Communications Security Establishment

Cybersecurity and Cyber Capabilities

  • Potential adversaries are leveraging and developing cyber capabilities in effort to exploit vulnerabilities in our cyber systems.
  • The CSE Act allows the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) to carry out activities on or through the global information infrastructure to degrade, disrupt, influence, respond to, or interfere with the capabilities, intentions or activities of a foreign individual, state, organization or terrorist group as they relate to international affairs, defence or security.
  • CSE employs sophisticated cyber tools and technical expertise to help identify, prepare for, and defend against cyber threats, as well as to impose costs on malign actors that seek to harm Canada’s information systems, networks, businesses, and institutions.
  • CSE’s Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (the Cyber Centre) is Canada’s authority on cyber security. As a unified source of expert advice and guidance, CSE’s Cyber Centre leads the Government’s operational response to cyber incidents. The Cyber Centre also collaborates with the rest of government, the private sector and academia to strengthen Canada’s cyber resilience.
  • Cyber operations capabilities are also a key element of military and state power, needed to deter and defeat external threats to Canada in times of peace and conflict.
  • CSE and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) continue to work with domestic and international partners to support and build a stable cyberspace built on the respect for international law and the norms of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace.
  • The CAF contributes to international peace and security through cyber threat intelligence sharing with Allies and partners, and through the conduct of full spectrum cyber operations as authorized by the Government of Canada.
  • For example, the CAF currently provides cyber defence assistance to Latvia and Ukraine to bolster the ability of both nations to defend against malicious cyber activities.

Key Facts

  • The CSE Act sets out five aspects of CSE’s mandate, which contributes to the lines of operations above. This includes:
    • Cybersecurity and information assurance
    • Foreign intelligence
    • Defensive cyber operations
    • Active cyber operations; and
    • Technical and operational assistance
  • CSE may use defensive cyber operations to defend Canada against foreign cyber threats by taking online action. For example, CSE could prevent cyber criminals from stealing information from a Government of Canada network by disabling their foreign server. This authority can also be used to defend systems designated by the Minister of National Defence as being of importance to the Government of Canada, such as energy grids, telecommunications networks, healthcare databases, banking systems, and elections infrastructure.
  • Active cyber operations allow CSE to take online action to disrupt the capabilities of foreign threats to Canada, such as: foreign terrorist groups, foreign cyber criminals, hostile intelligence agencies, and state-sponsored hackers. Threats that CSE disrupts must relate to international affairs, defence or security.
  • CSE, supported by Global Affairs Canada and the CAF, has a proven track record that respects and reinforces Canada’s statement on international law and cyber norms.
  • CSE’s Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (the Cyber Centre) reminds the Canadian cybersecurity community, especially infrastructure network defenders, to be vigilant against sophisticated cyber threats.
  • Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Capabilities:
    • Defensive cyber operations are employed to respond and/or counter a threat by an adversary in cyberspace, whereas offensive cyber operations are conducted to project power in, or through, cyberspace to achieve effects in support of military objectives.
    • CSE and the CAF continue to develop and scale its offensive and defensive cyber operations capabilities. This partnership enables Cyber operations and provides the Government of Canada flexibility in achieving strategic objectives.
    • The Canadian Armed Forces holds the responsibility of safeguarding its military networks on a continuous basis, and actively cooperates with CSE and international partners to help protect joint critical networks among Allies and within NATO.


