
It is our privilege to introduce the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) Data Strategy. This strategy reflects the increasing importance of data to meet our mandate of providing combat-effective, multipurpose forces at home and abroad to protect Canada and Canadians.

Data are critical assets to modern organizations. Organizations that recognize the value of their data are better able to understand and engage with their stakeholders, generate insights that lead to the identification of opportunities, and improve their performance. However to achieve these benefits, data first needs to be managed and controlled. If we ignore the importance of data and data-driven approaches, the Defence Team will fall behind, and risks facing better-informed, more agile adversaries in conflict situations.

The DND/CAF Data Strategy was developed in consultation with representatives from across the organization through interviews and workshops. As a result of this collaboration, we are now better able to understand the magnitude of data available, collected, and used across the Defence enterprise. Advances in technology have made our ships, land vehicles, and aircraft into data platforms, and can now put data at the fingertips of our people to enable them to make real-time operational decisions. While we have significant work to do to fully exploit the value in our data, we are already exploring how to use data-driven technologies such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Defence programs.

The execution of this strategy will enable the Defence Team to collect and use data to the benefit of the DND/CAF, enable a transition to digitally-enabled tools and services, and support the implementation of Strong, Secure, Engaged. However, the objectives of the data strategy cannot be achieved without the support of all parts of the organization. Success in implementation depends on the Defence CDO delivering this Data Strategy in full partnership with the Defence CIO’s Information Strategy which will provide us with the tools and technology we need. Further, leaders at all levels will have to engage with each other to reimagine the way we defend Canada and Canadians in the era of data and digital services.

We look forward to engaging the entire Defence Team as we advance this important agenda.

DM Thomas
Jody Thomas
Deputy Minister
Department of National Defence
General Vance
General J.H. Vance
Chief of the Defence Staff
Canadian Armed Forces

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