Committee Information – Membership & Profiles

Ron McKinnon

LPC – Coquitlam—Port Coquitlam (BC)

Ron McKinnon

Election to the House of Commons

  • First elected: 2015
  • Re-elected: 2019, 2021

Professional Background

  • Computer Technology: Former business owner and computer systems analyst for major firms in Canada, the US, and internationally
  • Environment: Former meteorological technician for Environment Canada’s Atmospheric Environment Service
  • Community: Launched Community Champions program that recognizes community leaders and volunteers in his riding; served on the Evergreen Cultural Centre board; worked with Amnesty International

Political and Parliamentary Roles

  • Parliamentary Association Member: Canadian-NATO Parliamentary Association (2016 – 2021); Canada-China Legislative Association (2016 – 2021)

Committee Membership

  • Chair: House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2022 – present)
  • Member: House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2021 – 2022); House Standing Committee on Science and Research (2021 – present)
  • Former Chair: House Standing Committee on Health (2020 – 2021)
  • Former Member: House Standing Committee on Health (2017 – 2021); House Standing Committee on Liaison (2020); House Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights (2016 – 2019)

Points of Interest to DND/CAF


  • During a Public Safety and National Security (SECU) committee meeting on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia in April 2022, Mr. McKinnon expressed concern about the fact that Russia and China possess massive computing facilities with massive parallel processing and asked the witnesses if it is relevant to change Canada’s communications infrastructure to protect the Canadian communications security and encryption.


  • At a SECU committee meeting on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia in June 2022, Mr. McKinnon expressed concerns about the potential retaliation of Russia and asked what citizens should be doing to take prudent precautions to prepare themselves for the future in relation.

CAF Equipment:

  • During Question Period in 2017, Mr. McKinnon stated that the CAF “operates in a wide variety of challenging and geographically diverse locations” and “needs to rely on the equipment the government provides them to get the job done.” He asked the Parliamentary Secretary about recent investments made in support of the CAF.


  • Mr. McKinnon was Chair of the House Standing Committee on Health during its study on the Canadian response to the outbreak of the coronavirus. During this study, the former Director of Staff, Strategic Joint Staff and the Surgeon General / Commander of the Canadian Forces Health Services Group testified about National Defence and the CAF’s role in the whole-of-government response to COVID-19.

Natural Disaster Response :

  • On several occasions in SECU meetings, Mr. Mckinnon mentioned the important issues related to natural disasters, which he considers to be one of the most important safety issues in Canada.

Other Interests

Opioid Crisis:

  • In 2016, Mr. McKinnon introduced a Private Member’s Bill – the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act – to encourage people to call 911 in the event of a drug overdose by providing limited immunity from prosecution for possession of controlled substances. The bill became law in 2017.

Raquel Dancho

CPC – Kildonan—St. Paul

Raquel Dancho

Election to the House of Commons

  • First elected: 2019
  • Re-elected: 2021

Professional Background

  • Provincial Government: Former Special Assistant to the Hon. Cathy Cox, Minister of Sport, Culture and Heritage (2017 – 2019); Former Executive Assistant to the Minister of Sustainable Development (2016 – 2017)
  • Policy: Former policy analyst in the Office of the Opposition, PC Caucus (2014 – 2016)

Connection to DND/CAF

  • Nil

Political and Parliamentary Roles

  • Critic: Public Safety (2021– Present)
  • Former Critic: Diversity and Inclusion and Youth (2019 – 2020); Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (2020– 2021); Future Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion (2021 – 2021)

Committee Membership

  • Vice-Chair: House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2020 – 2021)
  • Member: House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2020 – 2021)
  • Former Vice-Chair: House Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration (2020 – 2021)
  • Former Member: House Standing Committee on the Status of Women (2019 –2020); Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020– 2020); Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (2020– 2021); Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration (2020 – 2021)

Points of Interest to DND/CAF

Crisis in Ukraine:

  • During House Debate in 2022 on the situation in Ukraine, Ms. Dancho stated that she supports the Government sending military equipment to Ukraine to fight the Russian invasion, but that it would have been better to send the military tools far sooner. She also put pressure on the Government to declare the Russian Ambassador persona non grata, and to ask the international community to withdraw Russia’s right to sit in certain international organizations, such as the G20 or the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
  • During another House debate on the crisis in Ukraine in March 2022, she stated that Canada should prepare for any eventuality against Russia and asked the Minister of Defence about any meetings she has had with Cabinet and Allied counterparts to “prepare Canada in the event Russia acts on its threats and retaliates.”