  • CSE and its Canadian Centre for Cyber Security
    • Cyber security is a foundation for Canada’s future, for our digital economy, our personal safety, and national prosperity and competitiveness.
    • Every day, the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) uses its sophisticated cyber and technical expertise to help monitor, detect, and investigate threats against Canada’s information systems and networks, and to take active measures to address them.
    • Recent geopolitical events have elevated the potential risk of cyber threats, as outlined in the 2023-2024 National Cyber Threat Assessment.
    • CSE continues to publish advice and guidance to help organizations be less vulnerable and more secure. It works with industry partners, including government and non-government partners, to share threat information and cyber security best practices.
    • Cyber security is a whole-of-society concern, and the federal government works together with other jurisdictions, organizations, as well as critical infrastructure network defenders to raise Canada’s cyber security bar.
    • If Canadian companies have been impacted by cyber threats, they are urged to contact the Cyber Centre toll free at 1-833-CYBER-88, by email or visit Report a cyber incident
  • Canadian Armed Forces and the Communications Security Establishment Cooperation:
    • The Canadian Armed Forces and CSE have a long history of partnership in the development of highly technical and specialized capabilities that support Canadian Armed Forces operations.
    • In 2019, the CSE Act granted CSE authorities to conduct foreign cyber operations to take online action to disrupt foreign threats to Canada and achieve international affairs, defence, and security objectives. It also gave CSE the authority to provide technical assistance to the CAF.
    • These activities are subject to the rigorous system of internal policies and procedures of both organizations as well as independent oversight and review.
    • Cooperation between the CAF and CSE ensures the best use of tools and capabilities, reduces unnecessary duplication of efforts, leverages each other’s authorities, and improves the chances of meeting mission objectives.
    • Overall, Canada’s authorities and governance framework to conduct cyber operations is supported by strong independent and parliamentary review processes, as well as internal oversight for operational compliance.
  • Authorizations and Safeguards:
    • Cyber operations undertaken in support of government objectives will be pursuant to the CSE Act, and the Crown Prerogative and the National Defence Act, and will be consistent with Canada’s international legal obligations. 
    • CSE is prohibited by law from targeting the private information of Canadians or any person in Canada and must not infringe the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
    • Cyber operations conducted under CSE authorities require the Minister of National Defence to issue a Ministerial Authorization, which requires either consultation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs (for defensive cyber operations) or at the request of or with the consent of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (for active cyber operations).
    • In conducting cyber operations, Canada recognizes the importance of adhering to international law and agreed norms of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace. Canada’s authorities and governance framework to conduct cyber operations is supported by a strong independent review process, as well as internal oversight for operational compliance.
    • Foreign cyber operations are further subject to proven checks and balances such as rules of engagement, targeting and collateral damage assessments.
  • Offensive Cyber Operations:
    • SSE committed the Canadian Armed Forces to assuming a more assertive posture in the cyber domain by hardening its defences, and by conducting offensive cyber operations against potential adversaries as part of government-authorized military missions.
    • The CSE Act allows CSE to carry out activities on or through the global information infrastructure to degrade, disrupt, influence, respond to, or interfere with the capabilities, intentions or activities of a foreign individual, state, organization or terrorist group as they relate to international affairs, defence or security.
  • Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Operator:
    • SSE directed the creation of the Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Operator occupation. This trade includes both Reserve and Regular Force members who conduct both defensive and offensive cyber operations with the goal of supporting operational objectives and delivering tactical effects.
  • Cyber Mission Assurance Program:
    • Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE) directed the creation of the Cyber Mission Assurance Program. It is part of the cyber capability to protect critical military networks and equipment from cyber threats. Platforms like aircraft, ships, and vehicles are becoming increasingly dependent on cyberspace. The Cyber Mission Assurance Program ensures that cyber resilience is a primary consideration when new equipment is procured.
    • Cyber threats pose unique challenges in projecting and sustaining military power. The changing global environment and the increasing dependence on cyberspace technologies demands a significant change in our culture. The introduction of cyber-resiliency mindset in all our activities is required for the CAF to maintain its competitive advantage. The Cyber Mission Assurance Program focuses on managing the risks associated with cyber threats, to improve resilience, and increase the probability of mission success.

Foreign Interference and the Democratic Process

  • The Government of Canada takes seriously its responsibility to protect Canadians from foreign interference, regardless of the source.
  • In the lead up to and during the 2021 Federal Election, the Communications Security Establishment (CSE), the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), Global Affairs Canada (GAC), and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) worked together closely as part of the Security and Intelligence Threats to Elections Task Force (SITE).
  • CSE’s Cyber Centre also worked with Elections Canada to help secure election systems and infrastructure.
  • Our security and intelligence agencies coordinated integrated government efforts by raising awareness, monitoring, and reporting on threats, and providing advice to protect our democracy.
  • CSE’s 2023-24 National Cyber Threat Assessment (NCTA) highlights how online foreign influence activities have become a new normal with adversaries seeking to influence elections and impact international discourse related to current events.
  • SITE Task Force partners will continue to work within their respective mandates to detect and counter possible foreign threats to Canada and its democratic institutions.
  • While Canada’s democratic institutions and processes are strong and resilient, CSE continues to actively work to ensure their continued protection.

