Representation and Hiring Targets

September 2023


  1. Communicate requirements set out in the Clerk's Letter on Implementation of the Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion 
  2. Provide an overview of our current representation data.
  3. Present targets to improve representation.


  • Beyond the requirements of the Employment Equity Act to monitor and address underrepresentation, more recent drivers have accelerated the need to define hiring targets in support of diversity objectives.
  • The Clerk's initial Call to Action and ensuing Deputy Minister commitments have clearly outlined the expectation that staffing plans need to be developed to show progress over the next few years.
  • The Public Service is committed to hiring 5000 net new persons with disabilities by 2025.
  • The Treasury Board Secretariat's Management Accountability Framework asks departments to provide evidence of their numerical staffing targets that go beyond comparisons of representation vs. workforce availability.

The population we serve is diverse

Racial Groups (2021 Census1)

1 in 4 Canadians identifies as a member of a racialized group


4% of Canadians age 15+ identify as a member of a 2SLGBTQIA+ group

Gender identity (2021 Census1)

1 in 300 Canadians aged 15+ are transgender or non-binary

Indigenous Peoples4

Canada's fast growing Indigenous population increased by 9.4% overall (total: 1,807,250 people) since the 2016 Census and now accounts for 5% of the total Canadian population

Ethnic Origin (2021 Census1)

More than 450 ethnic and cultural origins were reported in the 2021 Census.

Disability (2017 CSD2)

22% of Canadians aged 15 or older have a disability

71% of these 6.2 million people have two or more types of disabilities.

1 The Canadian census: A rich portrait of the country's religious and ethnocultural diversity

2 The Canadian Survey on Disability (2017) Results from 2022 survey have not yet been released

3 LGBTQ2+ communities in Canada: A demographic snapshot

4 Indigenous population continues to grow – Results from the 2021 Census

We must reflect the people we serve.

The 2021 Speech from the Throne highlighted the importance of diversity and inclusion in the public service and committed to improve the collection of disaggregated data and develop an action plan to increase representation in hiring, appointments and leadership development.

The mandate letters direct Ministers to reflect the diversity of Canada in their hiring and to uphold the principles of gender equality, disability equality, pay equity and inclusion.

The Clerk of the Privy Council's Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion in the Federal Public Service included a focus on disaggregating and publishing data about gaps in representation. This year's Letter on Implementation of the Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion includes specific asks and consequential accountability.

The previous President of the Treasury Board announced government priorities to foster greater diversity, inclusion and accessibility in the public service.

We are making progress, but the transformational change required to realize the full vision of the Call-to-Action demands that we do much more.

The Clerk's Request

Set and communicate specific multi-year hiring and promotion goals for indeterminate positions for Indigenous employees and Black and other racialized employees for:

  • Entry-level positions
  • Executive feeder groups
  • Executives (including Directors or equivalents, Director Generals or equivalents, Assistant Deputy Ministers or equivalents)

Identify areas of underrepresentation in your organization where you need to advance significant change for Indigenous employees and Black and other racialized employees. It may be in geographic regions, classifications, functions, and branches. Set and communicate multi-year representation goals for those areas. At the same time, identify and address where systemic overrepresentation may be occurring, such as in entry level positions, classifications, or term positions.

Set and communicate multi-year goals for inclusion indicators for Indigenous employees and Black and other racialized employees.

Measures of inclusion may consist of a range of indicators and could be measured individually or in an index (examples of inclusion indicators: retention rates, mental health and well-being, engagement, empowerment, separation rates, racism, harassment, discrimination, and access to learning and development opportunities).

Workforce Availability for Finance

EE group FIN WFA
Members of visible minorities 23.2%
Persons with disabilities 8.1%
Indigenous peoples 2.5%
Women 49.7%

Overall Representation of Designated Groups

Overall Representation of Designated Groups
Text version
Women 48.1% 49.7%
Vis. Min. 15.7% 23.2%
PwD 3.8% 8.1%
Ind. 1.6% 2.5%
Gap vs WFA -1.6% -7.5% -4.3% -0.9%
estimated # 14 64 37 7

FIN's Public Service Employee Survey Respondent Profile

Demographic Characteristic Proportion of Responses Count Total
Man 48% 245 510
Woman 52% 265
Person with a disability 10% 50 505
Not a person with a disability 90% 455
Indigenous 2% 10 520
Non-Indigenous 98% 510
Racialized, non-Indigenous population 21% 100 475
Non-racialized, non-Indigenous population 79% 375
Subset of Racialized, non-ind. : Black 4% 20

