DAOD 5002-1, Enrolment
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Date of Issue: 2006-06-16
Date of last modification: 2018-06-04
Effective Date: 2011-01-01
Date of Last Review: 2024-11-19
Application: This DAOD is an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).
- CFAO 6-1, Enrolment – Regular Force
- CFAO 9-12, Regular Officer Training Plan, subparagraph 9b
- CFAO 49-5, Career Policy Non-Commissioned Member Primary Reserve, Annex C, paragraph 1
- CFAO 49-6, Terms of Service – Officers of The Cadet Instructors List and Civilian Instructors for Cadets, Annex A, Appendix 1
- CFAO 49-10, Terms of Service – Officers – Primary Reserve, Annex A, Appendices 1 and 2
- CFAO 49-11, Terms of Service Non-Commissioned Members Primary Reserve, Annex A, Appendix 1
- CANFORGEN 038/11, Amendment To Minimum Enrolment Age DAOD 5002-1
Approval Authority: Chief of Military Personnel (CMP)
Enquiries: Director Personnel Generation Requirements (DPGR)
2. Overview
2.1 The CAF is committed to enrolling eligible applicants who are most suitable for service.
2.2 Applicants for enrolment should:
- possess an aptitude for learning;
- have valued, applicable skills;
- be motivated to commit to a CAF career; and
- exhibit characteristics, values and work attitudes necessary for service in the CAF.
Eligibility and Selection
2.3 Enrolment is selective and may be competitive.
2.4 Applicants are assessed through tests, interviews and other methods that comply with:
- the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
- the Canadian Human Rights Act;
- the Employment Equity Act;
- the Official Languages Act; and
- recognized psychological and statistical principles.
2.5 Applicants who are eligible for enrolment in the CAF, and are found to be suitable in the selection process for the targeted component, sub-component and military occupation, if applicable, may be enrolled.
2.6 Eligible applicants selected for service as officers or non-commissioned members (NCM) are enrolled in one of the following components:
- the Regular Force (Reg F) for continuing full-time military service;
- the Reserve Force (Res F) for other than continuing full-time military service when not on active service; or
- the Special Force, when established by the Governor in Council, for continuing full-time military service.
Action by Applicant
2.7 The general process followed by an applicant seeking enrolment is set out in this block. The applicant:
- contacts a Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre (CFRC), Primary Reserve (P Res) unit, cadet corps or Canadian Rangers Patrol Group (CRPG), as applicable, to initiate the selection and enrolment process;
- completes Form DND 2170, Canadian Forces Employment Application;
- provides required documentation;
- becomes informed on being a CAF member, including being able to demonstrate an understanding of applicable environmental and military occupation requirements;
- undertakes the required selection process, including testing and attending interviews;
- with respect to the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service (COATS), liaises with the Regional Cadet Support Unit (RCSU) to ensure their file is complete prior to making arrangements with a CFRC and initiates the vulnerable sector screening process through their local police station;
- accepts or refuses the enrolment offer;
- signs Form CF 444, Canadian Forces Enrolment Form (or Transfer); and
- takes the oath or solemn affirmation.
3. Qualifications for Enrolment
3.1 QR&O article 6.01, Qualifications for Enrolment, establishes eligibility for enrolment in respect of the following conditions:
- citizenship;
- good character;
- minimum age; and
- current and former service in the CAF, other military force or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
3.2 An eligible applicant is an applicant who has met the conditions of eligibility for enrolment.
3.3 An applicant is required to be:
- a Canadian citizen; or
- a citizen of another country who has permanent resident status under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and:
- undertakes to become a Canadian citizen immediately when eligible to do so;
- satisfies a special need; and
- whose enrolment, in the opinion of the Commander (Comd) Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG), would not prejudice the national interest.
3.4 An applicant who is both a Canadian citizen and a citizen of another country may be enrolled.
Good Character
3.5 An applicant is required to be of good character by:
- attaining an enhanced reliability status in accordance with the National Defence Security Policy;
- being willing to comply with CAF policies concerning alcohol-related misconduct, sexual misconduct, harassment, drugs and racism; and
- not having an outstanding obligation under the judicial system.
3.6 An outstanding obligation under the judicial system includes situations such as an applicant:
- awaiting a court date for a trial on a criminal charge or sentencing; or
- not having completed the terms of a sentence, e.g. probation or parole.
