Canadian Armed Forces Military Personnel Instruction 03/08 – Canadian Armed Forces Component Transfer and Component Transfer Career Programs

1. Identification

Date of Issue: 2008-03-31

Date of Modification: 2025-02-28

Application: This instruction applies to officers and non-commissioned members (NCMs) of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and only applies to transfers between the Regular Force (Reg F) and the Reserve Force (Res F). Transfers between Res F sub-components will be addressed in another instruction.

Supersession: ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 07/05 29 Jul 05

Approval Authority: Chief of Military Personnel (CMP)

Enquiries: Administrative Response Centre (ARC)

2. Introduction


2.1 The CAF requires an agile personnel management system that allows flexibility in lateral entry and re-entry of personnel between components for force generation. Component Transfer (CT) allows such flexibility and has been identified as a critical part of the personnel management system. The goal is to optimize opportunities and create a seamless environment for transfer between components of the CAF. The intent is to provide developmental opportunities to serving members and to minimize critical shortfalls within the organization. 

2.2 The guiding philosophies of CT are that:

  1. members of the Reg F and Res F are already enrolled members of the CAF;
  2. redundant processing must be eliminated;
  3. all qualifying military service and relevant civilian experience may be credited;
  4. differences in training between components will not be an obstacle to efficient transition and competency recognition; and 
  5. military work experience is the key factor in determining a fair basis of service comparison between components and all factors will be assessed through the Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) process and Review of Previous Experience (RPE).


2.3 The purpose of this instruction is to amplify the CT policy in DAOD 5002-3, Component and Sub-component Transfer, and the regulatory provisions relating to CT as set out in Section 1 QR&O Chapter 10, Transfer, Attachment, Secondment and Loan by providing guidelines for CT.


2.4 Under the National Defence Act (NDA) s. 15, and s.16, the components of the CAF are the following: 

  1. Reg F;
  2. Res F; and
  3. If established by the Governor in Council, the Special Force.

Definition of Component Transfer

2.5 CT is defined as the administrative process by which a CAF member voluntarily changes components with no break in service and remains a member of the CAF. 

2.6 CT is characterized as follows:

  1. it continues service because it does not involve release from the CAF;
  2. it is an administrative process that facilitates the transfer from one component into another component; 
  3. the member must consent; and
  4. the member must be accounted for on the gaining component’s establishment.

Advantages of CT

2.7 The specific advantages of a CT are that it:

  1. continues service;
  2. is a faster administrative process than re-enrolment;
  3. recognizes past work experience and training; and
  4. provides career stability through long-term service in the CAF.

Priority for CT

2.8 CAF members wishing to CT will be given priority over civilians having no former service requesting enrolment. This priority does not restrict the conduct of selection boards for applied skills assessment that may result in advantageous merit listing of civilian applicants to: 

  1. specialist occupations (e.g. Legal, Chaplains, etc); 
  2. occupations for which national assessments are conducted (e.g. Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB), Military Police); or 
  3. Musicians (auditions).

3. Operating Principles

Member Eligibility

3.1 All currently serving officers and non-commissioned members of the CAF are eligible to apply for CT if the member is eligible for release under one of the items of the table to QR&O 15 article 15.01, Release of Officers and Non-commissioned Members, except for the following Release Items: 1, 2, 3a, in some conditions 3b, 5d, 5e, and 5f (refer to Table 4 for details). Overall, to be eligible members must: 

  1. meet the minimum DMP POL MOSID Entry Standards for the target occupation(s); 
  2. meet the medical standards for the target occupation(s) in accordance with A-MD-154-000/FP-000, Canadian Armed Forces Medical Standards (CFP 154)
  3. not be subject to a restriction on a right to release as a result of, 
    1. QR&O articles 15.07, 15.071, and 15.075, or 
    2. signed Statement of Understanding; and
  4. have a current Reliability Status (RS).

