Kathy Neil, Deputy Commissioner for Indigenous Corrections with the Correctional Service of Canada

Release of Pathways Annual Report, Kathy Neil, Deputy Commissioner for Indigenous Corrections with the Correctional Service of Canada.


I’m Kathy Neil, Deputy Commissioner for Indigenous Corrections with the Correctional Service of Canada and a proud Métis descendant whose ancestors originated from the Red River Manitoba area.

Today the 2023 to 2024 Federal Pathway Annual Report was released.

This report summarizes the collective efforts of nearly 20 federal departments to advance the priorities outlined in the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people National Action Plan and respond to the Calls for Justice directed at the federal government.

The Calls to Justice reinforce the importance of CSC’s mandate to ensure culturally responsive programs and interventions are in place to address an individual’s risk and to foster successful community reintegration.

I encourage each and everyone of you to review the 2023 to 2024 Annual Federal Pathway Progress Report.

I recognized that there is still work to do in addressing the Calls to Justice and I am honoured to be in a position to propel this work forward in collaboration with our partners and Indigenous communities. 

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