Key Facts

Reviews of Foreign Interference

  • In March 2023, the Prime Minister announced measures to strengthen trust in Canada’s democracy.
  • This included requesting NSICOP and NSIRA to review the impact of foreign interference in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections, and how Canada’s national security agencies handled the threat. NSIRA and NSICOP launched their reviews in March, with CSE receiving the first requests for information in April.
  • The Prime Minister appointed an Independent Special Rapporteur (ISR) on Foreign Interference who published the first report and interim recommendations on May 23, 2023.
  • The report:
    • Reaffirmed that the 2019 and 2021 federal elections were free and fair.
    • Acknowledges that foreign interference is a serious threat and makes recommendations to detect, deter, and counter it.
    • Found that there are shortcomings in the way intelligence is communicated and processed from security agencies through to government.
    • Concluded that a further public process is required to address issues relating to foreign interference, but there should not and need not be a separate Public Inquiry.
  • CSE welcomes these external reviews into foreign interference in Canada’s elections and will continue to support them and Parliament moving forward.

Top Cybersecurity Points

  • Cyber security is a foundation for Canada’s future, for our digital economy, our personal safety, and national prosperity and competitiveness.
  • Every day, the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) uses its sophisticated cyber and technical expertise to help monitor, detect, and investigate threats against Canada’s information systems and networks, and to take active measures to address them.
  • CSE’s Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (Cyber Centre) uses sensors to detect malicious cyber activity on government networks, systems and cloud infrastructure; and networks, systems and electronic infrastructures of importance to the Government of Canada.
  • This year, CSE’s automated defences protected the Government of Canada from 2.3 trillion malicious actions, an average of 6.3 billion a day.
  • It is critical that Canada has strong cyber defence capabilities as recent geopolitical events and incidents of cybercrime have elevated the potential risk of cyber threats, this was outlined in the 2023-2024 National Cyber Threat Assessment (NCTA).
  • CSE continues to publish advice and guidance to help organizations be less vulnerable and more secure. It works with industry partners, including government and non-government partners, to share threat information and cyber security best practices.
  • Cyber security matters to all of us, and the federal government works together with other jurisdictions, organizations, as well as critical infrastructure network defenders to raise Canada’s cyber security bar.
  • If Canadian companies have been impacted by cyber threats, they are urged to contact the Cyber Centre toll free at 1-833-CYBER-88, by email or visit Report a cyber incident.

Key Facts

  • CSE utilizes its mandate to reduce the impact of cybercrime on Canadian businesses, organizations, and individuals.
  • Ongoing efforts include:
    • collecting intelligence on cybercrime groups
    • enhancing cyber defences to protect critical systems against cybercrime threats
    • advising Canadian critical infrastructure providers on how to protect themselves against cybercrime; and
    • using active cyber operations capabilities (ACO) to disrupt the activities of cybercrime groups.
  • In addition, working with Canadian and allied partners, CSE has conducted ACO to reduce the ability of cybercrime groups to:
    • target Canadians, Canadian businesses and institutions
    • launch ransomware attacks
    • solicit, buy and sell cybercrime goods and services
  • These operations imposed costs on cybercrime groups by making their activities more difficult and less profitable. The aim is to deter future cybercrime attempts on Canadian targets.

Accountability, Review and Oversight of CSE Activities

  • The Communications Security Establishment (CSE) operates within strict internal and external mechanisms to ensure its activities comply with the law and protect the privacy of Canadians and people in Canada.
  • CSE is committed to being as open and transparent as possible, while still protecting classified matters of national security.
  • CSE and its Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (Cyber Centre) publish numerous publications on their websites to enhance transparency and share information with Canadians.
  • Some of those key publications include CSE's Annual Report, the National Cyber Threat Assessment (NCTA), Threats to Democratic Institutions Report (TDP), as well as various cyber threat alerts.
  • In addition, in 2019, the government enhanced the review and oversight of CSE, as well as the broader security and intelligence community, following the Royal Assent of Bill C-59, The National Security Act.
  • CSE is subject to ongoing review by two independent external review bodies:
    • the National Security and Intelligence Review Agency (NSIRA); and
    • the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP).
  • Based on their distinct mandates, both NSIRA and NSICOP are responsible for reviewing Government of Canada national security and intelligence activities. Whereas NSIRA consists of Governor-in-Council appointees, NSICOP consists of members of Parliament and Senate.
  • Together the two organizations help ensure CSE and other members of the security and intelligence community are held accountable for their national security and intelligence activities.
  • Through the publication of reports, NSIRA and NSICOP also increase transparency for Canadians on the activities of the security and intelligence community.
  • To support their reviews, CSE provides both NSICOP and NSIRA with extensive access to information, documents, records, and subject matter experts.
  • In addition to NSIRA and NSICOP, the Intelligence Commissioner (IC) provides oversight by approving authorizations for certain CSE and CSIS activities prior to their execution.
  • Similar to review bodies, the Intelligence Commissioner prepares annual public reports that allows Canadians to have a better understanding of the activities CSE and CSIS undertake.
  • CSE values independent, external review and oversight of their activities, and remains committed to a positive and ongoing dialogue with these important institutions.