Medical Fitness

3.2 Members applying for CT must have a current medical category. In cases where a member’s medical situation has changed, their medical file must be reviewed by authorized medical personnel (e.g., physician, or physician’s assistant) to confirm the validity of the medical category and that the member meets the standard for the targeted occupation. 

3.3 CT applicants applying for aircrew occupations will be required to have current Aircrew medicals. 

Note – CFAO 34-27, Periodic Health Examination - Regular Force other than Aircrew provides the policy on medical examinations and CFAO 34-32, Medical Examinations- Period of Validity, provides the guidelines on the frequency of medical examinations and CAFMPI 11/04, Canadian Armed Forces Medical Standards and CFP 154 provide details on the CAF medical standards.

Reliability Status

3.4 A Reliability Status is the minimum mandatory requirement for service with the CAF. Upon enrollment; all members of the CAF must have as a minimum, a valid Reliability Status. A Reliability Status is also a pre-requisite for a security clearance. As such, an individual who is being considered for a CT must have either: 

  1. reliability status; and
  2. security clearance to the required level.

3.5 In accordance with Chapter 35 of National Defence Security Policy (NDSP), updates are required every 10 years, or for cause. In the event that the member requires an update upon posting or transfer, it is the responsibility of the losing unit to complete the procedure.

Approving Authorities

3.6 The CT transfer authority for CT from Res F to Reg F is DGMC.

3.7 The CT transfer authority for CT from Reg F to Res F is the release approval authority for the member in accordance with QR&O 10.04, Voluntary Transfer to Reserve Force and QR&O 15.01, Release of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members. For commissioned officers, this is the Governor General. For OCdts and NCMs, this is the CDS or his delegate.

4. Component Transfer from Reserve Force to Regular Force

Condition for CT

4.1 Applications for transfer to the Reg F may be accepted only for occupations listed as being open. Intake quotas are promulgated by DPGR in the SIP, and as required, CFRG will provide External SIP positions continuously to support the preference of CT over civilian applicants and Director of Military Careers Administration and Resource Management (DMCA) promulgates the application deadlines for military occupations periodically.

Eligibility Requirements

4.2 To apply for CT, all Res F members must, in addition to the eligibility requirements at paragraph 3.1: 

  1. meet, if applicable, the CT – Career Program requirements;
  2. and be a Canadian citizen unless approved by the CDS with request to be staffed by DMCA.


4.3 In addition, officers must also:

  1. possess an acceptable degree in accordance with DMP POL’s MOSID Entry Standards for the target occupation(s); or 
  2. if not in possession of a degree apply for a CT Career Program managed by DMCA that will provide the opportunity for successful completion of a university degree (refer to paragraph 4.27).

CT from PRes to Reg F

4.4 The procedure used for CT from the Primary Reserve (PRes) to the Reg F differs from that of the other Reserve sub-components. The difference recognizes that members of the PRes: 

  1. have already been processed at a CFRC to the same standard as members of the Reg F component;
  2. in many instances share common training standards that can easily be transferred to the Reg F; and
  3. frequently deploy alongside members of the Reg F.

Note 1 – Dictated by the requirements of the individual sub-components of the Res F enrolment processing standards vary. Members of the CIC, Supp Res and Canadian Rangers who desire a CT to the Reg F must undergo complete processing at a CFRC. 

Note 2 – The remainder of Section 4 applies only to PRes members.

Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition and Review of Previous Experience

4.5 A two-step process will be conducted by DMCA with a Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR), to assess all prior training (Ref DAOD 5031-1, Canadian Forces Military Equivalencies Program), education, and experiential learning, and a Review of Previous Experience to assess all factors (e.g., experience, rank, etc.) to determine benefits (e.g., rank, pay, etc.). Information combined in both processes will result in a complete message of offer.

4.6 PLAR is the process of identifying, assessing and recognizing skills, knowledge or competencies that have been acquired through: 

  1. current and previous military service and experience;
  2. civilian work experience;
  3. recognized training and education; and
  4. volunteer activities.

Note – Some specialist occupations (e.g., Medical officers, Nursing officers, Dental officers, etc.) require continuous employment and certification of good standing within their respective professional licensing bodies in order to maintain currency.

Purpose of PLAR

4.7 The purpose of PLAR is to:

  1. determine the skill level of a CT applicant,
  2. Identify the need for additional training, and
  3. determine whether a CT applicant must be posted to a training establishment for additional training or is ready for posting directly to an operational unit.

PLAR Matrix

4.8 The PLAR Matrix is a document that provides equivalencies and identifies differences between P Res and Reg F training. The use of the PLAR Matrix reduces the amount of time required to process a CT application.

Responsibility for Production of the PLAR Matrix

4.9 There is a corporate requirement to define the scope of skills recognition for purposes of CT to maximize processing efficiency and training resources. It is the responsibility of the Occupation Managers (OM) to produce a standardized PLAR Matrix for all training they conduct and to provide the PLAR Matrix to DMCA. The document must be maintained on an ongoing basis and re-issued every five years or when major changes are made to training standards. OMs must designate the agencies responsible for supporting DMCA and conducting PLARs for their occupations. In the event that a PLAR matrix does not exist, DMCA will request that the OM’s designated agency conduct a PLAR. 

Occupation Managers

4.10 The OM are:

  1. Chief of Maritime Staff (CMS),
  2. Chief of Land Staff (CLS),
  3. Chief of Air Staff (CAS), and
  4. Chief Military Personnel (CMP).

Authority for Application of PLAR Matrix

4.11 DMCA is the authority for application of the PLAR Matrix. DMCA is authorized to make CT offers, based on the completed PLAR on behalf of the OM as per PLAR Matrix guidelines and to make CT offers after receiving a PLAR from an OM. 

PLAR Procedure

4.12 DMCA must proceed with an initial review of the CT applicant’s background and assess equivalencies to be granted based on PLAR Matrix and produce a CT offer. If no PLAR Matrix is available or it does not apply to a specific case, DMCA must forward a request for a PLAR to the OM. PLARs required by OMs will cause further delay in processing CT applications. Based on the information produced by the PLAR, DMCA must produce a CT offer. 

PLAR processing options

4.13 PLAR processing options:

  1. On applicant’s acceptance of both a CT offer and an initial PLAR, the process is considered complete and no further action is required; or 
  2. On acceptance of a CT offer and refusal of the initial PLAR assessment, DMCA must forward the PLAR to the appropriate OM for review. The applicant must then wait for OM to complete the PLAR.

Review of Previous Experience

4.14 Various benefits entitlements are assessed through a Review of Previous Experience (RPE) considers applicant’s current and previous military service and experience and the PLAR results, which specifically indicate level of training (e.g., QL5) that may be a factor when assessing benefits (e.g., pay scale).

4.15 The purpose of the RPE is to:

  1. facilitate career planning;
  2. determine eligibility for benefits (e.g., rank, seniority, pay);
  3. determine terms of service;
  4. select the most suitable service opportunities according to individual skill sets; and
  5. yield sufficient information to complete a CT offer (refer to paragragh 4.30).

4.16 The RPE includes the following : 

Category Description
Eligibility for Incentives or Allowances All military and civilian competencies must be considered in determining eligibility for incentives or allowances. The PLAR will determine eligibility for any potential incentives or allowances based on competencies, experiences, and qualifications.
Conditions - Enter Promotion Zone (EPZ)

The conditions for Enter Promotion Zone (EPZ) are as follows:

  • If members are granted sufficient recognition of experience to meet EPZ timings on CT, they may enter the promotion zone immediately. 
  • CT to new occupation: enter promotion zone on completion of basic military occupation Operational Functional Point (OFP) if sufficient recognition of experience and qualifications to meet the EPZ timings on component transfer was granted. 
  • Members are encouraged to present PERs on CT to facilitate management of the merit listing process.

Note – Reg F PERs are available through PERMIS for active and released members.

Rank Assignment The PLAR results and the Review of Previous Experience (e.g., rank, positions served in, time of experience, level of training, etc.) will contribute to the decision of rank. Rank protection issues and availability of positions at various rank levels are two other factors contributing to the rank level offered to the applicant refer to paragraph 4.20 to 4.24 (formerly Section 4.7)

Previous Full Time Paid Service

4.17 Previous Full Time Paid Service (PFTPS) is defined as all previous service of an officer or non-commissioned member in the CAF. On CT to the Reg F, Res F service will be converted into equivalent Reg F service using PFTPS calculations in accordance with CBI 204.015, Pay Increments.

Time Credit for Promotion/Pay Increment on CT

4.18 Time Credit for Promotion (TCP) and Pay Increment (PI) must be based on PFTPS calculations (refer to CBI 204.015 Incentive Pay for CT from Res F to Reg F and CBI 204.511, Pay Increments- Reserve Force for CT from Reg F to Res F). There is no guaranteed pay protection on transfer from the Res F to the Reg F.

Operational Functional Point CT Applicant

4.19 An Operational Functional Point (OFP) CT applicant is one seeking CT into the same occupation and who has reached the occupation OFP as defined by the occupation specification for the component from which the member is transferring. The OFP applicant may be selected for further training in order to be fully employable in the gaining component.

Rank Protection on CT to Reg F

4.20 In the Reg F and PRes, ranks are either uncontrolled or controlled. Uncontrolled ranks are Corporal and below for NCMs and Captain and below for Officers. All other ranks are controlled. 

  1. Members who CT from the PRes to the Reg F must be rank-protected at the uncontrolled rank level only; and 
  2. For some Officer Specialist Occupations (i.e. Legal Officers) the rank of Major may be considered an uncontrolled rank. 

4.21 Conditions for rank protection include:

  1. Members must have OFP status as defined in this instruction;
  2. PLAR and Review of Previous Experience must demonstrate appropriate rank level; and
  3. There must be a position in the target MOSID available at the targeted rank.

Authority for Assignment of Rank

4.22 DMCA has the authority to offer assignment to uncontrolled ranks, including Pay Increments (PI) level, even outside the parameters of the OFP status standard if applicants have appropriate special skills or competencies to offer. 

4.23 The Director General Recruiting and Military Careers (DGRMC) has the authority to approve assignment to controlled ranks. 

Relinquishment of Rank

4.24 The member must be informed at the time of CT offer whether they will be required to relinquish their rank and be reverted because there is no establishment position in the member’s occupation available at the member’s rank or other reasons (e.g., lack of training). The member must be aware that a subsequent promotion to the rank relinquished is not automatic simply because a position subsequently becomes available. A member who relinquishes rank and is reverted is eligible for promotion in accordance with CF promotion policy.

Note – In accordance with QR&O article 11.12, Relinquishment of Rank; officers may relinquish their commission to facilitate their entry into a program (e.g., ROTP). The officer’s commission is then considered ‘suspended’. It is ‘revived’ when the member is promoted again to a commissioned rank

Component Transfer and Other Career Actions

4.25 While a CT is the administrative action transferring a member from one component of the CAF to another, it may be preceded by a request for additional career action.

Additional Career Action Description
CT - Same MOSID Where mbrs, both NCM and officer, are applying for a CT without any additional career action being required because they are choosing to remain in the same occupation and they meet the requirements (e.g., acceptable degree for officers) of their current MOSID. PRes members who choose to remain in the same occupation when they CT into the Reg F may or may not have reached the Operational Functional Point (OFP). PLARs will determine the level of skill and experience of members applying for CT. Res F mbrs will be transferred into the Reg F and be allocated an external SIP position under DEO or NCM (refer to Table 2); and
CT – Career Action Where members are applying for CT that includes an occupation transfer or commissioning to a new occupation that may or may not include education subsidization. Res F members may apply for any career action under the CT Career Programs (Refer to Table 2) managed by DMCA. Application for any career action must be made concurrently with the CT application form.

4.26 CT applicants may be considered for more than one type of CT or CT Career Program if they meet all eligibility standards. 

Component Transfer Career Programs

4.27 The following table describes the CT Career Programs

Program Description
CT - Career Action – Occupation Transfer PRes members, both Officers and NCMs, who wish to change occupations in conjunction with their CT applications may apply under the CT – OT program managed by DMCA. They must meet the eligibility requirements outlined in paragraphs 4.2 to 4.4) for each target occupation. PRes mbrs completing a CT – OT must be transferred into the Reg F and be allocated an external SIP position under DEO or NCM (refer to Table 2).
CT – NCM - Subsidized Education Program (CT-NCM-SEP) is an occupation transfer program that permits NCMs to pursue a technical diploma in conjunction with an occupation transfer. The program is opened annually via message by DMCA. The program is focused on technical occupations and the list of occupations open for CT – NCM - SEP may vary annually. Refer to Table 2.
CT - Career Action – Commissioning Programs

PRes NCMs who are interested in competing to be commissioned as an officer can apply for the following CT – Career Action programs (refer to Table 2):

  • Subsidized University Education Plan for Non-Commissioned Members (SUEP-NCM). This is a competitive commissioning program managed by DMCA for NCMs who have displayed strong leadership ability and academic potential. SUEP-NCM will be an annual program opened by message to indicate the officer occupations open for application. It is a fully subsidized degree program that involves full-time educational pursuit at a recognized Canadian university (see Notes).
  • Special Commissioning Program (SCP). This program is for NCMs who currently possess degrees and have demonstrated strong leadership potential. It is an annual program that is also issued by message and managed by DMCA. Degrees must be appropriate for the target officer occupation (see Note 1).
  • Continuous Education Officer Training Plan (CEOTP). This is a subsidized education commissioning program that will permit the completion of a degree on a part-time basis. It is opened annually with a message from DMCA. Reference ADM(HR) MIL Instr 09/05 (refer to Note 1).

Note 1 – DMCA determines the CT applicant's NCM rank based on their OFP/skill level with the PLAR and Review of Previous Experience. DMCA must then determine NCM Pay Increments (PI) in accordance with CBI 204.015, then the member Is either appointed to OCdt in accordance with CBI 204.211(10) or is commissioned in accordance with 204.04 to an appropriate rate of pay in CBI 204.211, depending on entry-level program. 

Note 2 – All CT applicants selected for attendance to an RMC program and meeting the OFP status under this instruction must be treated as if they were UTPNCM candidates. CT applicants who do not meet the OFP status must be treated as if they were ROTP candidates.

CT - Career Action – Officer Education Programs

A member who is a commissioned officer in the PRes and does not possess a degree may apply for and compete for the following programs (refer to Table 2 for entry position information) if they meet the eligibility standards in paragraphs 4.2 to 4.4: 

  • Continuous Education Officer Training Plan (CEOTP). This is a part-time subsidized education program that will permit the completion of a degree. It is opened annually with a message from DMCA. Reference CAFMPI 09/05, Continuing Education Officer Training Plan; and 
  • Subsidized University Education Plan Officer (SUEP-O). This is a competitive education program managed by DMCA for Officers who want to complete their degree in full-time studies. SUEP-O will be an annual program opened by message to indicate the officer occupations open for application. It is a fully subsidized degree program that involves full-time educational pursuit at a recognized Canadian university.

Application Process

4.28 The PRes to Reg F CT application form is available online:

Note – Application procedures are described in Table 1.

Table 1: Application for Component Transfer – P Res to Reg F

Step Action
1 The member sends a completed application form directly to DMCA via Intranet/Internet.

