Correctional programs and interventions

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R-482 Experiences at Men’s Section 81 Facilities: A Qualitative Examination (2024)

R-468 Virtual Correctional Program Delivery: A Literature Review (2023)

R-466 Revocations Related to Substance Use among Federally Sentenced Men with Substance Use Needs: Comparing Correctional Program Participants and Eligible non-Participants (2023)

R-463 Correctional Interventions for Radicalized Offenders: A Literature Review (2023)

R-460 Correctional Officer Onboarding Program: Impacts on Staff, Training and Workplace Culture (2023)

R-458 Quantitative Examination of Program Overrides and Community Outcomes for Women Offenders (2023)

R-452_M Impacts of Indigenous Intervention Centres on Men's Institutional Behaviour (2023)

R-452_W Impacts of Indigenous Intervention Centres on Women's Institutional Behaviour (2023)

R-450 Examining Experiences of Federal Offenders on Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) During Release from Incarceration in Ontario, Canada: A Post-Release Report (2023)

R-449 Examining Experiences of Federal Offenders on Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) During Incarceration in Ontario, Canada: A Pre-Release Report (2023)

R-448 The Timing of Correctional Reintegration Program Delivery: A Review of International Correctional Agencies (2023)

R-446_P Ethnocultural Offenders in Federal Custody: Population Trends (2022)

R-446_CM Ethnocultural Offenders in Federal Custody: Community Supervision Indicators among Men (2022)

R-446_CW Ethnocultural Offenders in Federal Custody: Community Supervision Indicators among Women (2022)

R-446_IM Ethnocultural Offenders in Federal Custody: In-Custody Indicators among Men (2022)

R-446_IW Ethnocultural Offenders in Federal Custody: In-Custody Indicators among Women (2022)

R-444 Experiences at Men's CSC-operated Healing Lodges: A Qualitative Examination (Ridha, T., Hanby, L., & Sullivan, R., 2023)

R-443 A Qualitative Study of Ethnocultural Offender Correctional Experiences: Programs, Services, and Community Connections (Greco, Brown, Barker, et al., 2022)

R-441 Qualitative Examination of Specific Responsivity Factors of Correctional Program Participants with Mental Health Symptoms, Cognitive Impairment, or Learning Disabilities (Sheahan, C., Tanga, M., Wardrop, K., & Bah, R., 2023)

R-440 Qualitative examination of overrides for correctional programming for women offenders (Smeth, A., Derkzen, D., Cram, S., & Ridha, T., 2023)

R-439 The Relationship between the Timing of Completion of Correctional Programs and Recidivism Outcomes (Wardrop, K., & Sheahan, C., 2022)

R-438 Using Technology to Deliver Community-Based Correctional Programs: A Pilot Study (Wardrop, K., Sheahan, C., Hodges, J., & McKendy, L., 2022)

R-423 The Use of Technology in the Delivery of Correctional Intervention Programs: A Rapid Review (Wardrop, and Sheahan, 2019)

R-422 Examining Change in Criminogenic Need Levels Associated with Correctional Program Participation among Federally Sentenced Women (Wardrop, and Pardoel, 2018)

R-405 Injuries and Deaths Proximate to Oleoresin Capsicum Spray Deployment: A literature review (Semple, and Bennell, 2017)

R-403 Development and Validation of a Criminal Risk Index (CRI) for Federally Sentenced Offenders in Canada (Motiuk, and Vuong, 2018)

R-399 An Examination of the Validity of the Accountability, Motivation, and Engagement Assessment (Mathias, and Wormith, 2017)

R-391 Assessment of the Aboriginal Women Offender Correctional Programs (AWOCP): Outcomes (Derkzen, Harris, and Wardrop, 2017)

R-385 An Assessment of the Women-Centred Training Orientation Program (WCTOP) (Nolan, Harris, and Derkzen, 2017)

R-383 Low Risk Offenders: What Does the Research Tell Us? (Nolan, and Stewart, 2017)

R-374 Assessment of Women Offender Correctional Programming (WOCP) Outcomes (Harris, A., Thompson, J., & Derkzen, D., 2015)

R-371 Buffalo Sage Wellness House (BSWH) Section 81 Healing Lodge Process Review (Pilon, Jewell, Wormith, and Laboucane-Benson, 2015)

R-369 The Additive Effects of Participation in Multiple Correctional Interventions and Services for Federally Sentenced Women (Wilton and Stewart, 2015)