Minimum Age
3.7 The minimum age to be eligible for enrolment varies.
3.8 To be eligible for enrolment as an officer, an applicant is required to have reached:
- in the Reg F:
- age 16, if the applicant is selected for education and training at a Royal Military College or civilian university; or
- age 17, in any other case;
- in the Res F:
- age 16, if the applicant is selected for education and training at a Royal Military College or otherwise maintains full-time student status until age 17;
- age 18, if the applicant enrols in the COATS or the Canadian Rangers; or
- age 17, in any other case; and
- in the Special Force, age 17.
3.9 To be eligible for enrolment as a NCM, an applicant is required to have reached age 17, except for applicants in the COATS or the Canadian Rangers who are required to have reached age 18.
3.10 The consent of a custodial parent or legal guardian is required for the enrolment of an applicant who is under the age of 18 on the day of enrolment.
Current Service in Other Military Force or RCMP
3.11 An applicant who is a member of a military force other than the CAF shall not be enrolled in the CAF. The applicant may only be enrolled upon their release from the other military force.
Note – An applicant who is a Canadian citizen and a citizen of another country may be liable for military service in that other country. Any CAF member who is enrolled in a military force other than the CAF shall be released from the CAF.
3.12 An applicant who is a member of the RCMP shall not be enrolled in the Reg F or Special Force. While a member of the RCMP may be enrolled in the P Res, QR&O paragraphs 9.04(2.1) and (3.1), Training and Duty, set out limitations upon their training and duties in the CAF.
Former Service in the CAF, Other Military Force or RCMP
3.13 In accordance with QR&O article 6.02, Action Prior to Enrolment of Persons with Former Service, an applicant with former service in the CAF, any other military force or the RCMP is required to:
- state the particulars of that service;
- state the cause of their release; and
- produce their release papers.
3.14 In accordance with QR&O paragraphs 6.01(2) and (4), unless special authority is obtained from the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS), an applicant with former service shall not be enrolled if released:
- as medically unfit;
- for inefficiency;
- with a conduct assessment below "good" or equivalent, other than a conduct assessment below "good" or equivalent that was based upon conviction for which a pardon has been granted under the Criminal Records Act; or
- for misconduct.
3.15 For applicants with former CAF service, the above includes any release from the CAF under Item 1 (misconduct), 2 (unsatisfactory service), 3(a) (medically unfit for further service), 5(d) (not advantageously employable) or 5(f) (unsuitable for further service) of the Table to QR&O article 15.01, Release of Officers and Non-Commissioned Member. For applicants with former service in any other military force or the RCMP, the above includes any reason analogous to one of these Items.
Note – All previous CDS orders, instructions and authorizations that provided authority for officers subordinate to the CDS to authorize the enrolment of applicants with former service have been revoked.
Membership in Cadet Organizations
3.16 On the day of enrolment, an applicant may not be a cadet in a cadet organization authorized under section 46 of the National Defence Act.
4. Component and Sub-Component Selection
4.1 An applicant who is eligible for enrolment and is selected is enrolled in a particular component or sub-component in accordance with this map.
4.2 Component and sub-component selection supports CAF organizational effectiveness.
4.3 The liability to serve and perform military duty varies between components and sub-components.
4.4 The following table identifies standards and requirements that an applicant shall meet to determine suitability for selection in a specific component or sub-component.
Note – If a specific component or sub-component is not mentioned, the standard and requirements do not apply.
Standards | Component or Sub-component | Requirements |
Service |
Reg F |
Res F |
Special Force |
Universality of service |
Reg F |
P Res |
Maximum age |
Reg F |
Special Force |
P Res |
Supplementary Reserve (Supp Res) |
Canadian Rangers |
Medical fitness |
Reg F |
Note – An applicant whose common enrolment medical standard has been waived is still required to meet the minimum medical standard assigned to the selected military occupation. |
P Res |
Supp Res |
Special Force |
Canadian Rangers |
Education |
Reg F |
P Res |
Special Force |
Supp Res |
Local residence |
Canadian Rangers |
Care of vulnerable persons |
5. Military Occupation Selection
5.1 An applicant who is eligible for enrolment, and is selected for enrolment in a particular component or sub-component, may further be selected for enrolment in a particular military occupation in accordance with this map.