Arctic Sovereignty:

  • During House Debate in 2022 on the Ukrainian crisis, Ms. Dancho expressed concern about Canadian Arctic sovereignty, noting that "Russia has 40 nuclear-powered icebreakers that are equipped with torpedoes. Do members know how many Canada has? We have none.” She further stated that “serious investments need to be made.”
  • Also in relation to the crisis in Ukraine, Ms. Dancho criticized the fact that "Russia has 18 military bases near Canada's Arctic border, while we are struggling to get a naval base up and running.”
  • During a Public Safety and National Security (SECU) committee meeting on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia in April 2022, Ms. Dancho asked about Canada's surveillance capabilities in the Arctic, including through autonomous underwater capabilities.

NORAD Modernization:

  • At a SECU committee meeting on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia in April 2022, Ms. Dancho asked why the modernization of NORAD and the adequate information sharing among transport, the Canadian Armed Forces and any northern agencies is important for the security and defence of Canada. After the answer of the witness, she declared, “My understanding is that with advanced weapons technology and hypersonic missiles of Russia, we wouldn't even be able to detect any incoming missile threat, given our outdated system”.
  • During another meeting in June 2022 on the same study, Ms. Dancho asked Minister Mendicino, Minister of Public Safety, if Canada should invest $15 billion to modernize NORAD.

During the SECU committee meeting on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia, Ms. Dancho raised issues related to:

  • Defence Spending:
    • Referenced a comment by US Ambassador to Canada David Cohen who criticized Budget 2022 as “not making the necessary investments in defence to meet Canada's NATO commitments.” Asked if Canada should invest more in defence to reach the 2%, as requested by NATO.
  • Procurement:
    • Repeatedly mentioned the importance of the government and the CAF to review the procurement process to make it faster and more efficient.
    • Asked about upcoming procurement, such as the F-35s and next-generation submarines.
  • CAF Personnel:
    • Expressed concerns about the number of personnel and the CAF’s ability to “secure our national security”, and asked if the number of personnel in the CAF is “lacking,” whether we should be “investing more time and energy in this,” and whether it is at a “critical point.”
  • Quantum Computing:
    • Asked about Canada’s defence capability regarding quantum computing, particularly in relation to cryptographic networks and cyber security, and if any adversary countries invest in this type of technology.
  • Intelligence Relationships:
    • Referenced testimony from previous witnesses indicating that Canada could improve its intelligence partnerships, and asked why Canada had not been invited to join AUKUS.


  • During Question Period in 2021, Ms. Dancho criticized the Government for providing top secret-level security clearance to two scientists at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg who allegedly passed top secret information to the Chinese military.

Sexual Misconduct:

  • During House Debate on the Opposition Motion to Censure of the Minister of National Defence in 2021, Ms. Dancho raised the issue of sexual misconduct in the Canadian military. In particular, she raised the perceived lack of results from the Liberal government and the perceived failure of the Minister of Defence to take this issue seriously. She stated that “the Minister has failed the women in” and that he “failed to stand up for them.”

Kristina Michaud

BQ – Avignon–La Mitis–Matane–Matapédia (Qc)

Kristina Michaud

Election to the House of Commons

  • First elected: 2019
  • Re-elected: 2021

Professional Background

  • Studies: Bachelor’s degree in International Studies, Certificate in Gender Studies and a Master’s degree in International Relations
  • Policy: Former policy advisor at the Assemblée Nationale du Québec (2018 – 2019)

Connection to DND/CAF

  • Nil

Political and Parliamentary Roles

  • Critic: Youth and Sport (2019 – Present); Environment (Climate Change) (2019 – Present); Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (2020 – Present)
  • Parliamentary Association Member: Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (2019 – Present); Canada-Italy Interparliamentary Group (2019 – Present); Canadian Branch of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie (2019 – Present); Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (2019 – Present); Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (2019 – Present)