R-364 Analysis of the Impact of the Restorative Opportunities Program on Rates of Revocation (Beaudette, and Thompson, 2015)

R-363 The Additive Effects of Participation in Multiple Correctional Interventions and Services for Federally Sentenced Men (Wilton, Nolan, and Stewart, 2015)

R-349 Federally-Sentenced Sexual Offenders: Population Trends, Current Profile, and Release Outcomes (Stewart, Nolan, and Rubenfeld 2016)

R-345 Use of Programs and Interventions with Canada's Federally Sentenced Radicalized Offenders (Michel and Stys, 2014)

R-340 Promising Intervention Approaches for Offenders with Cognitive Deficits Related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and Other Neuropsychological (Forrester, Nolan, Stewart, Mullins and MacPherson, 2015)

R-335 Outcomes for Sex Offenders with Concurrent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders (Wilton, Stewart and Mossière, 2014)

R-333 Exposure to Trauma among Women Offenders: A Review of the Literature (Tam and Derkzen, 2014)

R-330 Assessment of the Women's Violence Prevention Program (Rubenfeld, Trinneer, Derkzen and Allenby, 2014)

R-328 Outcomes of Federal Aboriginal Offenders in Correctional Programs: Follow-up from the ICPM Evaluation (Stewart and Wilton, 2014)

R-327 The Impact of Correctional Program Referral Guidelines on Low-Risk Men Offenders (Sapers, Power, Wilton and Stewart, 2014)

R-326 Distinguishing Characteristics of Substance Abuse Program Completers and Non-Completers (Richer, Lemelin and Ternes, 2014)

R-323 Institutional Adjustment of Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program Participants (Cheverie, MacSwain, Farrell-MacDonald and Johnson, 2014)

R-322 Post-Release Outcomes of Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) Participants: A Comparative Study (MacSwain, Farrell-MacDonald and Cheverie, 2014)

R-320 A Profile of Women in Segregation (Thompson and Rubenfeld, 2013)

R-319 A Culturally-Informed and Culturally-Safe Exploration of Self-Injury Desistance in Aboriginal Offenders (Beaudette, Nolan, Power, Varis and Ritchie, 2014)

R-317 Staff Perspectives on Working with Aboriginal Offenders who Self-Injure: What Works, What Doesn't, and the Role of Culture (Power, Beaudette and Varis, 2014)

R-310 Offenders' Perceptions on their Quality of Work and Reintegration: A Preliminary Investigation Using Qualitative Inquiry (Power, J., & Nolan, A., 2014)

R-307 Characteristics of Women Participants in the Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) (MacSwain, Cheverie, Farrell-MacDonald and Johnson, 2014)

R-306 Does the Type of Community Employment Obtained by Offenders on Release Correspond with their Institutional Vocational Certification? (Nolan and Power, 2014)

R-305 Therapeutic Alliance and Offender-Staff Relations in Women's Corrections (Harris, Taylor, Brown and Booth, 2014)

R-292 Gang Cohesion and Intervention Strategies: A Review of the Literature (Dunbar, 2012)

R-291 An Examination of the Effectiveness of the National Substance Abuse Program Moderate Intensity (NSAP-M) on Institutional Adjustment and Post-Release Outcomes (Ternes, Doherty and Matheson, 2014)

R-290 An Examination of the Effectiveness of the National Substance Abuse Program - High Intensity (NSAP-H) on Institutional Adjustment and Post-Release Outcomes (Doherty, Ternes, and Matheson, 2014)

R-284 Institutional Adjustment of Offenders Living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in a Canadian Federal Penitentiary (Mullins, MacPherson, Moser and Matheson, 2014)

R-283 Outcomes for Offender Employment Programs: Assessment of CORCAN Participation (Nolan, Wilton, Cousineau and Stewart, 2014)

R-279 Effective Correctional Programs for Women Offenders (Booth, 2012)

R-268 Federally Sentenced Offenders with Mental Disorders: Correctional Outcomes and Correctional Response (Stewart, Wilton and Cousineau, 2012)

R-255 Validation of the Generic Program Performance Measure (GPPM) (Usher and Stewart, 2011)

R-248 Parole Review Delays and Cancellations and Correctional Programs (Cabana, Wilton and Stewart, 2011)

R-246 The Effectiveness of Correctional Programs with Diverse Offenders: A Meta-Analytic Study (Usher and Stewart, 2011)

R-243 Offender Perceptions on the Value of Employment (Scott and Gillis, 2011)