Military Occupations by Component and Sub-Component
5.2 Specific military occupations within the Reg F, P Res and Special Force are set out in A-PD-055-001/AG-001, Canadian Forces Manual of Military Occupational Structure.
5.3 The following military occupations are available in the Supp Res:
- current Reg F, P Res and Special Force military occupations (trained);
- historic Reg F, P Res and Special Force military occupations (trained); and
- "Specialist", encompassing any special skills or expertise for which there is a military requirement.
Military Occupation Selection
5.4 Military occupation selection is supported by an integrated system of entry standards, specification requirements and assessment processes that are designed to select an applicant for the best person, environment and military occupation fit.
5.5 The following table identifies standards and requirements used to determine an applicant's suitability for military occupation selection within a component or sub-component:
Military Occupation Standards and Requirements | Military Occupations within a Component or Sub-Component | Requirements |
Entry standards |
Reg F |
P Res |
Supp Res |
Special Force |
Specification requirements |
Reg F |
P Res |
Supp Res |
Special Force |
Selection process |
Reg F |
P Res |
Supp Res |
Special Force |
Medical fitness |
Reg F |
P Res |
Supp Res |
Special Force |
6. Enrolment Offers
6.1 An applicant may be enrolled if the applicant is:
- eligible for enrolment;
- selected for a component or sub-component; and
- selected for a military occupation, if applicable.
Enrolment Authorities
6.2 CMP is an enrolment and selection authority for all components, sub-components and military occupations.
6.3 The following table lists the additional authorities who may enrol an eligible and selected applicant in a component, sub-component or military occupation:
For enrolment in the … | enrolment authorities are … |
Reg F |
Special Force |
P Res |
Supp Res |
Canadian Rangers |
6.4 An enrolment authority shall:
- consider all eligible and suitable applicants;
- not consider ineligible or unsuitable applicants; and
- confirm an enrolment vacancy, i.e. an establishment position or a Strategic Intake Plan requirement.
6.5 If there is only one eligible and suitable applicant for an enrolment vacancy, the applicant may be enrolled.
6.6 If there are more eligible and suitable applicants than there are enrolment vacancies, the enrolment authority shall:
- create a list of all fully processed and competitive applicants; and
- select applicants for enrolment by order of merit.
6.7 However, any eligible and suitable applicant may be enrolled in accordance with a programme or special measure established under:
- subsection 15(2) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
- the Canadian Human Rights Act; or
- the Employment Equity Act.
Enrolment Offer
6.8 An enrolment authority shall develop an enrolment offer specifying, as a minimum:
- the enrolment component or sub-component;
- the enrolment plan, if any;
- the military occupation, if applicable;
- the rank immediately upon enrolment;
- the authority and rate of pay upon enrolment as set out in CBI Chapter 204, Pay of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members;
- the TOS;
- the period during which the applicant may be on leave without pay and allowances immediately after enrolment, if any;
- CAF and military occupation training requirements, dates and location; and
- the liability under the Code of Service Discipline of the applicant once enrolled.
Rank and Enrolment Plans
6.9 An applicant who is eligible and selected for enrolment as an officer is enrolled as an officer cadet or naval cadet.
6.10 Officers may be promoted to higher rank on enrolment in accordance with:
- their enrolment plan, if any; and
- CAF promotion policy.
6.11 An applicant who is eligible and selected for enrolment as a NCM may be enrolled at any NCM rank the enrolment authority deems appropriate given the qualifying service, academic or other special qualifications of the applicant.
Initial TOS
6.12 The initial TOS shall specify the duration of service after enrolment.
6.13 The following table identifies the TOS for enrolment offers for different types of service:
Component or Sub-component | Attained Operationally Functional Point? | Available TOS |
Reg F |
If yes |
If no |
P Res |
Not applicable (N/A) |
Canadian Rangers |
Supp Res |
N/A |
Special Force |
N/A |
Leave Without Pay and Allowances on Enrolment
6.14 Leave without pay and allowances on enrolment only applies to Reg F members.
6.15 The authority to grant leave without pay and allowances upon enrolment is set out in:
- QR&O article 16.25, Leave Without Pay and Allowances; and
- A-PP-005-LVE/AG-001, Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual.