DMCA conducts a review of (see Note 1):

  • application form to ensure completeness;
  • MPRR to verify RS and medical category are current; and
  • eligibility to apply for CT – Career Action programs including meeting CFAT cut-off scores, Entry Standards, program eligibility criteria, occupation eligibility, and medical category for target MOSIDs.
3 DMCA will inform applicant’s chain of command of CT application (see Note 2).
4 If DMCA finds that CT request is incomplete, any delta processing (e.g., selection process, etc.) will be identified and forwarded to CFRG HQ for distribution to the nearest CFRC (see Note 3). Once the CFRC has completed the required processing, they will notify DMCA of results. The CT application would then continue onto Step 5 for CT – Same MOSID and Step 6 for CT – Career Action. CFRG must be responsible for completion of any of the following: 
  • Medical Category verification or update, if required;
  • CFAT testing (for any career action); and
  • Assessment interview.
5 Once the CT application is complete and all information has been updated, then a PLAR must be conducted. If a PLAR Matrix is available, DMCA must conduct PLAR review. If a PLAR Matrix is not available, PLAR must be conducted by OM.
6 Once PLAR has been completed, DMCA must conduct a Review of Previous Experience and must conduct various selection boards for each CT program, when there are more candidates than positions. For applicants who are selected and require no training, DMCA must negotiate with the Director Military Careers (D Mil C) for position and posting of member. For applicants who are selected and require further training, DMCA will initiate training request.
7 DMCA will inform members and chain of command of the selection outcome if negative.
8 DMCA will issue a CT offer message for selected members through the member’s Unit (see Note 2).
9 Upon acceptance of offer DMCA will issue an Enrollment/Transfer Posting Instruction (ETP) message to include administrative direction to losing and gaining unit/URS.
10 DMCA will complete the required transfer forms and forward to applicant’s current Unit for member’s signature.

Note 1 – The administration of CT applications will be conducted through the extensive use of HRMS electronic records. This approach is designed to expedite the application process by eliminating the requirement to submit, transfer and review paper based documents. As with other career actions the maintenance of accurate and complete Military Personnel Record Resume (MPRR) information plays an important role in the CT process.

Note 2 – Important role in the CT process. Key data elements on MPRR used in the determination/assignment process are: 

  • Medical Category and Date;
  • Security Clearance;
  • Qualifications;
  • Employment History; and
  • Dependant Data (for posting purposes).

Note 3 – Upon review of the CT application DMCA will provide feedback to the chain of command to include:

  • CT Applicant;
  • Current Unit; and
  • Higher level HQ.

Note 4 – In rare situations when CFRCs cannot process a CT application for delta processing (e.g., medical or selection processing), local base resources (e.g., medical services, PSO) may be accessed to determine if available and timeliness of processing.

CT Positions

4.29 All successful CT applicants are transferred as “new” members of the Reg F component into an appropriate External SIP position (refer to Table 2) to permit the CT applicant’s allocation to a Reg F position.

Table 2 – CAF Component Transfer Position Attainment

Program Number CT Plan / CT Career Program

External SIP

Position Origin

1 CT – Same MOSID

Officers: DEO


2 CT – Same MOSID– Special Employment

Officers: DEO


3 CT – Occupation Transfer (OT)

Officers: DEO


5 CT – Commissioning - SCP DEO
6 CT – Commissioning – CEOTP CEOTP - NCM
8 CT – Officer – CEOTP (see Note) CEOTP - Officer
9 CT – Officer – SUEP (O) (see Note) ROTP
Note – For officers not currently holding a degree.

CT Offer

4.30 All qualifying service must be taken into account and the CT offer must include but is not limited to: 

  1. rank;
  2. terms of service;
  3. pay increments (PI);
  4. incentive credits;
  5. military occupation training credited;
  6. intended place of duty;
  7. effective transfer date; and
  8. reporting date.

CT from Res F to Ref F While on Deployment

4.31 Early Repatriation, members seeking CT while on deployment must not be repatriated prior to completion of their period of service solely to affect the CT. 