R-241 Dialectical Behaviour Therapy within a Women's Structured Living Environment (Blanchette, Flight, Verbrugge, Gobeil and Taylor, 2011)

R-235 Paraphilias: Incidence and Co-Occurrence in Normative and Sex Offender Samples (Harris, 2011)

R-215 A Review of Optimal Group Size and Modularisationor Continuous Entry Format for Program Delivery (Stewart, Usher and Allenby, 2010)

R-214 Offender Incentives and Behavioural Management Strategies (Serin and Hanby, 2010)

R-188 Community-Based Sexual Offender Maintenance Treatment Programming: An Evaluation (Wilson, Cortoni, Picheca and Nunes, 2009)

B-56 Faith-Based Correctional Interventions: A Systematic Review of the Literature (Power, J., Ritchie, M. B., & Madill, D., 2014) See Brief (B) disclaimer

B-51 Assessment of the Aboriginal Women's Maintenance Program (Derkzen and Allenby, 2012) See Brief (B) disclaimer

B-49 Provisions for the treatment of sexual offenders requiring higher intensity programs: The impact of paraphilic diagnoses (Abracen and Looman, 2011) See Brief (B) disclaimer

B-48 Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment for Opioid Dependent Inmates (Cheverie, Johnson and Moser, 2010) See Brief (B) disclaimer

B-45 A Preliminary Investigation of Institutional Outcomes for LifeLine Participants (Gottschall and Axford, 2010) See Brief (B) disclaimer

ERR-23-11 Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge: Resident, Elder, and Staff Experiences(2023)

ERR-23-10 Eagle Women's Lodge: Resident and Staff Experiences (2023)

ERR-23-09 Buffalo Sage Wellness House: Resident, Elder, and Staff Experiences (2023)

ERR-16-25 Staff Perspectives on the Electronic Monitoring Research Pilot (2017)

ERR-16-08 A Profile of Offenders in the Electronic Monitoring Research Pilot: The First Year (2017)

ERR-14-09 Assessment of Women Offender Correctional Programs (2015)

RIB-14-06 Preliminary Assessment of the Women's Modular Intervention Program (2014)

ERR-14-04 Women Offenders' Community Employment and Employability (2014)

ERR-12-06 Perspectives of Employment Needs: Emerging Results From Qualitative Focus Groups With Aboriginal Offenders (2012)

ERR-12-05 Outcomes for Offender Employment Programs: The Impact of CORCAN Participation (2012)

ERR-12-04 Institutional Adjustment of Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) Participants: A Comparative Study (2012)

ERR-12-03 Post Release Outcomes of Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) Participants: A Comparative Study (2012)

ERR-12-02 Characteristics of Women Participants in the Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) (2012)

ERS-12-01 Recidivism in Pharmacologically Treated High Risk/High Need Sex Offenders (2012)

ERS-12-02 Benefits of Psychotropic Drugs in High Risk/High Need Sexual Offenders (2012)

RIB-23-42 Case Management for Gender Diverse Offenders: What We Know (2024)

RIB-23-40 Evolution of Correctional Programming in Canadian Federal Corrections (2024)

RIB-23-35 Criminal Risk Index Validation for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Men (2023)

RIB-23-12 Men's Indigenous Intervention Centres: Release Outcomes (2023)

RIB-22-04 Follow-up study of inmates under opioid agonist treatment before and after release (2023)

RIB-19-13 Proportion of crimes associated with substance use (2019)

RIB-19-01 The Impact of Post-Program Change in Criminogenic Need on Returns to Federal Custody Among Federally Sentenced Women (2019)

RIB-18-17 Segregation Intervention Initiative: An Examination of the Impact on Offender Outcomes (2018)

RIB-18-04 Examining the Case Characteristics of Federal Offenders in Administrative Segregation (2018)

RIB-16-24 Profile of Inuit Offenders in Custody and the Community: Implications for Programming (2017)

RIB-16-02 Effectiveness of the Integrated Correctional Program Model (ICPM) for Federal Offenders Identified as Perpetrators of Spousal Assault (2016)

RIB-16-01 Performance Outcomes in the Delivery of the Integrated Correctional Program Model (ICPM) to Federal Offenders (2016)

RIB-14-42 Participant Feedback on the Effectiveness of Women Offender Correctional Programs (2015)

RIB-14-41 Facilitator Feedback on the Effectiveness of Women Offender Correctional Programs (2015)

RIB-23-41 SERN Reliability: Indicators Contributing to Risk and Needs Ratings (2023)

RR-17-02 Success in Reintegration: The Potential Application of Situation Tables to Community Corrections (2017)