Consideration of Offer by the Applicant
6.16 An applicant may:
- accept an offer of enrolment;
- refuse an offer of enrolment; or
- request that the enrolment authority reconsider the terms of the offer.
7. Attestation and Enrolment
7.1 No CAF member shall permit an applicant prior to enrolment to:
- undergo CAF training; or
- participate in any CAF parade, drill or ceremony, other than the ceremony for the enrolment of the applicant.
Attesting Officer
7.2 The attesting officer shall be a commissioned officer or a justice of the peace.
7.3 A CO shall ensure that every attestation is conducted in a formal and dignified manner, and that the following items are present:
- a framed picture of the Sovereign; and
- the Canadian flag or a combination of the Canadian flag and CAF ensign.
Oath or Solemn Affirmation
7.4 QR&O article 6.04, Oath Taken on Enrolment, sets out the wording for the oath or solemn affirmation. The words of the oath or solemn affirmation cannot be amended to suit individual beliefs.
7.5 When taking the oath or solemn affirmation, the applicant is required to raise their right hand.
7.6 An applicant is not legally required to hold or place their hand on a religious book when taking the oath. On request, an applicant may hold or place their hand on a religious book, sacred scripture or symbol appropriate to the applicant's faith when taking the oath. The applicant shall be asked to bring the item to the attestation.
7.7 An applicant who declines to take the oath or solemn affirmation shall not be enrolled.
Procedure for Attestation
7.8 The attesting officer shall:
- warn the applicant that it is an offence to knowingly make any false answer on enrolment;
- review Form CF 444 with the applicant;
- prior to proceeding, be satisfied that the applicant understands the contents of Form CF 444 and the conditions of engagement;
- ask the applicant to sign Form CF 444;
- administer to the applicant the oath or solemn affirmation set out in QR&O article 6.04, as reproduced in Section 4 of Form CF 444;
- attest in writing that the applicant took the oath or solemn affirmation; and
- provide a copy of the completed Form CF 444 to the applicant.
Note – The applicant is required to sign Form CF 444 and then take the oath or solemn affirmation.
Exception for Canadian Rangers
7.9 An applicant for enrolment in the Canadian Rangers may, after signing Form CF 444, take the oath or solemn affirmation by telephone if it is not possible to have an attesting officer or a justice of the peace at the place of enrolment.
7.10 An applicant is enrolled in the CAF immediately upon completing the oath or solemn affirmation.
7.11 As a result of enrolment, the new CAF member is:
- bound to serve in the CAF until lawfully released in accordance with regulations; and
liable under the Code of Service Discipline.
Enrolment Date
7.12 The enrolment date is the day the applicant took the oath or solemn affirmation.
8. Effect of Receipt of Pay
No Enrolment but in Receipt of Pay
8.1 Section 25 of the National Defence Act provides that any person who is not enrolled but has received pay as an officer or NCM is deemed to be an officer or NCM, as the case may be, until they:
- claim to be released; and
- are released.
8.2 A person is only enrolled if the person:
- signed Form CF 444; and
- then took the oath or solemn affirmation set out in QR&O article 6.04.
8.3 Every claim under section 25 of the National Defence Act shall be immediately reported to the Director Military Careers Administration (DMCA), who has exclusive authority to review it.
Erroneous or Irregular Enrolment
8.4 Section 26 of the National Defence Act provides that any person who is erroneously or irregularly enrolled and receives pay as an officer or NCM is deemed to be an officer or NCM, as the case may be, regularly enrolled.
8.5 A person is erroneously or irregularly enrolled if they were not eligible for enrolment, e.g. the person was under age or was serving in a military force other than the CAF.
8.6 Any alleged erroneous or irregular enrolment shall be immediately reported to the DMCA, who has exclusive authority to review it.
9. Compliance and Consequences
9.1 CAF members must comply with this DAOD. Should clarification of the policies or instructions set out in this DAOD be required, CAF members may seek direction through their chain of command. Military supervisors have the primary responsibility for and means of ensuring the compliance of their CAF members with this DAOD.