Committee Membership

  • Vice Chair: House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2020 – Present)
  • Member: House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2020 – Present)
  • Former Member: Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020)

Points of Interest to DND/CAF

Continental Defence:

  • At a House Standing Committee on Public Security and National Security (SECU) on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia in April 2022, Ms. Michaud asked whether the Canadian government should join the U.S. anti-missile defence system, and whether it would be “wise to do this quickly” or if it was a “mistake not to have done that earlier.”


  • During all interactions in Parliament, Ms. Michaud is frequently interested in cyber threats, espionage, and foreign interference, which she considers to be growing issues for Canada.
  • For example, during SECU’s meeting on the Annual Report of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) in 2021, Ms. Michaud expressed concern about cyber attacks perpetrated by China and Russia during the pandemic, and witnesses how Canada can counter these types of cyber attacks.
  • During SECU’s study on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia in April 2022, Ms. Michaud expressed concern about the increase in Russian disinformation efforts in Canada and asked the witnesses if Canada was prepared for the worst-case scenario regarding Russian cyber attacks.
  • During committee, Ms. Michaud has also referred to a study by retired CSIS officers, former ambassadors and academics that concludes that "Canada is not prepared to deal with Russian cyber threats and that we urgently need to review our national security."

Sexual Misconduct:

  • During House Debate on the Opposition Motion on Allegations of Sexual Misconduct in the Military in 2021, Ms. Michaud criticized the Government’s request for a new report from Justice Arbour and asked if the Government is “prepared to act to eliminate all forms of sexual misconduct in the army.”


  • Ms. Michaud is a passionate advocate of the environment and frequently criticizes the government’s actions and measures to address climate change, in the House and on social media

Paul Chiang

LPC – Markham—Unionville (ON)

Paul Chiang

Election to the House of Commons

  • First elected: 2021

Professional Background

  • Policing: Retired York Regional Police Sergeant (1992 – 2020); former Sergeant of the Diversity and Cultural Resources Unit
  • Community: Volunteer with the Catholic Community Services of York Region, the Canadian Cancer Society, and the ‘Missionaries of the Poor’ orphanage in Kingston, Jamaica
  • Honours: Received the Police Exemplary Service medal, for his steadfast service to the community and was nominated by the City of Markham as the recipient of the Queen Diamond Jubilee medal

Connection to DND/CAF

  • The 351 Silver Star Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron is located in his riding.

Political and Parliamentary Roles

  • Parliamentary Secretary: Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion (Diversity and Inclusion) (2021 – Present)

Committee Membership

  • Member: House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2021 – Present)

Points of Interest to DND/CAF


  • During a Public Safety and National Security Committee meeting on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia in June 2022, Mr. Chang acknowledged the risk of Russian cyber-attacks on Canada, and asked Minister Blair, Minister of Emergency Preparedness, if Canada is on “high alert” for cyber-attacks from Russia or any other nation, and what steps are being taken to ensure Canada's cybersecurity.

Diversity and Inclusion:

  • During a 2022 House Debate on Black History Month, Mr. Chiang highlighted government efforts to build capacity in black communities, support for young black Canadians, delivery of culturally-focused mental health programs, and support for entrepreneurship and anti-racism strategies.
  • During his first speech in the House in 2021, he said that he will work tirelessly to represent everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or orientation and that he will fight to make sure our communities are safe, healthy and inclusive for all Canadians.
  • On his twitter account in June 2022, Mr. Chang stated that he “will continue to advocate for LGBTQ2+ communities across Canada”.

Other Interests

Gang Violence and Police Issues:

  • Since his election in 2021, the vast majority of his interventions in the House and in the Public Safety Committee have been related to police issues and street gang violence.

