’s defence diplomacy and broader diplomatic efforts.
  • HMCS GLACE BAY and HMCS SHAWINIGAN are currently deployed on
    Op PROJECTION in Africa until mid-April, where they intend to conduct port visits in Cape Verde, Sierra Leone, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Morocco, and Tunisia, as well as participate in multilateral U.S.-led naval exercises Obangame Express, and Phoenix Express in the Gulf of Guinea and Mediterranean Sea.  
  • In 2019, the CAF deployed a total of three ships to the Indo-Asia-Pacific region:
    • HMCS OTTAWA to Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Guam.
    • HMCS REGINA to the Philippines, Singapore, Seychelles, Vietnam, Japan, Australia, Fiji, and Guam.
    • MV ASTERIX to Guam, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, and Australia.
  • In 2019, the CAF also deployed a total of two ships to conduct port visits, community relations activities, and joint exercises in Africa:
    • HMCS SHAWINIGAN and HMCS KINGSTON to Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Senegal, and Morocco.

Version 5; 2020-02-24 – Source: QP note on International Port Visits and Naval Presence (Op PROJECTION)

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Operation ARTEMIS

  • Canada is making significant contributions to international peace and security.
  • Through Operation ARTEMIS, the Canadian Armed Forces are working with international allies and partners to prevent crime and terrorism at sea.
  • As part of these efforts, in the last year, Canada commanded a multinational task force to disrupt illicit drugs and weapons smuggling.
  • Under Canadian leadership, the taskforce seized over 33,000 kg of illicit drugs in the Arabian Sea from December 2018 to April 2019.
  • We will take command of this task force again in January 2021.
  • These activities help ensure the security of some of the busiest and most important shipping lanes in the world.

Key Facts

  • Personnel Deployed: 7
  • The renewal of Operation ARTEMIS until April 2021, authorizes the Canadian Armed Forces to:
    • Deploy up to 375 personnel to the Area of Operations, which includes the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean;
    • Seek command of Combined Task Force twice during the four year mandate;
    • Provide a Halifax-class frigate once every two years and a CP-140 Aurora Maritime Patrol Aircraft once each year;
  • Since 2014, Canada commanded the Combined Task Force a total of three times.


  • The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are working to counter terrorism and provide maritime stability through Operation ARTEMIS.
  • Through this operation, the CAF is contributing to a naval partnership of 33 nations, which leads missions to stop terrorism at sea, as well as criminal activities funding terrorism.
  • This multi-national naval partnership, established by the United States in 2001, is comprised of three Combined Task Forces (CTF): CTF 150 (maritime security),  CTF 151 (counter-piracy), and CTF 152 (Arabian Gulf security and cooperation).
  • Canada took command of CTF 150 in November 2018 and was replaced by Pakistan in April 2019.
  • As of December 5, 2019, 7 Canadian Armed Forces personnel are deployed to CTF 150 HQ in Bahrain to support Australia’s command until April 2020.

Version 5; 2020-02-24 – Source: CoW note on Operation ARTEMIS

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Operation GLOBE

  • The Canadian Armed Forces continues to support the Public Health Agency-led quarantine at CFB Trenton.
  • CAF personnel greeted and received passengers when the aircraft landed in Trenton from California early yesterday morning.
  • CAF personnel assisted with the screening of returnees, and will once again provide logistical support.
  • Our current efforts also include ensuring CAF personnel are taken care of, both in Canada and abroad.

If pressed on the safety of residents in the Trenton area:

  • The Public Health Agency of Canada is responsible to put in place the necessary security and law enforcement arrangements.
  • Safety protocols are in place to ensure there are no risks to residents and families in the Trenton area.

Key Facts

  • Canadian Armed Forces assistance footprint:
    • CFB Trenton: There are approximately 136 Canadian Armed Forces personnel deployed at CFB Trenton in support of Op GLOBE
    • NAV Centre: There are no Canadian Armed Forces personnel providing organizational and logistical support
    • Japan: Canadian Armed Forces health professionals who were assisting Global Affairs Canada with the Canadians who remain in hospital returned to Canada on March 4, 2020.
  • CFB Trenton is currently housing 231 civilians and 6 Canadian Armed Forces personnel.
  • On March 4, 2020, the Chief of the Defence Staff announced that the CAF has shifted into a mode of “pre-pandemic planning” in order to protect against the potential spread of COVID-19 across Canada and its ranks.


Operation GLOBE

  • Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel are occasionally called upon to assist other Canadian federal departments with various tasks or to participate in Government of Canada activities abroad. When these tasks involve working outside of Canada, CAF personnel deploy under Operation GLOBE.

Canadian Armed Forces Assistance to the Repatriation of Canadians in Response to the Coronavirus

  • CAF medical teams provided support to Global Affairs Canada, and other Government of Canada personnel (e.g., providing en route medical monitoring support on board the Canadian-chartered aircraft responsible for repatriation efforts).
  • The Public Health Agency of Canada is responsible for the coordination of public health, social services, and the provision and enforcement of security following the arrival of returnees. The CAF provides assistance delivering this support.
  • Evacuees are housed at CFB Trenton for a period of fourteen days, as determined by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
  • Health Canada is responsible for coordinating post-quarantine efforts including the onward movement of evacuees in Trenton, with the CAF providing assistance with coordination and logistics.

Restriction of Travel for Canadian Armed Forces Personnel

  • On March 4, 2020, the Chief of the Defence Staff ordered the activation of Operation LASER Phase 2, which entails the CAF shifting into a mode of “pre-pandemic planning” to protect against the potential spread of COVID-19 within the CAF and resources to maintain readiness, public confidence, and to sustain mission assurance.  
  • As part of activating Op LASER Phase 2, the CAF has enacted stringent travel measures in which all travel by CAF members to countries experiencing outbreaks of novel coronavirus, whether for business or pleasure, will be assessed and approved on a case-by-case basis by the chain of command.
  • CAF members will only be able to travel to a country experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak if it is for an operationally essential purpose.
  • The purpose of the tasking order is to ensure that the CAF implements measures to maintain CAF operational effectiveness and readiness, preserve essential health services for members, and maintain responsive support to civil authorities as part of the Canadian government response.
  • The CAF has also been involved in the Government of Canada COVID-19 Response Plan, offering comprehensive feedback.

CAF Monitoring

  • The CAF continues to monitor regions where CAF members are deployed. A CAF Primary Reserve member on non-duty travel in Spain tested positively. He is currently under observation in Madrid.
  • Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces have suspended some training up to March 15, 2020.

Version 7; 2020-03-11 – Source: QP note on Operation GLOBE (Canadian Armed Forces Assistance to the Repatriation of Canadians in China)

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