Page proofs – Supplementary Estimates – National Defence and Communications Security Establishment

Detail by Organization – Organization Summary

- - These Supplementary Estimates -
Budgetary Voted Authorities to date Transfers (dollars) Adjustments (dollars) Proposed authorities to date
1b Operating expenditures 16,424,660,819 (6,042,886) 349,999,953 6,768,617,886
5b Capital expenditures 4,010,121,074 (63,210) 445,074,316 4,455,132,180
10a Grants and contributions 222,589,645 - - 222,589,645
15 Payments in respect of the long-term disability and life insurance plan for members of the Canadian Forces 435,458,107 - - 435,458,107
20 Protecting Canada’s National Security 310,769 - - 310,769
25 Renewing Canadaʼs Middle East Strategy 199,400,000 - - 199,400,000
30 Supporting Veterans as they Transition to Post-Service Life 4,483,609 - - 4,483,609
35 Reinforcing Canadaʼs Support for Ukraine 34,073,332 - - 34,073,332
Total Voted 21,331,097,355 (6,106,096) 795,074,269 22,120,065,528
Total Statutory 1,462,203,409 - 7,948,511 1,470,151,920
Total Budgetary Expenditures 22,793,300,764 (6,106,096) 803,022,780 23,590,217,448

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website.

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Explanation of Requirements (dollars)

Budgetary – Voted Appropriations
Funding for capital investments in support of Strong, Secure, Engaged (PENDING) Vote 1b 51,401,289
Vote 5b 435,911,976
Total 487,313,265
Funding for the Heyder Beattie Final Settlements Agreement (PENDING) Vote 1b 146,596,064
Vote 5b 1,609,340
Total 148,205,404
Funding for North Atlantic Treaty Organization assurance and deterrence measures in Central and Eastern Europe (Operation REASSURANCE) and for UN Peace Support Operation Africa (Operation PRESENCE) (PENDING) Vote 1b 120,942,600
Vote 5b 7,553,000
Total 128,495,600
Funding to implement the LGBT Purge class action final settlement agreement Vote 1b 26,000,000
Reinvestment of revenues from the sale or transfer of real property Vote 1b 5,060,000
Total Voted Appropriations 795,074,269
Total Statutory Appropriations 7,948,511
Transfers from Other Organizations
From Shared Services Canada to the Department of National Defence to provide information technology infrastructure and equipment for the Carling Campus in Ottawa, Ontario Vote 5b 6,500,000
From the Treasury Board Secretariat to various organizations for innovative approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in government operations Vote 1b 2,330,000
From the Department of Veterans Affairs to the Department of National Defence for the Veteransʼ service card Vote 1b 1,499,505
From Shared Services Canada to the Department of National Defence for licenses of the Adobe Creative Cloud applications Vote 1b 1,100,000
From the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to the Department of National Defence for research at the Royal Military College of Canada Vote 1b 747,321
From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to the Department of National Defence for internal support services Vote 1b 465,729
From Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to the Department of National Defence for the Canada Research Chairs at the Royal Military College of Canada Vote 1b 340,000
From the Department of Transport to the Department of National Defence for two climate change resilience studies in Canada’s territorial north with the Royal Military College of Canada Vote 1b 120,000
From the Department of Transport to the Department of National Defence, the Department of Public Works and Government Services and Parks Canada Agency for climate risk assessments Vote 1b 85,000
From Communications Security Establishment to the Department of National Defence for joint Co-operative Research and Development Vote 1b 80,000
Transfers to Other Organizations
From the Department of National Defence to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to review an access agreement to the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range Vote 1b (100,000)
From the Department of National Defence to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs for the Kettle and Stony Point First Nation Vote 1b (250,000)
From various organizations to the Department of Industry to maintain the Shirleys Bay Campus, in the National Capital Region Vote 5b (380,002)
From various organizations to Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to support departmental staff located at missions abroad Vote 1b (530,617)
From the Department of National Defence to Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council for Research Partnership Grants Vote 1b (715,967)
From the Department of National Defence to the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness for the Anishinabek Police Service Vote 1b (754,421)
From the Department of National Defence to the Department of Transport to refurbish and upgrade the C90A King Air Vote 5b (883,793)
From the Department of National Defence to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council for research projects Vote 1b (1,542,632)
From the Department of National Defence to various organizations for the Canadian Safety and Security Program Vote 5b (1,549,415)
From the Department of National Defence to the Department of Natural Resources for the Polar Continental Shelf Program in Resolute, Nunavut Vote 1b (2,685,591)
From the Department of National Defence to Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency to organize and deliver the Halifax International Security Forum Vote 1b (3,100,000)
From the Department of National Defence to Communications Security Establishment for joint initiatives Vote 1b (3,131,213)
Vote 5b (3,750,000)
Total (6,881,213)
Total Transfers (6,106,096)
Total Budgetary 796,916,684