Pam Damoff

LPC – Oakville North—Burlington (ON)

Pam Damoff

Election to the House of Commons

  • First elected: 2015
  • Re-elected: 2019, 2021

Professional Background

  • Municipal Politics: Town Councillor of Oakville (2010 – 2015)
  • Volunteer Work: Chair of the Oakville Terry Fox Run (2010 – Present)
  • Honours: Recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and the Paul Harris Fellow Recognition from Rotary International, and the Linda Jones Women’s Activist Award from the Oakville District Labour Council for her community service

Connection to DND/CAF

  • Nil

Political and Parliamentary Roles

  • Parliamentary Secretary: Minister of Public Safety (2021 – Present)
  • Former Parliamentary Secretary: Minister of Health (2019 – 2019); Minister of Indigenous Services (2019 – 2021)
  • Parliamentary Associations: Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (2015 – Present); Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group (2015 – Present); Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (2015 – Present)

Committee Membership

  • Member: House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2015 – Present); Special Committee on Afghanistan (2021 – Present)
  • Former Vice-Chair: House Standing Committee on the Status of Women (2016 – 2019)
  • Former Member: House Standing Committee on the Status of Women (2015 – 2016); Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020)

Points of Interest to DND/CAF

Sexual Misconduct:

  • In 2021, Ms. Damoff was invited to participate in a meeting of the National Defence Committee on sexual misconduct in the CAF. During this meeting, she emphasized that “the committee needs to write a report and find solutions for these survivors of sexual violence, rather than continuing to try to find someone to blame.”


  • At a 2020 Public Safety and National Security Committee meeting on the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security’s Report on National Cyber Threat Assessment, Ms. Damoff asked witnesses about the risk of telecommunications hacking or spying by China, particularly with the arrival of 5G in Canada.

Mental Health:

  • During a 2017 House Debate on Bill C-211, An Act Concerning a Federal Framework for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Ms. Damoff explicitly stated her support for the bill. She also stated that the mental health issues facing our veterans and public safety officers are “much more serious than just post-traumatic stress disorder.”


  • In House Debate on the Criminal Code and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act in 2021, Ms. Damoff criticized the Conservatives' "tough on crime" policy, which she said had resulted in the further marginalization of Indigenous peoples and Black and racialized Canadians.
  • Generally, in Committee and in the House, Ms. Damoff encourages greater inclusion and collaboration of marginalized people such as Indigenous peoples, women, people with disabilities and Black and racialized Canadians.

Other Interests

  • Ms. Damoff is passionate about many causes including climate change, criminal justice reform and strict firearms safety legislation, reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, support for persons living with disabilities, women’s empowerment, mental health, environmental protection, and cycling and improved cycling infrastructure.

Dane Lloyd

CPC – Sturgeon River—Parkland (AB)

Dane Lloyd

Election to the House of Commons

  • First elected: 2017
  • Re-elected: 2019, 2021

Professional Background

  • Parliamentary Advisor: Former Parliamentary Advisor to St. Albert-Edmonton MP Michael Cooper (2015 – 2017); worked for the Honourable Ed Fast, former Minister of International Trade (2013 – 2015); worked under the Honourable Jason Kenney at the Department of Citizenship and Immigration (2012 – 2013)
  • Military: Infantry officer in the Canadian Armed Forces Reserves

Connection to DND/CAF

  • He has served as an Infantry Officer in the CAF since 2013
  • CFB Edmonton is located in his riding
  • Member of Veterans’ Affairs committee during study on disability benefit claims backlog

Political and Parliamentary Roles

  • Critic: Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (2021 – Present)
  • Former Critic: Rural Economic Development (2021 – 2021); Digital Government (2020 – 2021)

Committee Membership

  • Member: House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2021 – Present)
  • Former Member: House Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology (2017 – 2019); House Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs (2019 – 2020); Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020); Standing Committee on Natural Resources (2020 – 2021); House Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (2020 – 2021)

Points of Interest to DND/CAF

Investment in the CAF:

  • During House Debate on the Speech from the Throne in 2021, Mr. Lloyd declared that “the Canadian military deserves much more attention from the Liberal government than it received in the Throne Speech, where it was not even mentioned once.”

Foreign Interference:

  • During a Public Safety and National Security (SECU) committee meeting on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia in June 2022, Mr. Lloyd pressed Minister Blair, Minister of Emergency Preparedness, to know if there were foreign interference in the 2021 federal election.