Consequences of Non-Compliance
9.2 CAF members are accountable to their military supervisors for any failure to comply with the direction set out in this DAOD. Non-compliance with this DAOD may result in administrative or disciplinary action, or both, for a CAF member. Non-compliance may also result in the imposition of liability on the part of Her Majesty in right of Canada and CAF members.
10. Responsibilities
Responsibility Table
10.1 The following table sets out the responsibilities associated with this DAOD:
The ... | is or are responsible for ... |
Comd CFRG |
Director General Personnel and Family Support Services |
Director General Health Services |
career field and occupation advisors |
Director Research Personnel and Family Support |
Deputy Provost Marshal – Security |
COs of the Naval Reserve HQ and P Res units and formation HQs |
CO of a cadet corps or squadron |
CO Supp Res |
CO of a recruiting centre or a detachment comd |
11. References
Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Canadian Human Rights Act
- Criminal Records Act
- Employment Equity Act
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
- National Defence Act
- Official Languages Act
- Policy on Government Security, Treasury Board
- QR&O Chapter 6, Enrolment and Re-Engagement
- QR&O Chapter 15, Release
- QR&O article 9.04, Training and Duty
- QR&O article 16.25, Leave Without Pay and Allowances
- CBI 203.01, Commencement of Pay and Allowances
- CBI 204.015, Pay Increments
- CBI 204.511, Pay Increments – Reserve Force
- CBI 205.525, Recruitment Allowance (RA)
- CBI 209.61, Applicants for Enrolment
- CBI 209.63, Leave Without Pay and Allowances on Enrolment
- DAOD 5002-0, Military Personnel Requirements and Production
- National Defence Security Policy
- CDS Order, Authority for Enrolment of a Citizen of Another Country, 1 December 2009
- CDS Order, Minimum Age for Enrolment in and Transfer to the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service and Canadian Rangers, 1 December 2009
- CDS Order, Enrolment of Released Persons, 1 December 2009
Other References
- DAOD 2020-4, Supplementary Reserve
- DAOD 5002-2, Direct Entry Officer Plan – Regular Force
- DAOD 5012-0, Harassment Prevention and Resolution
- DAOD 5019-3, Canadian Forces Drug Control Program
- DAOD 5019-5, Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Disorders
- DAOD 5019-7, Alcohol Misconduct
- DAOD 5023-1, Minimum Operational Standards Related to Universality of Service
- DAOD 5023-2, Physical Fitness Program
- DAOD 5031-1, Canadian Forces Military Equivalencies Program
- DAOD 5049-1, Obligatory Service
- CFAO 9-12, Regular Officer Training Plan
- CFAO 9-49, Reserve Entry Training Plan – Canadian Military Colleges
- CFAO 9-63, Medical and Dental Officer Training Plans
- CFAO 11-5, Occupation Assignment and Reassignment of Non-Commissioned Members
- CFAO 11-6, Commissioning and Promotion Policy – Officers – Regular Force
- CFAO 15-2, Release – Regular Force
- CFAO 19-43, Racist Conduct
- CFAO 49-4, Career Policy – Non-Commissioned Members – Regular Force
- CFAO 49-5, Career Policy – Non-Commissioned Member – Primary Reserve
- CFAO 49-6, Terms of Service – Officers of the Cadet Instructors List and Civilian Instructors for Cadets
- CFAO 49-10, Terms of Service – Officers – Primary Reserve
- CFAO 49-11, Terms of Service – Non-Commissioned Members – Primary Reserve
- CDS Letter SJS 1901-1 dated 11 Jul 2008
- A-MD-154-000/FP-000, Medical Standards for the Canadian Forces
- A-PD-055-001/AG-001, Canadian Forces Manual of Military Occupational Structure
- A-PM-245-001/FP-001, Military Human Resource Records Procedures
- A-PP-005-LVE-AG-001, Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual
- ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 11/04, Canadian Forces Medical Standards
- ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 14/04, The Canadian Forces (Regular Force and Primary Reserve) Compulsory Retirement Age 60
- ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 05/05, The New CF Regular Force Terms of Service
- CF Mil Pers Instruction 02/09, Pre-Enrolment Physical Fitness Testing
- Form CF 444, Canadian Forces Enrolment Form (or Transfer)
- Form DND 2170, Canadian Forces Employment Application
- DPGR intranet site
Page details
- Date modified: