Hiring an offender

Are you looking for skilled labour? The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) has a pool of highly skilled workers available quickly and easily for both short-and long-term employment. See how you can benefit!

Getting Started

Send us an email and let us know:

  • the type of business you run
  • its location
  • contact information where you can be reached

We will put you in touch with one of CSC's Community Employment Coordinators located across Canada. They will help you define the skills required for the position, and select offenders that meet your requirements.

CSC’s Role

Helping offenders find work is only one part of successful reintegration. Offenders also receive support from professionals in many different fields (parole officers, psychologists, social workers, and program officers). These professionals all work together to ensure that offenders experience a smooth and safe transition to the community.

two men working on installing a wall

A Source of Skilled Labour

Offenders gain valuable technical skills through job development programs before returning to the community. Once released, many offenders have received training and/or certification.

CSC also provides offenders the opportunity to complete certifications such as WHIMS, Basic and Advanced Food Safety, First Aid, CPR, Fall Protection and Forklift.

Wage Subsidy Programs

There are various wage subsidy programs that may be available to hire offenders in the province or territory in which a business is located.

Check for programs in your region.

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