Electromagnetic Pulse Missiles:

  • During a SECU committee meeting on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia in June 2022, Mr. Lloyd asked if Russia has the ability to send “electromagnetic pulse missiles” into the atmosphere, and whether this technology could have a devastating effect on Western electronic devices. He pressed further by asking if this type of attack would activate NATO’s Article Five ‘Collective Defence’ clause.


  • During a Government Operations and Estimates committee in 2020, Mr. Lloyd mentioned his concern about China's massive investment in the high-tech sector. He stated that the race to develop quantum computing by China is comparable to a "Manhattan Project of the digital age.”
  • He reiterated this statement during House Debate on the Digital Charter Implementation Act, to adding that China's investment in quantum computing “will threaten to blow open all our current encryption technologies.”


  • In a meeting of the Veterans Affairs Committee on the Supplementary Estimates (B) 2019-20 in 2020, Mr. Lloyd introduced a motion to invite the Veterans Ombudsman and Veterans Affairs officials to testify and answer questions about changes to mental health services for veterans' families.
  • At various meetings of the Veterans Affairs Committee, Mr. Lloyd repeatedly emphasized the importance of providing support to veterans who are experiencing mental health challenges, and to family members who are suffering because of their veteran family member's suffering.

Rare Earth Metals:

  • During a meeting of the Natural Resources Committee in 2021, Mr. Lloyd mentioned that access to rare earth metals is critical to our national security and that of our allies, especially in NATO.

Alistair MacGregor

NDP – Cowichan—Malahat—Langford (BC)

Alistair MacGregor

Election to the House of Commons

  • First elected: 2015
  • Re-elected: 2019, 2021

Professional Background

  • Politics: Former constituency assistant to Member of Parliament Jean Crowder
  • Forestry: Former tree-planting supervisor
  • Communication: Received Master of Arts with a focus in professional communication

Connection to DND/CAF

  • Mr. MacGregor’s riding is located near CFB Esquimalt

Political and Parliamentary Roles

  • Critic: Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (2021 – present); Agriculture and Food (2018 – present)
  • Deputy Critic: Justice (2021 – present)
  • Former Critic: Agriculture, Rural Economic Development (2019 – 2021); Justice (2017); Employment and Social Development (Seniors) (2015 – 2017)
  • Former Assistant Critic: Justice (2017 – 2018); Canadian Heritage (2015 – 2018)
  • Parliamentary Association Member: Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group (2018 – 2019)

Committee Membership

  • Member: House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2021 – present); House Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food (2018 – present)
  • Former Vice Chair: Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying (2021); House Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food (2018 – 2019); House Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights (2016 – 2018)
  • Former Member: House Standing Committee on Scrutiny of Regulations (2020 – 2021); House Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights (2016 – 2018)

Points of Interest to DND/CAF


  • During House Debate on the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Mr. MacGregor asked how Canada can “monitor and intervene on war crimes perpetrated by Russian military leadership.”


  • At a Public Safety and National Security (SECU) committee meeting on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia in April 2022, Mr. MacGregor was particularly concerned about the risk of cyber attacks from Russia and asked the witnesses if it would be appropriate to create an American-Canadian cooperation to take care of North American cybersecurity.
  • Mr. MacGregor also expressed interest in cybersecurity coordination during a SECU meeting, and asked how CSE and the RCMP are working together on cyber security.
  • During the same meeting, he asked if it is relevant for Canada to invest in cyber deterrence/cyber offence measures.

Royal Canadian Navy / Procurement:

  • During a National Defence committee meeting on Canada and the defence of North America in 2016, Mr. MacGregor asked witnesses about the key issues and challenges in the defence procurement process, specifically regarding the acquisition of major naval platforms.
  • Mr. MacGregor sailed on board the HMCS Vancouver in 2017, writing in a 2018 media article that he “witnessed first-hand the dedication and professionalism of the men and women who wear the uniform.”


  • During a National Defence committee meeting on Canada and the defence of North America in 2016, Mr. MacGregor referenced “the increased number of resources we may need to look after our sovereignty and the Northwest Passage.”