Representation Details by Group

Overall Representation by Designated Group
Overall Representation by Designated Group
Text version
Women 48.1% 49.7%
Vis. Min. 15.7% 23.2%
PwD 3.8% 8.1%
Ind. 1.6% 2.5%
EX Representation
EX Representation
Text version
Women 40.3% 46.2%
Vis. Min. 9.4% 12.5%
PwD 2.9% 5.3%
Ind. 2.2% 4.4%
EC Representation
EC Representation
Text version
Women 42.8% 41.1%
Vis. Min. 18.1% 32.3%
PwD 2.9% 7.8%
Ind. 0.9% 1.3%
AS Representation
AS Representation
Text version
Women 78.0% 64.8%
Vis. Min. 15.7% 15.3%
PwD 6.3% 10.1%
Ind. 2.4% 3.2%

Hiring and Departure Data

  • Looking at our staffing data for the period of 2017 to 2021 we can see that our hiring and departure rates for designated groups have contributed to our lack of progress in closing gaps in representation:
Designated Group Overall EX Only
Hiring Rate Departure Rate Hiring / Promotion (EX-01) Rate Departure Rate
Women 54% 57% 51% 50%
Visible Minorities 19% 18% 14% 9%
Persons w/ Disabilities 4% 4% 5% 7%
Indigenous Peoples 2% 3% 6% 4%
Average # Actions / Year 133 123 21 20
  • The University Recruitment (UR) campaign has, over the last few years, been able to achieve hiring rates in encouraging proportions for women and visible minorities.
  • However, UR sometimes represents only 25% of our hiring and the remainder is composed of other actions such as deployments, mid-career, executive, administrative and internal services appointments.

Projected Impact of Proposed Targets (Overall)

Estimated Women Population
Estimated Women Population
Text version
Women Pop. WFA Target Pop.
2022-2023 410 424
2023-2024 422 429
2024-2025 435 434
2025-2026 447 439
Estimated Visible Minorities Population
Estimated Visible Minorities Population
Text version
Vis. Min. Pop. WFA Target Pop.
2022-2023 134 198
2023-2024 169 200
2024-2025 204 203
2025-2026 239 205
Estimated Persons with Disabilities Population
Estimated Persons with Disabilities Population
Text version
PwD Pop. WFA Target Pop.
2022-2023 32 69
2023-2024 52 70
2024-2025 73 71
2025-2026 93 72
Estimated Indigenous Peoples Population
Estimated Indigenous Peoples Population
Text version
Indigenous Pop. WFA Target Pop.
2022-2023 14 21
2023-2024 18 22
2024-2025 23 22
2025-2026 27 22

Proposed Targets

  • Using this historical hiring and departure data we calculated the minimum hiring rate we should aim for to attain the current WFA representation target in two years time :
    • 62% Women
    • 43% Visible Minorities
    • 19% Persons with Disabilities
    • 6% Indigenous Peoples
  • Similarly, for EX representation to attain its current WFA representation target in five years time:
    • 63% Women
    • 28% Visible Minorities
    • 15% Persons with Disabilities
    • 7% Indigenous Peoples
  • Maintaining the above target rates, provided the hiring volumes and departure rates are similar to the last five year's average, would lead to demonstratable progress.

Projected Impact of Proposed Targets (EX)

Estimated Women EX Population
Estimated Women EX Population
Text version
Women Pop. EX WFA est. WFA Target Pop.
2022-2023 56 64 69
2023-2024 59 65 70
2024-2025 62 65 70
2025-2026 66 66 71
2026-2027 69 66 71
2027-2028 72 67 72
Estimated Visible Minorities EX Population
Estimated Visible Minorities EX Population
Text version
Vis. Min. Pop. EX WFA est. WFA Target Pop.
2022-2023 13 17 32
2023-2024 17 17.5 32
2024-2025 21 18 33
2025-2026 25 18 33
2026-2027 29 18 33
2027-2028 33 18 33
Estimated Persons with Disabilities EX Population
Estimated Persons with Disabilities EX Population
Text version
PwD Pop. EX WFA est. WFA Target Pop.
2022-2023 4 7 11
2023-2024 6 7 11
2024-2025 8 7 11
2025-2026 9 8 11
2026-2027 11 8 12
2027-2028 13 8 12
Estimated Indigenous Peoples EX Population
Estimated Indigenous Peoples EX Population
Text version
Indigenous Pop. EX WFA est. WFA Target Pop.
2022-2023 3 6 3.5
2023-2024 3.7 6 3.5
2024-2025 4.3 6 3.5
2025-2026 5 6.3 3.5
2026-2027 5.6 6.3 3.6
2027-2028 6.3 6.3 3.6