4.32 Procedure CT while on deployment will be achieved in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3: Process for CT While on Deployment

Step Action
1 Member sends CT application to DMCA via Intranet/Internet.

DMCA notifies Unit orderly room that one of their members has applied for CT.

3 DMCA follows processing in accordance with Table 1 Steps 4 and onward with the in theatre Personnel Selection Officer (PSO), if on tour, will conduct any assessment interviews. In-theatre PSO will have file review conducted by at location of member’s PERs file by the local PSO. Resultant documentation to be forwarded to DMCA.

4.33 If the member is made a CT offer while on deployment, a training position must be held open until the member completes their operational deployment and the associated leave entitlement.

5. Component Transfer from Regular Force to Reserve Force

Member Eligibility

5.1 All members of the Reg F are eligible to apply for CT to Res F and Table 4 illustrates the exceptions for eligibility based on Reg F member’s eligibility for release under specific release items. 

5.2 Further, Reg F members must meet the eligibility requirements for the specific Res F Sub-components in accordance with QR&O 2.034, Reserve Force Sub-Components

  1. Primary Reserve (P Res);
  2. Supplementary Reserve (Supp Res);
  3. Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC); and
  4. Canadian Rangers (Canadian Rangers).

Table 4: Release Items Governing Eligibility for CT to Reserve Force Sub-components

If the member seeks CT to… as… if eligible for release under… the member is…
P Res Reg F mbr in same MOSID

Item 1, 2, 3a, 3b (see Note 1), 5d, 5e, 5f

P Res OFP in same MOSID

Item 5a

Eligible subject to:

  • not reaching CRA of 60 and
  • a position being available on the establishment and a requirement existing.
P Res New MOSID (see Note 2)

Item 4, 5a, 5b, 5c

Eligible subject to:

  • not reached CRA of 60;
  • PSO assessment and
  • a position being available on the establishment and a requirement existing.
P Res OFP in same MOSID Item 4, 5b, 5c Eligible.
Supp Res OFP in same MOSID Item 1, 2, 3a, 5e, 5f Ineligible for transfer.
Supp Res OFP in same MOSID Item 4, 5a, 5b, 5c Eligible.
Supp Res OFP in same MOSID Item 3b, 5d Eligible on a case-by-case basis in consultation with DMP POL.
Supp Res New MOSID Item 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 N/A
CIC Reg F mbr in same MOSID (see Note 3) Item 1, 2, 3a, 5d, 5e, 5f Ineligible for transfer.
CIC Reg F mbr in same MOSID Item 3b, 4, 5a, 5b, 5c

Is eligible subject to:

  • meeting the age requirement
  • CFRC assessment
Canadian Rangers Reg F (see Note 3) Item 1, 2, 3a, 5d, 5e, 5f Ineligible for transfer.
Canadian Rangers Reg F Item 3b, 4, 5a, 5b, 5c Eligible.

Note 1 – The member must meet the minimum operational standards related to universality of service for the sub-component into which the member is to be transferred; DAOD 5023-1, Minimum Operational Standards Related to Universality of Service. CAF mbrs who have gone through an AR(MEL) and were then retained “without restrictions” will be considered for CT dependent upon confirmation of medical condition. 

Note 2 – CAF members who were retained “without restrictions” who want to purse any career action (e.g., OT) must meet the medical category for target MOSID and medical employment limitations (MELs) must not contravene MOSID task statement (refer to CFP 154) for target MOSID, medical category must be confirmed, and gaining MOSID must approve.

Note 3 – OFP status does not apply to members of the CIC or Canadian Rangers because of the significant differences in: 

  • Military Occupation Qualification Standards;
  • General Military Qualification Standards; and
  • career patterns.

Administrative Requirements

5.3 Reg F members must meet administrative requirements as outlined in Table 5.

5.4 The losing Reg F unit (Reg F unit and CFRC for CIC) is responsible for ensuring that the applicant meets these requirements.