  • At a SECU committee meeting on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia in April 2022. Mr. MacGregor asked for ways that Canada can work with the US to counter Russian subversion and espionage.

Climate Change:

  • During a National Defence committee meeting on continental defence in 2016, Mr. MacGregor noted that National Defence has “some very powerful tools” at its disposal to analyze the impact of climate change. He asked the former Assistant Chief of Defence Intelligence for an overview of the threats facing Canada in the context of climate change.


  • In a 2018 media article, Mr. MacGregor stressed the importance of ensuring veterans receive “proper services and support”. He noted that we must ensure that the “government does not forget the duty it has to our veterans.”

Arms Exports:

  • During House Debate on an opposition motion to create a standing committee on arms exports review in 2016, Mr. MacGregor stressed the need for more parliamentary oversight for arms exports. He stated that he wanted to know that arms are going to countries with accountability mechanisms, and if they can be tracked after their sale.

Taleeb Noormohamed

LPC – Vancouver-Granville (BC)

Taleeb Noormohamed

Election to the House of Commons

  • First elected: 2021

Professional Background

  • Federal Public Service: Former senior public servant in the Privy Council Office and at Public Safety Canada; former Director of the Review of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182; established Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security; appointed to the Board of Directors for the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA)
  • Technology: Former Vice-President at HomeAway (now Expedia); former Chief Growth Officer at Farfetch; Chief Executive Officer at an online marketplace for apparel and home goods
  • Olympics: Former Vice-President of Strategy and Partnerships for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games

Connection to DND/CAF

  • Nil

Political and Parliamentary Roles

  • Parliamentary Association Member: Canada-NATO Parliamentary Association (2021 – present)

Committee Membership

  • Member: House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2021 – present); House Standing Committee on Scrutiny of Regulations (2021 – present)

Points of Interest to DND/CAF


  • In February 2022, Mr. Noormohamed tweeted that “Canada will not back down against Russia’s unlawful invasion of Ukraine” and that “Canada must do all we can to send a clear message to Putin.”


  • In March 2022, Mr. Noormohamed tweeted that cyber war and cyber-attacks can “cripple national infrastructure,” and noted that Canada’s support and expertise will play a “meaningful role in the defence of Ukraine.” He further noted that “CSE is not to be trifled with.”


  • In March 2022, Mr. Noormohamed tweeted in support of the University of Ottawa’s new Information Integrity Lab to combat disinformation, stating that research like this is “desperately needed.”
  • During meetings of the House Standing Committee of Public Safety and National Security (SECU), Mr. Noormohamed has shown interest in Russian interference in the Canadian system through its disinformation and misinformation campaigns. In this regard, he asked several questions about the strategies used by Russia, the sectors and groups targeted by these campaigns, as well as the measures taken by the government to counter them.

CAF Emergency Assistance:

  • During Emergency Debate on the flooding in British Columbia in 2021, Mr. Noormohamed spoke about the “extraordinary efforts” of the CAF to help B.C. residents and noted that “it is gratifying to know we can count on the incredible men and women of our Armed Forces to come to the aid of Canadians.”

Other Interests


  • Mr. Noormohamed jointly seconded (formally supported) a Private Member’s Bill to develop a framework for local cooperation and engagement in the implementation of federal programs across various sectors to build a green economy in the Prairie provinces.

Peter Schiefke

LPC – Vaudreuil—Soulanges (Qc)

Peter Schiefke

Election to the House of Commons

  • First elected: 2015
  • Re-elected: 2019, 2021

Professional Background

  • Studies: Bachelor’s degree Political Science and Government and a Master’s degree in Renewable Resources Sciences
  • Climate: National Director of Climate Reality Canada (2009 – 2013)
  • Volunteering: Co-Founder & Executive Director Concordia Volunteer Abroad Program (2004 – 2009)

Connection to DND/CAF

  • Nil

Political and Parliamentary Roles

  • Former Parliamentary Secretary: ; Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (2018 – 2019); Minister of Environment and Climate Change (2019 – 2021); Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction (2018 – 2019); Prime Minister (Youth)(2015 – 2019)

