Women's facilities

The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) operates five women’s institutions as well as a healing lodge:

Institutional security levels

All women's institutions, except the healing lodge, are multi-level and accommodate:

The healing lodge for women offenders accepts women classified as minimum or medium security.

Types of accommodations

Housing units

Minimum- or medium-security level women live in housing units with communal living areas. They are responsible for their daily needs such as:

The main institutional building provides access to:

CSC also accommodates women with mental health needs at:

The RPC provides both intermediate and acute mental health care. It has a unit for women offenders that accommodates all three security levels.

CSC has an agreement with L’Institut Phillippe-Pinel of Montreal (IPPM) in Montreal, Quebec. The IPPMS is a provincial forensic psychiatric hospital that provides mental health services.

CSC accommodates maximum-security women in secure units (SU). SUs provide high-level intervention and supervision by specialized staff.

Structured living environments

The structured living environments (SLE) house women who:

Staff in these housing units have specialized mental health training. They provide more support and supervision.

Section 81 Agreements

Section 81 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA) allows CSC to enter into an agreement with an Indigenous community for the provision of correctional services to Indigenous offenders.

The Buffalo Sage Wellness House (BSWH) is:

With the help of staff and Indigenous Elders, BSWH helps women make appropriate choices and positive changes in their lives.

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