University Recruitment: Three Year Trend

Representation of Women by UR Intake Period
Representation of Women by UR Intake Period

* Workforce Availability estimates for EC Group provided byPeoplesoft TBS. Determined by applying additional criteria to the Labour Market Availability (LMA, Census 2016) population. Finance Canada data based on Self-Identification as of October 31, 2022.

Text version
Reference Group Representation Workforce Availability (EC Group)*
UR 2020-21 64.0% 41.1%
UR 2021-22 50.0% 41.1%
UR 2022-23 29.6% 41.1%
FIN (EC Group) 43.1% 41.1%
Representation of Visible Minorities by UR Intake Period
Representation of Visible Minorities by UR Intake Period

* Workforce Availability estimates for EC Group provided byPeoplesoft TBS. Determined by applying additional criteria to the Labour Market Availability (LMA, Census 2016) population. Finance Canada data based on Self-Identification as of October 31, 2022.

Text version
Reference Group Representation Workforce Availability (EC Group)*
UR 2020-21 48.0% 32.3%
UR 2021-22 50.0% 32.3%
UR 2022-23 40.7% 32.3%
FIN (EC Group) 18.1% 32.3%
Representation of Persons with Disabilities by UR Intake Period
Representation of Persons with Disabilities by UR Intake Period

* Workforce Availability estimates for EC Group provided byPeoplesoft TBS. Determined by applying additional criteria to the Labour Market Availability (LMA, Census 2016) population. Finance Canada data based on Self-Identification as of October 31, 2022.

Text version
Reference Group Representation Workforce Availability (EC Group)*
UR 2020-21 4.0% 7.8%
UR 2021-22 0.0% 7.8%
UR 2022-23 11.1% 7.8%
FIN (EC Group) 3.0% 7.8%
Representation of Indigenous People by UR Intake Period
Representation of Indigenous People by UR Intake Period

* Workforce Availability estimates for EC Group provided byPeoplesoft TBS. Determined by applying additional criteria to the Labour Market Availability (LMA, Census 2016) population. Finance Canada data based on Self-Identification as of October 31, 2022.

Text version
Reference Group Representation Workforce Availability (EC Group)*
UR 2020-21 0.0% 1.3%
UR 2021-22 0.0% 1.3%
UR 2022-23 3.7% 1.3%
FIN (EC Group) 0.9% 1.3%

Next Steps

Staffing Plans:

HR will be coming around to branches for planning discussions in the coming weeks. Staffing plans will need to take into account the departmental commitment to achieving targets.

Monitoring and timely communication:

Progress towards targets will be integrated in governance forward agendas.

Self-Identification campaign:

To align with launch of new questionnaire (early October 2023).

Develop language to be included in all EX PMAs:

To make efforts towards meeting EE targets.

Talent Management:

Develop strategies that purposefully addresses the needs to recruit, promote and retain employees in equity groups.

Communication Strategy:

In collaboration with the C&C develop a Strategy that informs FIN employees of efforts towards departmental efforts.

Annex A - Historical Staffing Data

Year Women Total Hires EE Criteria % of Total Hires
2017 75 127 59.1%
2018 78 147 53.1%
2019 71 129 55.0%
2020 59 120 49.2%
2021 76 142 53.5%
Year Members of a Visible Minority Total Hires EE Criteria % of Total Hires
2017 24 127 18.9%
2018 25 147 17.0%
2019 26 129 20.2%
2020 17 120 14.2%
2021 36 142 25.4%
Year Persons with a  Disability Total Hires EE Criteria % of Total Hires
2017 5 127 3.9%
2018 * 147 *
2019 7 129 5.4%
2020 7 120 5.8%
2021 * 142 *
Year Indigenous Peoples Total Hires EE Criteria % of Total Hires
2017 * 127 *
2018 * 147 *
2019 * 129 *
2020 * 120 *
2021 6 142 4.2%

* Amounts less than 5 (and next lowest where necessary) have been suppressed to maintain privacy / confidentiality of self-identification data

