Outcomes for offender employment programs: assessment of CORCAN participation


  • No R-283
  • January 2014

To obtain a PDF version of the full report, contact the following address: research@csc-scc.gc.ca

Key Words

CORCAN, offender employment, institutional employment, offender reintegration

What it means

While CORCAN participation supports offender reintegration by helping offenders obtain employment after release, results of this research also highlight the importance of assisting offenders in retaining their initial employment to help decrease their likelihood of reoffending.

Findings further highlight the importance of community employment in reducing the likelihood of reoffending and readmission to federal custody.

What we found

Why we did this study

Approximately 60% of offenders in the CSC have employment needs identified at intake to federal custody. CORCAN is a key rehabilitation program that focuses on providing offenders with employment and employability skills training. Offenders who participate in CORCAN are afforded the opportunity to develop employment skills though vocational certification and on-the-job skills training during their incarceration. There is a need for CSC to examine the effect of CORCAN participation on key correctional results.

What we did

The current research compared the outcomes of three study groups: 1) offenders who participated in CORCAN employment, 2) offenders who participated in CSC institutional employment (employment that is not part of CORCAN and involves general work around the institution), and 3) offenders who had no employment assignment during their incarceration. Analyses examined: rates of institutional charges and admissions to segregation, time to and type of first conditional release, community job attainment and retention, and recidivism (any revocation and revocation with a new offence while on conditional release).

For more information

Nolan, A., Wilton, G., Cousineau, C., & Stewart, L. (2014). Outcomes for offender employment programs: Assessment of CORCAN participation. Research Report R-283. Ottawa, ON: Correctional Service of Canada.

To obtain a PDF version of the full report, or for other inquiries, please e-mail the Research Branch or contact us by phone at (613) 995-3975.

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Prepared by: Amanda Nolan

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