Key Facts

This year, CSE’s internal compliance team conducted:

  • annual compliance knowledge accreditation
  • compliance incident handling
  • systematic operational monitoring
  • compliance outreach and education
  • annual compliance training
  • knowledge testing
  • routine monitoring
  • engagement initiatives

CSE submitted a total of 6 Ministerial Authorizations to the IC in FY 2022-23:

  • 3 Foreign Intelligence Authorizations
  • 3 Cybersecurity Authorizations

The IC fully approved 4 of the 5 Authorizations. The IC partially approved 1 Cybersecurity Authorization. In this case, the Intelligence Commissioner approved the authorization with the exception of one activity, concluding that there was not enough information to establish whether the activity was covered by the CSE Act.

CSE External Review bodies statistics in FY 2022-23:

  •  CSE contributed to 22 external reviews:
    • 17 by NSIRA
    • 4 by NSICOP
    • 1 by the Independent Special Rapporteur
  • CSE held 52 briefings, meetings or interviews with review staff
  • CSE responded to 502 questions from our review bodies

CSE answered 89% of questions submitted by NSICOP and NSIRA by the requested due date.

This year, CSE’s transparency activities included:


  • Ransomware poses a threat to Canada’s national security and economic prosperity.
  • Threat actors will typically compromise a victim, encrypt their data, and demand ransom to provide a decryption key.
  • Data stolen during a ransomware attack almost certainly enables further cyber threat activity from a range of actors. Threat actors can also leverage sensitive business information to support commercial espionage.
  • Ransomware can incur significant costs, disrupt the operation of important systems, damage or destroy an organization’s data, and reveal sensitive information.
  • A ransomware attack can prevent access to essential services and in some cases, threaten Canadians’ physical safety and wellbeing.
  • The Government of Canada is working to reduce the threat of ransomware by targeting and disrupting cybercriminals, coordinating strategies with international allies and by issuing advice, guidance, and services for those affected by ransomware.
  • In 2021, CSE shared a ransomware playbook for incident prevention and recovery, and an updated cyber threat bulletin. CSE also published, the 2023-2024 National Cyber Threat Assessment (NCTA) which highlights the cyber threats faced by individuals and organizations in Canada, including ransomware. 
  • Although it remains a business decision, organizations should be aware that paying a ransom funds criminal enterprises. It also enables further malicious cyber activity and ultimately there is no guarantee that cybercriminals will return stolen information.

If pressed on any specific ransomware group and/or activities:

  • CSE does not comment on specific cyber security incidents; however, they continue to provide advice and guidance to Canadians and Canadian organizations, if and when requested.
  • CSE’s Canadian Centre for Cyber Security continues to monitor new forms of ransomware and vulnerabilities, and shares tips and threat information with partners across Canada to help mitigate risks.
  • I encourage all victims to report cybercrime activities to local law enforcement and the RCMP. I would also encourage victims to report a cyber incident to CSE’s Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (Cyber Centre) so that they can help share threat-related information with partners to help keep Canada and Canadians safe online.

Key Facts

  • Malicious cyber activity poses an ongoing threat to Canada’s federal institutions and critical infrastructure. This includes criminal activity such as ransomware attacks, and state-sponsored activity for strategic gain. The Cyber Centre’s automated defences protect the Government of Canada from over 6 billion malicious actions a day. These include attempts to map systems and networks, to extract information or to deploy malware.
  • As outlined in the 2023-24 NCTA, Cybercrime is the cyber threat Canadians are most likely to face.