RR-15-02 Offenders with Very Distant Parole Eligibility Dates: Themes from the Literature (2015)

RR-14-02 Educational Initiatives in a Correctional Context (2014)

RR-14-01 Cost-Effective Correctional Services (2014)

RR-11-03 Treatment Readiness: The Multifactor Offender Readiness Model (2011)

RR-11-02 Use of Drug Detection Dogs in Correctional Facilities: An International Review (2011)

RS-14-30 Gender Differences in the Factors Related to Non-Engagement (2014)

RS-13-11 Congruence between CORCAN Institutional On-the-Job Training and Types of Employment Obtained Post-Release (2014)

RS-13-10 What factors are related to disengagement in offenders? (2014)

RS-13-06 Preliminary Analysis of the Impact of the Restorative Opportunities (2012)

RS-13-05 Substance Abuse Problem Severity, Treatment Readiness and Response Bias among Incarcerated Male Offenders (2014)

RS-13-04 A Brief Profile of the Institutional and Community Employment Activities of Offenders Belonging to Visible Minority Groups (2014)

RS-13-03 Aboriginal Offender Substance Abuse Program (AOSAP) and Cultural Engagement (2013)

RS-13-02 The Cultural, Social and Substance Use Histories of Male Offenders Enrolled in the Aboriginal Offender Substance Abuse Program (AOSAP) (2013)

RS-12-09 Comparing the Mental Health Treatment and Abuse Histories of Men and Women Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) Participants (2012)

RS-12-08 Comparing the Mental Health Treatment and Abuse Histories of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Participants of the Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) (2012)

RS-12-06 Correctional Program Participation: Are There Differences Among Offenders of Various Racial Backgrounds? (2012)

RS-11-04 Pawsitive Directions Canine Program (PDCP): Nova Institution for Women (2011)

RS-10-01 An Examination of the Circles of Change Program (2010)


R213 An Examination of the Effectiveness of Tupiq: A Culturally Specific Program for Inuit Sex Offenders (Hamilton, Stewart, Wilton and Cousineau, 2009)

R208 The Net Federal Fiscal Benefit of CSC Programming (CBOC, 2009)

R185 Circles of Support and Accountability: A National Replication of Outcome Findings (Wilson, Cortoni and Vermani, 2008)

R183 Assessing the Effectiveness of the National Sexual Offender Program (Cortoni and Nunes, 2008)

R174 Family Violence Programming: Treatment Outcome for Canadian Federally Sentenced Offenders (Stewart, Gabora, Kropp and Lee, 2008)

R171 The Women Offender Substance Abuse Programming: Interim Research Report (Grant, Furlong, Hume, White and Doherty, 2008)

R184 Assessing Treatment Change in Sexual Offenders (Nunes and Cortoni, 2007)

R175 A Profile of Female Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence: Implications for Treatment (Gabora, Stewart, Lilley and Allegri, 2007)

R178 An Examination of the Effectiveness of the Violence Prevention Program (Cortoni, Nunes and Latendresse, 2006)

R177 Estimating Risk of Dropout and Expulsion from Correctional Programs (Nunes and Cortoni, 2006)

R176 The Heterogeneity of Treatment Non-Completers (Nunes and Cortoni, 2006)

R168 Circles of Support and Accountability: An Evaluation of the Pilot Project in South-Central Ontario (Wilson, Picheca and Prinzo, 2005)

R166 Employment Needs, Interests, and Programming for Women Offenders (Delveaux, Blanchette and Wickett, 2005)

R162 Increasing Employability Related Skills Among Federal Male Offenders: A Preliminary Analysis Of the National Employability Skills Program (Latendress and Cortoni, 2005)

R153 The Tupiq Program for Inuit Sexual Offenders: A Preliminary Investigation (Trevethan, Moore and Naqitarvik, 2004)

R152 Altering Antisocial Attitudes among Federal Male Offenders on Release: A Preliminary Analysis of the Counter-Point Community Program (Yessine and Kroner, 2004)

R116 Corcan Instructor Leadership and Offender Work Attitude (Gillis and Muirhead, 2004)

R145 Preliminary Evaluation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy within a Women's Structured Living Environment (Sly and Taylor, 2003)

R141 Assisting Offenders with Learning Disabilities: An Evaluation of the Learning Strategies Classroom Pilot Program (LSCP) (Brown, Fisher, Stys, Wilson and Crutcher, 2003)