Year Women Total Departures EE Criteria % of Total Departures
2017 62 101 61.4%
2018 79 138 57.2%
2019 69 132 52.3%
2020 71 118 60.2%
2021 71 129 55.0%
Year Members of a Visible Minority Total Departures EE Criteria % of Total Departures
2017 14 101 13.9%
2018 24 138 17.4%
2019 19 132 14.4%
2020 28 118 23.7%
2021 24 129 18.6%
Year Persons with a Disability Total Departures EE Criteria % of Total Departures
2017 * 101 *
2018 6 138 4.3%
2019 * 132 *
2020 5 118 4.2%
2021 6 129 4.7%
Year Indigenous Peoples Total Departures EE Criteria % of Total Departures
2017 6 101 5.9%
2018 * 138 *
2019 * 132 *
2020 * 118 *
2021 * 129 *
* Amounts less than 5 (and next lowest where necessary) have been suppressed to maintain privacy / confidentiality of self-identification data

Annex B: Current Representation by Branch

FIN 47.5%
C&C 55.9%
CIAM 33.3%
CSB 49.7%
ED - DIR 47.5%
EP - DIR 28.6%
FPB 55.2%
FPRSP 57.1%
FSP 41.2%
ITF 57.1%
TPB 39.2%
LAW/DMO 74.2%
Visible Minorities
FIN 17.6%
C&C 11.8%
CIAM 16.7%
CSB 14.6%
ED - DIR 16.9%
EP - DIR 20.4%
FPB 24.1%
FPRSP 14.3%
FSP 23.6%
ITF 15.9%
TPB 17.5%
LAW/DMO 22.6%
Persons with a Disability
FIN 4.0%
C&C 3.2%
CIAM 0.0%
CSB 6.0%
ED - DIR 5.1%
EP - DIR 0.0%
FPB 3.4%
FPRSP 1.4%
FSP 3.4%
ITF 1.6%
TPB 5.3%
LAW/DMO 9.7%
Indigenous Peoples
FIN 1.6%
C&C 2.2%
CIAM 0.0%
CSB 4.0%
ED - DIR 0.0%
EP - DIR 0.0%
FPB 3.4%
FPRSP 1.4%
FSP 1.4%
ITF 0.0%
TPB 1.2%
LAW/DMO 0.0%

Annex C: The New Self-ID Questionnaire

Section Key Changes
Self-ID Decision 
  • More context provided to inform the decision to self-identify
  • A clear decision point to choose whether or not to self-identify  
Gender Identity 
  • Options (woman; man; another gender) reflect gender as a social/personal identity rather than as biological sex (male; female)
  • Open text field is provided for those who wish to further specify their gender identity 
  • Definitions updated to align with Statistics Canada and the Accessible Canada Act
  • New selections include disabilities associated with mental health, sensory or environmental issues, chronic pain/health conditions, cognitive function, intellectual development  
Indigenous Identity 
  • Replacement of 'Aboriginal' with 'Indigenous'
  • Option to provide more specific identification within each group (First Nations, Inuit, Métis)  
Race; Ethnic Origin 
  • Replaces 'Visible Minority' with two questions about racial identity and ethnic origins 
  • The new ethnic origin question includes geographical and ethno-religious options that align with the United Nations definition of ethnic origin.
  • Ability to select more than one option enables a more nuanced representation of employees with multiple racial, ethnic, and cultural identities
  • An open text field is provided to enable employees to self-identify with groups not listed, or to clarify aspects of their identity that are not accurately reflected in the questionnaire 
Open Description of Identity
  • An open text field is provided to enable employees to self-identify with groups not listed, or to clarify aspects of their identity that are not accurately reflected in the questionnaire 

Annex D: Links to Call to Action forward direction message to deputies and Implementation of forward direction

Call to Action forward direction message to deputies - Privy Council Office

Implementation of Forward Direction

Annex E: Call to Action items for immediate implementation

Items Status OPI
Embed anti-racism work in integrated business plan and mental health action plan. Not started FMD and HRSD
Avoid holding major meetings and events during significant religious and cultural periods. In progress HRSD and C&C
Invest resources in your departmental employee networks and ensure the creation of safe spaces. In progress HRSD and FMD
Each EX to sponsor at least two equity-seeking employees to prepare them for leadership roles Not started HRSD
Set and communicate multi-year hiring and promotion goals In progress HRSD and C&C
Endorse at least one equity-seeking recruitment campaign. Track progress from application to onboarding to retention. In progress HRSD
Prioritize official language training for equity-seeking employees who are ready for advancement. Implemented HRSD

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