Committee Membership

  • Chair: Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (2021 – Present)
  • Member: Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2021 – Present); Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (2021 – Present); Liaison Committee (2021 – Present)
  • Former Member: Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration (2017 – 2021); Environment and Sustainable Development (2020 – 2021); Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020)

Points of Interest to DND/CAF

Diversity and Inclusion:

  • During Question Period in May 2022, Mr. Schiefke stated that “prejudice, barriers and discrimination are a daily reality for too many Canadians, including Black, racialized and indigenous people”, and asked the President of the Treasury Board, “what concrete measures have been taken to strengthen diversity and inclusion in the public service.”
  • During a House debate in December 2020 on Bill C-230, An Act Respecting the Development of a National Strategy to Redress Environmental Racism, Mr. Schiefke recognized the “Canada needs to prevent and redress situations where indigenous and racialized communities must disproportionately contend with pollution, environmental degradation and other forms of environmental damage.”


  • On several occasions in the House in 2021, Mr. Schiefke spoke in support of Bill C-12, An Act respecting transparency and accountability in Canada's efforts to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.
  • With experience and training in the environmental field, Mr. Schiefke regularly appears in the House to defend Liberal positions on the environment. In committee, he tends to ask questions about how to improve Canada's efforts to reduce GHGs and protect the environment.

Doug Shipley

CPC – Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte (ON)

Doug Shipley

Election to the House of Commons

  • First elected: 2019
  • Re-elected: 2021

Professional Background

  • Business: Owned and operated a small business for over 20 years
  • Municipal Politics: Former City Councillor at City of Barrie for three consecutive terms (2010  –  2019);  served  as  Chair  of  Finance  and  Corporate  Services,  Chair  of Infrastructure, Investment and Development Services Committee, and Deputy Chair of the Barrie Police Services Board

Connection to DND/CAF

  • Member of the RCAF Association 441 (Huronia) Wing

Political and Parliamentary Roles

  • Deputy Critic: Housing and Diversity and Inclusion (2021 – Present)
  • Former Shadow Cabinet Minister: Infrastructure and Communities (2020 – 2020)

Committee Membership

  • Member: House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2019 – Present)
  • Former Member: Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020 – 2020); House Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (2020 – 2021)

Points of Interest to DND/CAF

National Shipbuilding Strategy:

  • In March 2022, Mr. Shipley presented an Order Paper Question (OPQ) regarding the National Shipbuilding Strategy:
    1. what is the total cost, including working hours, of the first delivered Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship (AOPS) (Harry DeWolf), broken down by amount spent on (i) engineering, (ii) design, (iii) construction, (iv) commissioning, (v) total hours it took to construct, (vi) overhead under the contract, (vii) the project office;
    2. what is the total expected cost for each AOPS from ships one to eight, specifically, the amount spent to date;
    3. what is the total spent to date redesigning the AOPS for the Coast Guard and the total expected to be spent by the end of the re-design phase;
    4. what are the specific design changes which are to be made on the AOPS for the Navy and the AOPS for the Coast Guard;
    5. what is the total anticipated cost to date for the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC), broken down by amount spent on (i) engineering, (ii) design, (iii) construction, (iv) commissioning; (f) how many hours will it take to construct the CSC;
    6. what are the specific itemized differences between the T26 and the CSC;
    7. what are the top ten risks identified on the CSC program;
    8. what are the expected costs of any additional infrastructure required to construct the CSC;
    9. are there risks related to the radar systems for the CSC, and, if so, what are they;
    10. will the CSC be capable of travelling to the Canadian arctic unescorted and, if so, for how many months of each year during its anticipated 40 years of operational life will it be able to do so;

Support for Military Members and Veterans:

  • Mr. Shipley tweeted in recognition of Veterans’ Week in November 2021, stating that it is an opportunity to “honour those who have served our country in times of war, military conflict and peace”, and re-tweeted RCAF’s post on Indigenous Veterans Day.
  • Mr. Shipley joined the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping for the Peacekeepers’ Week flag raising in Barrie in August 2021.
  • In August 2021, Mr. Shipley supported and thanked “The Rolling Barrage”, a motorcycle rally intended to raise awareness for CAF members, veterans, first responders, and others affected by PTSD.
  • Mr. Shipley tweeted on Military Family Appreciation Day in 2020, noting that “military families are often the unsung heroes” and thanking them for their “strength, courage and compassion.”

