QR&O: Volume I - Chapter 6 Enrolment and Re-Engagement
Effective 1 August 2015, the official version of the QR&O is that published in PDF format on this website. In the event of any inconsistency between this consolidation and any printed or electronic copy, this consolidation prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. The HTML version on this website is provided solely for the convenience of readers. Any discrepancies between the HTML and the official PDF version should be reported to the DSCS, Corporate Secretary.
Amendment List:
- 19 October 2012 - Amended Article: 6.01
- 5 February 2009 - Amended Article: 6.12
- 5 February 2009 - Amended Article: 6.22
- 22 February 2007 - Amended Article: 6.01
Section 1 - General
(1) In order to be eligible for enrolment in the Canadian Forces as an officer or non-commissioned member, a person must:
- be a Canadian citizen, except that the Chief of the Defence Staff or such officer as he may designate may authorize the enrolment of a citizen of another country if he is satisfied that a special need exists and that the national interest would not be prejudiced thereby;
- be of good character;
- have reached age 17 or such higher age as the Chief of the Defence Staff may prescribe, except that an applicant may be accepted for enrolment
- as an officer cadet prior to reaching age 17,
- in the Reserve Force upon reaching age 16, and
- as an apprentice in the Regular Force upon reaching age 16, but no such apprentice under age 17 shall be
- enrolled during an emergency, or
- subject to overseas service except service in training ships in non-operational waters;
- if under age 18, have obtained the consent of one of the person's parents or of the person's guardian; and
- meet such other conditions as the Chief of the Defence Staff may prescribe.
(2) Subject to paragraph (5), the following persons shall not be enrolled in the Canadian Forces:
- a member of any other of Her Majesty's forces, or of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; or
- unless special authority is obtained from the Chief of the Defence Staff, a person who has been released from the Canadian Forces, from any other of Her Majesty's forces, from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or from any foreign force
- as medically unfit for further service,
- for inefficiency, or
- with a conduct assessment below "good" or the equivalent, other than a conduct assessment below "good" or the equivalent that was based on a conviction in respect of which a clemency measure is in effect.
(3) Except during an emergency, a person upon whom a punishment of dismissal with disgrace from Her Majesty's service has been carried out and not subsequently set aside shall not be enrolled in the Canadian Forces.
(4) Other persons who have been released for misconduct from the Canadian Forces, from any other of Her Majesty's Forces, from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or from any foreign force shall not be enrolled in the Canadian Forces unless special authority is obtained from the Chief of the Defence Staff.
(5) A member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police may be enrolled in the Reserve Force. (22 February 2007)
(M) [4 August 1998; 22 February 2007; 19 October 2012 - 6.01(2)(b)(iii)]
(C) (22 February 2007)
A person who has previously served in the Canadian Forces, in any other of Her Majesty's forces, in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or in any foreign force, and who applies for enrolment in the Canadian Forces, shall be required to:
- state the particulars of any former service;
- state the cause of release; and
- produce the release papers.
Officers enrolling persons in the Canadian Forces shall inform them of their liability under the Code of Service Discipline.
(1) An officer or non-commissioned member who is a Canadian citizen or a British subject shall, on enrolment, take the following oath or solemn affirmation:
"I ......... (full name), do swear (or for a solemn affirmation, "solemnly affirm") that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her heirs and successors according to law. So help me God."
The words "So help me God" shall be omitted if a solemn affirmation is taken.
(2) An officer or non-commissioned member who is not a Canadian citizen or a British subject shall, on enrolment, take the following oath or solemn affirmation:
"I ......... (full name), do swear (or for a solemn affirmation, "solemnly affirm") that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her heirs and successors according to law, in the Canadian Forces until lawfully released, that I will resist Her Majesty's enemies and cause Her Majesty's peace to be kept and maintained and that I will, in all matters pertaining to my service, faithfully discharge my duty. So help me God."
The words "So help me God" shall be omitted if a solemn affirmation is taken.
(3) The oath or solemn affirmation prescribed in this article shall be taken before:
- a commissioned officer; or
- a justice of the peace.
Section 2 - Officers
(1) A person enrolling as an officer shall be enrolled as an officer cadet for:
- an indefinite period of service; or
- a fixed period of service of at least 6 months and not more than 25 years. (5 February 2009)
(2) An officer may be retained in the Canadian Forces beyond his fixed period of service or, if he is on an indefinite period of service, beyond his retirement age, for the duration of an emergency or any period when he is on active service, and for one year thereafter.
(3) The period of service of an officer may be converted to a fixed period of service, or to an indefinite period of service, with his consent. When conversion is effective prior to the expiration of his current period of service, the current period of service shall thereupon expire and he shall be obligated to serve in accordance with his new period of service.
(G) (P.C. 2009-0163 of 5 February 2009 effective 5 February 2009)
Section 3 - Non-commissioned Members
(1) A person enrolling as a non-commissioned member shall be enrolled for:
- an indefinite period of service; or
- a fixed period of service of at least 6 months and not more than 25 years. (5 February 2009)
(2) A non-commissioned member may be retained in the Canadian Forces beyond his fixed period of service or, if he is on an indefinite period of service, beyond his retirement age, for the duration of an emergency or any period when he is on active service, and for one year thereafter.
(3) The period of service of a non-commissioned member may be converted to a fixed period of service, or an indefinite period of service, with his consent. When conversion is effective prior to the expiration of his current period of service, the current period of service shall thereupon expire and he shall be obligated to serve in accordance with his new period of service.
(G) (P.C. 2009-0163 of 5 February 2009 effective 5 February 2009)
(1) Subject to any limitations prescribed by the Chief of the Defence Staff, a commanding officer may authorize the re-engagement of a non-commissioned member who is medically fit in accordance with the standards prescribed by the Chief of the Defence Staff.
(2) No non-commissioned member who is not medically fit shall be re-engaged unless his re-engagement is specially authorized by the Chief of the Defence Staff.
(3) A non-commissioned member on re-engagement for a further term of service shall:
- complete the prescribed re-engagement papers; and
- not be required to repeat the oath or solemn affirmation prescribed in article 6.04 (Oath Taken on Enrolment), but continues to serve on his original oath or solemn affirmation.
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