  • Cybercrime is big business for cybercriminal organizations and has major impacts on Canada’s economic security.
  • In the Cyber Centre’s National Cyber Threat Assessment (NCTA) 2023-24 unclassified threat report, they outlined how cybercrime continues to be cyber threat activity most likely to affect Canadians and Canadian organizations.
  • CSE and the Cyber Centre uses the breadth of its mandate to reduce the impact of cybercrime on Canadian businesses, organizations and individuals. Ongoing efforts include:
    • collecting intelligence on cybercrime groups
    • enhancing cyber defences to protect critical systems against cybercrime threats
    • advising Canadian critical infrastructure providers on how to protect themselves against cybercrime; and
    • using our active cyber operations capabilities (ACO) to disrupt the activities of cybercrime groups
  • For example, under these authorities, CSE has launched an enduring campaign to disrupt foreign cybercriminals who threaten Canadian and allied systems with ransomware attacks. These systems include health care providers and other critical infrastructure owners.
  • Under this campaign, CSE has executed dozens of operations that have disrupted the foreign infrastructure used by these groups. These operations have allowed the Cyber Centre and other cyber defenders to work with these system owners to prevent them from becoming victims of ransomware attacks.
  • In addition, working with Canadian and allied partners, CSE has conducted ACO to reduce the ability of cybercrime groups to:
    • target Canadians, Canadian businesses and institutions
    • launch ransomware attacks; and
    • solicit, buy and sell cybercrime goods and services including:
      • Canadian personal information
      • Canadian proprietary information
      • malware
  • These operations imposed costs on cybercrime groups by making their activities more difficult and less profitable. The aim is to deter future cybercrime attempts on Canadian targets.

Protecting Canada's Telecommunications System

  • The Government of Canada conducted an extensive examination of 5G wireless technology and the various technical, economic, and national security aspects of 5G implementation.
  • As a result of this examination, Bill C-26, An Act Respecting Cyber Security (ARCS) was introduced in June 2022 to further strengthen our telecommunications system and protect our national security.
  • This legislation will amend the Telecommunications Act to allow the Government to take action to prohibit the use of equipment or services from low confidence suppliers.
  • In addition, the Communications Security Establishment’s (CSE) Security Review Program (SRP), which has a proven track-record of protecting Canada’s 3G/4G/LTE networks, will evolve to consider the security of Canada’s telecommunications system more broadly.
  • Under the new Telecoms Cyber Resilience Program, CSE continues to work with Canadian telecommunications service providers (TSPs) to help them mitigate cyber security and supply chain risks.
  • Together, these efforts are part of a robust strategy to defend the critical digital infrastructure upon which Canadians rely.

Growth, Recruitment, and Retention at CSE

  • Over the years, CSE has experienced continued and sustained growth that has enabled the agency to adapt and address the growing cybersecurity landscape.
  • No other governmental agency within Canada is undertaking the crucial cyber security work done at CSE. In fact, only a few other jurisdictions around the world have similar operations thereby positioning Canada’s cryptological agency at the forefront of cyber operations and defence.
  • Recruiting skilled employees in the high-tech field remains challenging and highly competitive. At CSE, the same is true due to the specific technical competencies required for many positions within the organization.
  • Despite the highly competitive nature of recruitment, CSE has been recognized as a Top Employer in 2020, 2021, and 2022, as well as one of Canada’s Top Employers for Youth for the past six years in a row.
  • CSE and the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security are hiring for a variety of positions including foreign language intelligence analysts, engineers, mathematicians, computer science specialists and cyber security professionals.
  • CSE also received significant recognition through Budget 2022 in which proposed $875.2 million over five years for CSE, beginning in 2022-23, for additional measures to address the rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape.

Key Facts

  • At CSE there is a 2% retirement and 2% resignation rate for a total of 4% attrition per year.
  • CSE has a relatively low attrition rate which reflects its investment in creating a healthy work environment, encouraging employee professional development, embracing diversity and inclusion as mission imperatives, and having excellent counselling and employee support programs in place.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

  • As a security and intelligence organization, promoting diversity at CSE allows the workplace to integrate broad perspectives, experiences, and worldviews into its operations. As a result, individuals can pursue CSE’s mission in a nurturing and welcoming environment.
  • Working with equity-deserving groups both inside and outside of CSE on the promotion of equity, diversity and inclusion will enable CSE to evolve its processes, operations and policies in a manner that serves all Canadians effectively.
  • In effort of working towards reconciliation, CSE continues to participate in the Government of Canada’s IT Apprenticeship Program for Indigenous Peoples, a program that matches First Nations, Inuit and Métis candidates to help them build the skills they need for an IT career in the federal public service.

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