Tako Van Popta

CPC – Langley—Aldergrove (BC)

Tako Van Popta

Election to the House of Commons

  • First elected: 2019 (Delta—Richmond East)
  • Re-elected: 2021

Professional Background

  • Law: Lawyer and former Managing Partner at McQuarrie Hunter LLP (1989 – 2019)
  • Business: Former Director at the Surrey Board of Trade and the Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association
  • Community: Spent two terms on the Langley Memorial Hospital Board (1990 -1998); spent more than 10 years volunteering as Chairperson at Elim Housing Society (a seniors’ aging-in-place campus)

Connection to DND/CAF

  • NRS Aldergrove is located in his riding

Political and Parliamentary Roles

  • Deputy Critic: Employment, Future Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion (2021 – Present)

Committee Membership

  • Member: House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2021 – Present)
  • Former Member: Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020 – 2020)

Points of Interest to DND/CAF

NORAD Modernization:

  • During a meeting of the House Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (SECU) in June 2022, Mr. Van Popta asked the witnesses if the perceived delay in modernizing NORAD poses a challenge for Canada's overall emergency preparedness.

Defence Capability in the Arctic:

  • During a SECU committee meeting on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia in April 2022, Mr. Van Popta expressed concern about Canada's ability to defend itself against a potential Russian air and sea attack. He also asked about the potential impacts of Canada investing 2% of its GDP in national defence.
  • During this study, Mr. Van Popta also compared the military capabilities of Russia and Canada in the Arctic, then he asked the witnesses if Canada can compete with Russia in the region, and what steps the government should take immediately to improve the situation.

Russian Submarine Activities:

  • During a SECU committee meeting on Assessment of Canada’s Security Posture in Relation to Russia in April 2022, Mr. Van Popta cited media sources that a Russian submarine was detected off the British coast where there are underwater communications cables, and asked if Russia could “cut these cables” and what the repercussions for Canada would be.

Cyber Security:

  • At a SECU meeting on the Annual Report of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) in 2021, Mr. Van Popta expressed concern over the issue of malicious cyber activity involving foreign entities breaking into Canada’s security and stealing our intellectual property.
  • At the same meeting, Mr. Van Popta asked whether these “malicious actions” were perpetrated by state-owned enterprises controlled by the Chinese communist government or the Russian government.

Tony Van Bynen

LPC – Newmarket– Aurora (ON)

Tony Van Bynen

Election to the House of Commons

  • First elected: 2019 (Delta—Richmond East)
  • Re-elected: 2021

Professional Background

  • Municipal Politics: Mayor of Newmarket (2006 – 2018)
  • Finance: 30-year career in the Royal Bank of Canada (1969-2000)
  • Community Work: Director of Newmarket Tay Hydro (2006-2018), Member of Board of Directors, Southlake Regional Health Centre (2006-2015)

Connection to DND/CAF

  • Nil

Political and Parliamentary Roles

  • Parliamentary Association Member: Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association (2022 – present); Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group (2022 – present); Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (2022 – present); Canada- United Kingdom Inter-Parliamentary Association (2022 – present); Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (2022 – present); Canada-China Legislative Association (2020)

Committee Membership

  • Member: Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (2022 – present); Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of persons with Disabilities (2021 - present)
  • Former Member: Standing Committee on Health (2020-2021)

Points of Interest to DND/CAF

Climate Change:

  • In an address in reply to the Speech from the throne, on December 1, 2021: Mr. Van Bynen stated “Speaking of safety, climate change is the biggest threat that we are facing.”

Indigenous Relations:

  • In an address in reply to the Speech from the throne, Mr. Van Bynen expressed support for increased support for the Indigenous Communities. "Let us move quickly, hand in hand with indigenous people, to not only close these gaps, but in doing so, realize the immense opportunities that are possible from an equal and renewed understanding and partnership."

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