R140 The High Intensity Substance Abuse Program (HISAP): Results from the Pilot Programs (Grant, Kunic, MacPherson, McKeown and Hansen, 2003)

R139 Safe and Humane Corrections Through Effective Treatment (French and Gendreau, 2003)

R120 Substance Abuse Programming A Proposed Structure (Hume, 2001)

R108 Results of an Evaluation of the Pawsitive Directions Canine Program at Nova Institution for Women (Taylor and Blanchette, 2001)

R106 Anger Management Programming for Offenders: The Impact of Program Performance Measures (Dowden and Serin, 2001)

R88 Results of an Evaluation of the Peer support Program at Joliette Institution for Women (Syed and Blanchette, 2000)

R87 Results of an Evaluation of the Peer Support Program at Nova Institution for Women (Delveaux and Blanchette, 2000)

R86 Results of an Evaluation of the Peer Support Program at Grand Valley Institution for Women (Syed and Blanchette, 2000)

R82 Anger Management Programming for Federal Male Inmates: an Effective Intervention (Dowden, Blanchette and Serin, 1999)

R73 Results of a Pilot Study of the Peer Support Program for Women Offenders (Blanchette and Eljdupovic-Guzina, 1998)

R72 Assessing Treatment Change Among Family Violent Offenders: Reliability and Validity of a Family Violence Treatment Assessment Battery (Blanchette, Robinson, Alksnis and Serin, 1998)

R69 Prison Work Program (CORCAN) Participation: Post-Release Employment and Recidivism (Gillis, Motiuk and Belcourt, 1998)

R60 A Two-Year Follow-Up of Federal Offenders who Participated in the Adult Basic Education (ABE) Program (Boe, 1998)

R54 Treatment Readiness and Responsivity: Contributing to Effective Correctional Programming (Serin and Kennedy, 1997)

R48 Sex Offender Assessment, Treatment and Recidivism: A Literature Review (Blanchette, 1996)

R43 Prison Work Programs and Post-Release Outcome: A Preliminary Investigation (Motiuk and Belcourt, 1996)

R42 Persistently Violent (Non-sexual) Offenders: A Program Proposal (Robinson, 1995)

R41 The Impact of Cognitive Skills Training on Post-Release Recidivism among Canadian Federal Offenders (Robinson, 1995)

R40 The Offender Substance Abuse Pre-release Program: Analysis of Intermediate and Post-release Outcomes (Millson, Weekes and Lightfoot, 1995)

R38 Treating Violent Offenders: A Review of Current Practices (Serin, 1994)

R35 The Native Offender Substance Abuse Pre-treatment Program: Intermediate Measures of Program Effectiveness (Weekes and Millson, 1994)

R32 Insights into Innovative Correctional Industry: A Case Study of CORCAN at Warkworth Institution (Getkate, 1993)

R26 An Assessment of the Offender Substance Abuse Pre-release Program at Drumheller Institution (Millson and Robinson, 1992)

R22 Can Educating Adult Offenders Counteract Recidivism? (Porporino and Robinson, 1992)

R19 Focusing on Successful Reintegration: Cognitive Skills Training for Offenders (Porporino, Fabiano and Robinson, 1991)

R16 Evaluation of Correctional Service of Canada Substance Abuse Programs (Gendreau and Goggin, 1991)

R3 Family Violence Review: Prevention and Treatment of Abusive Behaviour (Appleford, 1989)

ERR-09-02 Preliminary Assessment of the Social Integration Program for Women Offenders(2009)

ERR-09-01 The Aboriginal Offender Substance Abuse Program: A Holistic Intervention (2009)

B44 Programs Delivered at Reception Centres: Do They Promote Reintegration Goals? (2009) See Brief (B) disclaimer

B36 Selected Annotated Bibliography: Evaluations of Gang Intervention Programs (2005) See Brief (B) disclaimer

B31 Intensive Supervision Practices: A Preliminary Examination (2003) See Brief (B) disclaimer

B28 Selected Annotated Bibliography: Restorative Justice (2002) See Brief (B) disclaimer

B7 Effectiveness of the Cognitive Skills Training Program: From Pilot to National Implementation (1991) See Brief (B) disclaimer

B6 Research Design for the Cognitive Skills Training Program (1990) See Brief (B) disclaimer

B5 Managing the Treatment of Sex Offenders: A Canadian Perspective (1990) See Brief (B) disclaimer

B4 Rehabilitation through Clearer Thinking: A Cognitive Model of Correctional Intervention (1990) See Brief (B) disclaimer

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