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Listing of Statutory Authorities

  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates (dollars) Proposed Authorities
Contributions to employee benefit plans 328,867,427 7,948,511 336,815,938

Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20 2–3 Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20 Annex – Items for inclusion in the Proposed Schedules to the Appropriation Bill

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Annex – Items for inclusion in the Proposed Schedules to the Appropriation Bill (for the financial year ending March 31, 2020)

Vote No. Items Amount ($) Total ($)
  • Operating expenditures
  • Authority for total commitments, subject to allotment by the Treasury Board, of $32,283,582,335 for the purposes of Votes 1, 5 and 10 of the Department regardless of the year in which the payment of those commitments comes due (of which it is estimated that $12,140,735,346 will come due for payment in future years)
  • Authority, subject to the direction of the Treasury Board, to make recoverable expenditures or advances in respect of materials supplied to, or services performed on behalf of, individuals, corporations, outside agencies, other federal departments and agencies and other governments
  • Payments
    1. in respect of pension, insurance and social security programs or other arrangements for employees locally engaged outside of Canada; and
    2. in respect of the administration of such programs or arrangements, including premiums, contributions, benefit payments, fees and other expenditures made in respect of such employees and for any other persons that the Treasury Board determines
  • Authority, as referred to in paragraph 29.1(2)(a) of the Financial Administration Act, to expend in the fiscal year – in order to offset related expenditures that it incurs in that fiscal year – revenues that it receives in that fiscal year, including from the provision of internal support services under section 29.2 of that Act
  • The payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary – paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year – that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, rounded down to the nearest hundred dollars under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State
349,999,953 -
5b Capital expenditures 445,074,316 795,074,269

Schedule 1

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Statutory Forecasts

Budgetary - Department of National Defence Authorities to Date These Supplementary Estimates Proposed Authorities
Contributions to employee benefit plans – Members of the military 1,131,325,282 - 1,131,325,282
Contributions to employee benefit plans 328,867,427 7,948,511 336,815,938
Payments under the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act 1,500,000 - 1,500,000
Payments under Parts I-IV of the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act (R.S.C., 1970, c. D-3) 400,000 - 400,000
Minister of National Defence – Salary and motor car allowance (Salaries Act and Parliament of Canada Act) 87,700 - 87,700
Payments to dependants of certain members of the Royal Canadian Air Force killed while serving as instructors under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (Appropriation Act No. 4, 1968) 23,000 - 23,000
Total Budgetary 1,462,203,409 7,948,511 1,470,151,920

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Budgetary Expenditures by Standard Object

This table shows the forecast of total expenditures by Standard Object, which includes the types of goods or services to be acquired, or the transfer payments to be made and the funds to be credited to the vote. Definitions of standard objects available.

- Personnel Transportation Total and communications Information Professional and special services Rentals Purchased repair and maintenance Utilities, materials and supplies Acquisition of land, buildings and works Acquisition of machinery and equipment Transfer payments Public debt charges Other subsidies and payments Less: Revenues and other reductions Total
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Department of National Defence 48,533,025 11,764,524 588,044 274,216,287 139,888,705 103,177,886 48,442,966 11,864,437 157,811,595 - 21,799 607,416 - 796,916,684
Total 48,533,025 11,764,524 588,044 274,216,287 139,888,705 103,177,886 48,442,966 11,864,437 157,811,595 - 21,799 607,416 - 796,916,684

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Expenditures by Program or Purpose