Table 5: Regular Force Administrative Requirements on CT

Requirement CT to P Res CT to CIC CT to Supp Res CT to Canadian Rangers
Medical Yes Yes No No
Physical Fitness Yes No No No
Enhanced Reliability Check Yes Yes No Yes
Selection Assessment OFP Applicant No N/A No N/A
Selection Assessment New Occupation Yes Yes N/A Yes (completed by Gaining Unit)

Reg F Transfer Authority Approval

5.5 A CT from the Reg F to the Res F cannot take effect until the transfer authority (i.e. the release authority) approves the transfer application. 

5.6 In addition, no transfer may be initiated without a position number from the gaining unit establishment (with the exception of Supp Res which has no establishment).

Processing Responsibility - Administrative Organizations

5.7 DAOD 5002-3 provides a table listing the administrative organizations responsible for the processing of candidates on CT.

Transfer Procedure from Reg F to P Res

5.8 Table 6 outlines the steps required when applying for CT from Reg F to the P Res. 

5.9 Rank protection will be provided for all Reg F mbrs on CT to P Res provided the gaining unit has an available position in the correct MOSID at that rank level.

Table 6: Application for CT - Reg F to P Res

Step Action
1 The member obtains a position from the Reserve Unit If member requires any career action (e.g., occupation transfer), selection processing is completed by local BPSO in conjunction with losing unit.
2 The member applies to the Release Section in writing at least 30 days prior to the transfer date. Member should familiarize him/herself with implications of CT on pension benefits.
3 The Release Section confirms the position number provided by the gaining unit.
4 Gaining Unit obtains approval from next higher HQ level in cases of career action after PSO recommends career action.
5 The Release Section transfers the member directly to the position.

Transfer Procedure from Reg F to Supp Res

5.10 Table 7 outlines the steps required when applying for CT from Reg F to the Supp Res. The Supp Res is an organizational entity that does not generate position numbers. The Supp Res is a list, thus, there is no requirement to confirm a position on CT to the Supp Res. Members may CT to the Supp Res and transfer to the P Res at a later date, provided they meet the minimum entry standards and a position is available.

Table 7: Application for CT - Reg F to Supp Res

Step Action
1 The member applies to the Release Section in writing at least 30 days prior to the transfer date and indicates intention to transfer to Supp Res.
2 The Release Section transfers the member directly to the Supp Res list.

Transfer Process from Reg F to CIC

5.11 Table 8 outlines the steps required when applying for CT from Reg F to the CIC.

5.12 Rank protection does not apply to component transfers into the CIC.

Table 8: Application for CT - Reg F to CIC

Step Action
1 The member applies to the local CFRC while concurrently initiating contact with a Cadet unit.
2 The member applies to the Release Section in writing at least 30 days prior to the transfer date.
3 CFRC will process member for suitability with a special Vulnerable Sector Screening (VSS). Regional Cadet Support Unit will provide transfer approval and provision of TOS in accordance with CFAO 49-6, Terms of Service – Officers of the Cadet Instructors List and Civilian Instructors for Cadets.
4 The Release Section confirms the position number provided by the gaining unit.
5 The Release Section transfers the member directly to the position.

Transfer Procedure from Reg F to Canadian Rangers

5.13 Table 9 outlines the steps required when applying for CT from Reg F to the Canadian Rangers. 

5.14 Rank protection does not apply to component transfers into the Canadian Rangers due to the unique nature of their training.

Table 9: Application for CT - Regular Force to Canadian Rangers

Step Action
1 The member applies to a Canadian Ranger Patrol Group and receives a formal acceptance for a specific position.
2 The member applies to the Release Section in writing at least 30 days prior to the transfer date.
3 Canadian Rangers Patrol Group will assess member for CT to Canadian Rangers and provide a position number.
4 The Release Section confirms the position number provided by the gaining unit.
5 The Release Section transfers the member directly to the position.

6. References

Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Associated DAOD

Other References

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