Budgetary These Supplementary Estimates
  Estimates to Date (dollars) Operating (dollars) Capital (dollars) Transfer Payments (dollars) Revenues and other reductions (dollars) Total Revised Estimates
Department of National Defence - - - - - - -
Procurement of Capabilities 3,351,555,238 35,074,462 346,317,681 - - 381,392,143 3,732,947,381
Operations 1,075,818,044 122,262,583 7,553,000 - - 129,815,583 1,205,633,627
Sustainable Bases, Information Technology Systems and Infrastructure 3,161,289,188 10,016,794 94,830,500 - - 104,847,294 3,266,136,482
Ready Forces 9,660,412,782 8,490,809 - - - 8,490,809 9,668,903,591
Defence Team 3,320,244,202 2,621,000 - - - 2,621,000 3,322,865,202
Future Force Design 936,178,127 (3,284,691) (5,299,415) - - (8,584,106) 927,594,021
Internal Services 596,781,926 176,724,621 1,609,340 - - 178,333,961 775,115,887
Programs not included in these Estimates 254,530,596 - - - - - 254,530,596
Total 22,356,810,103 351,905,578 445,011,106 - - 796,916,684 23,153,726,787
Total Budgetary 22,356,810,103 351,905,578 445,011,106 - - 796,916,684 23,153,726,787

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Frozen Allotments in Voted Authorities

Parliamentary authority typically expires at the end of the fiscal year. For example, authorities approved through all appropriation acts for the fiscal year 2019-20 will expire on March 31, 2020 for most organizations.

During the fiscal year, the government can take decisions to adjust priorities or the implementation of individual initiatives. These decisions are effected by using frozen allotments to constrain appropriated authorities where necessary. At the end of the fiscal year, these frozen allotments are included in the lapse shown in Public Accounts.

For the fiscal year 2019–20, the total amount frozen in voted authorities is $X,XXX,XXX,XXX as of January XX, 20XX. Most of these frozen allotments are due to the planned reprofiling of funds ($X,XXX,XXX,XXX) to future years, and uncommitted authorities in the Treasury Board managed central votes ($X,XXX,XXX,XXX).

This annex summarizes, by category and department, all permanently frozen allotments included in voted authorities.

Categories of Frozen Allotments


Reprofiling provides for unused authorities from one fiscal year to be made available in subsequent fiscal years, to reflect changes in the expected timing of program implementation. Unused funds in the current fiscal year are put into a frozen allotment. New Parliamentary
authority is required for each future year of planned spending.

Transferred or reallocated

Throughout a fiscal year, organizations may transfer or reallocate funds between votes within their organization and to other organizations.

Such adjustments may be effected through frozen allotments.


An organization’s authorities are reduced when the funds are no longer available for the original purpose. This could happen because an initiative or program is canceled, or savings are identified to be returned to the fiscal framework.


Other forecasted lapses are largely related to uncommitted authorities in the Treasury Board central votes.

- Reprofiled (dollars) Transferred or Reallocated (dollars) Reduction (dollars) Other (dollars) Total (dollars)
Department of National Defence - - - - -
20 – Protecting Canada’s National Security - - - 310,769 310,769
30 – Supporting Veterans as They Transition to Post-Service Life - - - 4,483,609 4,483,609
Other: Funding withheld in Budget Measure votes for amounts set aside to cover the costs of office accommodation, information technology services and statutory expenditures related to Employee Benefit Plans. - - - - -
- - - - 4,794,378 4,794,378

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Organization Summary

- These Supplementary Estimates -
- Authorities To Date (dollars) Transfers (dollars) Adjustments (dollars) Proposed Authorities to Date (dollars)
Budgetary Voted - - - -
lb Program expenditures 718,126,197 10,753,996 - 728,880,193
5 Protecting Canada's Critical Infrastructure from Cyber Threats 9,095,310 - - 9,095,310
10 Protecting Canada's National Security 228,531 - - 228,531
15 Protecting Democracy 193,216 - - 193,216
20 Renewing Canada's Middle East Strategy 773,808 - - 773,808
Total Voted 728,417,062 10,753,996 - -
Total Statutory 47,419,111 - - -
Total Budgetary Expenditures 775,836,173 10,753,996 - -

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website.

Explanation of Requirements (dollars)


Transfers from Other Organizations
From the Department of National Defence to Communications Security Establishment for joint initiatives Vote 1b 6,881,213
From Shared Services Canada to Communications Security Establishment for the Digital Communications and Collaboration Program Vote 1b 4,691,652
Transfers to Other Organizations
From Communications Security Establishment to the Department of National Defence for joint Co-operative Research and Development Vote 1b (80,000)
From Communications Security Establishment to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development for administrative support to departmental staff located at liaison offices abroad Vote 1b (738,869)
Total Transfers   10,753,996
Total Budgetary   10,753,996

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